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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 56 KB, 640x427, Medium-Rare-Steak-is-Best-compressor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12553102 No.12553102 [Reply] [Original]

do people pretend to enjoy eating bloody meat to show off in front of people? serious question

>> No.12553105

No I just think it tastes better.

>> No.12553107

Some really do like it but a lot are just snobs. Medium well is the best way to cook a steak.

>> No.12553108

No. It tastes better and has a better texture.

>> No.12553119


>> No.12553122

It's not blood. The cow was drained of blood when it was killed. Blood doesn't just ooze out from between muscle fibers; it's contained within your veins and arteries.

Maybe the day you stop being a retard is the day you stop being a tastelet.

>> No.12553124

1- No. We enjoy it for the texture.
2- That's not blood. It's myoglobin.

>> No.12553146

It's the texture, a lot easier to eat. My mother was and still whines about meat being red inside and I realized it was nothing to worry about when I cooked steak and it was a little red inside. Easier to eat and chew. People who shit on well-done steaks have a point though I do love a little charred meat every now and again.

>> No.12553157

LMAO @ nonvegans

>> No.12553161

>muscles don't contain capillaries
Ok, why when you cut muscle does it bleed, genius?

>> No.12553166

Some people are savage beasts that prefer their cow mooing.

>> No.12553179

Run the steer by the table and I'll grab off a hunk!
I eat it rare at home by myself.

>> No.12553204
File: 54 KB, 736x535, Steak Doneness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it hasn't been butchered properly? If it were blood it would be coagulating. Beef is drained.

>> No.12553228
File: 8 KB, 251x201, 2CDA243F-CE6E-4A35-AA8D-9B6EFACCB24E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this such a controversial thing for flyovers? It‘s fucking bizarre. Even in Eastern Europe where people are generaly wary of this because of less than ideal quality control of meat, you‘d still be hard pressed to find anyone who thinks it‘s a great idea to burn a good clean fresh piece of meat to shit in abscence of sanitary reasons. I always thought the US being a nation of meat eaters and having a shitton of fantastic beef it would be taken for granted. Is it just because of the Trump thing or le ebic 4chin contrarianism?

>> No.12553239

>Ok, why when you cut muscle does it bleed, genius?
Because there are blood vessels in all of you.
But there isn't blood in a steak, because all the blood came out when they killed the cow, removed its organs and bones, and butchered it into several hundred pieces.

>> No.12553253

Back when I ate meat, I used to always cook my steaks like 30 seconds on either side. Practically melts in your mouth.

Although if you're eating out, you should order Medium Well at least because restaurants are horrible disease factories. Yes, even that one you work at or the expensive one your going to try and yell at me about.

>> No.12553261

When I was a kid, I'd only eat my beef well done.
Then, my parents introduced me to mid-well, medium, then mid-rare. I introduced myself to rare and blue-rare.
I don't eat my steaks blue, rare or mid-rare to appear manly, I eat it because I enjoy the texture and the taste.

>> No.12553323

Steak doneness is just one of the easiest ways to bait for (you)s.

>> No.12553332

Why do you assume OP is a flyover? Most threads I've seen like this are by sudacas and Slavs.

>> No.12553500

Lazy unintelligent people feel the need to categorize everything they can, regardless of whether or not they have reason to do so.

>> No.12553506
File: 109 KB, 1180x842, donald-trump-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only liberals get rare steak. It's a sad attempt to display faux masculinity without oppressing women or minorities. A true man takes his steak well done.

>> No.12553517


>> No.12553615

from a pure taste standpoint, I prefer a charred medium-well

from a pure texture standpoint, I prefer rare

For best of both worlds, I order "cook 30 seconds on each side longer than medium rare"

>> No.12553638

>hurr people can't possibly enjoy steak that's not to my preferred level of cooked.

>> No.12554770

Rare is not the same as raw. Also, with better cuts the purpose is to taste the quality which is best served rare.

>> No.12554873

What is /ck/'s opinion on this?

>> No.12554874
File: 109 KB, 1000x667, 1555175781822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.12554876


>> No.12554885

restaurant kitchens are cleaner than home kitchens.

>> No.12554889

No? I find it weird when someone doesn't prefer it. I think most of people in Europe likes it bloody

>> No.12554890

There is a macho element to it. Some of my friends like to deliberately outrage vegetarians when they eat out.

>> No.12554895
File: 61 KB, 600x450, Steak-Tartar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12554898

i pretend to enjoy fucking ur mom but shes just such a filthy pig

>> No.12554903

Not that guy or his mom but why do you do it it you don't enjoy it? Genuinely curious.

>> No.12554911

salmonella is helluva drug

>> No.12554918

>there are probably people who actually think like this

>> No.12554931

Americans have always been obsessed by hygiene, since at least the 19th century. It’s not a bad thing per se, but Americans take it to another level. It’s what it was historically called “hygiene puritanism”. Ever seen the wacky Jesus freaks? It’s the same thing but with hygiene in general, which includes food. It baffles many Americans not to store eggs in fridge or even consume/use raw eggs. It’s due to industrial practices, hygiene puritanism from the 19th century (which also englobes morality), culinary traditions (most Americans are from rural Northern European descent), post-Depression era and post-WW2 conditions (harsh times lead to bad food), and yeah, marketing (which comes from industrial practices). It’s easier to sell a perfectly washed egg in America and it comforts soccer moms that their eggs are nicely washed, while in Europe eggs can be consumed raw despite being covered in chicken shit.

>> No.12554934

Also the fact that many current day Americans are from other countries, especially shitholes, don’t help either since they have to consume their meat overcooked for sanitary reasons. The same reason why Chinks would drink warm/hot water even in summer after a century of shitting out liquid shit due to contaminated water.

>> No.12554948

Quit while youre ahead. Its called myoglobin. Read a book

>> No.12554981

Why are Americans so terrified of being killed by their food? 'I can't eat a rare steak it'll kill me' 'I can't eat a hollandaise sauce it'll kill me' 'I can't eat sashimi it'll kill me'. Are food-poisoning rates genuinely high there or is it just a bizarre cultural thing? I've never seen ANYONE be as paranoid about food as them.

>> No.12554987


>> No.12554990

Yes and it's obvious when there showing off as they wont go on about how fucking good rare steak is and then obviously grimace each bite just get it fucking medium rare or medium well you fucktards

>> No.12554993

They're probably grimacing because you're staring at them like something out of the fucking Shining, anon. Mind your business and stop caring so much about how people like their steak.

>> No.12554996
File: 65 KB, 622x775, 1556631206877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average American is so deracinated and identityless that they seize onto random bullshit like meat doneness or love of certain consumer products just to feel like they have some connection to other people.

>> No.12555001

I have my steak rare as well you mongoloid

>> No.12555004

It's really obvious they don't like it stop saying you do you retard

>> No.12555024

>Other people can't possibly like their meat like this as I stare autistically at them to gauge their reactions
>B-but I like my steak rare too, I'm just calling out the people who are phonies and not actually cool people who like rare steak
>Like me
Grow up

>> No.12555067

no we're just too fat and hungry to wait for the meat to cook all the way

>> No.12555073
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>cooking your meat.

>> No.12555098

80% of them

>> No.12555971

>not medium rare

Please be trollin bud.

>> No.12556010

no, it tastes good but I still prefer medium rare

>> No.12556012

you do see a lot of faggots who say they like it still mooing or the bloodier the better and I'm pretty sure they're mostly trying to show off and would prefer a medium rare if they were on their own

>> No.12556046

I always order my steak medium-rare. Unless, of course, I'm sitting at a table in a steakhouse with a large group of people. In that case it's not so simple. I'm a gentlemen, so I never just go ahead and order first. I'll hold off for somebody else to start, and then I'll wait until it's my turn to order. Chances are, somebody else is going to order their steak medium-rare. I'm telling you, it's the best way to have a steak. But then the waiter will come around to me, “And for you sir? How would you like your steak prepared?” I can't say medium-rare now. I'll look like I have no idea what I'm doing. I'll look like I've never ordered a steak before, and now I'm just copying everybody else.

This is why it's great to order first at a steak place. Everyone else is definitely going to get their steak medium-rare. So when you order first, you look like you're in charge, like everyone else is following your lead. Then the second person also says medium-rare. “Very good, sir.” And maybe he really did want his steak medium-rare. It all depends on how fast he said it. If there was even a second's hesitation, it would be perfectly obvious that he was probably going to go for medium, but he didn't feel like being outdone by the first person. “I'll take mine medium … rare. Medium-rare.” A classic rookie I've-never-eaten-in-a-steakhouse-with-a-large-group-of-people mistake.

And then it goes down the line, medium-rare, medium-rare, medium-rare. But now everybody ordering, the fifth, sixth, seventh, even if they wanted medium, medium-well, it's just not happening. Nobody's going to stick their neck out like that. By the third or fourth person, the waiter is only even asking because he has to, because it's part of his job description. Bosses always gets really pissed when waiters try to save some time, try to cast out a blanket, “medium-rares all around?” question to the table.

>> No.12556052

Every once in a while the waiter will start off with a person who clearly doesn't know how to eat steak and they'll say medium or medium-well. And the next person will order theirs, extra loud, medium-rare, as if to say, please don't confuse me with my idiot friend to my left, I'd like mine medium-rare. Please. And it'll go down the line, medium-rare, medium-rare, and after two or three people, that first guy will realize his mistake, and he'll get really embarrassed, and he'll just shout out to the waiter, who's already passed him, and he'll say, “Excuse me, you know what? I'm going to go for that medium-rare also, thanks.” And the waiter will say, “Very good, sir,” and he'll pretend to cross out something on his pad and write in something else, but it will all be an act, because he's not writing anything at all. It's always medium-rare. The first person always changes to medium-rare after everyone else orders medium-rare. It's a science.

But then it gets to me, maybe I'm like the eighth or ninth person ordering. And I'm no follower, I'm no nameless face in a crowd. So I'll say “rare, please.” And everyone drops their fork and stares. I learned this trick at my friend's wedding in Iowa last summer. The rehearsal dinner was at this steak place, and the specialty was rib-eye. Delish. Of course I was going to order medium-rare, but the first person ordered rare. I was like, what? Rare? Crazy. But then the second person ordered. Rare. Third, fourth, fifth. Rare, rare, rare. There was definitely a pattern here and it became clear to me how I'd have to order my steak.

I really hope that someday I'm out to dinner with a bunch of guys and for some reason it's my turn to order first. And I'm definitely going to order rare. And I know that that second person is just going to have to order rare also. And it'll be like dominoes, everyone falling in line, everyone getting a rare steak. I'm pretty sure that's what happened in Iowa. I think.

>> No.12556064

No. We eat it that way when we are completely alone too. It just tastes better.

>> No.12556090

It doesn't though. The taste and texture are objectively worse in a blue/rare steak than medium rare. That's why if you ask any chef in the world to cook a steak they will do it medium rare

>> No.12556098

I'm 100% carnivore. I love the smell of blood and death when I'm prepping my steaks. I love the juicy burst of butter and blood and grilled flavor when I take that first magical bite. Mmm-MM!

OP sounds like he voted for somebody who likes their steaks well done with ketchup.

>> No.12556277
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Oh boy

>> No.12556312

It does though. The taste and texture are objectively better in a blue/rare steak than medium rare. That's why if you ask any chef in the world to cook a steak they will do it rare

>> No.12556460

>Although if you're eating out, you should order Medium Well

Wrong, you should order it rare because the chef will overcook it into medium rare or medium, and even though you wanted rare it increases your chances of getting it close

>> No.12556465

Nobody pretends to like anything just to annoy you.

>> No.12556469

if i order meat i get it well done but i'll eat whatever if it's on a buffet or at someone's house
just like the texture

>> No.12556497

Medium-rare and medium are objectively the best. Rare is for unhinged psychopaths and people with something to prove, and medium-well/well done is for flyover boomers.

>> No.12556595

One of my all time favourite dishes
Shit is so fucking cash once you find your favourite mix of seasonings and condiments

>> No.12556628

We're not terrified of it because those are all very popular food items here.

>> No.12556677

Anyone who doesn't enjoy a dish the way it is traditionally intended to be served is a child. Millions of people before you and currently agree on the best preparation, including those whose profession is literally food (and they're for all intents and purposes unanimous). It's okay to have preferences but it is laughable when you try to pretend you're right and all those people are wrong. You should be culled.

>> No.12556734

>tradition gud
>personal taste and opinion bad

I pity you. You can't even think for yourself. An actual npc