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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 107 KB, 500x618, geylato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12397748 No.12397748 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12397765

Why don‘t you cook something and make a nice thread about it?

>> No.12397783


>> No.12397855

>Guy on right has a calculator watch
>Fashion is clearly from the 80's
Next time you start a thread like this use a pic showing true hipsters.

>> No.12397955

Zoomer detected

>> No.12397960

those are homos

>> No.12398006

sous vide
impossible/beyond anything

>> No.12398016

So according to /ck/, any food that's not mcdonalds and chain pizza is hipster food.

>> No.12398205

Yes even if it was widespread during the dawn of recorded history.

>> No.12398214

this pic is like 15 years old

>> No.12398217

I literally like dicks, but you're the real fag.

>> No.12398236

Food that didn't come out of a cardboard box
Bottled beverages that aren't mostly HFCS and brominated vegetable oil
Alcoholic beverages that aren't plastic handle hobo vodka
Restaurant food that didn't come from a drive-thru eaten with the engine running while listening to Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones

>> No.12398253

4channel has never known what a hipster is.

>> No.12398257

OP may be retarded, but those are clearly hipsters in the pic.

>> No.12398275
File: 14 KB, 300x300, hipster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12398350

Fun fact, gelato means icecream in Italian

>> No.12398368

ok zoomie
what do hipsters look like today?
i live in my mom's basement and only come out to hang with my sister and brother in law once a month so i really have no idea what's up with trends nowadays.

>> No.12398373

>everything that was ever popular that I don't like

>> No.12398385
File: 72 KB, 540x640, Casio-Vintage-Calculator-Gold-Watch-_286723-front-US.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking stupid? pic related is sold at walmart

>> No.12398408

You have to be in backwards land if you imagine hipsters listening to Rush Limbaugh

>> No.12398431

But the rest was right though. HFCS and McDonalds drive through - a hipster's delight.

>> No.12398436

Good riddance
You take that back right now

>> No.12398455

Well, that one specifically threw me off.

>> No.12398463

What is this 2008?

>> No.12398473

based illiterate anons

>> No.12398490

No puncuation and run on sentences makes things difficult to read

>> No.12398783


>> No.12398950


>> No.12398984

>guy in middle is Christian

literally the opposite of Hipster

>> No.12399026

>guy in middle is Christian
Based on a fashion statement?

>> No.12399108
File: 220 KB, 900x564, food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12399128

8 years at best

>> No.12399158

That would imply that most of the people who post /ck/ aren't fast food eating manchildren who can't cook for themselves

>> No.12399210

Lol that pic's from vice dos and don'ts back in the late oughts.

>> No.12399231

I will thank you to NEVER post this picture ever again!

>> No.12399237


>> No.12399330
File: 110 KB, 607x692, hipster-girl-png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Consider growing your own food or turning vegetarian.
>Use compost if possible.
>Eating meat isn't always popular with the hipster culture, and many hipsters tend to be vegetarian or vegan.
>If you do eat meat, you must assert that choice as a cynical transcendence of vegetarians' futile attempts to save the world

>> No.12399373

>can't identify an obvious pattern
>I-it's not punctuated!

>> No.12399473


>> No.12400203


>> No.12400207


>> No.12400212

is icecream hipster now?

>> No.12400226

How is that hipster? Dunno about other countries, but here in Italy it's the most common "street food", especially in spring and summer

>> No.12400235

Yes and no. Sure gelato is ice cream, but a hipster won't order ice cream, it has to say gelato. If it says ice cream, people will know he's from the midwest, and they'll antifa him for being a Trump supporter. In other words, ordering gelato reassures your comrades that you've also had cum in your mouth, and your friendship circle is judgement free.

>> No.12400236
File: 1.90 MB, 1871x691, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cntrl f
I am so disappointed.

>> No.12400246

I liver in a libtard extremist bubble where people watch far-left propaganda like CNN, and I can confirm this. I tried to get ice cream once at the local Publics (a kind of Walmart for far left extremists) and BLM/antifa came out of nowhere and immediately tried to kill me for being racist. I tried to tell them that they're the REAL racists because it's ok to be white but they wouldn't listen to logic and reason, they were just screaming incoherently about how I should of bought gelato. The only thing that saved my life was a USA #1 war veteran with an M-16 who happened to be patrolling for MS-13 al qaedas nearby. He Stood His Ground and those weak, limp wristed soy boys all quit their Starbucks jobs immediately and enlisted in Blackwater.

>> No.12400248

>ITT: a flyover gets intimidated by foreign words.
OP is practically bleeding insecurity.

>> No.12400250

I too am irrationally enraged by younger generations having culture and aspects I do not comprehend and vent my frustration online to my fellow octogenarians.

Truly only people such as you and I OP are enlightened enough to ridicule people for the way they are externally instead of judging them based on their abilities.

>> No.12400249

They're XO industries now.

>> No.12400255

> t. knows what cum tastes like.
Nice spacing.

>> No.12400256

im not not ashamed to admit the dudes outfit was way ahead of its time
the hair, earring, seriously hipster

>> No.12400260 [DELETED] 

It's the fucking Italian word for ice cream

>> No.12400299

>doesn't quite get it.
Typical coaster.

>> No.12400302

Essentially /ck/.

>> No.12400325

you ought to be. end your life

>> No.12400372

niggers glorify ignorance … and revel in stupid posturing , are infatuated with shiny trinkets,
thinking they are Hard Core when in reality they are cowards

Millennials are now doing the same thing,
not knowing anything about the past ,
they make fools of themselves on a regular bases ,
and yet
think they are wise and somehow prophetic with the ignorant or naïve statements they make,
Just Like The Niggers Do and have done for decades.
Millennial's are the New Niggers now

>> No.12400523

I order gelato if it's an Italian restaurant with Italian menu that has gelato on it

>> No.12400544


E*ros get ye gone

>> No.12400557


>> No.12400594

god i miss old vice now its

"5 tips to clean you black dildo so the color doesnt come off."

>> No.12400607

Well, what are the five tips?

>> No.12400617

1. orange man bad
2. trannies are real women
3. black lives matter
4. kill men
5. not all muslims

>> No.12400787

>Hipster food
I guess anything that was trendy 15 years ago when hipsters were still a thing.

>> No.12400803

That proves his point.

>> No.12400806

Hipsters are always a thing.

>> No.12400887

Disagree. I don't see so many thrift store blazers nor do I hear bands that sound like the Strokes. All of the cool kids from back then are now middle aged. The new generation of cool kids that replaced them doesn't really have much in common with them. They're not flocking to Silver Lake, the East Village or Williamsburg. They're not meeting up with their friends to go out and get drunk on PBR and well shots while watching live rock bands. They're not doing blow in the bathroom of dive bars. They are not hipsters.

But if we're talking actual hipster food from like 15 years ago it would be:
Banh mi
Upscale burgers
Brick oven pizza
Anything related to molecular gastronomy
Upscale cocktails served in fake speakeasys
New American food

>> No.12400904

>t. out of touch boomer
t. Literally only buy from thrift stores just to mod with my sewing machine
Also, you obviously don't listen to underground music so don't even try to discuss it as if you know anything about it.

>> No.12400906

Also: Korean BBQ

>> No.12400935

My point is back when hipsters were a thing the cool kids were listening to rock, especially rock that sounded "underground". Of course people still listen to stuff like that, but it's not a thing with the cool kids anymore. So it's not hipster.

>> No.12400937

>the Strokes
>Silver Lake, the East Village or Williamsburg
>PBR and well shots
„Hipster“ is not some exact fucking set of tastes from a particular time and place, you braindead jewyork faggot. There are still and always will be young people that obsess over conformist non-conformism, trend-driven authenticity and big label indie music.

>> No.12400950

Hipsters have literally been continuously mocked since the 90s. It was never cool except to other hipsters.

>> No.12400993

nah I remember seeing this pic whencI was in high school and i’m 31 now

>> No.12401001

>„Hipster“ is not some exact fucking set of tastes from a particular time and place
It very much was. The original coinage was used to describe postwar jazz fans in urban areas. The zoot suit crowd. Then it was used pejoratively by Kerouac to describe white kids who awkwardly tried to hang with that crowd. The pejorative use of the term was brought back at the turn of the century do describe a new trend of kids moving to the city for their own version of cool, which like the original hipsters revolved around live music, drinking and playing dress up. That trend is over. Sure, every city still has neighborhoods where trendy young people extend their childhoods into middle age, but the net migration to such places ended with the 2008 recession. Most of the live music venues have closed. The dive bars are now gastropubs or wine bars unironically run by former hipsters. Of course there are still urban cool kids following the latest trends, but lining up at Supreme is not a hipster thing. It's just an idiot thing.

>> No.12401018

1 & 2 are right. 3, 4, 5 not so much and a tad ambiguous. But how does that keep the dildo black?

>> No.12401226

Kerouac was a white kid trying to hang with that crowd, why would he refer to himself pejoratively?

>> No.12401231

you're out of touch

>> No.12401241

Kerouac was a literal degenerated faggot

>> No.12401273

He was hypersensitive to that because it was him. The same way most folks in the early 2000's who people called hipsters would deny being one. I remember a buddy of mine once drunkenly saying, "I'm not a fucking hipster, I'm a REAL music fan!" If I recall Kerouac's usage of it correctly it was regarding a white drummer sitting in with his "goofy hipster brushes" who really couldn't hang with the big "foghorn blues" the band was playing. It implied an interloper or bandwagon jumper, but in the context of the music scene.

I know today people in Podunk use the word to refer to anything they don't like that seems like a foreign, urban or god forbid liberal trendy thing. But the connotations of hipster have always been young people who came to the big city for live music and nightlife. In the original sense of the word (before it was pejorative) it was hayseed guys who moved to places like Harlem who happily spend two week's pay on a zoot suit and a pair of Stacey Adams shoes just so they could show off dancing at the Roy Milton show.

>> No.12401387
File: 173 KB, 2660x916, Pickled_Cucumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pickled cucumber

>> No.12402054


>> No.12402066

For me, it's the broken wagon wheel spoke triple IPA infused with fair trade saffron

>> No.12402753

You sound like your parents did. The cycle is complete.

>> No.12402766
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, r8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the smell

>> No.12404523
File: 1.98 MB, 232x164, gif(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bumping the hipster tread

>> No.12404535
File: 69 KB, 221x354, 200% italian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hipsters have made avocadoes shoot through the roof in price


>> No.12404571
File: 2.17 MB, 1440x969, Pocket Profile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No lie I've been called a hipster by a literal cross-dressing soyboy friend of mine before because of my tastes and opinions on food and beer.
I NEVER would have thoughtId be labeled this type of person. I mean, food is life you know? I can't change that part of who I am.
I guess it's whatever.
>fried calamari

>> No.12405134

what's the difference anon

>> No.12405148

Hipsters are no longer relevant.

That being said, avacado toast.

>> No.12405674
File: 53 KB, 320x238, EB4C80AE-82B8-41FE-A0AF-E52C60FAF526.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

his daddie