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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12494052 No.12494052 [Reply] [Original]

Taco time

>> No.12494058

Those are gonna be whypeepo tacos.

>> No.12494064
File: 1.67 MB, 961x711, ramon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no fuck off with this pleb flyover Tuesday night taco faggotry

>> No.12494073

Yes they will

>> No.12494085

low quality bait
OP can't even cook something that doesn't have microwave directions on the box.

>> No.12494087

But I’m not microwaving the shells. I will put them in the oven

>> No.12494092

this is disgusting fuck you op

>> No.12494101

Obviously nowhere near as good as authentic. Who cares though? Honkey tacos are still delicious.

>> No.12494113

Fuck I wish my costco sold ground beef like that.

>> No.12494117

could add pico or diced peppers/onion/tomato, why are all you virgins acting like this is a toast sandwich though? good faux-mex is as good as the real thing

>> No.12494140
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All Costco’s do....
Yeah I usually do add tomato, but I forgot to buy one when I was at the store today. Oh well

>> No.12494148

how do people even get this tasteless? where are the peppers, onions, hot sauce, salsa, cilantro, avocado, literally anything with flavor?

>> No.12494157

hang on there rockafeller, are you telling me to buy one of those pus-green ballbag fruits to make my dinner more... what exactly? flavorful? the oil ball with no flavor profile whatsoever?

>> No.12494160

Dam Son....relax. Nothing wrong with trailer park tacos.

>> No.12494162

I'm gay btw not sure if that matters

>> No.12494163

It has seasoning

>> No.12494164

>hard shells
>real tacos
tip top kek. wypipo need to stick to meatloaf and casserole

>> No.12494180

I love Americanized tacos, I live in Los Angeles. Both are good, you don't have to love one and hate the other, you dumb faggots.

>> No.12494188

>I live in Los Angeles
what makes you think living in LA makes your """opinion""" more credible? dumbass.
>t. San Fernando Valley native

>> No.12494192
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>buying shredded lettuce
nigga like, just buy the fucking lettuce, it's cheaper

>> No.12494194

Eat shit, you nigger.

>> No.12494202

Los Angeles has great Mexican food? Are you retarded? Or some gay area faggot?

>> No.12494209
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>old el paso

>> No.12494210

Prolly 'cuz L.A. is full of messicans...that means there are likely more authentic mom and pop taco joints. Same as in Houston. Be less dumb, mkay?

>> No.12494225
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Iceberg lettuce is shit

Anyways, I wish I had a tomato. But these will still be good

>> No.12494226

Americanized tacos with cut up steak and all those toppings like tomato, onion, maybe guac, sour cream, etc. It's like a nacho sandwich. Faggots like to talk shit because it isn't authentic, yeah well no shit, that doesn't mean it's bad.

>> No.12494235

Nice street tacos

>> No.12494238

Not that I've seen at my local ones here in Alberta Canada. Unless that comes from the frozen section?

>> No.12494250
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>> No.12494252

I'm a spic
all the food in LA is made by mexicans. If you go to a chinese restaurant, the FOH are chinks and the BOH/cooks are all mexicans.
>hard shell tacos
tip top kek

>> No.12494262

Yeah look in the frozen section. It’s a good deal too. Like $17 for 5 1lb tubes. It makes it easy to plan. You can put a pound in the refrigerator the night before you want to cook and it’ll be thawed the next day

>> No.12494268

>too much lettuce
>meat is too dry
>no sauce, not even some measly tabasco

>> No.12494271

That would explain why I haven't seen it. I will look for it in the frozen section next time I am there. Thank you anon!

>> No.12494289


Down here in mexico me n all my hermanos eat hard shell tacos

>> No.12494300

food is literally the one thing mexicans are good at

>> No.12494306

Wow dude you went all out to make it home made. Authentic/10

>> No.12494320

what about boxing?

>> No.12494321

You forgot painting and cutting lawns

>> No.12494336

they're not good at it, they just do it acceptably well for little money.

>> No.12494345

Yeah. Beaners have a distorted concept of time, anytime I sublet work to a spic they never meet the deadline we agree to. Spics do that, once they have guaranteed work its cerveza and music time. Fucking lazy sons of whores, all of them. Hard working mexican is a fucking lie.

>> No.12494347

It’s totally worth it. Also, look where the frozen hamburger patties are. They are usually located near them
Do real Mexicans actually eat hard shell? I always thought it was just Tex-mex

>> No.12494354

>Hard working mexican is a fucking lie.
lmao no mexican actually believes that bs, they just say it to spite burgers. I lived in Mexico and mexicans are the first to shit on themselves bigtime.

>Do real Mexicans actually eat hard shell?
no, not in six gorillion years. You can't find it in a mexican supermarket. Most mexicans don't even know such a thing exists except from watching american movies or tv.
They do eat tostadas tho, which are like flat, crunchy tortillas with stuff on top. Not the same thing but there you are.

>> No.12494364

I know, it's all a fucking lie. They live in the moment, JUST like blacks. Eat, sleep, get drunk, fuck. That is paradise to a beaner, they have no concept of trust, honor, etc; they are bought off and corrupt, and quick to turn even on their own race. Savage animals that are marketed as modern day slaves. What more do you expect? The main thing the people are known for is food, labor, and violence.

Just imagine if the USA was bordered by a country that could pull it's own weight.

>> No.12494383

the taco bell kits are better. it's hard to make great tacos. never tried frying those steak strips they have whatever they are.

>> No.12494387

maybe I work on that next, a really great taco.

>> No.12494394

>Eat, sleep, get drunk, fuck. That is paradise to a beaner, they have no concept of trust, honor, etc; they are bought off and corrupt, and quick to turn even on their own race.
The funny thing is, mexicans themselves admit this openly among themselves, but they just get uppity when le evil wypipo say it. Typical latin behaviour, appearance>reality. It doesn't matter that you're a lazy shit, but it matters that you get called a lazy shit.

>Just imagine if the USA was bordered by a country that could pull it's own weight.
apples and oranges m8
The USA's history of imposing puppet dictatorships over latin america doesn't help. Mexico did very well under the firm grasp of Porfirio Díaz, then the (((mexican revolution))) happened, financed largely by the US, and turned mexico into a client state. You can't have your own country sabotaging others to make them dependent on you, and then complain that they're dependent on you.

>> No.12494419

They still make those?

>> No.12494421

idk, haven't made them in years

>> No.12494481

depending where you are, go to like a king taco or local taco place and ask to buy their red sauce separately, they usually sell it in little Styrofoam containers. that added to anything taco related makes it 10x better. also next time buy a can of fat free refried beans

>> No.12494527

trader joes has the best premade seasoning

>> No.12494667

it matters if you‘re posting on r/gaymen

>> No.12495248

reminds me of my mom
she couldn't cook her way out of a paper bag

>> No.12495291

>boxed taco shells

Ok what the fuck

>> No.12495299


>> No.12495304
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>flour tortillas

>> No.12495496

I like the shells more desu

>> No.12495551

If he fried them, it would be okay

>> No.12495599

Only white people can make good tacos good job OP!

>> No.12496272

I like flyover tacos except for the lettuce. why the fuck do wh*toids put lettuce on their tacos? if you want green shit cilantro actually has flavor instead of tasting like watery cardboard.

>> No.12496290

Half of white people have a gene that makes cilantro taste like soap and insects.

Meat is too lean, and you should add some onions and peppers and hot sauce.

>> No.12496309

>if you want green shit cilantro actually has flavor instead of tasting like watery cardboard.

White people can't handle anything with too much flavor or spice. It gives them horrible diarrhea.

>> No.12496331
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>> No.12496335

you didn't use the seasoning packet

>> No.12496339

it's too spicy

>> No.12496346

Yes I did

>> No.12496353

>using lettuce on tacos

>> No.12496363

for god's sake at least let those tortillas brown up slightly on a dry pan

>> No.12496365

you were explicitly instructed to add some water, yet you didn't.

>> No.12496366

I don't know, that might make them too spicy

>> No.12496383
File: 770 KB, 638x638, 1560143293794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pre-shredded cheese
what the fuck

>> No.12496387

> no red lentil tortillas

>> No.12496395

Yes I did

>> No.12496401

Do you always by various kinds of cheese and shred them yourself just to make tacos?

>> No.12496421

i usually have at least two types of cheese on hand but why would you even need more then one? if you're gonna buy the shitty leftover scraps that get turned into the pre-shredded stuff and covered in corn starch just buy pre-diced onions while you're at it.

>> No.12496424

OP don't listen to the haters, this is more relevant to /ck/ than 95% of our resident retards are capable of producing.

>> No.12496429

>Just imagine if the USA was bordered by a country that could pull it's own weight.
Ooh, wait the the boys doon Timmies hear aboot this, eh?

>> No.12496449

Normal countries sell more block cheese than pre-shredded cheese.

>> No.12496468

>shred them yourself JUST to make tacos

You are stupidly lazy. It takes about 10 seconds to grate enough for tacos and blocks of cheese cost sometimes as little as half of what its pre shredded counterpart sells for. There is no reason to ever buy shredded cheese. Plus shredded cheese looses a shit ton of moisture and therefore doesnt melt well

>> No.12496478

>thinking dry, pre made "seasoning" comes anywhere close to simple fresh ingredients
I pity you

>> No.12496488

>emptying contents of a bag compared to shredding and dirtying a shredder that's a bitch to clean
>most of the time shredded cheese is cheap as hell, 5 for 5 sometimes
shiggy diggy

>> No.12496494

White people can't digest flavor and spice in significant quantities. Most can barely handle a pinch of black pepper.

>> No.12496505

I always by blocks of Romano, mozzarella, and cheddar, because I use those often. But I don’t for taco friendly cheeses

>> No.12496510

nice cruciferous crunch

>> No.12496512

Never said that you stupid fucking retard

>> No.12496514

Its about cost and quality. Pre shredded cheese is NOT cheaper than block cheese. That doesnt even make sense. Youre paying for convenience of having it shredded for you. A cheese grater takes 30 seconds to wash. Not hard at all. Where did you come up with all these lies? Do you buy pre sliced apples too, faggot?

>> No.12496516

cheddar is taco friendly, tastelet

>> No.12496523

Good cheese is never sold pre-shredded. If it comes shredded it's guaranteed to be shit tier.

Also, pre-shredded and pre-sliced cheese goes bad faster than cheese in a block or wheel. It's a fool's purchase.

>> No.12496533

that's what raw onion is for

>> No.12496536

Yeah, but I also like Monterey Jack, queso, and asadero in my tacos

>> No.12496549

based and cheesepilled

Glad there's at least one other non-autist here. The amount of money that people through away on convenience factor is gross. Like the pre sliced fruit they sell in the produce section for 3x as much as the whole fruit. fucking why

>> No.12496564

why not both?

>> No.12496592

Again, I didn’t want to buy queso and arasado just for tacos

>> No.12496633

This all cooks in LA are either Chinese or Mexican

>> No.12496639

And if you want to waste your money that's fine. I'm just informing you how stupid it is. Also block cheese lasts a long time, so you could just get some and use it several times. No wait, that would make too much sense.

>> No.12496652

Sorry, I don't speak Mexican, but those look like a quality selection of ingredients to prepare the all-American delicacy known as meat wraps (though my family calls them "meat envelopes"). Anyhow, I suggest some avocado spread, and some red or green chili sauce. And, don't forget the refried beans!

Meat wraps: the American meal that makes George Washington proud to whip his slaves.

>> No.12496664

if you live in a wh*toid area you won't be able to find quesadilla cheese that isn't pre-shredded.

lettuce is a tasteless filler ingredient

>> No.12496679

>lettuce is a tasteless filler ingredient
so? get some texture in it not to mention some much needed fiber

>> No.12496684

Well that's just completely. My city here in southern oregon is 94% white and even walmart has good quality mexican cheese that aren't pre shredded. Plus we have a hispanic market here.

>> No.12496691

completely wrong*

>> No.12496722

You’re retarded

>> No.12496737

you can find oaxacan cheese in basically any walmart

>> No.12496774

ad hominem is not an argument, friend

>> No.12496817

not where I live. all they have is a bunch of great value pre-shredded crap and some cracker barrel swiss and cheddar. if I go to the town grocery they have some block cheese from a local dairy but it's all different kinds of cheddar.

>> No.12496832
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i love whypeepo tacos, heres mine

>> No.12496838

in mine they keep the cheese in like three different areas and the oaxacan cheese is next to other mexican items near the sour cream

>> No.12496847

>if you live in a wh*toid area you won't be able to find quesadilla cheese that isn't pre-shredded.
Dude I live in fucking Mississippi and I can find queso quesadilla in block form. Apply yourself.

>> No.12496949

proper quesadilla cheese should come in a rope that has been wrapped into a ball, and pulls apart like string cheese

>> No.12497004
File: 17 KB, 300x225, chihuahua_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can get that too but that's queso Oaxaco. Queso Chihuahua is what I'm talking about. It comes in a block or wheel.

>> No.12497005

your mom's dick comes in a rope that has been wrapped into a ball

>> No.12497051

No U