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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12542779 No.12542779 [Reply] [Original]

dear /ck/,
I have noticed you seem to not have neither a sticky nor anything to the effect of helping someone new learn your topic of favor.
simply put, I seek resources in learning to cook and cook well; I can survive with my current skills but I wish to become proficient. on /lit/, we have a sticky to keep threads at a minimum, and I believe you could benefit as well. at the very least, I ask for your recommendation on how to improve, as I'm sure cooking is more than just following recipes.

Picture unrelated.

/lit/ crossboarder

>> No.12542785

Surely you /lit/ types know of cookbooks, yes?

>> No.12542789

wtf Hegel looked like THAT?!!!!?

>> No.12542794

>not have neither
I'm sure /lit/ loves you

>> No.12542825

I was looking for more of a consensus, agreed-upon type of source (like a sticky).
English is my third language but this doesn't look incorrect to me, I could be wrong.

>> No.12543196

Start out by cooking all foods referenced in "Ulysses." Particularly remarkable is the early morning breakfst in the lighthouse, Bloom's breakfast kidney (he enjoyed the the faint taste of urine) and the cheese sandwich he ate in the pub in the Cyclops section. Then move on to Faulkner's "Light in August" where V.K. Ratliff is in the diner stirring his undercooked sunny side up eggs into a soup when Lena wanders up.

>> No.12543206

Is this one of them readin fagguts?

>> No.12543207

>implying /ck/ agrees on anything

>> No.12543210

>he thinks /ck/ can cook

>> No.12543241
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Just look up recipes that you want to try. Then upload the process here for us to give you shit for not doing it the millions of other ways you could have done it. We are under the creative section for a reason you fucking tourist.
>having a sticky
Fuck off with that shit

>> No.12543264
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You lost? /ck/ is nothing but alcohol fueled McDonald's runs, what fast food some dumb youtuber is stuffing their face with and arguing about the name of a root beer

>> No.12543270

>I was looking for more of a consensus
You won't find one given how subjective people's opinions on cooking are.

>> No.12543274
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I dunno about all that, but this is what I'm drinking tonight. Beer thread anyone?

>> No.12543291

Stickies general threads et al are cancer fuck off

>> No.12543402

"at last the scene is changed again. Wilderness appears, and amongst the rocks there wanders a civilized young man who picks up and sucks certain herbs." - Dostoevsky

Have you tried randomly sucking herbs OP?

>> No.12543498

If you're trying to learn how to cook don't bother with a cookbook rather go to YouTube, I've learned everything from Shakshuka to Beef Wellington using YouTube videos.
Ive had very good luck with dishes from food wishes.
If you're interested in a well done cooking show that's entertaining to watch then I recommend Good Eats which you can pick up all 12 seasons on either YouTube or Amazon

>> No.12543504

The fuck do you want?

>durrr how i season my soy iron pan?
Read a book, need

>> No.12543519

on behalf of /lit/, fuck you
and if you use the /lit/ sticky you are autistic, and a retard

>> No.12543533

Cooking is a feeling. You can give recipes but nothing beats working within your favorite flavor profiles to create something on your own.

>> No.12543806
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hahaha, you gay nigga
go back to /lit/ where you belong and stay the hell out of the kitchen. you want stickies go to the place where most anons go when they get banned and don't shell out the clams for some silly little VPN because they're too scared to look at titties on their own time or buy drugs in person.
>in all honesty though i also recently was thinking we could benefit from a sticky. but it'd need to be an icon, like the BALLSBALLSBALLS or /fit/ exercises.

>> No.12543819

we do, the only thing being that salt and pepper belongs on steak after it's removed from the heat

>> No.12543908

>seem to not have either...or...
>seem to have neither...nor...

Either of those is correct what you wrote is incorrect.

>> No.12543939

Unfortunately, because food is so easily obtained, anyone can talk about it

There's no way to get a real consensus, but most of us can recommend a few great youtube channels to learn different skills/recipes

If you're looking for basic recipes on everything, Chef John and Foodwishes

>> No.12543969
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>I was looking for more of a consensus, agreed-upon type of source

You won't find that here. The only thing we can agree upon is that we can't agree upon anything.

>> No.12543971

That's because this is a fast food board. Driving up to McD's for your mcchicken three for free doesn't take many brain cells.

>> No.12544599

Nah it needs to go on the steak while it's cooking to infuse the flavour

>> No.12544707

I came here to kill you

- /tv/

>> No.12544718

I disagree.

>> No.12544720

Fuck you, no you don't.

>> No.12544730

>Teach me the one recommended way to cook basic things
Tbh just sharing how I make bechamel or stock would start a 3-sided flame war and a new holocaust.