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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12386972 No.12386972 [Reply] [Original]

Do you put sugar in your spaghetti?

>> No.12387000

I put some in my Sunday gravy, so I guess yes.

>> No.12387018

Very clever way of finding out who is a nigger, OP. Based, as the kids are saying these days.

>> No.12387024

Went over to a friend's house when I was a kid. They were having spaghetti. We all start eating and I take my first bite. It tasted like straight up dessert spaghetti. It was more sugary than fucking soda. I look around the table and everyone else is slurping it down. I don't end up eating it and said it was too sweet. His mom says the sugar is to kill off the acid. I'm still confused how someone could eat marinara that sweet.

>> No.12387030

I remember growing up, we had a white trash babysitter who made us Kraft Mac n cheese and put sugar in it. She said it was how her family always ate it. It was terrible

>> No.12387165


I don't put sugar in anything that I cook because that's just weird even though I understand why it's done in certain circumstances. Makes me think of my friend who puts sugar in his red beans and rice.. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.12387171

I like the sauce to be zesty, spicy and salty, so no. Sugar fags up it gets put into unless it's a drink.

>> No.12387173

>Sugar fags up everything* it gets put into

>> No.12387192

X’s mom made sauce like that with four or five cups of sugar in it—like tomato jam on noodles.

>> No.12387202


no, i'm not an obese low class amerilard

>> No.12387208

Then again that same friend used to love beeferoni but only if you picked out all the tiny pieces of beef first. He was definitely on the spectrum now that I think about it.

>> No.12387218
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Nope, just an angry yuropoor stripped of all of his rights. Enjoy being able to use /ck/ before it's considered a hate site and and a jailable offense to browse it. This site will be much better without yuropoors.

>> No.12387260

i'm a leaf
so you can fuck right off

>> No.12387262

no, I use aspartame

>> No.12387266
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>> No.12387300

Sicilians put a pinch of sugar in the sauce.

>> No.12387307

What if I'm not Sicilian?

>> No.12387460

Only a little bit to give the illusion that my sauce was simmered for hours instead of 20 minutes.

>> No.12387464

Nope. I use mirepoix and garlic. Adds more than enough sweetness.
Why would you possibly add sugar to pasta?

>> No.12387481

>i'm not low class he said
>as he slid his penis into a dog

>> No.12387483

I ONLY add sugar to my tomato sauces if the tomatoes are too tart/acidic. And then I still only add like a teaspoon, because that's plenty to counteract it. People eat too damn much sugar.

>> No.12387648

Yes. Sugar, butter and a fuck ton of fresh basil are the key ingredients to dank red sauce.

>> No.12387655
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That doesn't help your argument, if anything it guarantees you're a Muslim.

>> No.12387661


>> No.12388590

no no no. i use vinegar to increase acidity, and red or white wine (which has a bit of sugar but also stong flavor), my wife squeezes lemon juice on her plate of nootles/sauce. i respect all cultures but the filipinos and many americans go hog wild with sugar in their tomato sauce, and should hang for it.

>> No.12389506

People who do this type of stuff to every meal/ meals like spaghetti. Needs to be sent to concentration camps. And used for manual labor untill they die.


>> No.12390192

I entered this thread thinking you were asking about a pinch for a full person. This is messed up.

>> No.12390603
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yes we do!! jolly good maam/sir

>> No.12390729
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>> No.12390996

>Why would you possibly add sugar to pasta?
It's called Nonna Syndrome.

Grandmothers (Nonna) cooking for their family's Sunday dinner have nothing to do, so they start cooking super-early and end up simmering a tomato sauce for hours and hours.
The problem is, tomatoes become bitter if you stew them that long, so Nonna offsets the bitterness with a bit of sugar.

>> No.12391006

This. If it takes you can't make a tomato sauce in the time it takes to boil the pasta, you've already fucked up so bad you might as well open a can of Chef Boyardee.

>> No.12391025

>i'm a leaf
Oh, I'm sorry.

>> No.12391401

No because I'm not a fat American.

>> No.12391507

I had a friend that would overseason the fuck out of pre-made sauce. If it wasn't fucking Splenda it was salt. Out of them both, Splenda was the worse, as I'm one of those people that can detect artificial sweetener.

>> No.12391787

You mean is not a common thing everywhere? I'm from Spain and we usually put a bit of sugar and salt on our homemade tomato sauces.