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File: 23 KB, 400x300, in-n-out-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12514723 No.12514723 [Reply] [Original]

Why are they so based?
>burgers are like 3 dollars, 7 for a whole combo
>Christian and family owned, unlike Whataburger
>bible quotes on wrappers and cups to make feodras seethe
>never fuck with the menu, they don't even sell chicken products or salads and never will
>beef only, will never cave into vegan meme shit
>no plans to expand beyond Texas and southern Oregon
>makes flyover fags seethe
>gets compared to fancy overpriced faggot shit like Five Gays and Shit Shack
>workers are nice and friendly

only thing that maybe comes close is Chick-Fil-A, but they're chicken only

>> No.12515139

t. Calicuck

Do you take breaks from Soylent every once in a while to get a burger from this shithole?

>> No.12515184

Fuck you nigger. I held-off on trashing this thread, because the one thing my Fiance loved before she was murdered was In-n-Out. As much as I hate the idea of it, I have to respect her favorite California based burger or whatever joint.

>> No.12515228

Five guys is better

>> No.12515259
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>try in-n-out
>it's just a regular burger
Why do Califags pretend like everything is better there when it's the same as you can get anywhere else?

I get other places like Texas do the same thing but at least their stuff has some uniqueness to it.

>> No.12515586

>>no plans to expand beyond Texas and southern Oregon
There's one being built in central oregon literally as we speak

>> No.12515953

They don't have the best burgers, but they have the best burger you can get in a drive through for under 5 bucks.
How they get compared with 5 guys overpriced basic bitch burgers is a mystery.

>> No.12515955 [DELETED] 

stopped reading

>> No.12515988

>family owned
why is this a good thing. at best it's neutral, but i would say it's probably bad. glad theyre spreading the good word though

>> No.12515991

In-n-Out is just basic fast food shit. There's really nothing special about them other than they're cheap. The meat patties are thin and dry, the fries are just fries and that's kinda it.

>> No.12515992

>being indoctrinated to an outside cult just because you wanted a cheeseburger with mustard on the patties

The absolute state of Califags!

>> No.12515993

>dead fiance

>> No.12516107

You dodged a bullet when she didn't, dude.

>> No.12516192

you just have shit taste don't you?

>> No.12516214

> no plans to expand
I was going to them 15 years ago in Cali.
Did something happen or is OP retard.

>> No.12516238

Imagine liking a fast food chain like it was a personality trait

>> No.12516242

I only see people attempt this with regional chains

>> No.12516251

Whataburger and In N Out fags are the worst people. BUT MUH STATE

Great, get a personality.

>> No.12516290

Just not that good, fries suck.

>> No.12517343

>burgers ok
>fries suck
>cups smell weird
>menu is confusing
>someone always asks me if I want to eat in my car
>someone is always out side even though they have a mic to order from

>> No.12517375


>> No.12517408

Where? Bend or Salem?

>> No.12517421
File: 76 KB, 640x909, 1556497181386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fries suck

Their fries are literally the freshest of any of the fast food joints. They use fresh potatoes and cut and peel them themselvers, never frozen unlike literally everyone else.

If you hate In N Out fries you just hate potatoes. Your palette has been ruined by that frozen sugary mcdonalds shit.

>> No.12517433

Not them, but i never said i hated them. I love in n out fries. Take your meds schizo.

>> No.12517461

I’m sorry anon, you’re correct.

>> No.12517473

You know mcdonalds fries do not have sugar, right?

>> No.12517489

California resident here. I'm sorry that you can't afford to live here. I have never drank Soylent and I never will. I haven't been to In n Out in months. It might have been longer than a year. It's just a good burger place to go to sometimes. Calm the fuck down. I know you're jealous because you live in Bumfuck, Nowhere, but please sit down and shut up.

>> No.12517510

Texanon here. When Whataburger got sold to the yankees I decided to try it in my area. Altogether the burgers are 6/10, but for the price they're very good. There is a local place area chain called P Terry's that is much better, but In N Out is now 100% solid imo ever since the WhataShame.

>> No.12517518

I gave up all fast food but i do get in n ouy sometimes

Its just really good. Better than local mom n pop burger places.

>> No.12517619

I don't do fast food but if either whataburger or in-and-out opened in my shithole area I'd try them just because of all the shilling here. I'm not holding my breath though, since I'm in one of the poorest red states.

>> No.12517623
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>being christian

>> No.12517841
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>> No.12517844

Utah has In-N-Out but not Whataburger
New Mexico has Whataburger but not In-N-Out
Arizona has both

>> No.12517847

imagine still being a fucking christian in 2019

>> No.12517856

your wife sounds like a cuck

>> No.12517858

>being all elitist about some fucking fried potatoes
Literally the number 1 pleb food and you have to be a dickhead about it. No better than idiots who pay out the ass for five guys.

Fries are greasy garbage that you shovel in your piehole to go with your burger, not something that has any importance.

>> No.12517894

imagine being a logos denying faggot shitposting on a mesopotamian kite flying forum; who spends his days pilfering the web for new ways to expand his aids infested prolapsed sphincter in giddy anticipation knowing the demon fuck fest awaiting him and his kike, dyke comrades in hell

>> No.12517895

Businesses tend to go to shit when people who don't understand the core operations of the business and aren't invested in its long term success get involved. This usually means outside investors or corporate vultures trying to get into a C level position. Such people don't really care if the business survives, they just want to use the company to make a quick buck then move on to the next one. Keeping it "in the family" keeps people like that out. It also has the side effect of allowing them to more tightly control quality across branches, since the business doesn't grow too fast for them to manage.

>> No.12517897

you make way too much assumptions, mate

>> No.12517909

>pretending your greco-kike abomination is anything but a joke in current year

>> No.12517910


5 guys, pen station, jersey mikes and many other pop culture chains literally have bags of potatoes out in the open and you can watch them do the steps to make french fries. Fresh fries are actually more cost effective unless you are a globohomo corp like mcdonalds

>> No.12517993

Actually mad

>> No.12518004

>appeal to logos
good logic with bad premises is bad logic

>> No.12518163

>just scored a nice 600/month apartment in a nice area in cali
>just scored a 100k/year job
>just discovered a few nice bareback anal creampie escorts
>one of them lives by in n out
lifes looking up for me :)

>> No.12518182

InO and Whataburger were both huge disappointments. Just mediocre MickeyD's and BK clones with long lines. InO was the worst disappointment because it was just flavorless and you expect Texans to retardedly talk up every stupid thing from Texas.

>> No.12518193

the only reason people like wataburger is because of the katchup

>> No.12518938

That's what she gets for getting engaged to a racist.

>> No.12519039

>600/month apartment
>nice area in cali
It just don't add up... What part of California, anon?

>> No.12519049

>revealing any weakness on 4chan
You'll learn soon newfriend

>> No.12519060

Because it is slightly cheaper than alternatives

>> No.12519072

>gets cold in like 2 minutes
>become stupid trash

nah senpai, just nah

Unless he has roommates. then the place in his head or a 2 hour commute minimum one way

>> No.12519079

This is bait you can't get a 600$ apartment anywhere in CA except maybe some shithole in the mountains or way up north or something but I still don't belibe it

>> No.12519082


Tastes like shit. Next person to tell me "Just order it animal style man" gets shot.

>> No.12519096


Former Austinfag -- P Terry's is God.

>> No.12519101


>> No.12519102

How'd she get killed? Robbery?

>> No.12519128

Northern California, especially up in the mountains, is a beautiful place

>> No.12519169
File: 161 KB, 600x600, DCDD85FABDA7468DA8A820384BBB21A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Califonia is okay outside the heavily urban areas. Some of it is full of fat tattooed hicks though

>> No.12519189

I agree that some parts of California are nice. I was just commenting that it's hard to believe you could find a place there for $600/month that's nice

>> No.12519213
File: 1.30 MB, 245x280, really.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's hard to believe you could find a place there for $600/month that's nice
you mean it's hard to find a place in california like your shithole flyover state? lol. Dont worry they're everywhere, we just call those towns "Oaklahomas by the sea". Come back when you have some money faggot lol.

>> No.12519225

I live in a kind of shitty town in California and everything is still expensive

>> No.12519240

See below
>Come back when you have some money faggot lol.

>> No.12519322
File: 172 KB, 962x584, suzbhbrkvx131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in inland California and everything is pretty expensive because city shitheads move out and try to make the place like the city they left

>> No.12519343

>inland California
lol. so you mean the places every californian avoids. what a fag. come back with some money faggot. You're literally the equivalent of a beggar at the door of a nice restaurant. just leave.

>> No.12519364
File: 73 KB, 950x534, LA-smog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best way to handle a poor hobo/junkie is to give them a one way ticket to the city, cause you idiots will give them welfare
have fun when we man up and start charging for the water to your desert fantasy land
Your california avocado toast and almond nut juice will become REAL expensive

>> No.12519380

>The best way to handle a poor hobo/junkie is to give them a one way ticket to the city, cause you idiots will give them welfare
That's true and it's a republican caused issue. pretty much the majority of all homelessness is. Republicans got rid of asylums in the USA. Blue states are the adults in the room and dont sweep the problem under the rug like flyover states do. We pay flyover states rent too. Being the adults has its payoffs.

>> No.12519397
File: 68 KB, 1080x769, fed_spending_dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no correlation along party lines, coastie

>> No.12519409

"Fuck you, Nebraska." - government apparently

>> No.12519433

Why do you morons keep posting these graphs meant to trick stupid people? Are YOU actually that stupid? It's like saying "I spend less on computer parts than Bill Gates therefore i'm more wise with my money". Take that flyover state faggotry back to topeka bitch. lol

>> No.12519446
File: 53 KB, 770x415, ggshceW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SF has a literal poo poo pee pee patrol. Careful not to step on any (free) hypodermic needles!

>> No.12519461

Yup. thanks to republicans and flyover fags. I grew up in rural North California and I could only get weed from hobos. They were ALL from flyover states and they were ALL mentally disabled in some way. Republicans got rid of asylums and blue states stepped up to take care of it. LIKE ADULTS. by the way we sent your next months rent check. Your welcome sweetie! You choosing life as a fag hasnt affected our relationship.

>> No.12519494

Is that true? I am born n raised california. During my time in the bay area there does seem to be a trend of all the vagrants being from out of state. Also the young fresh faced vagrants that still have some mental clarity seem to not ever be from california either. Yet they have the dreadlocks and everything. But their faces match. Theyre all the type of white from across the country. Makes me wonder what lived they lead before hauling a shitstained milsurp bag and a leashed pitbull onto the bus.

>> No.12519502

That's because you insist on giving free medical, dental, and tampons to every Jose Schmoe that walks through the door.
If asylums were good, then why doesn't California have tons of them? Oh right faggot, they fell out of favour everywhere because they're deemed cruel and abusive
Just grow it yourself idiot, I doubt you've ever seen a deer outside of your concrete jungle
Birds of a feather flock together.

>> No.12519504

Flyover states get the sheriff to push hobos out of town, and when they get too numerous they ship them to the next town over. The hobos end up in blue states because they believe in individual rights even if they are mentally disabled. Republicans killed funding for asylums in the USA so they are now mostly extinct. Democrats tried to save asylums but republicans (Ronald Regan) killed it finally. Now repubs complain about homelessness to no end because they're retarded.

>> No.12519508

See this post. You should be paying me for tutoring faggot.

>> No.12519519

Oh i know about this system. Each countys sheriff pushes around hobos too. Fuck. Didnt know other states did it as well

Seriously though, the homelessness got fucking insane in los angeles in just a couple years. It was nowhere near this bad in even 2009. People just moving into LA sometimes talk about the tents like its a part of the city but I want to slap their fucking mouth

>> No.12519523
File: 82 KB, 644x1024, W900DRw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what you're saying is that asylums are bad because they violate individual rights but good because they keep the homeless off the streets. Does it hurt your overempathetic brain to have such cognitive dissonance?

>> No.12519527

It's always been bad and it's always been the trend. You can see it in old movies (Rambo: first blood) and you can see it in the recent news where Nevada just dumped it's mentally insane criminals into SF and LA. Red states are literally children sweeping their problems under the rug and then pretending they're adults. Flyover states are the niggers of the USA. worse than blacks

>> No.12519531

>So what you're saying is that asylums are bad because they violate individual rights but good because they keep the homeless off the streets.
I never said that. Are you so fucking retarded that your reading comprehension is 3rd grade level? where are you getting this retard shit you stupid faggot?

>> No.12519533

Where are the Californian asylums? Sacramento for one needs one. If mental health is such a priority, why doesn't the Capital address the issue in their very own backyard.

>> No.12519544

We should just ID them and send them back to their home state and let them figure it out.

>> No.12519546

Dont take offense for me responding this way. But dont ever (you) me again you stupid faggot. I already typed out that asylums were defunded. What the fuck do you want me to say?

>> No.12519562

California is the bluest state ever. You can't blame all your problems on Reagan, whose amnesty bills turned red-as-Texas California blue overnight. Where is the solution from the """adults in the room?""" it seems the solution is to just let them beee, man. Shitting in the streets is part and parcel of living in a major city. Where are the mental health facilities? We' supposedly have a GDP higher than most countries yet can't address homegrown social problems.

>> No.12519563

the whole deinstitutionalization thing isn't strictly a US thing and homelessness still existed in the two red states i've lived in. anyways it was kicked off by a a blue house and blue president and, ya fumbled along way. its almost like no matter which side you're on the government is still incompetent. i mean if one side wants out of sight, out of mind and had it, why get rid of it?

>> No.12519578

>Where are the mental health facilities?
Your argument is based on this because you are a retard and once again you should be paying me for your tutoring. If california opens up a mental health Asylum system like the old days in USA then california will now house ALL of the flyover state vagrants AND be legally liable for them. Listen. You've made ZERO decent points tonight and just start and abandon arguments. why dont you shut the fuck up like the retard you are?

>> No.12519592

Calm down anon. I feel like you're getting hyped up in your own corner.

>> No.12519593

>and homelessness still existed in the two red states i've lived in
I stopped reading after you typed this retarded shit. Who said that homelessness was eradicated ANYWHERE. fucking retard.

>> No.12519617

They choose to be liable for them. Newson just expanded the state expansion of medicare in the 215$ billion dollar budget to include noncitizens like undocumented immigrants and they want to expand covered california to people making up to 74k/yr.
Don't act like you're the victims here of the poor red states when you keep overexpanding your budget. Waah, we're the victims because we choose to support any schmuck that comes by asking for a handout.

>> No.12519629

Also there are ZERO inconsistencies in my arguments, unlike perfect you who handwaves away the fact that not all red states are net negative contributors because "we spend more so that means smaller states don't matter" when we're talking about net contributions. All you've done is browbeat people who disagree with you.

>> No.12519642

You red state and poor-cali fags are all the same. You cant hold a single argument so you just move on to the next. The ONLY thing you can do is gish gallop like fags.

>> No.12519647

>unlike perfect you who handwaves away the fact that not all red states are net negative contributors because
this is straw man faggotry. i never said "all" red states. this is you inserting faggotry.

>> No.12519655

Ironically enough i want the white hobos to just die

>> No.12519658

You relentlessly blamed flyover states and Republicans, although you never linked the two.

>> No.12519663

Shut your faggot mouth up. If you want to say something. then say it. but no more faggot shit.

>> No.12519669

>Flyover states get the sheriff to push hobos out
they're either pushed out and homelessness isn't a problem there or they're not pushed out, can't have it both ways. also hobos are migratory by definition i think the word you're looking for is bum.

>> No.12519674

>i think the word you're looking for is bum.


>> No.12519678

My fav word is vagrant

But some of them are just straight up chain breaking, touched-by-God lunatics

>> No.12519691


But i agree with you anon. They should all be round up and shot

>> No.12519692

I like when they blow their cost of living through the roof then bitch about paying more in federal taxes like its Iowa's fault

>> No.12519761

I think Kaizer and they have one in Medford

>> No.12521575

>Whataburger isn't family owned
sure thing dumbass