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File: 135 KB, 960x678, margherita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12430218 No.12430218 [Reply] [Original]


Please rate my Pizza Margherita on a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest score. It is made from scratch, dough included. I only have a standard electric oven, so the "leopard spots" are noticeably absent.

Bonus: Do you think this pizza would get me laid?

>> No.12430220



>> No.12430222

That depends if you're femanon or trap?

>> No.12430225

I am a dude with a full-size penis.

>> No.12430230

The basal should be cooked

>> No.12430271

I opted to leave the basil uncooked so that it would look brighter for the photo. And also might have a little more texture to it.

>> No.12431433

With a woman?
Not at all.
With a man as the bitch?

>> No.12431499

why does your crust look weird?

>> No.12431564


incorrect. real pizza margherita has uncooked basil.

>> No.12431577
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, a pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I'd just say, "it could really use some anchovies", but that thing is a mess. That crust looks terrible and those basil leave belong in a hamster cage.

>> No.12431586

why is your pie a perfect circle?

why is op's pie such a nice circle?

>> No.12431779

too much crust

>> No.12432480

How long did you let your dough ferment? If you want those blisters it needs to cold ferment for like 3+ days.

>> No.12432498



>> No.12432508

I think youre right about why it looks weird. I was thinking he rolled it out and squashed it.
however, you don't need to ferment three days for gassy dough. a few hours at room temp is sufficient, though not optimal.

>> No.12432510 [DELETED] 


Way too much of it, and it looks like he prebaked it or something because it's burnt while the cheese is barely melted.

I make pizza in my electric oven all he time, its way harder to have the cheese almost burning and the crust not adequately cooked than the other way around, I have no fucking clue how he fucked that up.

>> No.12432515


Way too much of it, and it looks like he prebaked it or something because it's burnt while the cheese is barely melted.

I make pizza in my electric oven all he time, its super common to have the cheese almost burning and the crust not adequately cooked than the other way around like OP, I have no fucking clue how he fucked that up.

>> No.12432544

It's more to allow the gluten structure you've developed to 'relax' which changes the dough's structure. You can easily tell just from handling the dough, it feels moister and, while still strong, is a lot easier to stretch.

>> No.12432583

OP here. I did indeed bake the dough about halfway before adding raw San Marzano tomatoes and fresh mozzarella. I let the dough rise at room temp for about 3 hours. I did not roll it out. I formed by hand. I never touched the edge. But the crust was still relatively dense, with just a few air pockets. I'm gonna try a longer fermentation next time.
I think I fucked up twice. First, I baked the dough too much before adding toppings. Too often, the dough is undercooked and the cheese is burnt to a plastic shittiness. >>12432515 is correct.
Second, after I realized that I cooked the dough for too long, I set my oven on low broil to try to finish off the cheese. Cheese was great, but the top of the crust was burnt. Underside was a great golden brown and the inside was fine. Just cosmetic, I think. Gonna adjust next time for sure.

>> No.12432591
File: 647 KB, 2048x1152, 1552722842456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I'm here, take a look at my other pizzas. Feel free to rate and give constructive/destructive criticism.
Detroit style supreme pizza.

>> No.12432600 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 283x206, pepshroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pep/shrooms (undercooked crust)

>> No.12432605


I'd just take the time you used to prebake and cut it in half. My oven only goes to 500 so I usually prebake for about 4-7 minutes depending on humidity. If your oven is fast at coming to temp like mine is I'd suggest prebaking for 2-3 minutes putting sauce on and baking for another 3-4 minutes and then adding all other toppings.

There's something magical that happens when the tomato sauce hits the heat unobstructed by cheese. I seem to remember reading somewhere that it activates a particular enzyme that breaks down into MSG.

Presentation wise I think it looks good, if the crust wasn't burnt I'd say it'd get you laid. If the chick doesn't cook even the burnt one might work.

>> No.12432606
File: 187 KB, 960x697, pepshroomsbest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pep/shrooms (slightly undercooked crust)

>> No.12432616
File: 355 KB, 2048x1152, mushroom sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12432619


Not a fan of Detroit style but that looks pretty damn good. There is only so much you can do with an oven, I'd say that's pretty near peak.

>> No.12432620
File: 103 KB, 960x690, 52406597_10210622578040252_1754403207368409088_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detroit pizza, shrooms

>> No.12432625


Looks good, crust could have been prebaked a little more but it's hard to determine off the cuff. The more you make the better it'll get.

>> No.12432626

That thing looks like you won't be able to cut it up, and if you do, the crust will explode and splinter into tiny pieces. How did you cook this, was it in one of them air type cooker things? If the crust is so overcooked, I could only imagine the bottom.

>> No.12432629

I have never pre-baked . . .and typically use the electric oven with a stone, heated just over 500, but preheated for like an hour . . .I don't think theres a need as far as my doughs go, but could be an interesting to keep the cheese abit more together like a proper neapolitan

>> No.12432630


>> No.12432641
File: 467 KB, 1010x1263, 1556415559305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The crust is overcooked, and the ratio of sauce, dough, and cheese is absolutely wonky.

Never give up, Anon. Keep practicing and working towards a better presentation.

No one here can judge it in anything other than how it looks.

>> No.12432645

An addendum I forgot to add:
Your sauce has a beautiful color and consistency. How did you make it?

>> No.12432646

Do you have an expensive stone? The price keeps me away and I don't think it's necessary for me just cooking for myself. I prefer Sicilian baking pan pizzas anyway. But are the cheap pizza stones decent? Like I see some online that are $11 at Target. I thought those shits were like no cheaper than $60 for some reason.

>> No.12432653

Raw San Marzano tomatoes crushed by hand. Nothing else.

>> No.12432666


>> No.12432670

I have the 50$ emile henry stone - I didn't do any research, got on a whim and its held up for years - worth it if you bake pies a lot - which I do. I do it so regularly, I should probably just do the research for the optimum stone and invest . . .

>> No.12432682

too much crust/10

>> No.12432689

I bake pies almost weekly. Making and mixing dough by hand is a great stress reliever from the work week for me. Maybe I should just get a reasonably priced stone with some quality. My dirty secret is that the bottoms of my pizzas are often undercooked due to the sauce slowing down the process while the crust and cheese burn. I can get the edges perfect, but will still have a gummy base. I try preheating the pan, but it never really works.

>> No.12432697

for the price of what? a months worth of 6 packs? 2 or three mediocre bottles of wine? one bottle of whiskey? to last your for years? its worth it.

>> No.12432712

Put the pan on the floor of your oven for the first half of the cooking time

>> No.12432713


Honestly the stone is worth it. I've had mine for years and it gives you a nice evenly cooked bottom.

>> No.12432731

7- would eat, dough looks like it's not very elastic though so points off for that

>> No.12432742

I just hide my mushrooms under the cheese to keep 'em from drying out.

>> No.12433025

My mushrooms never dry out. They look like they do, but they don't. I like a saucy pizza so the shrooms stay pretty moist and tender.

I'm going to try this margherita again tonight with my leftover dough cold fermenting for longer. It will have been 24 hours cold ferment at that point. Wish me luck, fa/ck/ots.

>> No.12433173

looks like you cooked it too long

>> No.12433383


Way too little cheese on it, inedible.
Cheese is a main component of any pizza.

>> No.12433721

That dought looks biscuity. Wtf did you do? add butter?

>> No.12433725

more like one single shroom sliced 8 ways lmao


>> No.12435753

if it is so full sized, then post it. I dare you to prove, you are not a half-sized penis.

>> No.12435871

Hit it with the broiler for the last 3 minutes my dude

>> No.12436149
File: 2.99 MB, 3120x4160, pizza1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can get a good pie without a pre-bake. I didn't pre-bake this, and it was on a stone and broiled only. I didn't get a pic of the underside, but it was pretty decent. I put my stone as close as I can to the broiler, then leave the door open on my electric oven to keep the coil from cycling. The stone gets hotter than it would if you closed the door on your pre-heat. The bottom cooks quicker with the hotter stone, and the top cooks about as fast as you'd expect from the broiler. 1 hour pre-heat with door open, and I don't know how open it has to be to prevent coil cycling, but I just leave it all the way.

>> No.12437262
File: 294 KB, 2048x1152, margherita2nd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi. It's OP again.

Here is my second attempt at margherita.

Is this better than the original? At least in looks and cheese distribution?

>> No.12437308

Stop with the raw basil leaves.

>> No.12437329

If you cook the basil, it will lose the brightness that cuts through the richness of the fresh mozzarella. There is also already basil in the canned San Marzano tomatoes.

You idiot. You fucking moron.

>> No.12437395

>sacrificing quality for appearance
Yeah I guess all of us telling you how much bullshit that is are all wrong. It's us, not you. Why are you asking for opinions if you're just gonna be a stubborn little faggot about it?

>> No.12437409

I agree with pizzaman. Fresh herbs should be cooked as little as possible

>> No.12437523


>> No.12437553

Looks disgusting OP.

>> No.12437577
File: 38 KB, 540x786, 1557850757939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raw leaves sprinkled on

>> No.12437632

Yes, OP, it does look better than the first. Do you notice any differences in taste and texture, that you might try something different on the next one?

>> No.12437694

Jesus christ. Ok I get it that you want the contrast of the bright green against the rest of the ingredients. Nobody wants to bite into a raw leaf or deal with it falling all over ghe place. At LEAST stick it back under the broiler for a few seconds, enough to wilt the leaves a bit and make them lay flat so they look like part of the pizza and not some gayass garnish. Learn to take better photographs if you can't make cooked greens look nice in pictures you lazy fucker.

>> No.12437720

shit/slop wood knot eatza

>> No.12438303

>uncooked basel leafs
>crust looks like a thic pretzel
If she is an Italian you will be stabbed to death

>> No.12438346

I never get why, surely cooked basil has a better feel and more nuanced taste

What I really wish more people would do is dip the basil into oil before putting them on the pizza so that way they don't just dry out in the over

>> No.12438409

dumb bitch pizza

>> No.12438532
File: 86 KB, 600x900, Chicken-Saltimbocca-5-600x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is saltimbocca with fried sage, bitch. It still looks fucking fine. Can you imagine cooking saltimbocca without sage and laying uncooked leaves on top "for the color?" Stop being a retard and cook the basil with the pizza.