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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12444799 No.12444799 [Reply] [Original]

>milk is for babies
>when you grow up you have to drink beer
Seriously though does anyone actually drink milk past puberty?

>> No.12444826

Does it count if you put it in coffee or on corn flakes?

>> No.12444829
File: 14 KB, 187x250, 1559485061499s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i enjoy soy milk, why?

>> No.12444832

I drink several glasses of whole milk each morning, does the job of breakfast better than any food

>> No.12444838

Healthy people do. I drink raw goat milk and raw cow milk regularly. That stuff is amazing for you

>> No.12444840
File: 38 KB, 230x230, 8A453521-515A-4C54-9564-BB35A27CB8F1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on GOMAD + SS
see you dyels later

>> No.12444846

Zoomer white supremacists think talking like a baby and consuming baby food makes them cool. I’m glad I won’t be alive to see the end of modernity.

>> No.12444847

>sour grapes
Sure feels great belonging to the race with the lowest rate of lactose intolerance and highest IQ.

>> No.12444851

have sex

>> No.12444855

I prefer nut juice

>> No.12444880
File: 208 KB, 800x821, E3C478CE-B89F-4E7C-8777-30E1C9A1E0E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problems there either.

>> No.12444889

>as you can see from this infographic I just happened to have ready, I have definitely had the sex
I'm convinced

>> No.12444896

Other people having sex does not make your sex life existent.

>> No.12444958

>Healthy people do.
Milk by itself is not a guarantee of health. One could be an obese person and drink milk.

>> No.12446060

Guys, we all know Meal Prep is a meme, right?

shit wrong thread

>> No.12446142

>when you grow up you have to drink beer
How are you enjoying those phytoestrogens, soyboy?

>> No.12446170

fuckin yikes, you gotta be 18+ to post here faggot. take a hike

>> No.12446213

Ah, a fellow Ashkenazi Jew. Shalom!

>> No.12446241

Past puberty the majority of people in the world cannot stomach milk. But the "majority" can. And some people are worked into a frenzy buying milk powder for their children as many as they can from a supermarket in aus/nz and sending it by post to china

>> No.12446267

Straight up just suck on the cow tit while you're at it, that's desgusting

>> No.12446357


>> No.12446402

I drink a gallon of milk a day, and I guarantee that I can lift your bitch-ass up with my strong bones and throw you to reddit.

>> No.12446411
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>> No.12446492

Chocolate milk puts out the fire when I have hot sauce on the tendies.

>> No.12446507

Bodybuilders do, most probably including Schwarzenegger. Arnold liked to talk all kinds of ridiculous shit just for fun and to confuse possible competition.

>> No.12446514

No. My dairy consumption is from yogurt, cheese, and butter. Milk would be an unnecessary excess.

>> No.12446522

>it's not fat, it's muscle
A likely story

>> No.12446826
File: 2.83 MB, 500x256, 7A05E673-5995-4E2C-9FFF-6EFF4FBB9A0F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>34 and still chugging

>> No.12446889

I drink milk kefir because it helps my digestion but i tend to agree that we probably shouldn't be drinking milk full of bovine growth hormones.

>> No.12446935

Yeah but only chocolate milk.

>> No.12446978

It's meant to make calves grow, in cows specifically bred to be fast growing, of course it's full of bovine growth hormones.

>> No.12447254

Tag team REKT

>> No.12447260


>> No.12447264

Arnold was trolling he purposefully spread misinformation about his regimen so his competition would take the bait. This is common knowledge

>> No.12447572

>that one episode of the A-Team where Mr. T could not stop chugging milk so the bad guys poisoned the milk as a means to stop him

I don't know, Mr. T was pretty alpha but I really can't condone drinking milk by itself. I don't even really like putting it on cereal but no other alternatives taste as good. I use as little as possible.

>> No.12447648

Not surprised at all by these results. What I am surprised by is how we do not have more white/asian hybrids running around since they seem to respond well to each other.

>> No.12447971

How is it disgusting? Raw milk being dangerous is only a meme perpetuated by the government. The high heat that they use to make milk "safe" kills most of the probiotics and destroys a shit ton of vitamin content. You're left with hard to digest sugar-water after they process it.

>> No.12447984

>destroys a shit ton of vitamin content. You're left with hard to digest sugar-water after they process
Complete fucking myth. Raw milk is an actual meme fat retards like to virtue signal their nonexistent superiority about

>> No.12448006

>perpetuated by the government

The government and the USDA is the one body outside the milk producer itself who stands to benefit the most from increased milk sales. It keeps them in business.

>> No.12448007

Even if we ignore all the loss of vitamins, the high heat destroys almost all probiotics in the milk effectively rendering that part useless.

>> No.12448010

Your acidic stomach would destroy them too.

>> No.12448011

You retarded kid. They perpetuate the raw milk is bad meme because they don't get to dip their hands in raw milk sales. Most of that just goes straight from farmer to customer and they hate it

>> No.12448017

Wrong, but okay

>> No.12448032

The USDA doesn't govern milk the FDA does and you're wrong about them needing more milk sold to keep their jobs they need more steps and plants to inspect to keep their jobs. Volume of production is just volume of production and doesn't necessarily create more things to inspect and they only inspect once per quarter (well not the FDA they pass the buck to state governments FDA is pretty much foodborne illness outbreak mess handlers) instead of being on site every day the way the USDA does with meat

>> No.12448081

>One could be an obese person and drink milk.
Kevin Smith said he was drinking 2 gallons of milk a day before he had his heart attack. Of course, the issue is consuming almost 5k calories of milk and not the milk itself.

>> No.12448320
File: 144 KB, 940x471, milk drinkers unite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
