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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 31 KB, 338x450, teflon-pan-badly-scratched.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12522904 No.12522904 [Reply] [Original]

What's the consensus on scratched teflon? Mum told me to buy a new one or I'll get cancer.

>> No.12522913

I don't particularly care either way.

>> No.12522930

Look if you live long enough and organ failure doesn't get you first you will get cancer, its inevitable. Do you really want to let that bitch dictate your life when your dying anyway?

>> No.12522943



Teflon is poison and if you have a bird as a pet it will die from the offgas if you accidently leave the pan on too high with nothing in it.
If you literally are too gay to use a proper pan with enough oil because of "muh fat", go ahead and get the teflon, invented by jews and sold to goyim to kill them off and make them infertile

Faggots like >>12522930 rationalizs their death wish because life is so empty and pathetic for them and they want to drag you down too

>> No.12523014

>he fell for the teflon meme

>> No.12523050

You weak gene piece of shit. My grandparents played with lead soldiers downwind of one of the largest lead smelters in the US. Both my grandfather's served in the navy breathing in all the God awful shit we used to paint and build and run those ships and their guns, as well as whatever burned off zeros when they crashed since my mother's dad survived 2 kamikaze hits.

They came back home lived in houses filled with lead and asbestos, one worked at an industrial printer breathing in toner for 30 years and the other raised race horses for the local track and dry walled in his spare time. Both these men should have died in their 50s based on your scare mongering, but one lived to his mid eighties and the other one, who breathed toner for 30 years, just died this spring at 94 years old because his kidneys finally gave and he said dialysis was horseshit at his age. All these people who claim this and that and the other thing are going to kill you in the long run are full of shit. The world is a crap shoot and you could smoke cigars and eat steak everyday and die of an ear infection at 97, or you could smoke for ten years and get lung cancer at 50 and be in the ground before you even retire.

>> No.12523083

I agree desu

Some peoples genetic lines are just constructed different.

My mom just did open heart surgery on a guy whose aorta exploded. Not fat not nothing, and hes only 26. Imagine your heart just giving up despite your neurotic levels of care.

I grew up before fast food being bad was common knowledge and finished party sized orders by myself as a kid. I was fat as hell so i stopped and i am fine now, but i probably could have kept going. Bloodwork is clean. I only stopped because I didnt like my happiness being dependent on food.

>> No.12523111

Maybe don't buy plastic baby toys to cook with in the first place you absolute nonce.

>> No.12523141

>I didn't die so that means it's not dangerous

>> No.12523185

I don't want kids, nor am I a little bitch, so it doesn't matter.

>> No.12523227

Based and babby's first hack philosopher ayn randpilled

>> No.12523447


Clean your fucking house. Pig.

>> No.12523838

Danger is inherent in existence, mother nature is always and will always try to snuff us out in favor of something more suitable to survival. Spending your life trying to minimize it will never get you as far as embracing and improving yourself through its crucible.

>> No.12524100

Very true check out the documentary https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Zjs3hsIFCHw

>> No.12524106

This wouldn’t happen if you didn’t use metal utensils on it. Also Teflon is redundant except for making omelettes.

>> No.12524113
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>> No.12524117
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It adds flavor to the dish.

>> No.12524118

Stick with the old pan cancer is a great way to lose weight.

>> No.12524121
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It's alright; you are cancer.

>> No.12524158

teflon has a smoke point of 1000 degrees
teflon is also completely inert as a solid

>> No.12524178
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Throw that away!

>> No.12524183

>he thinks teflon doesn't give off toxic fumes until it hits it's smoke point.
more like 450 degrees

>> No.12524654

some people are predisposed. What if you had a parent die young from it? For those people carcinogens matter.

>> No.12524822

Fucking based and redpilled.

Fucking cucked and bluepilled. Literal retarded subhuman faggot retard nigger.

>> No.12525035
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>> No.12525072

>listening to wives tale bullshit

>> No.12525113
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>> No.12525141

People are so weak these days. Millennials and zoomers, I used to eat lead paint every day. I was routinely shaken as a baby too. And look at me, I'm fine

>> No.12525249

No you're not or else you wouldn't be posting on this board

>> No.12526019
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>da joos = teh badz
>soulless corporate billionaires who poison me = doubleplusgood

>> No.12526027

>teflon is a meme

>> No.12526054
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Teflon causes cancer just by being near it. A lot of people don't want to admit it but the current millennial generation are going to have a cancer rate of 70% or higher. We ARE being poisoned. Also cell tower radiation and power cable EMFs are killing you and its a fact. Don't believe me? have you ever seen a bird sit on a cell tower? no? hmmmmmm wonder why. We are all already dead. Rage against it and fight for the future or our kids and our kids, kids won't have one.

>> No.12526061
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The weak minded sheep here are so easily manipulated that they'll argue about anything.

>> No.12526066

you're fine
t.DuPont engineer

>> No.12526120

I think about this all the time. Like how they didn't know smoking caused cancer until all the smokers started dying before age 50. Millennials are the first generation to grow up around and spend near 100% of their time with unlimited wireless data and wifi and smartphones and affordable laptops/ipads/bluetooth headphones. While sleeping next to a smartphone that's on all night usually right next to their head.

But at the same time boomers grew up eating shit out of first gen plastic dishes that melted in warm water leeching chemicals into their food, preservatives, artificial sweeteners most of which have been deemed unsafe in current year. Not to mention how bad exhaust fumes and indoor fireplaces were back then. Who the fuck even knows.

>> No.12526122


>> No.12526132

I think a lot of people underestimate how much modern medical care has done to artificially extend the lives of the boomers and their immediate successors, gen x

and they underestimate how poor their quality of life has been

>> No.12526136

it would explain the boomers' terrible health desu

>> No.12526161
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don't insult sheep

>> No.12526205

PTFE was invented by Roy J. Plunkett, an anglo, and sold as Teflon non-stick pans by Marc Grégoire, a frenchman.

>> No.12526451
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>presenting facts to conspiratards

>> No.12526660

My roommate uses a teflon pan with metal utensils. It's horrific, huge flakes of teflon hanging off of it. Getting in his food.

>> No.12526682

Retard stop posting

>> No.12526911

Keep finding excuses to hide from life and getting mad at those of us who get on with living it.

>> No.12526951

Based Boomer post

>> No.12527033

>if you have a bird as a pet it will die from the offgas if you accidently leave the pan on too high with nothing in it.
This is not true. Or rather, it's a severe exaggeration along the lines of dogs and chocolate. A 50lb dog would have to eat about 15 pounds of pure baking cocoa (the 100% concentrated kind) to show any signs of poisoning, and about triple that amount to actually kill them. Your dog could eat 180 Hershey's bars and show no ill effects. The same goes for the teflon/birds myth. You'd need a pan layered with 10 coats of teflon set to 650 degrees inside a shoebox-size airtight space with the bird for about 3 hours.

>> No.12527207

>and the obligatory teflon shill shows up spouting absolute nonsense!
$.10 has been deposited, keep up the good work!

>> No.12527227

Why the hell would anyone shill teflon? What type of dumbfuckery is that? Is the patent on teflon even still active?

>> No.12527243

>Is the patent on teflon even still active
DuPont's patent on Teflon has long since expired. There is nothing to shill. Most of it comes from China.

>> No.12527255

They're making teflon-coated wallpaper now for easy to clean walls. Birds love it.

>> No.12527408

>Birds love it
Especially when it's heated to high temperatures, their convulsive squawking death throes prove it, lol!

>> No.12527420

yup it’s cancer time

>> No.12527785

>450 degrees
American or yuropoor?

>> No.12528384
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>using teflon for anything
throw it the fuck out. i grew up in a town where a corporation was found to be dumping this shit in the drinking water for years, and here i am at 25 years old with "unexplained" testicular cancer.

>> No.12529958
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Only natural!

>> No.12529990

No Teflon at mcdonalds5

>> No.12530017

Someone gave me a teflon wok as a gift
2nd time i used it half the bottom was scraped off and in the food even tho i used plastic
I still ate it because i dont really give a shit.
Will report back when i inevitably get cancer

>> No.12530023

I hate to tell you anon but sometimes youre just unlucky. Not saying its not the cause but you cannot prove it.
My family didnt have a history of cancer until 3 of them died of it within a 5 year period

>> No.12530499

OP here, I bought a stainless steel pot with an aluminum core, made scrambled eggs and then spent 10 minutes scrubbing it, it fucking sucks but at least it's not cancer.

>> No.12530634

You have to get the pan hot before you add the oil. You need more of it than you do with Teflon. Only after the pan is hot and then oiled can you add the food. It won’t stick much if you do that correctly.

>> No.12530657

And did you think how long they would have lived without the toner and the asbestos, easy 130 years and 150 for the other, open and shut case.

>> No.12530708


>> No.12531498

Yes, but in the sense that no one knows what actually caused it because it most certainly has a cause..one of them possibly being linked to teflon.
>My family didnt have a history of cancer until 3 of them died of it within a 5 year period
i thought this was like the most curable cancer in existence?. sorry to hear that, though.

>> No.12531518
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>eat steak every day
Did you just imply that's unhealthy you fucking retard

>> No.12531576

That's what is pushed right now, red meat, grilling, breathing in to much fresh air, not farting enough, bathing in water to hot, will all give you cancer. I can't remember the last time I saw any product without that California prop warning that it contains something known to them to cause cancer. It's all a load of shit and distracts people from living a good life.

>> No.12531590


>> No.12531611

On one hand based and boompilled but on the other their generation were literally a different, stronger breed of man physically and mentally and most men today dont have the bodies or will to endure what they did, and shit like teflon can actually be harmful in the long run. and plus they weren't constantly juiced up on imitation food steroids and hormones they had real food and healthy meals and better water to get the nutrients they needed to recover for another hard day of work versus modern day John doe that sits on his ass 10 hours a day during his eyes on a computer screen for a 30 minute lunch break at McDonalds and eats a microwave dinner for supper. Lifestyles are different.

>> No.12531628


>> No.12531736

>using units of measurement from insignificant countries

>> No.12532182

Yeah, nah, that's a myth. You don't need to scratch your teflon to get cancer from it.

>> No.12532656

The workmen in England who used to hand make Files tended to be dead by age 30 if not age 25.
The reason files are made by machine nowadays, is because even the factory owners were appalled by how low the life expectancy was.

>> No.12532686

Youd have to measure that

The fact is, you could have the cancer gene. The cancer gene makes you get cancer. It also makes you easily sick in a lot of other ways. I am sure you read the positive effects of switching to cast iron or switching to raw milk, but they all get sick anyways. Just a little better.

As long as you have the cancer gene, you can pretty much accept that God is culling you. Don't fight it. Just make peace.

>> No.12532907

Birds are not that important

>> No.12533158

YUMM, teflon!
>Civilization has zero calorie drinks but we have not yet made the leap into the realm of zero calorie foods. The first step toward achieving this goal is the ability to increase the volume of food without adding calories. The industry of calorie free flavor agents such as artificial sweeteners like “Sweet’N Low” utilizes the idea of molecules which the body cannot metabolize or break down. Similar to this concept is the ability to substantially add satisfying volume and mass to food without adding calories, which can be achieved by mixing polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), an extremely inert plastic, into food.

>> No.12533187

teflon is shit in general, dont use teflon, get some 5 ply stainless steel.

>> No.12535621
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>> No.12535769
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I already got the cancer boys.

>> No.12535775

on the bright side, your intestines are now nonstick; you'll never have constipation again

>> No.12535777
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>> No.12535793

many such cases