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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 40 KB, 639x448, 6a00d83451b42169e2011571442106970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12603129 No.12603129 [Reply] [Original]

We don't talk enough about quiche. Quiche is one of those foods that is simple to make, but people fuck it up so badly. Whenever I see a quiche that is dry, or grainy, or full of bubbles, or has a bad, thick crust, or...well, you get it, it really burns my britches.
Quiche should be delightfully creamy and smooth, with a flaky, golden crust, it should practically melt in your mouth.
If you've never made a pure cheese quiche, with no other fillings, you should, because it's a great way to learn the proper texture.
Pic related, not mine, and it even took me awhile to find a pic of a quiche that looked properly made.
But, good quiche is one of the "perfect" foods.

>> No.12603140

Give me your quiche recipe then fuckass

>> No.12603143

I buy puff pastry in the store, frozen.
It's one of the few items that's not worth the time to make it yourself and the possibilities are endless. Feta spinach pockets come to mind.
As far as quiche goes, quiche lorraine, leek and ham and broccoli and cheese are all pretty good with a cesar salad and also kinda healthy.

>> No.12603163
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IRL men bake quiche

>> No.12603274
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frittata master race here take your pleb shit elsewhere niggers

>> No.12603282

This: >>12603140

Is there a culinary reason that I keep seeing non-circular cast irons pop up or is it just because it's easy to make in a factory?

>> No.12603292

>Is there a culinary reason that I keep seeing non-circular cast irons pop up or is it just because it's easy to make in a factory?

It's a meme.

>> No.12603296

>Making an egg pizza
Europeans are fucking disgusting.

>> No.12603298

It is a 230 and it is amazing actually.

However, as this boy posted >>12603292 people have turned it into a meme.

>> No.12603303

frittate are awful you peasant. tough as old boots

>> No.12603309
File: 1.42 MB, 3407x1399, 1547520023777.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesnt know about the based 230..
>the 230 is the pinnacle of cast iron skillets with patented octagonal multi-pour technology handcrafted by iron forging artisans in Portland, Oregon with handle that's wound from 300 series stainless steel rod stock and hand polished to high luster.

>> No.12603322

It's because some anon is getting paid to shill them, follow the money on those kinds of posts.

>> No.12603323

Ahh Portland land of artisanal free range quick lime vegan milkshakes it's all making sense

>> No.12603382

Why do you newfags always mistake shitposting for shilling? You really should lurk for more that a few days before posting

>> No.12603648

Friendly reminder to blind bake your crust before adding the egg mixture.

>> No.12604051 [DELETED] 

Why are you using a Tripcode?

>> No.12604073

What the fuck are you doing to your frittatas?

>> No.12604077

Because they come here through a certain board that is utterly obsessed with shilling.

>> No.12604080 [DELETED] 

it’s literally a tranny, that’s why

>> No.12604086 [DELETED] 

Further proof that being a tranny is not a valid condition, but attention seeking behavior of a mentally ill individual.

>> No.12604093 [DELETED] 


>> No.12604107 [DELETED] 

Stop using a tripcode unless your identity is vital to the thread. Head on over the Reddit if you want to be recognized by name. Okay? I don't care that you're a tranny, but it's bad form to namefag.

>> No.12604132 [DELETED] 

Not really. It's an intended feature put on this board by the site creators. It's acceptable to use it how you like. Maybe you shouldn't get so offended over a string of characters

>> No.12604139 [DELETED] 

I see you took your tripcode off to post this reply. Good. Keep it off.

>> No.12604140 [DELETED] 

Who gives a fuck, dude? Go eat some American plastic cheese product and cool off.

>> No.12604146 [DELETED] 

Ironic shitposting becomes shilling over time even if it isn't intentional. Look at the boomer monster siiips

>> No.12604161 [DELETED] 

Wrong. Why are you such a failure? I only said something because Audrey is one of the only genuinely helpful posters on this board. She makes good posts and the only the only things people ever have to say are


People who are different from you exist and that's OK. Get over it and grow up. Go back to your fast food thread

>> No.12604163 [DELETED] 
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Forgot screenshot

>> No.12604173 [DELETED] 
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You guys unironically shouldn't be posting on 4chan(nel) if you don't think anonymity isn't the defining feature, and entire point, of the site. Your opinions and comments alone are taken at face value. Assigning an identity to those opinions and comments completely defeats the purpose and you'd fit in better on Reddit, where you have a name and anonymity isn't valued.

You aren't special here. No one is. That is the point. So there is no need to clarify your identity.

>> No.12604184 [DELETED] 

Put your trip back on tranny so you are filtered out of my feed like you filtered yourself from the genepool

>> No.12604195 [DELETED] 
File: 426 KB, 600x600, 1562341371703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She makes good posts and the only the only things people ever have to say are
Great. I'm glad "she" is a helpful addition to this board. Why does "she" feel the need to identify "herself" when "she" posts? There are certainly posters who don't use a tripcode that post very often with helpful and useful information that don't feel the need to identify themselves. No one else does.

>> No.12604202 [DELETED] 

Site creators adding the tripcode feature disproves your autistic idea that anonymity is the defining feature of this board. Just like there is no need to identify yourself, there is also no need NOT to. Thanks for playing

>> No.12604207 [DELETED] 

Because she can? Why are you so obsessed over it?

>> No.12604215 [DELETED] 

>Site creators adding the tripcode feature disproves your autistic idea that anonymity is the defining feature of this board.
You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making. The feature was added if you made a thread and needed to identify yourself throughout the thread.

>> No.12604223 [DELETED] 

>Why are you so obsessed over it?
Just curious why you need to be such an attention seeking faggot?

>> No.12604237 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 800x600, crying_baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude, you're such a fucking cry baby faggot.

>> No.12604282 [DELETED] 

That's nice. As long as you refrain from using a tripcode unless your identity is vital to the thread (Hint: it most likely isn't), I'm good. If you're ever in doubt of whether or not you should use your tripcode, don't. No need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.12604296 [DELETED] 

You are aware that not everyone has to abide by your made up rules, right?

>> No.12604304 [DELETED] 

why are you so emotionally invested in whether someone uses a fucking tripcode or not? it's hilarious how fucking butthurt it makes you and you're filled with so much unwarranted self-importance that I'm shocked you don't trip. you act like the entire website needs to bend to your whims like some sort of spoiled, special snowflake autist.

>> No.12604309

Real men don't eat quiche.

>> No.12604436

Bro, use short crust pastry for quiche. It takes about 10 minutes to make.

>> No.12604459

I will. I made the thread while I was still lying in bed this morning, contemplating quiche. Now I have time to go sit and sift through my huge and messy recipe binder and find my recipe. Just give me a bit.

No. See>>12603303 Fritattas are a poor man's quiche. Serviceable, but far from desirable.

>> No.12604525

It's capitalism.

>> No.12604553

Is that a Chicago style quiche?

>> No.12604563

>few days
More like a few years, fuckin newfag

>> No.12604592

What's cool with them is that they look fancy even though they are super easy to make and you can put litteraly anything in them.

>> No.12604621

Fucking shill

>> No.12604630

do americans actually have chicago style quiche pies like this? This is disgusting.

>> No.12604634

>patented octagonal multi-pour technology
Only in america

>> No.12604636

as if anyone except the biggest of assholes would ever buy this. no ones buying this.

>> No.12604663


still waiting on that recipe, anon

>> No.12604686

That's some really bad bait. Try harder.

>> No.12604756

Here we go. This is a simple as fuck recipe, but makes the best quiche. Obviously, you can add fillings to this basic recipe, but this is for a basic quiche au fromage. Don't make low-fat substitutions for the dairy, either.

One recipe for basic pastry
6 large eggs
2/3 cup heavy cream or crème fraîche
1 cup whole milk
8 ounces gruyère, emmenthal, or other Swiss-type cheese
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg

Roll out the pastry to fit a 10-1/2 inch glass or metal pie plate (not removable bottom). Crimp the edges, poke the bottom with a fork or the tip of a sharp knife, and place the pastry in the freezer for 30 minutes. Do not skip this step.
Preheat the oven to 425°F. Line the pastry with aluminum foil and pastry weights and bake in the bottom third of the oven until the pastry is golden at the edges, about 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and remove the aluminum foil and pastry weights. Return the pastry to the oven to bake until the bottom is golden, an additional 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and reserve.
In a medium-sized bowl, whisk together the eggs, cream, and the milk until thoroughly blended. Season with the salt and pepper, then add the cheese and stir until it is blended, Turn the mixture into the pre-baked pastry, and spread out the cheese evenly over the bottom of the pastry. Sprinkle the top with nutmeg, and bake in the center of the oven until the filling is golden and puffed, and is completely baked through, about 30 minutes. To test for doneness, shake the quiche - if it is solid without a pool of uncooked filling in the center, it is done. You may also stick a sharp knife blade into the center of the filling and if it comes out clean, the quiche is baked through. Don't over bake, though. Remove the quiche from the oven and serve immediately

>> No.12605776

Quiche Lorraine is elder God tier.

Nice. What's your pastry recipe?

>> No.12605964

That thing is way to thick.
>a pure cheese quiche, with no other fillings

>> No.12605989

>spending 1hr20 minutes + prep time on a quiche
You know how I know you're a retard? I bet you frequent BA and think that the overcomplicated recipes must be better

>> No.12606010

Saved. Do you use other spices besides nutmeg ever or is it fine with just that?

>spending time doing a hobby you love?
>must be a retard

Why are you on a cooking board if you'd rather talk about fast food? Silly anon.

>> No.12606026

If its such an easy thing to do, why do you need a reference for the recipe

>> No.12606036

I think they mean that overly long recipes are just overly long lol. Not necessarily implying they desire the polar opposite.

>> No.12606048

>if he doesn't like my specific needless recipe he must like fast food!
I spend a lot of time cooking, but spending that much time on a quiche isn't necessary. Nice logical fallacy though

>> No.12606055

Most of the recipe seems to just be passive waiting. You're both very silly anons. I hope some day you can find the value in putting love and care into the food you make for your family.

>> No.12606089

OP here. I don't need a recipe for reference (anymore), but I never throw out recipes, because I pass many of them on. And when I pass them on, I want to make sure everything is precise. It's not a hard concept, anon.

>> No.12606110

Sure, you can add other spices. This is just the master recipe. I've used this base recipe and then added all sorts of things. Cayenne or other red pepper is a nice addition. So is a pinch of dry mustard. A little allspice is nice with some fillings, too. If I'm adding greens or vegetables like asparagus, I like to add some lemon zest.

>> No.12606119

I already cook better than most of the people on BA, so no. And I don't know where you got "complicated " from, this recipe is super easy.

>> No.12606150

I make a basic pastry crust with flour, pinch of salt, cold butter, ice water. But I also add a 1/4 cup of ground toasted walnuts or pecans to the flour because it gives the pastry a fantastic flavor. Sometimes I use another cold liquid rather than water, like fresh orange juice, or apple juice.
Also, I get everything, including the bowl and all the ingredients ice cold. You want the pastry to be ice cold when it goes in the oven, because it makes it very flaky. Also, don't be concerned about small chunks of butter in the rolled pastry, that's a good thing.

>> No.12606816

>But I also add a 1/4 cup of ground toasted walnuts or pecans to the flour because it gives the pastry a fantastic flavor
Why wouldn't you just use almond meal?
It's literally what it's for and you don't have to fuck around toasting and shelling stuff.

>> No.12607296

Because it doesn't have the same flavor. I have almond meal, and I use it for all kinds of things, but not this. You can use it, though, certainly.
Also, toasting nuts doesn't take hardly any time at all. They toast really fast.

>> No.12607394

If you're not caramelizing your onions properly for quiche lorraine, fuck you.

>> No.12607401

>baked omlet

>> No.12607406

If you're putting nearly two cups of fresh dairy in your omelets, you're doing it wrong.