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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12388320 No.12388320 [Reply] [Original]

Post the last meal you ate along with your BMI.

23.8 BMI, Schweineschnitzel with mushroom sauce over a bed of kale, and a couple glasses of Rosé.
No pics unfortunately.

>> No.12388326

2 turkey salami havarti mayo lettuce and pickle sandwiches and a fifth of vodka

>> No.12388329

Japanese curry sauce over rice with diced green onion and panko-breaded chicken cutlets. Before that was a veggie smoothie. 23.1 BMI.

>> No.12388331

A slice of a medium dominos pizza, 6 glasses of wine

>> No.12388348

Microwaved some egg whites out of a carton in a mug with salt and pepper and dumped that on a piece of toast with a heaping spoonful of hummus.
I suck at cooking.

>> No.12388358
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18oz Ribeye
Sauteed sweet onions
1/2 loaf garlic bread
Two baked potatoes
baked apples
cream spinach

>> No.12388364

23.7 half of a frozen pizza

>> No.12388368
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One of these

>> No.12388376

Do you weigh 600lb or something?

>> No.12388381

480. I'm 5'6" lol

>> No.12388385

holy fuck that's so hot please post an image of yourself i need to jerk off now thank you!!!!

>> No.12388388


Sandwich with white bread, Turkey, ham, cheese, pickles, and lettuce. Pecans on the side.

>> No.12388389

I really hope this is true.

>> No.12388394

Are you one of those skeletons that eats nothing but small portions of sugar-laden crap?

Male or female? If the latter post pics pls.

>> No.12388400

pretty much square on 25

some madras curry with rice and naan bread and a fair amount of spirits

>> No.12388412

It's a 3 day holiday weekend in the USA, the unofficial start of summer and grilling. So I had 5 hot dogs and 6 beers and watched the Indy 500. No idea of my BMI or whatever.

>> No.12388426

No it's just the last thing I ate
I usually eat other stuff

>> No.12388441
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is... is this how much deathfat people actually eat?

>> No.12388453

around 28

brownies, tortilla chips, blueberries, and smoked salmon, because i'm a failure of a human being

>> No.12388463

20 bowls of sugar crisp cereal, 1 bowl of honeycombs


>> No.12388467

*2 bowls of sugar crisp

>> No.12388489

Chicken gravy over rice and some beans.

>> No.12388498

34.7 BMI (26.1 FFMI)

10 ounce steak and a serving of doritos

>> No.12388519

what the fuck kind of meal is that?

>> No.12388540

i call it "leftovers and whatever crunchy thing i can find"

>> No.12388552

A bottle of seltzer water and a ham sandwich

>> No.12388763
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Costco hot dog
Vanilla açaí yoghurt swirl
Mixed greens salad

>> No.12388806
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16 oz Ribeye pan-fried in butter with salt, pepper, and garlic powder
1 cup seasoned spinach
16 oz water

Desert was 4 sugar-free vanilla wafers and a cup of black coffee.

Now where's my (you)

>> No.12388826

The other lardass is literally more than twice the man you are, but I'll give you one anyway.

>> No.12388851

Couscous w/ olives, tomato and parsley, bourbon chicken, roasted pepers,onions and aspargus, andd salad

>> No.12388857

noticing a trend with these


4 oz Life Savers gummies, turkey and swiss on wheat, two glasses of milk, 1 grape juice box

>> No.12388864

A little under 27
Sardines, some blue cheese, and a slice of cake.

>> No.12388871

beef patai

that's not funny

>> No.12388875

a black bread, butter, cheese and herring sammich

>> No.12388879

No wonder you are the only poster here who actually eats vegetable.

>> No.12388881

I ate a large chunk of Amish swiss cheese
BMI was 29 last time I played Wii Fit over a decade ago

>> No.12388887

what's really interesting is that the overweights (>>12388331 >>12388400 >>12388453 >>12388857 >>12388864) seem to eat whatever random shit was in the fridge, while the obese (>>12388326 >>12388358 >>12388498 >>12388806) apparently live mostly on steak, which must take actual planning

also noticing a lot of alcohol, apparently al/ck/ is still here in spirit

>> No.12388897

So if I start eating random things in my fridge I can lose my weight?

>> No.12388903

good observation.

>> No.12388906

A little leftover riced cauliflower with ground beef and classico
Two eggs with pico pica
A big mixed spinach salad with cucumber, radish, green onions, oil and vinegar
A glass of strawberry milk
Some random IPA

This was my first meal but I woke up at 5pm.

>> No.12388908


fried fish and a small salad

>> No.12388917

i've lost 35 pounds eating steak every other night

>> No.12388935

It's memorial day weekend, a lot of people are eating steak.

>> No.12388951

yeah, I'm thinking the steak and meal planning is a reaction to the obesity rather than vice versa

>> No.12388956


stew of pork, potato, various veg and a bread roll

bmi is a useless measurement for individuals, though. fat% is where it's at. people would never guess that i weigh as much as i do because i'm not a fatass

>> No.12388964

i started counting calories like 6 months ago, trying to keep it below 2800 a day
must've been eating 4500-5500 before if i'm still losing

>> No.12388968

BMI 15.9, last meal was broccoli with cooked potato and a bratwurst

>> No.12388971

I don't plan to lose weight. I feel fine.

>> No.12388999

al/ck/ is still here but we get kicked out of whatever thread devolves into it.

About 10 beers and two trader Joe's tamales are all I've eaten today

>> No.12389014
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I miss the al/ck/ threads.

>> No.12389021

I want to cap this, print it, then show it a month before you dyingfrom cancer.

>> No.12389039
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>> No.12389780


169lb 6ft flat
4 slices of supreme 2 slice CP

>> No.12389843


What’s the resell value?

>> No.12389863

2 cups of oats, 1 litre of milk, half a kg of quark, 800g of meat and 8 eggs. I'm on a cut, bmi of 22.

>> No.12389870


>> No.12389885

is this sugar bear?

>> No.12389906

multi grain cheerios

>> No.12389951

A ham and cheese melt

>> No.12389961

2 potatoes 2 carrots 2 onions 2 stalks celery. Cut up and oven roasted with some salt pepper and franks red hot on the side.

>> No.12389997


About tree fiddy.

>> No.12390009

A yard of feta cheese.

>> No.12390143
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Frozen orange chicken,HEB sushi,2 poptarts and pringels

>> No.12390157

You guys could probably knock 2-3 points off your BMI and be slim if you stopped drinking so much. Other than that these meals don't seem horrible, at least not quantity-wise.

>underweight skellingtons eating as if they were on Weight Watchers
I bet you all are the type to whine about not being able to put on weight, lol.

>> No.12390187

Spinach. That's it, just like 4 cups of spinach.

>> No.12390193

Since I am neither a woman nor a child, BMI is a poor measure of healthy weight for me. Hard pass.

>> No.12390211


4 tablespoons of peanut butter

>> No.12390232

Made myself a portion of ~250g pork belly braised in sweet soy sauce, with 2 sweet and salty pickled ramen eggs. All topped on a bed of rice along with some thinly chopped white part of Welsh onion as garnish. Prep time was about 3 days because I don't have a pressure cooker and I wanted the pork belly to be tender.


>> No.12390451

5 eggs, 1.5 sausage (couldn't eat the last half of the last sausage), brown rice, 4 pieces of bread with peanut butter and jelly, cottage cheese with whey.

I only eat breakfast every 48 hours.

>> No.12390458

rice and radish

>> No.12390465

tomato soup with feta and smetana, sour bread, butter and a pint of vodka

>> No.12390466

I'm almost 30, my body is not gunna have a trim in-fashion model gut any fuckin time soon. I'd rather keep my alcoholism.
Besides, women are on the hunt for the dad bod in my dating pool.

>> No.12390485

post pics pls

>> No.12390544

approx 23
a slice of sourdough with chorizo and cabbage

>> No.12390605

sausage and egg sandwich, powerade, and a hashbrown

>> No.12390670

A ribeye steak and sautéed spinach
26 BMI (I'm not fat)

>> No.12390700

BMI: 22
Meal (lunch): Salade Lyonnaise and glass of Pinot Gris

>> No.12390755

had leftover curry, two naans and a bowl of crunchy nut cornflakes.

>> No.12390756

A BMI of 25 is overweight?

>> No.12390888
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split a thai sausage combo box with a friend last night

>> No.12390906

Yes. If you've spent any time lifting weights, you are probably overweight on BMI charts. BMI is actually really terrible at differentiating between athletic people and skinnyfat people on paper. Body fat percentage and waist to hip ratios are far superior indicators of health. That said, the majority of people in the world are sedentary and BMI is fairly accurate.

>> No.12390943

9 fried eggs with a jalapeno in there and 2 beers. I didn't plan ahead for this being a holiday

>> No.12390949

Overweight is 25-29.9 bmi. So you are borderline overweight according to that.

>> No.12390965

Just take a good shit and you will be fine again.

>> No.12390988

Charts I'm seeing start overweight at 28

>> No.12391097


>> No.12391115

Egg drop soup

>> No.12391126

>American charts

>> No.12391173

Protein powder in water

>> No.12391187

al/ck/ never left they just call their threads "beer thread" or some shit now

>> No.12391277


Meatloaf, spaghetti, rice and mashed potatoes with some orange juice

>> No.12391339


Large domino's pizza with cheddar and extra cheese

>> No.12391344
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christ this thread is making me feel fat

36 peanut m&ms, some shitty frozen hash browns. BMI is 21.6

>> No.12391501

When my BMI was 27 I was literally 32% bf, how the FUCK is that not overweight?

>> No.12391517

bmi doesn't account for muscle. i'm naturally muscular and therefore less is fat.

>> No.12391532

Most people are not so athletic that they look healthy at a 27 BMI.

>> No.12391918

Three burgers with standard lettuce, tomato, etc.
Medium side of potato wedges
Cauliflower and broccoli

>> No.12391944

absolute unit

>> No.12392097

>nock 2-3 points off your BMI and be slim if you stopped drinking so much
last time I quit drinking for 6 weeks I lost around 15 lbs and got back to a plate squat

I'm torn as to whether I'm ok with my alcoholism

>> No.12392957

Ritz crackers and some peanut M&Ms
My bmi is 14.9

>> No.12392979

I just weighed myself and since I've gained weight my bmi is actually 15.7, not 14.9 anymore

>> No.12393041


A nice Hotdog with nothing special, bun, sausage, cheese, pickles, ketchup and mayo, fied onions.


>> No.12393045
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>half an enchilada and some refried beans

>> No.12393066


Hot wings and curley fries with coca cola to wash it down

>> No.12393081

Bacon, rice, bok choy, braised beef. left over funnel cake and tea with milk

>> No.12393134


>> No.12393153

t. doesnt gym and has the muscle profile of a preteen yet justifies not cutting fat because 'it will ruin muh protein macros brah'

>> No.12393204


peanuts pistachios cheddar cheese

>> No.12393303

24.8, all right wing muscle. I was so hungry at dinner I could have eat a yearling steer.
Grass fed hamburger, white bun, mustard and ketchup. Side of boiled red potatoes and sweet corn, large bowl of popcorn with movie - Angel and the Badman.

You people from Pennsylvania simply cannot compete with my Wanyepilled lifestyle. Now get back on your horse and ride on, young man.

>> No.12393684

Bar S hot dogs

>> No.12393709

18.9 BMI
Mashed Potatoes
Garlic Sausage
Homemade bean dip

>> No.12393722

A chicken burger and a sweet potato.
I'm muscular not overweight. BMI a shit.

>> No.12393737

18 BMI

>> No.12393774

If you don't go to the gym or do any serious fitness, then BMI is the perfect indicator for you. Anyone who says BMI is bad is a fat fuck coping.

>> No.12393781

>i'm naturally muscular

>> No.12393827


A handful of peanuts
Toast with Greek yogurt and caocao powder
Coffee with milk and sugar

>> No.12393837


>> No.12393844

Grilled chicken and birthday cake

>> No.12393890

BMI: 21
Last Meal: 2 slices of meat lovers pizza. .5 slice of carrot cake. 3 Oz. Of scotch.

It was my stepfather b-day and I got married 2 days ago!

>> No.12394646

Salad with a bit of boiled egg and chicken with balsamic vinegar
17.7 BMI
up from 15.6 in October, feelsfatman

>> No.12394715

ay bruddaaaa

>> No.12394894

18.1 BMI

hot pot beef bulgogi with rice, onion, and carrot. along with a cup of ice water

>> No.12394914


some beans

>> No.12394926

i dabbed when the faggot from spongebob died
t. 18 year old redpilled zoomer

>> No.12394931

half a leftover bag of salt and vinegar crisps, paracetamol and a cigarette

>> No.12394942
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>6 jumbo eggs scrambled, two slices sharp cheddar cheese, two slices thicc wholemeal toast w/ butter, bowl of greek yogurt w/ honey, two cups of coffee, and an apple pie.

Still hungry 30 mins later, thinking about the next meal.

>> No.12395253

A (large) slice of hawaiian pizza.
BMI of 30, with a 36" waist

>> No.12395260

Microwaved chicken and egg rolls

>> No.12395347
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Huge meal out at a José Andrés restaurant in a casino last night. Shared cheddar biscuits, conch fritters, lobster bisque, shrimp and grits, and lobster jambalaya with my mom and two siblings... and had like 4 big glasses of red wine to myself.

BMI is 24.8. It was 24.0 yesterday, so I think I need to take a big poop.

>> No.12395357

>I got married 2 days ago!
Congrats, anon! Just don’t let yourself or your wife get fat.

>> No.12395459


I think I had an oreo earlier not quite sure

>> No.12395471

how can one man be so based?

>> No.12396917


>> No.12396986

chicken pot pie and 5 16oz PBRs

>> No.12397000

Bowl of cereal, 22.3