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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12428125 No.12428125 [Reply] [Original]

Most overrated food culture?

>most everything is cold
>no seasoning
>almost every dish has a superior chinese or korean version

>> No.12428129

OP is a fag as usual

>> No.12428142

Another x cuisine is overrated thread made by an american.

>> No.12428143

>times OP was in Japan: 0

>> No.12428148

a lot of good italian food, but that shit is very overrated.
>dude onions lol
t. seething 600 pound shitskin weeb

>> No.12428150

Weeaboo cope right there.

>> No.12428165
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Italians don't even eat that much onion in comparison to most other countries.

>> No.12428167
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i personally think japanese cuisine would benefit from the use of more cast iron cookware. The carbon steel just doesnt cut it for me, i need heavy, more durable materials that are less resistant to warping under extreme temp fluctuation.

>> No.12428178

Japanese "people" are very physically weak and effeminate due to their consumption of soy. Therefore they are unable to lift cast iron cookware and must use lighter alternatives.

>> No.12428188
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Consistently best food I have eaten anywhere was in Japan. Italy is would be my second choice.

>> No.12428196

>goes to a whole nother country
>eats fried pork cutlets and shrimp

wow anon you are super adventurous what is this mysterious food you definitely cant get in literally every culture this century?

>> No.12428197
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this makes sense based solely on my anecdotal evidence of people whose diet revolves around soy.
you ever tried real texas bbq buddy? didnt think so, checkmate

>> No.12428206
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I picked a lardass dish to appeal to you neckbeards.

>> No.12428209

The only reason Japan's cuisine is even considered is because of their autism when it comes to the quality of the ingredients they use.

>> No.12428214

this map proves my life is a lie

>> No.12428215

>raw fish in some weak broth and soggy veggies


>> No.12428234
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It’s smoked duck in mustard based sauce.

>> No.12428251

well that sounds lovely nevermind

>> No.12428259


I'm european, you know, a place with real food culture. But thanks for trying.

>> No.12428262

im op and a proud american pls dont pretend to be me

>> No.12428276


>> No.12428279

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.12428284

>no seasoning
>put soy sauce in everything

>> No.12428289

It used to before you Fat Orcs decided it couldn't anymore.

>> No.12428295

Ron Paul was the only decent candidate in recent American electoral history.

>> No.12428301
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>its americas fault!!!!
my sides

>> No.12428313


>> No.12428322


>> No.12428510

>Not many onions


>> No.12428521

We're talking tourist food culture or prententious food culture?

>> No.12428541

We are talking about your mom's hairy butthole.

>> No.12428543

talking the type of shit japs like to eat.

>miso soup
bland fish bean water
bland messy beans
>seaweed soup
flavorless booger texture trash

>> No.12428595

I think miso soup is the only source of soy that I will actually consume

>> No.12428627

t. soiboi weeaboo trash

>> No.12428649
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>those portions
>lardass dish
To who? A vietcong?

>> No.12428681

>superior chinese version
>superior korean version

>> No.12428692
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No, the tonkatsu and shrimp was the lardass dish.

>> No.12428704

What's that wrap thing on the right?

>> No.12428714

Despite my eternal fetishism of Japan I can't seem to get into the cuisine at all. I like wagashi though but that's about it.

>> No.12428731
File: 751 KB, 1500x2000, CA79FBF2-8E42-46ED-A94B-5387A760CAB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enoki mushrooms wrapped in ham.

>> No.12428741

Sounds interesting. Do you eat it in one bite?

>> No.12428746

Japanese cuisine is 1000-fold superior to any Western cuisine.

>> No.12428753

How else do you want to eat it?

>> No.12428757

Yes, although I will admit the ham we get in the UK is better, more flavour.

>> No.12428784

European culture is the pinnacle of humanity at the moment, the fuck you talking bout

>> No.12428790


>> No.12428795

portugese food honestly. everyone told me the food would be great. and yeah it was good, highlight was the fresh seafood. but things like franceshinas and stews didnt really cut it for me.

>> No.12428849

I watched Rick Stein in Lisbon, was fucking salivating the whole time. I might make that my next holiday.

>> No.12428853

Well Fatty McFatfat, they kicked your blubber ass right proper!

>> No.12428863

Your bacon is shit. Actually your ham is shit, too.
>bacon that doesn't fucking crisp
what the fuck man

>> No.12428875
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>> No.12428888

I have a friend who grew up on deep south fried deliciousness and went to Japan because he loves slice of life animes about cute girls and he says the food there is disgusting. His Japanese wife makes him southern comfort food.

>> No.12428900

>pleb has no taste

Yeah not surprising.

>> No.12429624

All Asian cuisine in general is overrated

>> No.12429630


>> No.12430955

Dis anon clrly cannot appreciate superior gookinese cuisine
Wuts da matter? Dun liek kimchi?

>> No.12430957

>all cuisine is overrated

>> No.12430980

>most everything
well shucks, I think that's one of them thangs them coasties call a "shibboleth"

>> No.12431013

Nobody mentioned politics, gaylord. That said, yeah Japanese food is fucking awful.

>> No.12431045
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>burning all the flavor out of your meat so much so you're forced to dose it in so much salt and spice you call it "seasoning"

>> No.12431050
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Sushi is pretty bad. It became famous outside Japan just for novelty reasons. Ramen is ok but inferior to Chinese noodle dishes. Their curry is good though.

inb4 "it's not real curry" -- it has its own charm

>> No.12431052

I'm a Mexican who grew up in a large Mexican family. There's some foods I love to death but most of it... ehhhhhhhh.

>> No.12431062

Stop being so mean to us Americans ;_;

>> No.12431064

Their good food is also stolen from chinks

>> No.12431068

I got meme'd into buying some Ponzu. Absolutely fucking awful.

>> No.12431241

yes Yes YES!!!! I have been waiting for this thread THANK YOU SO MUCH *starts crying hysterically* I just.. I.. I I I I I I I I I I I I I..... hahaha... hahaHAHAHAAH!!!!! I just hate Japan so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I base my entire online persona on hating Japan..... It is all I think about.... But thats okay... Because in the end I am not some kind of w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w--w-w-weeb...... I hate weebs.... I need to distance myself from them. There are everywhere on this website but I am better than them.... I have to be... I have no good traits but I am not a weeb so that mmakes me cool right? RIGHT!? Hahah Fuck weebs right? My fellow cool kids. I am really fitting in right now I just know it...

Japanese. Food. SUCKS!!!

>> No.12431315

>india and america the same colour
The sharters and the designated, together as one

>> No.12431379
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