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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12529698 No.12529698[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some essential clown world foods?

>> No.12529702

When I was young I thought being a clown was an actual career path. If I knew what Walmart was back then, and that clowns shop at Walmart (they didn't used to), I would have immediately don't a 360 and walked right out of that train of thought.

>> No.12529707

Why’re they red?

>> No.12529708

Fruit punch is red.

>> No.12529711

Ok thx m8.

>> No.12529712


>> No.12529715
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>> No.12529722


>> No.12529724

This is going to be a long summer.

>> No.12529730
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>> No.12529732

but do they really?

>> No.12529738

Yes, Kool-Aid pickles are very much a southern thing, though you don't see them often

>> No.12529740

theres an actual clown that comes into my work, walmart, occasionally. its always really weird but i guess thats the point of a clown

>> No.12529742
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>> No.12529744

>jumps on bait
>hurr durr this is going to be a long summer
Zoomers as young as 6 have smart phones now you idiot, they're always shitposting on boards like /v/, /tv/, /pol/, and of coarse /b/. Why would summerfags even consider coming to the fucking cooking board?

>> No.12529759

To make fast food and soy bait threads, of course. And respond to everything posted with less than three words just to feel like they've participated.

>> No.12529771

lactose-free dairy

worst part is when you buy that shit on accident without checking the label and it tastes absolutely vile

>> No.12531092
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>> No.12531819

love me some kratchup

>> No.12531851
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>> No.12531854

soy, they put it in everything, seriously read the ingredients list

>> No.12531871
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>> No.12531903

Mostly in canned foods. Sugar is more ubiquitous.

>> No.12531924

asparagus water

>> No.12531929

It tastes exactly the same, it just has the lactase enzyme added to it. It's literally just milk, nigga.

>> No.12532090
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>> No.12532257
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>> No.12532266
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>not superior Stenson's

>> No.12533277
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>> No.12533285

>essential clown world foods
anything (((kosher)))

>> No.12533299

/ck/ is unironically one of the more accessible boards around. most people from /v/ /tv/ and /pol/ i know also post here.

>> No.12533322

shit, thought that was cough syrup at first glance. got thirsty.

>> No.12533332


>> No.12533336

That's for children you mongoloid.

>> No.12533339
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lets get the hell outta here

>> No.12533351

ayyyy dxmbro

>> No.12533363
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Clown food from hipster land

>> No.12533386

Drinking balsamic vinegar is great; never heard of anyone drinking apple cider vinegar though.

>> No.12533400

guilty pleasure desu, though not to your extent. I like to take dabs of balsamic reduction on my finger

>> No.12535376

It's pretty good for your stomach apparently.

>> No.12535395

It’s pretty common, and that sipping vinegar is pretty good actually although overpriced. I usually make a drink with apple cider vinegar, honey, and water over ice.

>> No.12535397
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>> No.12535409
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>> No.12535419

only a hamplanet would be averse to drinking vinegar, it's like they're allergic to anything that might help them lose some weight and curb their american appetites

>> No.12535420

Did they seriously think people wouldn’t notice that they deliberately broke their naming convention by not naming it mayotard?

>> No.12535423

Why do you harbor the delusion that drinking vinegar will result in weight loss?

>> No.12535450


>> No.12535451

Because it's an appetite suppressant

>> No.12535452
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>> No.12535453
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Unfortunately my post won't even be interesting or funny. Most all food that Americans buy and eat these days is clown world food.

Once upon a time and grilled cheese was - ground wheat, salt, yeast, water, butter and cheese. Now?

I just spent ten minutes looking for an easy to copy and paste list of ingredients for Kraft singles and store brand butter and bread to no avail. I don't know all the ingredients offhand but its close to 100 things which are all non essential and cause problems with your body. We're in such a clown world that the sandwich bread people eat, which costs nothing to make, has been cut with so much filler and bullshit that it isn't even really bread anymore.

>> No.12535456

found the fatty

>> No.12535459

solution: get real bread and real cheese. no one is forcing you to buy shitty Kraft products

>> No.12535465
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>> No.12535468

whats the joke

>> No.12535469

It doesn't effect people who know what I said, but there are generations being raised that don't understand any of this.

>> No.12535473

It's actually what a fat person would do, drinking some weird shit for no reason when you could just uhhhhh not eat? It's literally not hard I lost over 80lbs eating less without chugging vinegar lmao

>> No.12535474

I moved to NC 10 years ago and had never heard of that while here, but I have seen these in wal-mart

>> No.12535485

NC isnt the south

>> No.12535504

>Thinks he actually weight
>Doesn't realize that it instead just shrunk and turned into gravitation-free mass that will remain there until he takes the vinegarpill

Are people still this retarded on /ck/? Start sipping on your apple cider vinegar now and you still might have some chance of actually becoming healthier, instead of your "oonga boonga calories in calories out" witch doctor bullshit.

>> No.12535509

>twas merely le epic baite mlord
Fuck off, summernigger.

>> No.12535517

I am triggered FOR N. Carolinians. Say that to may face, not online mother fucker and see what happens

>> No.12535546

It’s still the South, just not the Deep South.
Deep South is Georgia all the way west to Mississippi but not Louisiana, sometimes Tennessee and the top end of Florida from St. Augustine to Pensacola and down to about Ocala.

>> No.12535550


>> No.12535551

Forgot-SC is Deep South too.

>> No.12535587
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>> No.12535589

Aliens communicate with tri-color ketchup messages written on hotdogs

>> No.12535592

>Not liking sweet pickles
Confirmed from nowhere worth visiting.

>common condiment combinations
Confirmed for retard

Only true clown food itt.

>> No.12536193
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>> No.12536196

asparagus water

>> No.12536210

epic win

>> No.12536381
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>> No.12536449

I think someone beat them to the copyright on the name iirc

>> No.12536459

This stuff is good tho

>> No.12536463


>> No.12536485

>I don't know all the ingredients offhand but its close to 100 things
maybe if you're purposely looking for the ones with the longest ingredient lists, and even that still seems like a stretch.

the bread i buy still has flour, water, yeast, as the first 3 ingredients and it's like $2.50 for a big loaf. flour is already ridiculously cheap so i don't think there's much point in cutting it with filler unless you actually have some proof of this which i doubt you will. kraft singles are basically milk and cheese with salt and some stabilizers, not too different from a bechamel sauce. butter is just always butter if you're actually getting the real stuff, with or without salt.

>> No.12537049
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b-but... that's a pie, anon

>> No.12537053

what's the difference?

>> No.12537057

I don't believe this is real

>> No.12537083

If you have a gf who is a clown or a children's entertainer and you ever have the urge to fuck her in her "work clothes" be aware you will start fucking Harley Quinn, but at the end she will look like heath ledger and you will have many questions about your own sexuality.

t. Fucked some clowns

>> No.12537091

They must have had a good laugh over mayotard before settling on mayomust

>> No.12537195
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>> No.12537483
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>People ITT will never know the glory that is mixing kranch with ketchup and ranch dressing

>> No.12537512
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>> No.12537527

Wait, it stands for something? I always thought it was meant to sound like anon holding in their laugh

>> No.12537868
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Are you okay?

>> No.12538000


>> No.12538014

*dentists breathing heavily and rubbing hands in background*

>> No.12538170


>> No.12538179

What does this mean. Why do people substitute vowels in words? I keep seeing it here and on /tv/

>> No.12538187

>not Mustardayonaise

you posted cringe my guy

>> No.12538191

>drinking calories makes you lose weight
As an American, I’m upset that our educational system has failed you. Vote for me and I will ensure that each and every American is forced to take a 2 hour in person seminar with a quiz at the end regarding nutrition and smarter life choices.

>> No.12538210

vinegar is actually really good for heartburn

>> No.12538222

Ok well if you give a fuck about your child's future in the least bit you sure as fuck shouldn't be feeding them that toxic fucking waste.

Teacch them to eat real fucking food not meme HFCS garbage

>> No.12538232

>What if I told you that CIA nigger glow in the dark? Will you take the god pill, or the nigger pill?

>> No.12538259

I was exaggerating but yea. This bread has a ton of uneeded stuff in it, but at least it doesn't have aluminum like so many brands these days.

>> No.12538278
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>> No.12538387

Why is that gay marketing is almost exclusively barabois or tranny(males) nowadays? Are lesbians not trendy enough to be included anymore?

>> No.12538537

>drinking vinegar when you could just eat a fucking salad
what the fuck is wrong with you?
pretty sure when i'm barfing in the toilet it kills my appetite too brah
do you eat lowfat yogurt, too?
>strip all your vitamins out of your grain
>artificially add them back in
>look, it's healthy!

>> No.12538825

I mean yea, artificially adding nutrients to shit was half my point. American grains all have those, and they are still more harmful that overseas grains to your gut.

>> No.12539056

>strip all your vitamins out of your grain
that was done to increase shelf life, because removing the bran removes the oil which can go rancid. it just had the unintended consequence of removing the vitamins too. i think more people are starting to switch back to whole wheat now though, it's easy to find 100% whole wheat breads or 100% mixed whole grains.

>> No.12540112

/ck/ is a normie magnet because liking to eat food is pretty common. Newfags can easily chime in without having to be a level 99 wizard master. Its kinda like /b/, /tv/ and /v/

>> No.12540194

>do you eat lowfat yogurt, too?
yogurt has calories, vinegar does not

>> No.12540409

My favorite thing about this was whole foods saying this wasn't a real product and was a one off by one store, but the whole foods in my town also had it.

>> No.12540447

it's like typing f*ck, implying "americans" are a curse/dirty word, now get the fuck out and lurk more

>> No.12540462

Of course they don't want anyone to ever think they might be getting ripped off. I think a while ago the CEO or someone said Whole Foods sells too much junk food and that has to change, but you can still find the exact same products and same brands at Walmart, only difference is it's 25% more expensive at WF.

>> No.12540545


>> No.12540559


>> No.12540674

No, lesbians are considered mainstream now. Most of them want children and have normal jobs and lead average lives so they're not alternative enough for today's "qweers".

>> No.12540879
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How difficult is it to Google something before using it?

>> No.12540888

lesbian acceptance is like 10 years ahead of gay acceptance
in the 90's lesbians were a fetish and gays were just getting beaten up and shoved into lockers

>> No.12540963


>> No.12540973

What is KRAnch? Is it supposed to be ketchup, because that's fucking retarded.

>> No.12540975

These things are pretty rad

>> No.12541078

kratchup and punch

>> No.12541083

>impossible burger
>still raw and bloody
what did they mean by this

>> No.12541084

I agree, every time I've tried to mix ketchup and ranch it never turned out as good as I had hoped

>> No.12541157

thanks doc

>> No.12541164

>sugar good
>health benefits bad
this is an anti-clown thread, nota clown pride thread

>> No.12541180
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its le clown world out there bros..... glad we r enlightened




>> No.12541183
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>> No.12541245

I honestly thought these were just a meme until I saw them in my local grocery store.

>> No.12541276

>common condiment combinations
the retarded part is they are selling it premixed (plus the fact that everything heinz makes besides ketchup is shit tier)

>> No.12541379

It is, and shockingly good

>> No.12541553

I tried this the other day just to give it a chance. Absolutely repulsive, the dog was even hesitant to try it.

>> No.12541577

ahh yes acidity with more acidity sounds great!

>> No.12541618

>*honk honk*

>> No.12541627

What manga?

>> No.12542858

Lesbians don't make normalfags chimp out like male gays do.

>> No.12542885

Dogs eat poop. They're not the ones you should model your actions on.

>> No.12542915

I have a good chuckle, thanks for your post anon.

>> No.12542942

Cider vinegar is supposedly a good stomach cleanser, boosts your immunity and curbs your hunger. The first two I'm not too sure about but the last one I can tell you is real.

>> No.12542949

It's just kombucha with a packaging made on an LSD trip.

>> No.12543244
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Truly the best

>> No.12543315

I think in this case it might actually be more an attempt to dodge people filtering the whole american/europe imaginary culture war.

>> No.12543432
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From the Sonic app.

>> No.12543987

These go in a steamer btw. Same as chili cheese tots. Enjoy your soggy potatoes

>> No.12544090

Tried this for the first time tonight. Not terrible, not great. I figure I better get used to it as this will be the meat of the masses soon

>> No.12544130
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>> No.12544156

>anything I just heard of is clown world
koolaid pickles have been around long before you were born little retard

>> No.12544167

>Americans think Salsa Golf is something new and innovative
Try it with shrimp, it's delicious

>> No.12544335

>Not Barbanch
They can't even fuck things up right.

>> No.12544354


>> No.12544385
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>> No.12544415

Don't know myself, but I've been watching lesbian porn for almost 40 years now and still love it. I remember when my family told me one of my cousins was a lesbian, and I was like 'I love lesbians!' - I have like 20 Hustler dvds of lesbians!
Family doesn't talk to me since really, and that was like 25 years ago desu.

>> No.12544509


>> No.12544517

I’m pissed that these are real

>> No.12544544

Most experimental foods are when delivered in a certain context. For example, Kale.
I eat kale because I have herbivorous pets that eat it due to good nutritional value, so it's always on hand at home, and it tastes good in stir fries. This is OK.
Karen eats kale because it's a superfood and has healing chakra properties, plus it came from an all LGBT+ disabled farm so is intersectional food. This is not OK.

>> No.12544825

What was the goal of this post? What are you attempting to convey?

>> No.12544829
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>> No.12545024
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>> No.12545909

>fruit punch flavored pickles

This... this is a real thing?

>> No.12545944
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>> No.12545950
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>> No.12545954
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>> No.12546584

Kill them

>> No.12546590

First picture best picture :)

>> No.12546595

/ck/ is the first board on clover now.

>> No.12546597

Vinegar to drink? WTF?

>> No.12546603

fpbp sumer sriracha mchchicken flyover bulletproof monk onions burger

>> No.12546640

Apparently it makes you feel more full rather than suppressing hunger.

>> No.12546663

>drinking some weird shit

Vinegar has been around for thousands of years in almost every culture that figured out brewing. Pretending like it’s some strange, weird, and unknown thing sounds retarded.

I do agree that it would be unreasonable if someone started solely chugging vinegar in hopes of losing weight. However incorporating more vinegar into your daily food intake makes sense and when combined with a proper diet and exercise regime could potentially increase the amount of weight you do lose as a result. Vinegar in salad dressing and hell even that apple cider vinegar drink that one Anon posted would be good starts.

>> No.12546670

nice file name

>> No.12546681

Vinegar "with the mother" has probiotic properties as well.

>> No.12546683

Hahah that’s funny. If you haven’t already, just type “fpbp” in google and you’ll learn soon enough.

>> No.12546729

I saw that online as well. Do you think if you cooked with vinegar “with the mother” that it would denature the mother proteins?

After this thread I’m interested in looking at incorporating more apple cider vinegar into my diet. I’m going to try that drink recipe that >>12535395 gave. Anyone here have any other ideas before I take to the google?

>> No.12546751

It's like how jews type g*d. Implying that Americans are such sacred creatures that you are not allowed to type the full word without risking the wrath of god.

>> No.12546779

Well to be fair they don't spread disease like gays do.

>> No.12546840

Just mix that god damn thing in water and drink a glass in the morning. It's simple and you get used to the taste after a while.

>> No.12546846
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That "kranch" (retarded name) exists since the 1920s, it's actually called "salsa golf" with a few extra ingredients like oregano.


It's not "clown world", it's awesome.
Hellmann's (among other brands) sells it here.

>> No.12546862

Every fast food.

>> No.12546864

I’m not so worried about the taste. I love the taste of vinegar and sour is my favorite flavor. I just like to have some variety you know.

>> No.12546998

just how deep can we go???

>> No.12547104

Only because nobody knows any actual lesbians. If people had to interact with actual lesbians it would get the death penalty.

>> No.12547115

While I was traveling around Iceland for a business trip I found hotdog flavored hotdog buns. Due to the masses of vegetarians in Iceland. They eat the buns with their plant based sausage to make it taste more like beef

>> No.12547226

This shit tastes real good though, mmm love that dulce de leche coating my cheeks (no homo)

>> No.12547228

anything you like and I dont like. there I summed up every faggot response in this thread.

>> No.12547280

>Not a single soul:
>Anon: FPBP

>> No.12547293

based /r/4chan poster

>> No.12547340
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>> No.12547350
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Whoops sorry wrong image

>> No.12547364

I wish I had a reaction image to indicate how hard I'm laughing right now.

>> No.12547382

>Wait, it stands for something? I always thought it was meant to sound like anon holding in their laugh
After coming back from a multi-year hiatus, this was my original thought too. But I lurked like I was taught to do like in 2007 and eventually learned through other posters.

>> No.12547458

So many newfags here act like Syrian refugees or fucking beaners, and they never try to fucking integrate. They just act like retards and ruin things.

I wish we could have a day of rope for them.

>> No.12547491

But you ain't pretending, you are an actual retard.

>> No.12547604

Nigger, I've been here since 2006, shut the fuck up.

>> No.12547612

>been here since 2006
Lol. What a cuck.

>> No.12547620
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>> No.12547628

>le u leddit maymay
See? A literal retard.

>> No.12547631

Wanna know how I know you are lying?

>> No.12547665

who the f eats pickled babies

>> No.12547688

I've been here since late 2003.
everyday is owl.

>> No.12548027

lesbian couples have a sky-high domestic violence rate, so they're like one of the guys, actually they outperform heterosexual couples in that regard
nobody beats a wife like another wife

>> No.12548038
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Why is he lying, anon? Surely you have the answers. Give us the answers. Give. Us. The. Answers....