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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12635123 No.12635123 [Reply] [Original]

What’s something you eat regularly that you’re most ashamed of?

>> No.12635144

Every time I fall back on something frozen or fast food. I'm a fucking chef, there's no excuse in my mind, but fuck, some days......

>> No.12635153

Hotdogs. They're known to be the worst, most processed, scrap, poor people food in existence. I've been replacing them with plant based dogs though and they taste exactly the same.

>> No.12635155


>> No.12635163

My cum. I live in a poor country and meat is expensive. Got to get that protein somehow.

>> No.12635181

Ur mum

Also ramen. Usually at 2 AM while drunk.

>> No.12635342

The hotdog is one of the finest contributions of American cuisine. It is cheap, iconic, and ubiquitous. The hotdog will out live us all.

>> No.12635532

honestly? rice mixed with ranch/mayo with melted cheese on top and spices. sometimes meat.

Its a stress thing. It started when I was living in central america and walking like 20 miles a day. Since returning to the states there is no way I burn enough calories to justify it.

but its so comfy

>> No.12635559

Hamburger Helper.
I keep a box for those days when I don't feel like doing shit. The last time I had one was about a year ago, although I've mostly eaten it every few months.

>> No.12635561

A whole big box of big nutty buddy bars covered in cookies and cream spread.

>> No.12635582

what about the all beef ones

>> No.12635586
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This combined with a hard boiled egg.
I can easily go through an entire jar in one day if I'm not planning on eating anything else;

>> No.12635596

Macaroni and cheese.
I'm canadian so it's kind of expected, but I still feel shame when the cashier looks at my purchases

>> No.12635617

disgusting ricemixer

>> No.12635619

>I'm a fucking chef, there's no excuse in my mind, but fuck, some days.

Dude, I work in the industry and the best chef I know loves gas station fried chicken and Subway. When you've been busting your ass for 12 hours the last thing you wanna do is cook more.

>> No.12635632
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>What’s something you eat regularly that you’re most ashamed of?

>> No.12635642

Not true fag. Ever seen the movie chef? He cooked for Scarlett Johansson after work. You just a weak man

>> No.12635643

wow this is probably the winner here, this is actually disgusting

>> No.12635649

get thicker skin; he wasn't making fun of your food choices.

>> No.12635906


>> No.12635913

The lies that I feed myself.

>> No.12635917

my nails

>> No.12635920

Best to keep food choices like this hidden from any potential girlfriends until they're convinced they like you.

>> No.12635988

>Best to keep food choices like this hidden from any potential girlfriends until they're convinced they like you.
Why? It's the first thing I tell them.

>> No.12636030

1 part mayo, 1 part bacon bits, one part cheetos. mix reasonably. for gaming. lets you just dip, suck the mixture of your fingers. protects your fingers from the cheeto dust, and the sticky mayo coating means you dont need to grip the chip, it just sticks, so no fumbling.

terrible, but i can dip suck faster then a reload in whatever im playing.

second thing is getting a fresh new thin crust pizza and...putting it in the fridge straight away, and eating it the next day with Vegemite on the bottom. so it hits the tongue first. pizza is pepperoni, anchovies, feta, jalepeno and bacon.

>> No.12636036

Yeah, if the smell alone isn't enough to put them off, the sight of me dunking entire stinky fillets in my gob is enough

>> No.12636389

I break the crackers into pieces and put them in my quacker like cereal.

>> No.12636509

instant potatoes. some days all i have is a bag of those idaho instant taters. it doesn't even feel like real food, but it tastes good.

>> No.12636670
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>> No.12636672

I eat out at chipotle all the time even though there are way better taquerias within convenient walking distance.

>> No.12636689

Do you put ketchup on it?

>> No.12636733

>Hey, sometimes I eat a whole jar of pickled herrings
>the aromatic kind that stgewed in its water for months
>my name's Bob, btw.
>Do you come here often cutie?

>> No.12637381

and you SHOULD be

>> No.12637386

Dipping wavy potato chips in cottage cheese, then sprinkling them with sriracha.

>> No.12637391

those are worse than the pork ones for what goes into them
theres a lot more sizable loose scraps on a cow that can be saved and tossed into the grind
a lot of the pork that goes into weiners is just lower grade proper sausage meat, the sausage meat that has bones found in it by the x-ray and is then reground until its a paste

>> No.12639087

eating 2 cups of dry rolled oats made into shitty porridge

>> No.12639131

Admit it. Chef food is overpriced and too boring to be worth the time.

>> No.12639136

It's the best tasting protein food I ever ate but dayum it's expensive to buy in assssia. Fucking IMPORT prices.

>> No.12639152

Overpriced? Yes.
Boring? No.

>> No.12639189

My boogers.

>> No.12639211

>Every time I fall back on something frozen or fast food. I'm a fucking chef, there's no excuse in my mind, but fuck, some days......
Ok chef Reddit thank you for your input

>> No.12639242

Something wrong with your DNS? That you went to reddit and ended here again

>> No.12639247

so much bread

>> No.12639286

Frozen microwave pizza.
Entire cans of anchovy stuffed olives.
Just deli meat. No bread or anything.
The cheapest kebab I can find.

>> No.12639367

Cheap tortilla chips with canned processed "guacamole".

>> No.12639428

Cold walmart fried chicken and great value tater tots. There is no reason for me to eat this shit except for when I am drink and feel like a lazy piece of shit.

>> No.12639439

four loko sour apple

>> No.12639443

perpetual energy has been achieved

>> No.12639451

A woman went away for 20 years for touching an underage wiener.

>> No.12639566

kinda sounds like a shity dirty rice. if its like taco seasoned ground beef and pepper jack or cheddar cheese and you switch out the mayo for sour cream and add some onions and peppers it would be bretty good

>> No.12639579


>> No.12639584

based AF

>> No.12639597

Noodles with concentrate cream of chicken soup. It beats mac and cheese and it's like$.50 a meal and is better.

>> No.12639605
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>tfw its $6 for a pack of 12 let alone the buns and condiments

>> No.12639631
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everybody know you get a thin crust and eat the first quarter fresh and hot then leave it sit out on the counter for the next 6 to 12 hours and sporadically pieces at room temp then and only then do you put it in the fridge to finish the rest the next day AND NO GOD DAMNED VEGEMITE AND ABSOLUTELY NO ANCHOVIES, jalapenos are meh but feta was surprisingly ok, but like to keep my bacon and pepperoni on separate pizzas

>> No.12639634

Not him but it's not Kraft dinner without Heinz ketchup

>> No.12639647

Put a scoop of nesquick, quarter cup of coconut, and cup of milk on it and you got yourself a tasty treat fren

>> No.12639689

anybody ever split a brick of ramen in two and use it as bread to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich? or just eat the ramen uncooked and sprinkled the flavor dust on each bite?

>> No.12639735

>if I samefag with same bogeyman will I fit in?
Please return.

>> No.12639739

Nothing that's I'm ashamed of, but I do think I probably eat too many eggs.

A breakfast without eggs is not a breakfast and doesn't count. I sometimes have second breakfast if my first one didn't include eggs.

>> No.12640307


>> No.12640417

Rice with salt pepper and siracha as my only meal. I also get addicted to snack foods, right now eating jalepeno cheddar Cheetos

>> No.12640596

Fuck I know that feel.... That was last night and today hungover for me. Can't slip back into my old ways.

>> No.12640605

my own boogers

>> No.12640611

I'm autistic and raised by a single mother so I don't experience shame. Sometimes I slightly regretful about eating too much of some high energy density whole plant foods so I miss some nutrient targets.

>> No.12640697

I can't really think of anything except maybe peach punch from frozen cans of concentrated juice. I fucking love peaches and they're juicy as fuck but somehow peach juice doesn't exist. And for some stupid reason almost everything peach flavored is peach mango and I can't stand mangos.

When I was a kid I'd buy the store brand ones, open it, sprinkle the flavoring in then break up the noodles and eat that as a snack.

>> No.12640698

Man I just love wrapping my lips around a big fat juicy weiner and letting it slide whole down my eager, salivating gullet

>> No.12640762

>This combined with a hard boiled egg.
>I can easily go through an entire jar in one day if I'm not planning on eating anything else;

Nothing wrong, here. I do the same thing (best served on a dark rye). My based Lithuanian grandmother got me hooked.

Yeah. My wife hates this. I didn't eat it in front of her until just before we got engaged.

>> No.12640784

forgot a pic I presume?

>> No.12640809

This, but shitty canned "chili" from Aldi or Walmart. Sometimes I don't even microwave it, just eat it right out of the can. Saves on dishes.

>> No.12640858

Ever hear your single mom fapping? Post audio if you happened to record it accidently.

>> No.12640926

I heard a guy fart loudly when they fucked.

>> No.12640993
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>> No.12641000

corned beef

>> No.12641008

you forgot your "haha"

>> No.12641016


>> No.12641520
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I can't stop eating fried bologna sandwiches boys, with shitty melted american cheese, mayo mustard and hot sauce.

>> No.12641576

A whole turkey heh

>> No.12641838

Your mom

>> No.12641853

why are you ashamed? sound good to me. don't take for granted a good sandwich, my neil.

>> No.12641859

Fuck off, newbtits, you don't even know /ck/.

>> No.12641867

>terrible, but i can dip suck faster then a reload in whatever im playing

>> No.12641881

See this. >>12639152
We can cook better than you. Period. Is the food overpriced? Sure. But restaurants have to pay for many things beyond just food inventory. You come to us because we make real food, with proper technique, with higher quality equipment, for a better product than you can scrape together.
However, working those hours, even if we love it, saps our energy beyond what you could possibly know. So when we get off work, we do one of two things: eat a cheap meal somewhere else and go to sleep. Or, go out with our fellow chefs/lines and drink and cook with each other until we can keep our eyes open.

>> No.12641917

This isn't so bad if you're broke. Try limiting it to one a day, make sure you get enough fiber, vitamins, leafy green vegetables otherwise and you'll be fine.

>> No.12641927

Holy shit stop being such a dork. I've been a line cook too for several years and the most annoying thing is the kitchen culture bullshit where people act like it's tough and cool to work shitty hours for unfair wages. Yeah cooking food can be amazing and creative but it's not impressive to be working 12 hour shifts 6 days a week and eat garbage food and drink yourself to sleep every night for barely enough money to survive, it just means you have a shitty job

>> No.12642002

Ur mums ass

>> No.12642014

>melted cheese
>spices probably directly on the cheese
>probably shitty meat
That sounds abhorrent, not “comfy”

>> No.12642016

It’s okay anon, there’s nothing wrong with being lazy occasionally

>> No.12642019

>bringing up a movie to evidence chefs loving to cook constantly
Boomer detected

>> No.12642028

That’s way too much work, just mix the cottage cheese and sriracha before you start dipping retard

>> No.12642036

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. My most shameful meal is when I cover my spaghetti with tomato sauce in cheddar cheese. But it's fucking delicious. I never do it around others, though. Too embarrased.

>> No.12642038

I knew kids that used to do that too, I did it once or twice and both times were more for necessity than because I wanted to do it and it’s honestly very terrible.

>> No.12642076

pasta with cheese on it doesn't seem shameful at all you must be a very boring person

>> No.12642126

Dutch baby pancakes, the regret is imediate.

>> No.12642325

Woah, where do you live? I get quality dogs at $1.50 for an 8 pack. Bread is $1 per loaf (I'm weird and don't like hot dog buns), mustard and a couple other condiments add up to about $0.15 per dog. Super cheap. This is in central US

>> No.12642326
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>> No.12642330

Kek. Have you ever seen the movie "bartender"? Or the movie "waiting"? And, have you ever actually been in those types of jobs? Back to redit with you

>> No.12642342

>doesn't have an outrageously disgusting food habit
>must be a boring person
That's some serious village idiot logic.

>> No.12642350

I didn't say that to be "impressive", I said it because its true. You must have really low self esteem to purposely dog yourself.

>> No.12642969

would you be ashamed to put cheese on pasta anon?

>> No.12643068

>I've been replacing them with plant based dogs though and they taste exactly the same.
no tastebuds confirmed

>> No.12643075

Cheddar on Italian food? Yeah, I'd feel the shame.

>> No.12643147

Cheetos, or any other dried processed cheese snack.

>> No.12643162

Seething dead end line cook. Make my salad and smile while you do it, wagie.

>> No.12643261

I used to do fried hard salami sandwhiches a lot.
Salami, provolone, and mustard.
Shit's so good, but my god it's so greasy.

>> No.12643270

>implying chefs aren't salaried
LOL, you're such trash.

>> No.12643283
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That must produce some epic sharts and splatter shits.
Imagine the smell.

>> No.12643285

>you're a wagie
>no i'm salaried
That was your answer? How fucking stupid are you?

>> No.12643360

Sometimes I buy 2 or 3 corn dogs from 7-11 and absolutely drench them in free chili and cheese. Its absolutely incredible and awful at the same time

>> No.12643603


>> No.12643625
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>> No.12643645

Pretty sure I need to be ashamed of everything I eat because I mainly eat food that is considered garbage

>> No.12645102
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>sausage wrap with jalapeno and cheese stuffed inside a buttery tortilla
>mexican green sauce
>stuff face with about 3 of them
>large coke
>ginormous bag of kettle cooked chips
fuck, that sounds so good

>> No.12645235

Pretty much everything besides black coffee. I'm fat and I hate myself for it.

>> No.12645530

How else to show how good of a provider you are than through pickled herring and lava lamps. Mostly lava lamps. The lava lamp with its peerless design shows every female that you have taste. And with how much energy they eat to keep a bit of plastic hot, they display your wealth. For only a truly disgustingly rich man could afford to light every room in his home exclusively with lava lamps.

>> No.12645541

white rice with mayo
no shame

>> No.12645584

What the fuck? The dildoesque texture and mouthfeel though.

>> No.12646601

pretty much any drink. i know im getting ripped off but in summer i go for gatorade and unsweet tea.

>> No.12646653

Me too anon. The struggle is real.

>> No.12646745

weinershnitzel mini corndogs dropped into bowls of weinershnitzel chili topped with onions mustard and ketchup... and a polish dog sandwich, only when I'm in LA...

>> No.12646770


Kern's makes a canned peach juice. Jumex too

>> No.12646792

I loved rice with mayo when i was a child. Stopped eating mayo cause it gives me acne

>> No.12646796

Start eating food you aren't ashamed of and you won't be fat either. You'll kill two birds with one stone.

>> No.12646808
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>> No.12646945

Chocolate Milk

I see it when grocery shopping and it calls to me like a siren. I tell myself I'll just have a glass in the evening after work as a treat, It'll last me a week or two easily. And then I proceed to drink the whole carton in 2 days.

>> No.12646949

So, you're a neet who sits in the basement and feeds off your parents?

>> No.12646962

I’ll eat cueritos. Something about that salty taste with chips and cucumbers. It’s called tostilocos. And I haven’t told bae. Cause I know it’s super gross

>> No.12646999

this is one reason i never attempted to make cooking a career. I didnt want to start hating it.

Also im not very good

>> No.12647005

this is no laughing matter

>> No.12647011

is that from one of those newer low budget Hellraiser films?

>> No.12647016

there's a time and place for everything
I don't judge you

>> No.12647419

when I really don't feel like cooking but won't do frozen or fast food, I use a few cans of tuna, eggs, handful of cheese, ramen noodles (cooked soft in the microwave first) mayo, canned spinach, ketchup, hot sauce, spices, and scramble it all together in a frying pan

>> No.12647825

>if you don't know that a salary is a wage then you're a NEET
Digging deeper aren't you?

>> No.12647935

Pointing out that you're an income-less neet is just stating facts. If you're not earning money, you're panhandling off someone else.

>> No.12647951


With a few exceptions most "iconic" foods are poor people foods though, there is nothing wrong with that

>> No.12647975
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These little bois

I...I get the 6 pack from Walmart for $2.50.
One night I got drunk and ate 3 cans. I am so ashamed.

>> No.12648007

I ate them for snack in kindergarden because I lived with my grandparents. Idk if I would like them now, going to have to buy a can and see.

>> No.12648044

hey i do that

>eating salsa with a spoon
>eating cold vegetables out of the can and calling it a meal
>dumping canned chicken in a pan with some broth and yoghurt and calling it a meal
>forgetting to eat altogether and scarfing down chunks of bread over the sink before work so I dont get dizzy in two hours
>i am a devil

>> No.12648068

Steak, egg and cheese bagels (with added bacon). One time I ate eight of them in one day. Two in one sitting on the way to work, two more just before arriving at work. Then two after leaving work, and finally two more just before arriving back at home. I tire of most food pretty quickly. I don't eat burgers or even steaks anymore, even though I used to love them. But this is the one thing that never ever seems to get old. It's some sort of sorcery, I swear.

>> No.12648076

They taste completely bland and are in a heavy chicken broth that will turn to gelatin if cool. 7.5/10, moderately underrated food.

>> No.12648100

Not really one specific recipe but ive been doing things to classic food that would give hipsters a hard on. I recently mixed 80% chuck with finely diced zucchini, minced onion garlic and a jalepeno and chopped spinach. Mixed with an egg to bind. Then i grilled them over charcoal and had them on flatbread with a side of corn salsa and red pepper aoli.
Help me /ck/. I'm turning gay and I have a wife and daughter.

>> No.12648319

well put

>> No.12648438

You might be on to something. Mine is everything bagels with garden cream cheese and a split seared hot dog and hot sauce. Its disgusting to even type but I'll be fucked if it's not absolutely delicious. I'll even slap an over easy egg if I'm really hungry and hungover.

>> No.12648852

kinda related, any of yall grow up poor or with shiddy immigrant parents thinking things that were not acceptable meals were acceptable meals? my mom used to stir like a tablespoon of sour cream into a bowl of rice with a bit of salt and crack some pepper on top and bam, dinner. or a can of diced tomatoes heated up with salt, pepper and chili flake served with sour cream and toast. if it werent for enriched rice, butter and sour cream i probably would have died of rickets before 12

>> No.12648947

Perfect chewy brownies with icecream and whipped cream

>> No.12649032

chocolate powder (the sweet kind, not straight cacao powder)
It actually hurts after a while because it's so dry, so I've started to put fruit in to lessen the impact.

>> No.12650661

Those shitty gas station tequitos. Tornados or something. They got a "southwest chicken" one that's full of corn and peppers and beans and goddammit it's so good

>> No.12651587

me too

when I was little I would eat straight orange flavored Metamucil

eating powder is a joy

>> No.12653212
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These literally tastes exactly the same as hotdogs and I challenge you to find different results

>> No.12653663

>being ashamed of eating anything
The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.12653673
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>vegan hotdogs in a can

>> No.12653685

Even if they managed to replicate the taste and texture of the meat, they wouldn't have the casing.

>> No.12653698

Regular hot dogs don't have casing either. What's your point

>> No.12653706

Of course they do.

>> No.12653730

No. They don't

>> No.12653764


>> No.12653810
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I grew up pretty poor and these were my favorite go-to snacks. I love them. I know they're terrible for my health and have enough sodium to preserve a mummy, but they are reliable and portable for camping and shit and hit right when I'm in the mood for them.

I experimented with other types of canned meat and enjoy a spam sandwich or spam-mabushi on occasion, but I've really taken a liking to liverwurst and onion sandwiches!

I also experimented with russian and german sausages and found types of what is called "pashtet" (pate) that are also really good. I suppose this taste for cheap meats started with good ol' "vieenie weenies" in a can.

>> No.12654672
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My (eastern european ?) nigga.
Pasztet on sourdough is great with sour pickles (ogórki kiszone). Try it if you haven't yet.

>> No.12654689

I used to eat these as a kid too. We called them monkey fingers.