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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12652418 No.12652418 [Reply] [Original]

How can I teach myself moderation in regards to food intake? I can't stop, even if I'm telling myself to.

>> No.12652430

Do you take any autism meds or somethin that has an increased appetite side effect or is it just you?

If it's the former I recommend you ask your doctor to prescribe you something like Topamax, I take antipsychotics and this has significantly lessened the binging side effect and I am back to my old weight. If it's just you then have you thought about seeking treatment for your eating disorder?

>> No.12652432

fill your stomach with less calorie dense foods (veggies like carrots/cabbage/etc). cut on calorie dense foods like burgers, pizza, etc. drink more liquid, it makes you feel full. can also try caffeine

>> No.12652442
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drink water
stop drinking all sugar drinks including juice
do not drink diet drinks
drink water
stop drinking sugar
yes it can be even more important than food intake

>> No.12652447
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>80% of your diet should be keto+Paleo tier (no processed simple carbs)
>20% can be frivolous (allotted 3 days a week)
>6/18 (hours allowed eating/hours fasting) intermittent fasting 3 days a week (the other 4 days are 8/16)
>Just 6 minutes of hard calisthenics every hour, 8 times a day (48 minutes in total a day), everyday
>utilize the 4 S's in your 80% diet part: Soups, Salads, Smoothies and Stir Fry
You're welcome.

>> No.12652452
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>two resting days

>> No.12652454

>tfw the most satisfying part about eating is the part where the food slides down your throat
>tfw you're only satisfied when you're feeling stuffed

>> No.12652456

>Just 6 minutes of hard calisthenics every hour, 8 times a day (48 minutes in total a day), everyday
this is new. what about off days for muscle recovery and all that?

>> No.12652461

>soups, salads, smoothies, stir fry
Why these? Why not the superior
>steaks, shakes, sandwiches, sunflower seeds

>> No.12652467

The absolutely number one tip for this is simply DO NOT BUY. Prepare a weekly meal plan, and shopping list based on it. Do not buy anything off the list. Include 1 or 2 small 'treat' like a small chocolate bar or small packet of chips. If you have the ability to do so, do this shopping online to avoid as best possible the bullshit tricks and advertising crammed in your face.

>> No.12652473

Just not too much (better if none for obese people) processed simple carbs. Sugar/HFCS/flour is what's causing the obesity epidemic (for those whom consume nothing but this as their regular diet).
>what is retarded pic
Have laugh.
For fat people, the compound calisthenics workout that are intense for very short times (but repeated throughout the day) renders great results and no intense body recovery as those who work out straight 30+ minutes and/or light heavy weights. FYI both legit and bro science.
t.witnessed this working method with girlfriend

>> No.12652474

how do slim people get away with eating cake, burgers and ice cream?

>> No.12652483

they don't eat the entire fucking thing, and don't eat all of that shit in one day.

>> No.12652488

In my case, I'm usually too preoccupied doing shit to remember to eat, so I accidentally miss meals. So if I only eat twice a day, a bit of junk food isn't bad because I need to catch up on calories.

>> No.12652492

I exercise a lot so I can eat garbage food a little more often, and also don't eat as many of them like >>12652483 said, although I have a little trouble with that too

>> No.12652507
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t. permaslim here
My digestive system fucks me up if I have too much of anything unhealthy. My gut hurts and my shits become disgusting.

that said, a good burger (home BBQ or A&W) is healthy enough that I could have it every other day with no probs

>> No.12652512

I exercise and try to eat balanced meals.

>> No.12652547

Younger people, say under 35, can get away with eating junk foods for years.

Most fatties were probably slim at some point.

>> No.12652559

Fast for a couple of weeks. It's gonna be good to reset your hunger responses. Just don't forget to take plenty of salt and vitamins.

>> No.12652578

Fasting for a couple of weeks takes discipline. If fattie OP had discipline they would do a lot differently.

However, fasting is great for reducing your cravings for bad food, as well as giving your digestive system a break, but start with a 24 hour fast or a 3 day fast if you’re feeling ambitious.

Throw away all your crappy snacks etc and fast for a day or two, it really helped me break the addiction to carbs, sweets, etc.

Be warned, it’s easy to fall back into that cravings cycle if you are not careful.

>> No.12652646

If you can't help yourself, visit a dietitian.

>> No.12652650

exercise more and then you won't have to

>> No.12652652

Step 1: don't be a fat fuck.

>> No.12652681

>visit a dietitian
Would a dietician ever recommend fasting or keto or low carb? If they just recommend sensible balanced diets then that’s pretty useless to someone who is hooked on carbs.

>> No.12652761

>Would a dietician ever recommend fasting or keto or low carb?
There are shitty dietitians and there are good ones. Shitty ones just take what they learned from school and apply the government's MyPlate garbage and will tell you to follow that and watch your portions. Then they will genuinely tell you that keto, low carb, elimination diets, etc. are dangerous and you shouldn't do them.
Good dietitians are actually educated on the benefits and downfalls of all of these alternative and fad diets and what not.

>> No.12652862
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forgot chuan looks like pesci

>> No.12653532

Get prescribed adderall or generic amphetamine salts (cheaper) for adhd or some shit. Stuff takes away your appetite completely. Only trade off is that it makes you kinda autistic while you're on it, but it's p worth it

>> No.12653653

Eat whole plant foods. The fiber makes them self-limiting, and they have more than none of the nutrients you crave, so they satisfy.

>> No.12653668

>How can I teach myself moderation in regards to food intake?
don't eat fat at all.

>> No.12654281

What this anons said >>12652578
So many beneficial stuff happens (high HGH production, lipolysis, low insulin levels for a long time [helps by stopping impeding other good processes]).

Google : fasting Rhonda Patrick

She explains much more details.

>> No.12654309

I got you, senpai.

>> No.12654334

hire some beefy dude to follow you around and knock food out of your hands when you've had enough. your attempts to outrun him in order to keep eating will also contribute to your overall health

>> No.12654373 [DELETED] 

Fewer carbs, more fats and protein.

>> No.12654415

caffeine-withdrawal induced headaches are killing me every time i try fasting

>> No.12654952

Drinking more water and protein definitely helps me.

>> No.12654960

Do 24 hour fasts until you realize not always having your stomach stuffed is okay.

>> No.12655013

dietary fat doesn't make people fat
"low fat" is a 70's meme

I mean, overeating it will make you fat obviously, but fat is an important hormone regulator and it should be a part of your diet.

>> No.12655498

Don't be a fucking duck and savour the food

>> No.12655529
File: 64 KB, 633x758, EC63D809-7A1B-4D7B-AC31-6AA3FEE3D9E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m the same but kinda different

>have 23 BMI
>want 19 BMI
>stay at current weight because I eat about 2,000 calories per day probably
>try to aim for 1,000 every single day day
>end up eating 2,000 anyway

I will never be cute.

>> No.12655572

This. I lost a lot of weight last year but I've stated gaining it back. I need to get my shit back together.

>> No.12655592

>dietary fat doesn't make people fat
This. 1000kcal of fat is no more fattening than 1000kcal of protein or any other caloric nutrient. Your body doesn't discriminate when converting unspent energy into fat.