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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12391110 No.12391110 [Reply] [Original]

Happy Memorial Day, /ck/!

>> No.12391119

>saurkraut on a hot dog
You're not American.

>> No.12391134

You're dumb.

>> No.12391144

The original accompaniment for hot dogs was sauerkraut, still is the most popular topping in New York, and is popular in The Iron Range (real America).

>> No.12391158

Lots of people like saurkraut on hotdogs. My mom eats hers like that.

I personally like big hunks of white onion, relish, yellow mustard and a few drops of habenero hot sauce.

>> No.12391172
File: 70 KB, 1024x683, seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the feeling you're not American. The most popular hot dog toppings (after the age of 12 when it's ketchup) are mustard, sauerkraut, and relish. That's like the standard American hot dog. Anything else is just a regional variation or "specialty" thing.

>> No.12391181


>> No.12391207

Except the most popular toppings are chili, cheese, onions, and mustard.

>> No.12391227

I'm at my parents house and we still haven't eaten yet. They always do this. It's ridiculous.

>> No.12391238

Mustard is a condiment. Onions and cheese are below sauerkraut. Chili means it isn't a hotdog anymore, that shit is a chilidog.

>> No.12391246

Thanks, am at work all day.

>> No.12391252

No, mustard is a topping. All the rest of your statements are incorrect as well.

>> No.12391259
File: 12 KB, 212x210, D617FC15-2172-4A1B-9FC4-A37E63B92D79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will gookmoot ban your culinary wasteland from this board already?

>> No.12391260

quality taste anon, all that's missing is some baked beans.

>> No.12391261

>provides link
>no you
Is it time for another nap in the hug box?

>> No.12391264

This nigga's eating beans!

>> No.12391271

Resorting to ad hominem is the first sign that you've lost the argument. Thank you for playing!

>> No.12391272

I don't know man, mustard and other condiments are still considered toppings.
>chili means it isn't a hotdog anymore

However sauerkraut is a pretty popular topping. Look at any top ten list it's going to be on there. Just like you know mustard, ketchup, relish, chili and cheese are also going to be on the list.

>> No.12391279

Filthy east coasters think they have the views for all Americans, nobody outside of shitholes on the east put sauerkraut on hot dogs.

>> No.12391287

>chili, cheese
>anything else is just a regional variation or "specialty" thing
I'd put onions right after mustard, relish, and sauerkraut, but a chili cheese dog is a specialty dog, not a basic hot dog with basic toppings. I'd even argue that any dog with cheese on it is some kind of specialty dog; nobody puts cheese on a standard hot dog.

>> No.12391289

WWII soldiers are rolling in their graves right now.

>> No.12391300

Good, fuck em. Dumbshits who were too stupid to stay out of the military.

>> No.12391303
File: 524 KB, 2000x1238, California.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody outside of shitholes on the east put sauerkraut on hot dogs
Apparently except for the south and midwest. Thank god there isn't another region that thinks they're speaking for the rest of America.

>> No.12391310
File: 84 KB, 4000x4000, Holy Shit Bait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12391321

>hamburger AND a hot dog
fats gonna fat.

>> No.12391330

I lived in Oklahoma and Arkansas nobody did that shit there, same with Texas, Louisiana, or Nebraska.

Calicucks only put guac on their dogs, only east coast jews, polaks, and wops like yourself put sauerkraut on dogs, kys my man.

>> No.12391342

all shit states that we would be better off without. good job

>> No.12391354

Spoken like a true NY jew, go get eaten by rats you disgusting mutant

>> No.12391356

Yeah, my grandpa fucking loved hot dogs (any sausage really) with sauerkraut and mustard, but I'm pretty sure that predated his time spent killing nazis in Germany. You realize that soldiers who spend time in other countries often grow an affection towards that country's food, right? That's literally how most cuisines were created.

>> No.12391358

>guac on dogs
No we fucking don't what the hell. Hot dogs aren't that popular here but we usually do beans, cheese, or chili meat with the regular condiments. Sometimes relish.

>> No.12391365

You would be fucked without Texas food and oil you stupid sauercuck bitch

>> No.12391368

Ah yes, thinking about dead pigmerricans really warms the heart.
Inshalla brother!

>> No.12391372

>mostly desert
>extolling oil in a day when alternative energies are slowly taking over
keep trying cletus

>> No.12391373
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Looks good anon too bad you didn't make your own at a comfy cookout.
I like my dogs all these ways. Why is there a Dog Controversy?
Enjoy your days anons I'm about to tuck into a plate of my favorite vegetable.

>> No.12391378

Shhhh, Texas will hear that you called them Southerners.
>I lived in some of of the worst places in the US

>> No.12391380

I feel sorry for the soldiers stationed in Africa, then.

>> No.12391384


You shut your whore mouth, sauerkraut with a little salt and pepper is the GOAT topping on hot dogs, brats, and about every other type of sausage.

The Midwest has tons of German ancestry, by the way, so not sure why you think it's just an east coast thing.

>> No.12391393


We aren’t talking about your imagined future stupid bitch. Oil built this country. Guess that’s what a NYU education gets you, though. Yanks are a fucking disgrace.

>> No.12391426

It is though, most other states don’t eat the same useless jew and polak shit like you east coast mutants. Most peoples tastes have evolved from your holocaust lying meals you tricked people into thinking were good 80 years ago. But not in NY, you mutants are still that retarded.
>believing the alternative energy meme

Lmao, maybe in 50 years. Also, who do you thinks putting the money into alternative energy? Retarded mutants sucking nigger dicks so much he dropped his IQ to match them

>> No.12391455

You're a toxic human being. You should remove yourself from the Internet and all other channels of communication as soon as possible.

>> No.12391467

Kys mutant, before you go take out as many mutants as possible

>> No.12391471

He's just some edgy teen who thinks 4chan is nothing but running your mouth to people. Probably gets picked on at school. Sad.

>> No.12391480

You realize that fossil fuel is finite, right? I can't help but imagine you people are all retarded christ fags who have some crazy theory about how god put everything on Earth for humans, and when it runs out it was all part of the plan and we'll all be raptured at that point. Religious people have such a sick and warped view of the world; it's antiquatedness would be cute if it weren't so dangerous. Then again, maybe you're just a drone and don't even have anything resembling a world view.

>> No.12391482

You westies who discount the opinions of anyone not inside your little bubbles are the reason we got Trump so thank you

Sincerely, thank you.

>> No.12391493
File: 29 KB, 460x322, 1541553763378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're jealous of you so we voted for trump
>trump doesn't give a shit about us, but at least you're mad that we voted against our collective interest
>lol, win!

>> No.12391509

>lol you’re just a weak little kid who gets beat up! Religious nut too!

Imagine being this insecure and retarded. I could never go that low, so glad I was never an east coaster. You guys are the bottom of the barrel. Lys and your sauerkraut loving jew masters

>> No.12391512

>Continues to dodge the point and completely changes the argument to religion

Keep grasping those straws soy boy, you know you’ve been beat.

>> No.12391522

>changes the argument
You never had an argument; that's the point.

>> No.12391525

>Noooo you’re wrong!

Keep crying bitch boy.

>> No.12391536

>east coaster
Why do you keep repeating that when you're obviously just referring to the imaginary version of NYC you've constructed in your head? It's as though you think you're insulting someone (?), but anyone who's even visited the east coast knows you simply have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.12391557

this all started with an image of a goddamn hotdog

>> No.12391563
File: 289 KB, 960x630, IMG_20190527_141730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happy Memorial Day, anons. Take a minute today to reflect on the thousands of lives lost in battle and the families affected. God bless America and may she stop getting involved in endless stupid fucking wars.

Smoking some ribs on the Weber, what's everyone making?

>> No.12391565

The libs started it like usual.

>> No.12391566

Oh shit, I just looked back at the OP image and realized it was a retarded NE style bun. Those things can fuck right off.

>> No.12391568


Food is srs business for us Americans.

>> No.12391575

Fuck, I wish I had friends and were at a cook outright now.

>> No.12391581

Literally the very first thing I learned about Trump when he first announced his candidacy was that his favorite food was well done steak with ketchup. That's all I needed to know to know that I hated him and he would be a terrible president. I had no idea how bad things really were.

>> No.12391587

But you'd have to go outside...?

>> No.12391601

Says that guy that calls someone a religious nut if they even temporarily lived in the South, get fucked mutant. Go back to your shit hot dogs with sauerkraut and suck off your jew master

All I’m saying is sauerkraut on a dog is disgusting and if you eat those you are disgusting and should be abolished from the union.

>> No.12391613

desu I legit thought OP wasn't American
I've only seen Europeans eat hotdogs

>> No.12391620

hotdogs with saurkraut
I'm dumb if you can't tell

>> No.12391624

>all i'm saying is that i'm a picky eater and want everyone to know and will insist on repeating the fact that everyone else is just pretending to like this extremely popular thing and i'm also retarded so i'll just blame it on the jews (who were killed by the krauts, but fuck any semblance of logic)

>> No.12391644

>Manlet mutant thinks his nasty topping is the norm, gets btfo multiple times, tries to cope but just outs himself as an even bigger retard

You just made this the best memorial day ever, but still please kys my man, the world would be better off with one less mutant in it.

>> No.12391664
File: 68 KB, 780x438, theres-a-reason-the-buns-can-get-a-little-soggy-1530286259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to see what a generic American hot dog looks like and not some regional variation just look at Costco. There's constant threads about them, and Costco has stores all around the world like Ikea, so you may have even been to one. Their hot dog is a loss leader and one of their most popular items. The condiments they offer are:
That's what a giant corporation with millions of dollars put into research with stores in every part of the country has determined that people want.

>> No.12391671
File: 18 KB, 165x115, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm American. I wait until July each year to eat hot dogs.

>> No.12391806

I'm German and we don't put Sauerkraut on our Hotdogs.

>> No.12391856

Nobody cares. Hotdogs are an American dish.

>> No.12391914

My whole family puts kraut on dogs (with mustard) and we're American. I think you just don't know what the fuck you're talking about, ya goober.

>> No.12392055
File: 1.41 MB, 4032x3024, Brauts Sauerkraut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid tornado. Thanks for reminding me guys, I have to pick up sauerkraut and some braut buns. Now I have to speedthaw some sausage in the sink.

>> No.12392128

Just thaw them in the refrigerator overnight yesterday

>> No.12392142

Dumb fuck.

>> No.12392146

Forgot today was Memorial Day, ironically. Speedthawing doesn't hurt most things so long as you use cold water.

>> No.12392206

>1980: We will run out of oil in 10 years
>1990: We've hit peak oil. Maybe 10-15 years left.
>2000: W-we are running low, also frakking is bad and we should stop!
>2010: Oil is bad! Stop it, global warming, frakking earthquakes, poisoned wells...
>2015: Here alternatives, take all these grants, subsidies, and government loans..
Finally those oilfags will get btfo'ed
>2019: I-its 2019 bigot, o-oil is a nonrenewable r-resource... you're gonna die poor a-any day now, C-cletus...

>> No.12392237

Coleslaw goes on the dog, yankee swine.

>> No.12392260
File: 87 KB, 1050x589, 978949F1-99A1-4A4C-A190-D3D35CE1FA70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seattle style is best style

>> No.12392284
File: 978 KB, 380x251, Shock Dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks like a pinworm infected asshole that just got a creampie
>with jalepenos
You guys are worse than Canadians.

>> No.12392290

God you fags wish you were Portland. Kurt Cobain is dead, get over yourselves.

>> No.12392861

Amazing how such a simple thread can turn into an utter shitshow here.

>> No.12392887

Not really. Amerilards hate everyone equally including their own compatriots. Strange that is.

>> No.12392894

Weird cause I thought everyone I had over was American. Guess a Wizard disappeared half a container of sauerkraut. Thanks for letting me know dumbass.

>> No.12392914

How do you know anon didnt make this? What

>> No.12392917
File: 1.62 MB, 350x190, Sad Tiger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wizard's love fermented and preserved goods.

I should know, I am one.

>> No.12392926

I hate cheetahs so god damn much. Out of all the large cats they remind me the most of house cats, and those fuckers can eat a bullet.

>> No.12393212

I was all on board to shit on Kraut cabbage until you had to had to open your pig ignorant fucking mouth you fucking piece of foul trash I will fucking kill you and rape your dog fuck you you fucking fuck.

>> No.12394116

Nice try goyum they’re all under our control

>> No.12394129

/an/ here. Cheetahs used to be house cats until we moved away from using rocks and wood as furniture and since they don't have retractable claws, you can imagine how scratched up and messy things got.

>> No.12394142
File: 81 KB, 696x522, my food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got off keto to indulge on memorial day

>> No.12394147
File: 2.89 MB, 4032x3024, my dessert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for dessert we had brownies topped with vanilla frosting and oreos

>> No.12394165

The most popular toppings are ketchup and mustard. in the USA

>> No.12394182
File: 1.14 MB, 1267x710, Bill_Lee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're saying that /an/ is an anti-house cat board? I think we could be allies. I love animals - all of them - but we've had a cat infestation as of late, and /ck/ has always been a dog board. We could really use a proper exterminator.

>> No.12394202

There was like three threads the other day about killing house cats so yeah.

>> No.12394215

You've got to be trolling, because literally every single hot dog place in California I've ever been to has offered sauerkraut as a topping. Every. Single. One.
People don't seem to get that California has fucking everything, from everywhere, because of the diversity. For example, 2 blocks from my house is a little shopping center that has an Arizona style Mexican place, an Iraqi restaurant, a Korean restaurant, a sushi restaurant, a Noah's Bagels, a locally owned burger and wing place, and a personal pizza place (like Blaze).
And if you go two more blocks down, there's a cheesesteak place, a poki place, a Persian restaurant, a Mongolian grill, and a taqueria. And if you walk across the street from there, there's a northern Indian restaurant, a Thai restaurant, an Izykaya, a shawarma shop, another sushi place, a tepanyaki place, and two generic "American " style restaurants. Then, another block down from that is a 24 hour diner, an IHOP, a hotdog place (which was featured on that Guy Feiri shitshow), another sushi place, and a another local burger place. And that's just in a one mile distance to the west of my house. I didn't even go to the 1 mile east of my house, which has just as much if not more.

>> No.12395273
File: 358 KB, 1218x927, 2E7A06C8-97C3-48B6-88AE-C99E7089C553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made some tomahawks with yak burgers

>> No.12395282

Yikity yak, don't talk back.