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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12449066 No.12449066 [Reply] [Original]

What is the edgiest opinion about food?

>> No.12449076

Knifes must be always kept sharp

>> No.12449373

Pineapple on pizza is masterace

>> No.12449378

Food is unnecessary and makes you fat. All you need is sunlight, water, and the mental will to survive.

>> No.12449399

not really edgy but I don't like beef
like the expensive cuts
I don't see the appeal, it's a huge fucking scam actually, when I can get a fine piece of pork shoulder chop, rib chop etc for nearly a tenth of the price?
it doesn't even taste better

>> No.12449413

Have sex

>> No.12449416

It doesn't matter if animals suffer for our food because all animals on earth are inherently worth less than even a single human being and their happiness.

>> No.12449419

Oh You

>> No.12449422

Alright, bend over, bucko.

>> No.12449445
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>> No.12449513
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british food is superior

>> No.12449856

i don't like chocolate

>> No.12449863

If it's not american or swiss, it's cheese that doesn't belong on a burger.

>m-m-m-m--muh packaged Kraft! american???
no, actually good deli-cut white american cheese.

>> No.12449906

*shits on dick*

>> No.12449943


>> No.12449950

>If it's not american or swiss, it's cheese that doesn't belong on a burger.
Sharp cheddar is good, so is pepperjack and bleu chz depending on the toppings of the burger

>> No.12449993

Just think about it. Spending thousands of hours and dollars making and eating food. Only to literally shit it out of your asshole the next day. The mercifully option would have been to simply plug ourselves into the wall for a few mins each week. But no we have to walk around, existing as literal bags of rotting turds and pretend this is a dignified existence.

>> No.12450041

with the more expensive cuts you're paying for tenderness rather than flavour, in fact they might be less flavourful - depends how you prepare
pork does seem cheaper on average, though - similar to chicken compared with duck or certain kinds of seafood compared with salmon/cod
depends on what kind of taste and texture you're going for

>> No.12450135

Coffee is best enjoyed in conjunction with other flavors, and people who drink black coffee are drug addicts and try-hards.

>> No.12450147

Black coffee.
Rare steak.
No beans in chili.

>> No.12450161

Siri, play Evanescence "Bring Me to Life"

>> No.12450171
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Veganism is an eating disorder.

>> No.12450201

This isn't so much opinion as it is fact but I find the idea of food preference to be a completely fabricated phenomenon. Yes, it has some legitimacy when you get to the extremes but 99.9% of people who claim to dislike something like mayonnaise or milk are straight up retarded subhumans who don't belong on this planet. These are fundamental chemical reactions that every mammal evolved to seek out and eat. It's not up for debate; you were born to love it.

>> No.12450346

corn chips are the more succulent than regular potato chips

>> No.12451570

have sex

>> No.12451577

Eating a meal? A succulent corn chip meal?

>> No.12452529

If you go through life having never fasted for at least one week, consuming nothing else than water, you don't know shit.

>> No.12452537

Blood pudding and tomatoes should be eaten at breakfast

>> No.12452554

>salt the eggs at the end else they go watery

literally bullshit advice that cannot be discerned through your palette if you are cooking them at a reasonable time-frame

>> No.12452729

Wrong. Humans aren't meant to drink milk their whole lives. The majority of humanity is lactose intolerant, only those stemming from central Europe are still lactase persistent, an evolutionary mutation gained from having more cows than clean water.

>> No.12452899

I honestly couldn't give a shit about keeping a food "traditional"
If you want to put hot dogs in your stir fry or mix ketchup with your pasta or eat caviar on ritz crackers I genuinly see nothing wrong with it. When I cook food literally only care if the end result tastes good to me or if I think it will taste good for who I'm cooking it for and I will often break out of a recipe and add something I think will taste good, I could not give two shits about "following traditional recipes" to a T, If it means changing up the formula to make something taste good in my opinion, I'll do it. Fuck anyone who says "oh that's not how you make REAL [version of food]" yeah, I don't care, If I want to dip my pizza in a mayonnaise, chive and lemon juice sauce similar to what I use when making lobster rolls, I'll do whatever the fuck I want.

>> No.12452905

Beans do not belong in chili

>> No.12452910

>humans are born to crave literally all food
>therefore there is no such thing as food that tastes bad to you
Ok anon, i don't neccesarily agree but I respect your opinion, but I will bring up the point that root beer is very much liked in America but tastes absolutely horrid to other countries, and I don't think it's because they're parents told them "this tastes bad because you live in a European continent" and just mentally don't like it.

>> No.12452915

If you often resort to adding storebought condiments to your cooking, you don't know how to cook.

>> No.12452919

Bacon is overrated garbage and the nigger of cured meats

>> No.12452958

Found the amerifat who only drink a gallon of lard And a kilo of sugar on his Starbucks and calls it a coffee

>> No.12452984
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You shouldn’t get any.

>> No.12453014

i agree. steakhouses are a huge meme

>> No.12453115


get you hands off my penis

>> No.12453124
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Fixed that image for you.

>> No.12453129

I see you know your corn chips well

>> No.12453142

rare/blue steak is not raw meat

>> No.12453357

Then they should be killed

>> No.12454212

>more cows than clean water
That's a fun way to think about it. Organic water filters that also convert weeds and indigestible grain into usable protein. Cows are cool.

>> No.12454241

I'm a cross poster from /an/ and I learned that mosquitoes filter animal blood into water.
Thought I would share.
maybe cows were wrong. We should've been genetically modifying mosquitoes to make them big and useful.

>> No.12454259

Sugars and PUFAs are the great satan and there should be laws limiting how much can be in one product and warning labels on products containing them.

I wish. If americans were drinking lard instead of partially hydrogenated soicornpalm oil they might be a bit healthier.

>> No.12454279

ez lube

>> No.12455332

If you need to drink alcohol to "stop feeling like shit" you should be executed and treated no better than a journalist

>> No.12455363

Chopsticks are bullshit and inefficient. Not only that, but anyone (other than asians that were forced from birth to use them) that uses them is a fag trying to show off or afraid of looking uncultured. You use a fork every fucking meal of your life and the one time a month you get fish and rice you suddenly decide you like to use two pieces of wood to eat.

>> No.12455816

Absolutely no fucking mayo near any food I eat.

>> No.12455939

Foods that isn't efficient to eat and are messy are bullshit.
>bone-in wings
>fried chicken
Food with what is essentially a natural corn dog stick stuck in the middle for no reason
Fucking shoot me.

>> No.12456054

I heard autists have a hard time empathizing but sheesh this poster must be debilitated.

>> No.12456189

alright, JORDAN

>> No.12456199

Are you talking shit about Evanescence, you little shit?

>> No.12456605

>you don't know shit.
Is this meant to be philosophical or an observed fact? Because it works either way.

>> No.12456621
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>> No.12457886

Probably those boomer holdouts from the 'Natural Cures'* era spamming the internet with clickbait ads touting how tomatoes and potatoes are deadly because 'OMG NIGHTSHADE FAMILY'.

>*'Natural Cures' was a series of books full of pseudo-scientific advice so dangerous following it could actually KILL you. The author wound up in jail. Even though the whole 'tomatoes are deadly' is old as time those fucking books made it viral.

>> No.12457902

When chefs talk shit about other chefs by calling them outdated, like "so 80s, so 90s"

I think thats pretty petty and salty and hostile. Definitely what i think of when i think of edgy

>> No.12457912


Lard got demonized and then replaced by hydrogenated vegetable oils back in the day because HVO had a stable shelf like lard and 'omg healthier'.

Except... Eh... You know how THAT went for us all.

>> No.12457921
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There's nothing wrong with drinking your own organic pee

>> No.12458195

cheese bad

>> No.12458284

People that dislike Hawaiian pizza to the point of threatening or making fun of people that like it are legitimately retarded

>> No.12460151

Vegan is best.
Vegan is alright at best

>> No.12460157

>cheese bad
Putrid ball of rotten fat

>> No.12460168

Just say black butter

>> No.12460188

Mayo the true aioli no-no debacle

>> No.12460224

>about food

>> No.12460246

nato is good

>> No.12460296

Havarti and Monterey Jack are both solid cheese options for burgers

>> No.12460821

hahaha wtf

>> No.12460824

that's a yikes from me, captain!

>> No.12460848

yeah but it sets off similar chemical reactions in our brain as heroin does
cheese good

>> No.12460867

Well, since a lot of us would die off if all animals suddenly disappeared I would say that all animals are inherently worth at least a few human lives

>> No.12460874

Many humans aren't happy if they know animals are suffering

>> No.12460878

This. Good chili doesn't need fillers

>> No.12460887

I agree. Just give me the cheap cuts and I'll make a stew. Steaks are great but just too expensive

>> No.12460947

Does your mom cut the crust off your sandwich too? And do you wear Velcro shoes?

>> No.12460979
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>> No.12460993

That's a rather circumcised argument.

>> No.12461020

hot take: swiss sucks

>> No.12461028

I thought I was alone on this. Swiss both tastes bad, and has a terrible mouthfeel

>> No.12461032

wait, wouldn't that be the dullest opinion if your knife isn't sharp?
Nevermind I doubt one out of a hundred of the posters on this board have ever even attempted to sharpen a knife.

>> No.12461054

all food should be free. no money connected to food. having enough to eat is a humanright. the only way to do that is to provide free food with NO MEANS TESTING. bill gates gets a free burger, just like i do. no pressure with valuable foods. they just remain scarce, and possibly local. we all pay a carbon tax and rich people pay capital gains tax, and we all eat for free. ps i just made this up, i like it but its not thought out yet.

>> No.12461174

people spelling palate as "palette" make me want to vomit

>> No.12461551

Burgers are completely fine cooked well. There is no need for a medium burger

>> No.12461559

All food should go to a central facility where it is blended together, dehydrated into homogenous bars, and equally distributed to the population. Thursdays will be Soylent Green day.

>> No.12461565


>> No.12461574

>no beans in chili

A wise man I see

>> No.12461578

But its fun. It makes me feel like yojimbo in that one scene where he was eating rice

>> No.12461579

Anytging other than well done is a food hazard

>> No.12461653

you are joking but i do think people eat waaaaaay too often. 3 meals a day is completely unnecessary, 5 is insane

>> No.12461665

Onions should never be consumed at lunchtime

>> No.12461703
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>> No.12461706

lol i think of the same whenever someone say succulent. such a weird word

>> No.12461714

ok then just drink soylent retard

>> No.12461722

Breakfast food is shit.

>> No.12461732

Make it longer

>> No.12461759

thats what she said


>> No.12462123

They're good for eating crisps with without getting your fingers greasy

>> No.12462129
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They are really good for cooking though.

>> No.12462136

Fish is the perfect food.

>> No.12462338

I'm half way with you but not all the way. I couldn't care less about the traditional recipe, but I do care about the quality and nutrition of food.
That is, if you want to take a recipe and substitute a different meat or seasonings or cook it differently, that's great. But if you're talking about putting store brand hot dogs or corn syrup ketchup into an otherwise good quality healthy meal, then you're literally a fat manchild with absolutely no taste or care for your health.

>> No.12462350

very wrong