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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 77 KB, 775x517, shame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12382543 No.12382543[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let's say you were a president of a really important country and also a millionaire and you had official guests over. What would you serve them to make them feel special? You can literally serve them anything, any kind of food in the world.

>> No.12382558

if it was a gourmet dinner no one would give a shit. since its fast food its novel and you are still posting about it months later

>> No.12382566
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>> No.12382567

It was during the government shut down, moron. Oh and the U.S. budget for 2019 is $4.76 trillion, a number you can't even comprehend in your third world country. Also, Trump is a capital B Billionaire.

>> No.12382571

Embarrassing. The word you're looking for is embarrassing.

>> No.12382574

How much does a decent catering company cost?

>> No.12382580

>still desperately trying to justify a fucking stupid decision with mental gymnastics
The absolute state of Trumpfags. Can’t wait for the impeachment proceedings.

>> No.12382595

Well op it would depend heavily on the audience. If it was a group of football players for instance I'd do plenty of something hearty like hamburgers. This was a fun thread thanks for posting it :)

>> No.12382596


>> No.12382623

That's a good idea for football players. Which catering companies do world class burgers?

>> No.12382640

I would feed them a bunch of weird French shit because I want to alienate my base of constituents. Definitely wouldn't give them our national food or something stupid like that

>> No.12382647

Your national food is represented by a clown? Makes sense because your nation is represented by one too lol.

>> No.12382651

The hotel these people stay at have weird "French" shit. If they're staying in DC for too long eating the buffet, they'd probably prefer something like Mickey's.
That said, I can't really name a good restaurant in DC. I usually just drive over the border and get something from Virginia.

>> No.12382701

Hmm, yes, cold McDonalds fries sure does sound better.

>> No.12382717

Wow. You're a fucking idiot.

>> No.12382729

What's the excuse for all the other lukewarm fast food "dinners" that fat potato has served every single team that's visited since?
Also, Trump is not a billionaire, and he's used YOU to make personal gains. Someday I hope you realize how badly you've been duped.

>> No.12382747

I can't remember the exact number, because it's been awhile since I checked, but there are HUNDREDS of caterers in the DC area. Only a fucking moron would order fast food that's unable to be held at peak freshness, plus it's so white trash. He's turning the White House into a glorified trailer park.

>> No.12382758

i'd serve them burgers so faggots like you are still howling about it months later.

>> No.12382768

Faggots get out

>> No.12382771

>i'd make an ass out of myself just so to see other people feel disappointed in my stead

>> No.12382777

Such an educated response. Idiot.

>> No.12382785

Okay. Next faggot please step up.

>> No.12382795

I would feed them nothing just like the previous president

>> No.12382798

>Trump is a capital B Billionaire.
prove it dumbass

>> No.12382803

DC has great dining, a feature of having a fuckload of people with postgrad degrees in your town

>> No.12382804
File: 50 KB, 624x346, clemson fries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12382806

>I love to eat my own shit in public so people talk about it
great logic nimrod

>> No.12382829

I don't agree with a lot of his politics, but this wasn't a bad thing at all. As a guy he's pretty cool.

>> No.12382848

He doesn't have politics. He says opposite shit about everything so you can believe what you want
>hey guys shoot hillary
>yeah we should take the guns preemptively

>> No.12382857
File: 25 KB, 492x449, 1522079571733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine eating that Mc shit cold. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.12382860
File: 139 KB, 903x600, IJGPCFMLSNEQLOSJGLH7ORGEYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They just don't get it, do they

God Bless President Donald Trump !

>> No.12382878

>world class burgers
ah yes, football players are well known for caring about only the most expensive and haughty of burgers

>> No.12382886

Are you saying he's a condescending dick who decided they don't deserve better because they're probably too stupid to care?

>> No.12382891

>retards with TDS are still seething over POTUS doing a fast food buffet for football players
there is literally nothing wrong with fast food enjoyed in moderation.

seethe more.

>> No.12382894
File: 213 KB, 400x225, cackling quacker.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can’t wait for the impeachment proceedings.

>> No.12382895


>> No.12382900

>Feigned indignation on behalf of the people you can't stop calling retards for voting for him

>> No.12382955

Don't hold your breath.

>> No.12382957
File: 374 KB, 1000x600, epa-usa-government-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be kid
>dream about eating caviar in the white house
>get invited in
>see this

>> No.12382968

>dreaming about caviar
russian bot pls go

>> No.12383105

>live in redneck flyover state
>everyone around me likes trump even more after this
>man of the people type shit
>some even get offended as insulting fast food is insulting themselves
>they get even more mad at coastal elitists
>tfw I live in a battleground state
fml, I can't wait to move out of here

>> No.12383143


>having Trump as President
>being duped

pick one

>> No.12383154

$3.1 Billion, pleb


>> No.12383161

>Also, Trump is not a billionaire, and he's used YOU to make personal gains.
>BLUMPF's net worth has gone down since becoming president
>personal gains

>> No.12383164

>>dream about eating caviar in the white house
dreamt no one ever lmao fuck outta here with that shit. DC should be servin fresh clams and crabs straight outta the Chesapeake. Caviar's for basic bitches.

>> No.12383174

Why do you trust a web site that can just say whatever they want? How the fuck would they know?

>> No.12383178

Imbecile. He has done this multiple times now, not just during the shut down.

>> No.12383182

>don't trust that newspaper! I'M the only one you can trust!
This bait has spoiled. No (You)s for you.

Really? Prove it.

>> No.12383186


>> No.12383187

>shit analogy

>> No.12383197


>> No.12383205

As a kid i would dream about being president eating junk food and bossing people around

>> No.12383206

>spending your free weekend hours on an anime imageboard critiquing the food offerings of the most powerful man in the world when he has 19 year olds visiting his office
lol do you have no shame or do you revel in acting like the lowest pleb imaginable?

>> No.12383234

it's a shame our president is a kid

>> No.12383252

>whatever they’re just a bunch of kids, they like having McDonald’s
trump is a cheap kike shill, trying to justify that meal as anything other than absurd is pathetic.

>> No.12383345

cnn pls go

>> No.12383346

>72 year old's faux pas
he's not a king, he's just an old fart. who cares.