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File: 979 KB, 1242x1877, 137A1D5F-2CD3-4965-8A99-CEB675473298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12438498 No.12438498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you realize that at some point Chick fil A is on track to become as big as McDonalds? When we’re old we’ll tell our grandchildren how it was once McDonald’s and they’ll laugh at us

>> No.12438551

Have Chick-fil-A even said or done anything in support of President Trump? How are the two related?

>> No.12438556

Chick Fil Ass and McDicks are both fucking cancers and I hope they both go out of business in the near future.

>> No.12438558

based, maybe I will get one in my town some day

>> No.12438560

Except McD is all over the world while Chick fil A is burgerland only

>> No.12438561

No, writer is talking about the economy under Trump being the reason for CFA's success. In other words he's a retard like most of modern day 'journalists'

>> No.12438667

The Jollibee wildcard will soon halt their progress. Sorry, Chick-Fil-A. You will not survive the Catholic onslaught.

>> No.12438669

>Thank you, president Trump!
How can you still be seething this hard after almost 3 years

>> No.12438683

It’s the estrogen. Republicans stopped whining about Obama after like 6 months.

>> No.12438691

You have an extremely short memory, magfag.

>> No.12438692

You can say that three years after he is replaced. Right now he is in power and making decisions that affect all of our lives every single day. If you just go to sleep and stop caring after every election you're an idiot.

>> No.12438707

He’s not going anywhere and you know it. Not until the wall is complete so he can be buried in the ornate ceremonial chamber inside the highest parapet.

>> No.12438712

>literally blaming Trump for the rise of chick-fil-a
Come on, I understand being angry when trump actually does something you don’t like, but this is literally some shithead journalist blaming Trump despite absolutely no relation between him and chick-fil-a’s rise. They’re literally just using the fact that the restaurant is not SJW supporting, along with trump, and using it as a way to be like “LOOK GUYS ORANGE MAN BAD ORANGE MAN MADE RESTAURANT STRONG, RESTAURANT BAD”

>> No.12438714

Sucks for you yuropoors ;)

>> No.12438718

absolute lmao

>> No.12438726

I'm pretty sure this author is being genuine.

>> No.12438727

Would you like nuggets with your tears? I prefer them over the sandwiches desu

>> No.12438728
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>> No.12438735

He's upset that someone popped their Trump balloon

>> No.12438744

I complained about Obama for 8 years.

>> No.12438746

LOL, he's going to have to hide his grave or put a wall around THAT, because otherwise it's going to be covered in piss, spit, and rotten eggs. People aren't going to forget what a crazy asshole he is.

>> No.12438754

>disrespecting a presidents grave
That’s pretty low desu

>> No.12438791

What has he even done that's so crazy?

>> No.12438798

he said mean things

>> No.12438800

Good luck reaching the burial chamber. There will be traps in there that would kill an army of Indiana Jones’.

>> No.12438803

I didn't say I was going to do it (although, it's tempting, but I was raised better than that). But I guarantee other people will.

>> No.12438811

>more like what HASN'T he done that's crazy

>> No.12438818
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ayooooooooooooooooooooooo *sirens*

>> No.12438826

>it’s tempting
I literally hate Abraham Lincoln with a passion, because he directly led to so much federal control over the states that states rights died with him. The fucking second he denied the states right to leave the union, which has always been a state’s right, he ruined the USA.

That being said, I wouldn’t disrespect his grave in any way. To disrespect a president’s grave is pathetic and childish. It’s not like that president knows what you’re doing, you just get to look like a shameful degenerate to your peers.

>> No.12438832

Did you even read my post, or did you just see two words and go off like a jackass?

>> No.12438844

The fact that you’re even tempted to do it makes you a huge nigger. It’s like if you said you were tempted to rape people, I would still think you’re a degenerate whether you would or wouldn’t actually do it.

>> No.12438847

Tore up the Iran nuclear deal.

>> No.12438856

all that will be is a testament to how disgusting and childish libcucks are. which everyone already knows, so have fun wasting your time faggot.

>> No.12438861

I don’t think this article is satire, it’s legitimate praise for that retard

>> No.12438890

Now you're just being fucking ridiculous.

>> No.12438893

I went to a chic fil a for the first time a few months ago, just to see what the fuss was about. They fucked our order up and TOOK FOREVER to finally bring the (wrong) order out. Just to top things off, the general manager was an enormous sweaty nigger who sounded like he was about to drop dread of a blown coronary.

The food was tasty though. Ambivalent/10.

>> No.12438901

Enjoy being remembered as one of the idiots who picked the wrong side of history, dumbass.

>> No.12438907

if you're going to talk like a shitlib going on about pissing on the president's grave, at least own it. don't be a pussy and backpedal.

>> No.12438908

Are you saying men who are tempted to rape people are perfectly normal and well-adjusted individuals?

>> No.12438923
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Sure bud. Pissing and spitting on a grave because le orange man bad. Def the right side of history. Not too smart are ya pal?

>> No.12438933


>> No.12438940
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Keep seething. You're gonna have to deal with that man until 2024.

>> No.12438943

You're obviously a few bulbs short, since you can't understand the difference between someone talking about other people doing something and actually doing it. Fucking dumbass, no wonder you're a magfag.

>> No.12438959

lol imagine being so chickenshit you have to immediately backpedal. "other people". whatever you say, cuck boi.

>> No.12438965

>is on the side that calls all men rapists and misogynistic
>thinks there’s no difference between temptation and action
>can’t respond to the other posts

All of your whining and street shitting is contradictory, and you’re clearly a fucking moron. You can’t possibly tell me there’s no correlation between wanting to do something and actually doing it when your side literally calls all men inherent rapists, even if they’ve never even considered raping someone.

>> No.12438969

There's no backpeddling, faggot. Reading comprehension isn't your forte, is it?

Rape is a violent criminal act on a living person. It's not comparable to spitting on a rock/cement slab. You're being hysterical, just like every other alt-right faggot.

>> No.12438974


>> No.12438982

More hysterics, I see. It's getting fucking boring. You have the mental clarity of a gnat.

>> No.12438985

I’d gladly shit and piss on Lincoln and Roosevelt’s graves.

>> No.12439009

(a) Whoever, in a circumstance described in subsection (b), willfully injures or destroys, or attempts to injure or destroy, any structure, plaque, statue, or other monument on public property commemorating the service of any person or persons in the armed forces of the United States shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both.
(b) A circumstance described in this subsection is that—
(2) the structure, plaque, statue, or other monument described in subsection (a) is located on property owned by, or under the jurisdiction of, the Federal Government.

10 years in prison for defacing presidents grave

For example, in California a sexual assault conviction carries with it a possible sentence of 24, 36, or 48 months in prison, as well as a possible $10,000 fine. This type of sentence is known as "determinate" since it results in a specific term of years in prison. As mentioned above, a judge will examine the facts of the case, including aggravating and mitigating factors, in order to settle on the exact sentence.

In New York, sexual assault constitutes a class D felony. The sentencing judge has discretion to set the sentence, but the law binds the judge to impose a sentence within a certain range. Moreover, the sentence is an "indeterminate" one, which means that the judge doesn't set an exact term. Instead, the judge picks a range of years from in between the absolute minimum and the absolute maximum set by law. The defendant could serve the entire term or just the minimum amount depending on their behavior in prison and other factors. New York law sets the absolute minimum sentence for sexual assault at one to two years and the absolute maximum penalty at seven years. Judges can choose any range that falls within those limits.

Literally less than 10 years for rape

>> No.12439011

you don't seriously think those reddit tactics are going to work here. tell me you're not THAT fucking dumb.

>> No.12439020

In case this is too hard for your little brain
TL;DR at least 10 years for defacing a presidents grave (it says veterans, but I’m assuming a president is worse) and less than 10 years in CA and NY for literally rape.

>> No.12439025

Try it. I, or someone like me, will knock your fucking teeth down your throat you fat spic faggot

>> No.12439033
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>multiple US cities refusing to grant business licenses to them until they renounce homophobia and cease donating to gay conversion concentration torture camps
Yeah, not likely! Christ, why can't they come out of the closet instead of persecuting the component of themselves they're scared of? Really makes the head spin!

>> No.12439034
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>multiple US cities refusing to grant business licenses to them
That isn't even slightly true nor is it legal. It was private airports refusing them to work in their building, and they're already getting btfo over it you dumb fucking shill

>> No.12439038

But, shouldn't that help all restaurants, not just Chick-Fil-A? Wouldn't Chick-Fil-A doing better than other restaurant mean Chick-Fil-A executed better, and their success should be credited to them, not overall economy?

>> No.12439060

It's related to conservatives' mood and spending being on the upswing. Chick fill A in their notorious christcuckery has gained a following.

>> No.12439116

Hope we can get Chick-Fil-A in the UK, and hopefully not as overpriced as fucking Five Guys is here.

>> No.12439127

I wish coastie cities would get nuked.

>> No.12439147

yeah, but burning effigies of living presidents because you don't like their skin color is totally mature and sane

>> No.12439156

>skin color

nah, I didn't like him because he was a nigger and a democrat.

>> No.12439161

nice deflection trumptard

>> No.12439166

I want N N Out in Canada.

Too bad we are all heathens.

>> No.12439182

Why? It's just fertilizer to help pretty flowers grow.

>> No.12439356

I *still* complain about that yuropoor testicle licker and Traitor to the Constitution.

>> No.12439374

>I hate spiders and rats!

>> No.12439380

Seethe libtard.

>> No.12439396

>implying i care about your existence more than i care about, say, an ant's

>> No.12439411
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The Fundies fear the Bee

>> No.12439414

Keep replying, enraged liberal.

>> No.12439431

>affects all of our lives every day
no it doesn't. it doesn't affect your life at all. literally nothing in your life has changed because of Obama and Trump. god I hate politics fags. I hope Muzzles do launch a full scale jihad against us so ppl realize it's the death of Christianity amd religion that's destroying the West. Politics becoming so polarized now is the blantant symptom of the larger issue

>> No.12439435

Trump is truly the fast food president!

>> No.12439451
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Based and Christpilled

>> No.12439466

White and tradpilled

>> No.12439467


>> No.12439469

Because Orange Man bad!

>> No.12439476
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>> No.12439493

Called migrants shit people and called his voter base stupid "because I can cater to them and get all the votes I need"

>> No.12439502
File: 22 KB, 317x499, 41dbYLfi+6L._SX315_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only Christianity can be criticized for being both oppressive and cucky

>> No.12439506

Even fags like it. There's no stopping based fucking Chick fil A. The most well run restaurant chain in the world.

>> No.12439507

Fake news. He called illegals that murder and traffic drugs shit people. That quote is also fake. CTR pls go

>> No.12439510

Chick fil A is growing faster than any other chain. WTF are you talking about? It's not growing EQUALLY to other chains it's growing faster.

>> No.12439554

in america

>> No.12439609

Rightfully so. CFA stays within our borders.