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12506299 No.12506299 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, guys, I need to buy a new coffeee machine, this is my first choice, how stupid I am?

>> No.12506638

Unless you're a moron and want to prepare coffee the night before and program it to start automatically in the morning, the simplest one you can find will most likely be the best you can do for drip machines.

>> No.12507676

have you seen how it works?

it is like getting coffee from a gas station.

>> No.12507999
File: 28 KB, 626x626, Chemex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"coffee machines" are all just electric percolators. then there are Keurigs which are ultra high-maintenance environment killers. espresso is the only reason to buy an electric coffee maker and then you need to learn how to use it and maintain it properly.

If all you want is coffee, get a chemex. It makes drip cup and carafe in one. The reason to do this over a regular drip-into-mug setup is that you're going to want more than one cup of coffee in the morning. For the next level you'll want an electric kettle with adjustable temperature so that you can use water that's exactly 200°F. Use fresh, clean filtered water. Don't use an electric grinder because the speed of the blades burns the beans. Burr grinders are expensive and take up a lot of counter space, but there are handcrank models that are small and don't use electricity.

>> No.12508101

what do you recommed for a espresso machine?

>> No.12508170

you people just make normal people tired. Just tired. Get a goddamn cheap espresso machine and a good burr grinder you stupid stupid stupid fucking assholes.

>> No.12508449

>How stupid I am?
Pretty stupid and pathetic for drinking bean water.

>> No.12508544

I couldn't tell you. An espresso machine can cost you $50-$3000 and how much you spend depends on what you want out of it. Instant? Just espresso or do you also want cappuccino? Single-boiler? Double-boiler? Manual or vaario? What's your budget? You're going to have to do a lot of research to decide on a model. Learn everything you can about what makes an espresso machine and then start looking at product specs. Do not fall for crafty marketing schemes or any machine that tries to reinvent steam-expelled coffee.

>> No.12508582
File: 6 KB, 225x225, Moka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheaper alternatives to an electric espresso machine are moka pots and the AeroPress. They're close but still not the same as espresso. Only get a moka pot if you have a gas stove. Use a low flame and watch it like a hawk. The coffee is done when it stops coming out of the center pipe. Immediately turn off the stove and pour the coffee or it will become bitter. Really good coffee, but requires a lot of attention.

The AeroPress is cheap, quick, convenient and easy to clean. Great for camping and a nice gateway into espresso. It's not the same and it doesn't steam milk, but it's a good way to decide if you really want to make the investment for a proper espresso machine. You can always just warm up some milk and use a milk frother, but it's still not the same as steamed milk.

>> No.12508587

chemex is trash. The thick filters filter out everything. It basically makes tea. Get a v60 or any other real pour over.

>> No.12508606

aero. press.

>> No.12508618


This is actually what I use but it's a different brand, not a Hario v60. The concept and process behind making pour-over is always going to be the same no matter what. I don't like it because you need a separate carafe which means an extra thing to wash in the morning if you're making more than one cup. If you're using a pour-over system like this, get one that's metal, glass or ceramic, nothing plastic.

If you don't like the thick Chemex filters, get a thinner compatible brand. Likewise, Melita brand filters are usually too thick - try to avoid brown filters.

>> No.12508627

i always make my v60 next to a DJ, I don't see any other way

>> No.12508739

Why purchase a uni-tasker? Does your stove not boil water? Do you not own a mesh strainer?

>> No.12508921

Timers are stupid too. You just put the coffee and water in the night before. Turn on, takes 6 minutes. Most of them you can pour while they're brewing so even less. They tend to last a good while.

>> No.12508926

Look at this sperging.
OP didn't ask to spend $200 and have 47 steps to take.
OP wants an automatic drip coffee maker, like normal people.

>> No.12508930
File: 285 KB, 1600x1200, portafilter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dull pricks couldn't make a coffee if it saved your life.

>> No.12509004
File: 1.72 MB, 425x500, MtZOyo9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12509126
File: 948 KB, 500x274, grunge.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys prefer to listen to Mudhoney or watch Cameron Crowe movies while making your 'spresso? How many flannel shirts do you own? How long have you owned your Doc Martens?
Are you going to the WTO protest?
Why do you buy machines marketed by Corporate Puppets?
How yellow is your Ledbetter?

>> No.12509443

i got paid to make coffee at a restaurant.
I want an espresso machine cause it was so damn nice to make and tasted great.