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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12480520 No.12480520[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What kind of soda society do you live in?

>> No.12480525

Where's the one on the right?

>> No.12480528

The one with 35 cent Faygo machines lying around

>> No.12480530


>> No.12480537


>> No.12480542

but it’s so cold here we often don’t even have outdoor vending machines

>> No.12480554

We live in a society

>> No.12480561 [DELETED] 


i'm getting really fucking sick of living in brooklyn. i'm not even white, i'm a chink and these niggers do their best to just annoy the fuck of me with their passive aggressive thug behavior. i swear to god when china takes over i'm going to be the one lining them up against the blood stained wall for the firing squads.

>> No.12480564

Japan is the last place on Earth that still has what was once considered White culture
>no public trash bins, everyone just carries their trash home to throw it away
>everyone cleans up after themselves
>no leaving shopping carts anywhere you want in the parking lot

>> No.12480569

I went to vegas a few weeks and it was the first time I actually encountered southern blacks.
I was standing outside a store with my sunglasses on standing still and when I moved to checked my phone, a gang of a dozen black dudes surrounded me hollering “ay yo I thought this dude was mannequin! hahaha hol up haha haha” type stuff for like a solid 30 seconds, it was weird as fuck (yes i’m pale)

>> No.12480570

They lock vending machines in? Do Americans really steal them?

>> No.12480573

>weeaboo /pol/tard
Have sex

>> No.12480586

No, blacks do

>> No.12480590

I've never seen that even in the ghetto. In the ghetto there just won't be any vending machines.

>> No.12480591

This was never white culture.

>> No.12480598

they have them at schools because kids will tip the machines over

>> No.12480605 [DELETED] 

Niggers steal everything

>> No.12480613
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>> No.12480622

fuck off gook

>> No.12480645

it would upset me too in the moment, but i would realize later that that was possible the most based thing he could have said. it feels bad to be ridiculed, i know; based though--no denying

>> No.12480653

First two are fucking lies. Streets are clean, some parks are nightmares. Yes, there are trash bins, just very few.

Yeah go to a Google Earth program and start waltzing around a smaller city. It's fun. There's some real damned severe downsides to their little civilization though, I mean outright corruption. But yeah it is probably whiter than white places now.

>> No.12480692

Yeah it might have to do with 1950’s America forcing a destroyed Japan to adapt and mimic their culture

>> No.12480704

It's literally true, why does people liking a country trigger niggers so much?
>low crime
>people still leave their doors unlocked (at least in the countryside)
>Japs can't handle spicy food
>selfies and Instagramming their Starbucks
>if you lose your wallet it will almost certainly be returned
>I've forgotten my phone in my bike basket, come back an hour later, it's still there
>people still believe in dressing nice (not white culture now but it formerly was)
>honor system actually WORKS
>people generally don't throw trash in the streets
>the concept of neighborhood vending machines is actually feasible
>cops still carry 5-shot .38 revolvers

Cue the "but the birthrate is low Japan BTFO"

>> No.12480705

>White culture
Pretty sure whites have been dumping garbage wherever they want since forever. Japanese have always been obsessed with cleanliness and collective shame, so no one wants to be the one who throws trash on the sidewalk.

>> No.12480709

Cultural and economic imperialism will do that

>> No.12480729

>t. hasn't lived out side of Harlem

>> No.12480743

>cops still carry 5-shot .38 revolvers
How the hell is that relevant? Nostalgia? You think they should be proud of being dangerously outdated?

Even back when they were extremely common issue here they were commonly called widow-makers, not for killing criminals, but because the cops died so often utilizing them. Real life isn't a John Wayne movie and you protect your police and the citizens around them by giving them a modern sidearm for the very rare instance they need to use it. Compared to their vehicle, insurance, waged, etc; issuing a single firearm should be relatively cheap.

>> No.12480746

go back to your reddit containment board

>> No.12480911

wrong. carrying cans home to recycle is a pillar of western judeo christian values. don't you dare say I'm making things up because of brain disease.

>> No.12480921

Because crime is so miniscule and gun laws are so restrictive that there hasn't been a need to upgrade yet. It's 2019 and they still haven't had their Miami-Dade yet

>> No.12480937
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reminds me of middle school, lots of dollars bills and bags of change(i'm not black btw)

>> No.12480971

>(i'm not black btw)

whiter than you, hebrew

>> No.12481018

>Japs can't handle spicy food
Shit I really like spicy stuff and I plan on going there.

>> No.12481063

Did you even read my post? There's always a need to "upgrade". Human anatomy never changes, nor does the fact that those things carry 5 rounds, are slow to reload, and are chambered in a shit cartridge. Be proud of the fact that you don't use your guns, not that they're antiques that got people killed even when they weren't antiques.

>> No.12481183

>White culture
>no leaving shopping carts
bitch the only people who do that shit are white people

>> No.12481199

My highschool put in a new vending machine outside one day with a glass window
A month into the year some kid threw a brick at it and stole all the Taquis which was a fad at my school that year
Didn't steal anything else
I'm glad I don't live at that part of town anymore

>> No.12481209

>t. seething (Mutt)lander
Certainly not more than other groups in my country.

>> No.12481463

You DO understand most police - perpetrator incidents involving firearms with shots fired are over normally within five minutes, if even that. They don't exactly need to have more than 5 rounds, with probably a few for reload, as the engagement would probably be over in 2 rounds.
>Human anatomy never changes
So they might as well be using a .22. A bullet is a bullet anon muh stopping powah is just a meme, I shoot a man with a .22 in a vital area, he's just as dead as if I shot him with a .50 cal. Only difference is he still has his limbs attached.

>> No.12481485

Yes we do. Where the hell are you that some crap stripmall convenience/grocery store doesn't have a vending machine outside?

>> No.12481506

I’d like to interject with the fact of Japan’s birth rate being so low, it’s almost non-existent. It seems as though your argument has been, dare I say, BTFO.

>> No.12481518
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That means it's up to us to bring it back up.
Or just let it slowly depopulate, and become a second Pripyat in the way of nature taking over old abandoned buildings, now ripe for exploration. That'd be kinda cool, I guess.

>> No.12481526

They should use .45, has unrivalled stopping power. It stopped the Japs in WW2 it can stop them again

>> No.12481575

>A bullet is a bullet anon muh stopping powah is just a meme, I shoot a man with a .22 in a vital area, he's just as dead as if I shot him with a .50 cal.
You're an idiot.
You're literally as bad as the fucking retards that cry WHY DIDN'T HE JUST SHOOT HIM IN THE LEG? WHY DIDN'T HE SHOOT THE WEAPON OUT OF HIS HAND?
Larger calibers mitigate the necessity for extremely accurate shot placement.
Furthermore, chances of survival go down the more you have to shoot someone; Somebody who gets shot with a dozen .22s will have less chance of living than someone who gets shot by a single 9mm.

>> No.12481584

The FBI finally switched back to 9mm a few years ago, after all their fucking crying about penetration and 10mm and 40 S&W.
If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for anybody. It's why I carry an M&P Shield instead of some fucking fedora meme double stack 1911.

>> No.12481597


>> No.12481601

anyone has the pic on the right

it's pretty aesthetic

>> No.12481620

He was being sarcastic, he said that with your logic there's no point in using larger calibers

>> No.12481663

I used to work on the strip and learned how to deal with blacks very quickly. Sometimes it's best to ignore them and let them as not to rile them up further, but you can't appear weak. Sometimes you have to tell them to fuck off immediately but without appearing like an aggressor, just someone tired of their nigger shit. I heard Vegas stopped hosting the Harlem Globetrotters, because the niggerdom that would come to town was out of control. I always avoided being out there when there was a big nigger concert in town, because that's always a huge shit show. Fight nights were okay, because they would segregate themselves from wherever Mexicans set up. Generally blacks would stay to areas with stoops, and Mexicans will literally set up full on mariachi bands and grill outs wherever they can get away with it. The super shitty Mexicans with tear drop tats and such would usually stick to Fremont area. Mexicans hate niggers so much that they'll defend anyone in their area from nogs without hesitation. Every once in a while I saw a Mexican beat on his girl, but it would take less than 60 seconds for someone (usually another Mexican) in the vicinity to beat the shit out of them. It's always good to stick to areas that are heavy on cameras, private security, and cops, because as soon as you point that out to anyone out of control they fuck off real fast.

>> No.12481711


Na they switched for bullshit reasons too, either way I know the size of a hole a .45 leaves and the size a 9mm leaves and i'd rather have the 45.

>> No.12481722
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>> No.12481730

high trust low trust - monocultural, multicultural

>> No.12481731

Man I really miss all the vending machines from when I visited Japan. Germany has almost none, aside from some shitty ones near train stations etc.

>> No.12482037

I've never seen caged vending machines, but I also don't make a habit out of entering the ghetto. When I studied in France, my host family told me that self serve soda fountains in fast food places/cafeterias were very uncommon there due to abuse/vandalism in places where they'd tried to implement them. And they were talking about French people fucking them up not arabs. I thought it was really strange, but I don't know if it was a local or nationwide problem.

>> No.12482047

This should not be surprising to anyone who's spent even a small amount of time around niggers. Niggers will steal bikes even if they have 10 stolen ones piled up in their backyards already.

>> No.12482069

Visit Utah and tell me that whites (who haven't been ravaged by the meth and opioid crisis and aren't soleless atheists) dump their garbage wherever they want. Cleanest place I've ever seen. Visit any 95% and up white town in Connecticut. No trash. I saw whites throw trash on the ground a lot in Europe though.

>> No.12482077

Soulless, anon. They have soles even in Utah.

>> No.12482078

This. The Japanese were supposedly quite savage before we nuked the shit out of them.

>> No.12482083

Does the Japanese one sell schoolgirl panties?

>> No.12482085

Lol whoops.

>> No.12482087


>> No.12482090

Did the Natives steal them, Mr. Jericho?

>> No.12482109

Absolutely no fucking way that niggers and beaners put their carts back more often than whites. My local dollar store implemented the quarter system for a few months to deal with all the lazy shitskins, but they are too lazy to put their carts back even for the quarter. They ended up going back to regular carts and hiring someone to put them back all day.

>> No.12482416

>selfies and Instagramming their Starbucks
That's outright untrue. Just look at any Nip twitter and you'll be bombarded with food pics and selfies, I'd argue even more so than most places.
>people still believe in dressing nice (not white culture now but it formerly was)
That's nice and also really shitty, especially in their horrific corporate structure.
Other wise though I agree with your points. You can't ever bring up up Japan and how for the most part it works pretty well without a bunch of redditors screaming WEEB and /POL/ at you anymore.
4chan is an otaku website non-otaku can fuck off.

>> No.12482501
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>Anon, Japan doesn't need to protect machines against theft

>> No.12482521


>no public trash bins, everyone just carries their trash home to throw it away

u wot

>> No.12482564

The Japanese must separate their trash into multiple categories. It might be 5. That's why they need to take it home.

In most parts of America there is only trash and recyclable. If something recyclable goes in the trash no one cares. Some municipalities are getting out of recycling because it is too expensive and the recycling centers only make more money by charging more for their service due to virgin materials being cheaper to use. Recycling is a crock of shit pushed by leftists to create a business to make them money providing a service no one needs.

>> No.12482575

I have never seen a cage on a soda machine. So i guess i live in mostly low crime areas.

>> No.12482581

Recycling is genuinely pretty important, also we need to seriously get into recycling organic material (not organic like the gay kind, the chemist’s definition of organic) because realistically tons of the shit at the dumb is biodegradable but we just bury it in a shithole where it never goes away.

>> No.12482604

Feels like there's a lot of derping back and forth. Seems like ammunition used is more important than your bullshit caliber wars. Controlled expansion rounds come in all sorts of flavors and are definitely the way to go.

>> No.12482618
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>Ohashi was born in Wakkanai, the northernmost city in Japan. At the opposite end of the island, on the southern tip, sits Urakawa, a town with a population density of just 18 people per square kilometer: "There are vending machines in places that make one wonder if a customer will ever come."Eiji Ohashi


>> No.12482627

I honestly can't recall seeing a vending machine anywhere in public at all in the last five years or so. Only at the gym.

>> No.12482633
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>> No.12482635
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>> No.12482636

holy shit this is beautiful
god damn it I'm crying now

>> No.12482639
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>> No.12482651

>The Japanese must separate their trash into multiple categories. It might be 5. That's why they need to take it home

literally fucking what, vending machines have recycling bins attached to them and there's burnable/non-burnable waste bins at stations etc

t. been there

>> No.12482655

What you are thinking of is called composting and it is pretty pointless.

>> No.12482674

Due to Japan's recycling autism, that needs further meticulous sorting which is why there are few trash cans like someone said earlier.

In America quite a bit of the recyclables are sorted by the recycling centers into normal trash.

>> No.12482680
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>> No.12482685
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>> No.12482691
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>> No.12482723

Not sure if they still do this, but Purdue Pharma used to put recycling bins at everyone's desk but dump the contents into the regular trash at the end of the day, presumably because they didn't feel like eating the cost of actual recycling.

>> No.12482964

If it's biodegradable why wouldn't it break down when it's buried?

>> No.12482997

I don’t know but they’ve found grass clippings that were still green in garbage dumps

>> No.12483002

if it's buried, it might decompose differently due to aerobic bacteria vs anaerobic bacteria
some greenhouse gasses are created anaerobically, which almost defeats the purpose of making something degrade in a safe way

>> No.12483405

Nips confirmed for true master race. How can whites even compete?

>> No.12483467

My wife spent a lot of time in Japan and told me a story about a small town where businesses never even locked their doors. That all changed when some scumbag american emptied out the jewelry store one night.

>> No.12483471

t. never gone outside of alabama but watched lots of anime

>> No.12483524

I wonder about the kind of insects gathering around that bad boy at night.

>> No.12483535

Japan, where else.

>> No.12483687

OK that's fair. I've been to Japan and Utah and they do indeed have a lot of parallels strangely enough. Mormons generally are more dedicated to morality than a random non-Mormon. Never been to Connecticut though.

>> No.12483743

Are those fenced vending machines actually real?

>> No.12483785

This pisses me off. Only the soulless Japs would think it's fine to corrupt a green landscape with a machine like that.

>> No.12483798
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Niggers and women ruined civilization

>> No.12483803

Inflation is so high that coins are worthless and you can't even find soda machines anymore. I've seen some that take credit cards but they're not common at all, only in airports I think.

>> No.12483997

Garbage dumps turn over the trash so it decomposes better/faster.

>> No.12484218

Oh god I wish I had a qt japanese trad wife
Western white women are whores and beyond saving

>> No.12484240

Based bootlicker apologist
Yeah, traffic cops really do need to magdump 20 round glocks to keep the peace

>> No.12484307

tons of places do this

>> No.12484588

could never figure out how to use one of these. I have a pick gun and a set of rakes

>> No.12484631
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Look, I'm normally all for police executing criminals in the streets, but I'm sure you would prefer having a rate of crime so low that police only need to carry 1800s era revolvers instead of having cops so scared of being murdered by sneaky brown people that they will dump their mags on drunk pants-less guys the moment he looks at them funny

>> No.12484658

I remember that vid.. guy was probably scared shitless but his fault for reaching to pull up his pants. Killed by an unconscious move.

>> No.12484701

Is everyone just not understanding my post?

Because I'm trying to say they should be proud of their low crime rate. But they should be carrying modern firearms rather than put themselves in unnecessary danger. Arguing that because the crime rate is low you should use outdated equipment is fucking dumb. But hey, their crime rate is extremely low, maybe they should carry flintlocks.

You shouldn't be putting police into danger because of some modern prejudice and/or fantasy about how firearms work.

>> No.12484727

Well he was drunk and the instructions they gave were absolutely retarded. Oh well, he wasn't black so there was no need to protest his murder.

>> No.12484729

>scumbag American
Is there even proof this was an American? What if it was just a jap and it got blamed on foreigners.

>> No.12484738

I kept arguing to myself who was at fault. Both people were goddamned retarded. Now that I've had ample time to cool down I've realized that I can blame both people, but mostly the cop.

>> No.12484740

He was a Mexican druggie, so who gives a shit. The officer giving those directions was a retard and should never have been allowed to respond to something like that, though it was a different officer that pulled the trigger.

>> No.12484872

He got caught trying to sell it you coping, flag waving, jingoist.

>> No.12484879

Up until quite recently british pigs didn't even need to carry firearms.

>> No.12484953

I really don't get why it's so hard to just throw your trash in the bin, I honestly have no clue how a person can just toss something like a large cup of soda or bottle onto the ground even when there are plenty of garbage cans around. If I see a person purposely littering they are automatically scum in my eyes, they could be the nicest person in the whole world, but they will be pure garbage.

>> No.12484980

Why is this so aesthetic?