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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.20 MB, 1587x1333, townsend_Burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12647428 No.12647428 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think he could pull off an old style burger from the 18th century?

>> No.12647431

>ugly, fat, and stupid moron makes old recipes for reddit
Why does anyone like this retarded low-IQ dumbass?

>> No.12647435

/his/ here, I don't think hamburgers (as we know it today) existed before the 19th century.

>> No.12647439

But do you think he could pull it off using old style techniques?

>> No.12647445

Could he make hamberders fit for a President?

>> No.12647449

kek conservitards btfo!

>> No.12647450

Only if he can serve it with a side of Orange Fool

>> No.12647451

hell yeah dude!

>> No.12647461
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, I'm frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12647540
File: 1.96 MB, 1587x1333, UltimateShitpostingcira1719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he frustrates other posters with it

>> No.12648218

only if orange fool is the dessert

>> No.12648236

Burgers already use old style techniques.

>> No.12648258

I ' M F R U S T R A T E D

>> No.12648293

You mean could he mince the beef with a rocker blade, shape it into a patty and fry in a cast iton skillet over the coals in a hearth and serve it with homemade buns, pickles, ketchup, mustard, mayonaisse, homegrown onions, lettuce, tomato, etc.? Why yes, he sure could! The question is, could you?

>> No.12648357

Redpill me on the Orange Fool incident.

Did he actually mean it as a jab at Trump and backtrack when he got backlash, or was it genuinely a coincidence?

>> No.12648399

It seemed like it cause of the current state of politics, with anti Trump people usually mocking Trump for being orange. Maybe he thought he could get some brownie points for sticking it to drumpf but instead it lead to arguments all over his comment section, which resulted in him making a followup video claiming to not want to get all political on his channel. Maybe it was all just a big coincidence and bad timing.

>> No.12648402

Genuinely a coincidence. Some (not all)Trump fans are rabid supporters and think there's a concentrated effort to make everyone in America disrespect the President and make American look bad. Obviously these people have enough time to post their offended feelings on youtube and social media instead of spending time doing stuff that's actually useful to society.

Remember kids, snowflakes fall on the right and left of the ski-hill of democracy.

>> No.12648412
File: 441 KB, 1200x1807, Clamato_Caesar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's say it was a jab at him though, what does it say that people can't take a simply joke food playfully mocking their leader? Usually you only find that kind of behavior in third world "shit-holes" with tyrannical regimes that enforce a cult of personality. Kind of reeks of "Do not desecrate our Benevolent Leader" to me but that's just my view.

>> No.12648446











>> No.12648460

It was a coincidence. Liberals then started posting rude comments on Townsend’s channel, parading as conservatives, in order to make it seem like conservatives were crazy. Basically, a false flag operation by butthurt Clintonists after the election.

>> No.12648468

burgers weren't a thing until 1931 when god willed it. pick up a fucking history book.

>> No.12648477


>> No.12648488

stop framing the situation disingenuously
there are hundreds of thousands of people who spend literally all their time screaming at trump on twitter
thousands of people literally cried when he was elected
every major news media network and publication spends all of their time huffing his farts

this is literally the furthest situation possible from a tyrannical regime restricting anyone, it's getting pushback because the crazy obsession is pathetic and tedious

>> No.12648494

>the vast and all-powerful deep state conspiracy has literally nothing better to do than stage false flag operations to make Trumpcucks look like whining man-children in a random youtube comment's section


>> No.12648497
File: 17 KB, 231x219, 1553022769610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


America was founded 1776 you fucking communist retard

>> No.12648505


The East German Stazi would break into people's homes and move their furniture to fuck with their heads and drive them insane.

>> No.12648528
File: 28 KB, 540x450, get therapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're schizophrenic as fuck, you know that right?

>> No.12648550

Shut the fuck up and stop twisting what I said. Liberals aren’t TOLD to do this, they do it on their own and brag about their exploits on Reddit. It’s like the Knock Out Game they do; find someone to assault and brag about it for street cred.

>> No.12648574
File: 117 KB, 627x800, schizoid man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belief in "gang-stalking" is a frequent symptom of Paranoid Schizophrenia.
>From an examination of free-text responses, all 128 group-stalked cases fell into one or more of three categories:

>cases where the resources or elaborate organisation required to carry them out made the alleged activities highly improbable (e.g. hostile operatives being inserted in victim’s workplace and their children’s schools; 24-h electronic surveillance involving teams of men in black vans; surveillance by cameras placed throughout the city; staff of shops and libraries being amongst the group stalkers; everyone in the street being ‘plants’ acting out roles towards the victim; ‘more than a thousand’ people being involved; traffic lights being manipulated always to go red on approach; repeated sexual assault during sleep; horns on the street hooting to bring attention to particular sentences on the radio; collaboration between diverse agencies, such as the Automobile Association, a building society, a website and neighbours),
>cases in which the activities described were impossible (e.g. minds of friends and family being externally controlled; use of ‘voice to skull’ messages; witchcraft focussed through gold objects; insertion of alien thoughts; organised electronic mind interference; remote removal of bank notes through electronic attraction; invasion of an individual’s dreams at night), and
>cases where the beliefs were not only impossible, but bizarre (e.g. docile family dog replaced by exact double with foul temper; remote enlargement of bodily organs).

In short: Get. Therapy.

>> No.12648580

My dog wasn’t replaced.

>> No.12648596

One Orange Fool please.

>> No.12648607

How come the voices never say nice things like
>You're doing a great job!
>Lets go volunteer at the soup kitchen
>Compliment someone today
>You are loved and a good person

>> No.12648611


>> No.12648633





I'm sure he could, but it wouldn't be period accurate since hamburgers are from the 20th century. Love his channel though, I want to make some of those meat pies he's cooked.

>> No.12648662

he's hot
i want to roll in the hay with him like it's the 1700s

>> No.12648703

did you start this thread here because your /tv/ thread about him was taken down?
will you go to /his/ once it's deemed off topic for this board?

>> No.12648710

so just another starbucks red cup or black ariel incident?

>> No.12648716

no, not the deep state
overly zealous leftists who have no jobs

>> No.12648731
File: 113 KB, 750x610, targ18d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The FBI bugged the homes of civil rights leaders, uses blackmail and harassment campaigns against activists, has assassinated journalists and whistleblowers, and sent anonymous hate mail to MLK Jr. The CIA made about 70 attempts on Castro's life and the head of MI6 for years was in fact a KGB agent who sent hundreds of western operatives directly to USSR prison camps.
None of this has anything to do with a vast and terrible conspiracy to make Trumpcucks look bad in a youtube comments section. Other than the fact that schizophrenics are quite capable of creating apparently well-researched and well-reasoned justifications for their paranoid delusions.

>> No.12648867


We're just talking about hamburgers on a mongolian beef stir fry cooking board bro

>> No.12648907

>the head of MI6 for years was in fact a KGB agent who sent hundreds of western operatives directly to USSR prison
it's funny how Russians can't set up a grocery store but still dominate at geopolitics/intrigue

>> No.12649020

There's actually been research on that and in certain cultures that happens and schizophrenia is viewed more positively.

>> No.12649050

It was a genuine coincidence

>> No.12649187
File: 56 KB, 384x259, rekt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whenever magatards chimp out, it's a coordinated falseflag operation by muh scary libruhls

>> No.12649247
File: 1.51 MB, 750x422, I'm Frustrated.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm frustrated at this thread.

>> No.12649275

>posts the image of leftists swarming a guy's car right before he gunned it to get out of there

>> No.12649584
File: 50 KB, 243x255, 7F1A9916-6A08-4150-9E72-739A8FAE1883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re a real jerk dude.

>> No.12649595

That’s fake outrage invented by the liberal media. The first cup incident was real, though. But no one has cared since then and that was 15 years ago.

>> No.12649608

>The first cup incident was real, though
it actually wasn't
it was like one guy bitching on twitter that got scooped up by every network in the country

>> No.12649642

Regardless, the point is libcucks are gullible retards that believe everything they read or see on TV.

>> No.12649659

Whew that got me

>> No.12649661

the switchle was pretty good tho

>> No.12649675

It was completely fake. I worked there during the whole event and the only people who mentioned the “controversy” were pathetic libcucks who wanted stories of outrage. I eventually started making up shit because they would tip a lot for stories of upset conservatives.

>> No.12650448

With enough vodka you sure as hell bet I can't.

>> No.12650519

walter staib is the superior 18th century cook

>> No.12652358

>Kind of reeks of "Do not desecrate our Benevolent Leader" to me but that's just my view.

Honestly I don't see why denouncing enemies of the state is bad.

>> No.12652366

This guy is based as fuck, and you're cringe as fuck. Who hurt you? Let's unpack this.

>> No.12653504

Fuck you

>> No.12653512

I really lean toward it being a genuine coincidence