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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12380098 No.12380098 [Reply] [Original]

Goy here, my Jewish friend and I made some matzo ball soup yesterday for dinner (picrel is the finished dish) and it was supposedly her grandmother’s recipe that was written in old lady cursive on some browned piece of card stock.
My friend wolfed it down and said we made it just as tasty as her granny’s but I sat there picking at what tasted like a hot bowl of nothing. It was the blandest, under-seasoned crap I’ve ever tasted. The only part I actually liked was the dill but it hardly added any flavor when mixed in the soup.
Are Jews notorious for making bland food or is this a unique case? It’s the first Jewish food I’ve ever tried, at least to the best of my knowledge.
>inb4 /pol/ shit

>> No.12380108

>(Jewish) grandmother’s recipe that was written in old lady cursive on some browned piece of card stock
Contact he government, you found another survivor. They need as many anecdote references as they can get so they can-
>inb4 /pol/ shit
Oh fuck.

>> No.12380110
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you just have utterly shit taste, you probably buy sweetened bread and have the palate of a child.
matzo ball soup is delicious. absolutely delicious. same with all jewish food. potato kugel, latkes, charoset, pastrami on rye, the list goes on and on.

>> No.12380111

there is no "jweish food". It's all stolen

>> No.12380148

>Are Jews notorious for making bland food or is this a unique case?
Only Ashkenazi Jews! Sephardic cuisine is on fucking point. Also, the secret to a good matzo ball soup is the broth and the balls. It looks like your friends balls are sinkers and not floaters (BAD!).

>> No.12380150
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>matzo ball soup is delicious
Maybe it is normally but this particular recipe literally tasted like nothing despite us including all the spices and salt the recipe called for. I even double-checked to see if something was forgotten or measured wrong. It wasn’t salty enough nor could you taste the seasoning. My friend said maybe she could appreciate it more than me because it brought back memories of her childhood when I told her I thought it needed something more, rather than it being a good recipe.
I can appreciate a good soup, but not this one.

>> No.12380163
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>Only Ashkenazi Jews!
That’s exactly what she is lol.
>It looks like your friends balls are sinkers and not floaters (BAD!).
I actually took a picture of them, picrel. Looks like they were floaters, so I wonder what went wrong? They didn’t taste like much either, even though the mixture called for a whole tablespoon of salt.

>> No.12380194

This. I love matzo ball soup, and I'm not even remotely close to being Jewish. Jewish food is pretty based, except for gefilte fish, that stuff can fuck off.

>> No.12380201
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>That’s exactly what she is lol.
Yeah look up some sephardic recipes, and prepare to have your mind blown with flavor. Ashkenazi ffod is typically bland given their history/location/access to quality ingredients. She probably thought it tasted good due to nostalgia.
>so I wonder what went wrong?
The broth was the culprit then. Matzo ball soup is literally chicken noodle soup but with matzo balls instead. If you're really interested in making a proper matzo ball soup, then I can give you some tips if you want. Also, good luck with the girl!

>> No.12380231

>then I can give you some tips if you want
Ooh yes, what seasonings would you include? This one had only nutmeg and a ginger, maybe not enough. It didn’t call for pepper which seemed unusual to me.
I was thinking of making my own stock or broth from scratch in case Jew friend wants us to have it again, because I think part of the problem was that it called for canned chicken broth. Even with all the sodium from the shitty broth it -still- needed salt.

>> No.12380258

She forgot to add the foreskins

>> No.12380271

Stop fucking calling me picrel

>> No.12380274 [DELETED] 

you only eat the foreskins when someone has died as a sacrifice to prevent further loss
t. israeli

>> No.12380288

I know you’re joking but in the slight chance you aren’t, picrel means pic related.

>> No.12380299 [DELETED] 

That is so gross, holy shit.

>> No.12380319 [DELETED] 

Its not gross its our tradition, the problem comes from a lack of supply thus we made other peoples get cut and we buy it.

>> No.12380330

Do you know how to make chicken noodle soup? If so, use that as a broth. Like I said, matzo ball soup is literally just chicken noodle soup with matzo balls, so season as your taste desires. Some tips:
1. Boil the matzo balls in water and not the broth! Then transfer when plating.
2. Use some seltzer water when making the matzo balls. The result is more fluffier, and less of a chance for sinkers. My bubbe (grandmother) used to make sinkers, not cool!
3. When forming the balls, don't apply too much pressure, just wet your hands, roll them up, and make the outside smooth; think meat ball sized unless you want bread in broth in a bowl.

Are you dating this chick? I can maybe give some more tips for a proper shabbos dinner that might sweep her off her feet if you want.

t. jew /ck/ poster

>> No.12380333 [DELETED] 

go back >>>/pol/

>> No.12380339

* meant to say, make a good homemade broth

>> No.12380343 [DELETED] 

besides going to gif to fap i only browse blue boards

>> No.12380356

Imagine being the guy who wants to claim Jews stole the gefilte fish recipe from his superior culture.

>> No.12380367
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jews BTFO

>> No.12380381 [DELETED] 


>> No.12380387


>> No.12380412

I'm not defending it but you should try it with the purple horse radish.

>> No.12380418

Yeah I’ve made both chicken broth for homemade chicken noodle soup with a rotisserie chicken and chicken stock using just the carcass for other shit like velouté soups. It just dawned on me that that would taste so much better than tasteless canned garbage, I don’t know why I didn’t think of that earlier.
Also good tips, but how much seltzer water should I put in? Like a tablespoon or so? From what I recall the dough recipe called for 1 cup of matzo meal, 4 eggs, and the salt..and that was it.
>Are you dating this chick? I can maybe give some more tips for a proper shabbos dinner that might sweep her off her feet if you want.
Haha no, I’m a femanon and we are both straight, so that would never happen. I would like to impress her by making a really good soup though.

>> No.12380484 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 960x667, 358975-960x720-griessnockerl-suppeneinlage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean "jews steal recipes from their host country and claim it their own"?

Matzen ball soup is Grießnockerl soup, a german dish.

>> No.12380512

"Gefilte fisch" is just some kind of Frikadelle, german food.

>> No.12380516

Even as a jew I know that our recipes are mostly just appropriations and maybe tweaks to make them kosher. Their origins are their host countries.

>> No.12380527

>female jewess
Cute, you should date her.

>> No.12380575 [DELETED] 
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>jews steal recipes from their host country
Knödel sind im ganzen Osteuropa üblich, Autismo.

>> No.12380618

as a jew whos studied torah for 13 fucking years I can tell you kosher and jew food is shit.
Kosher parts of kosher animals are all the front half which is fine but they don't really know how to cook. Ontop of that to being a "good" jew means fun is a sin. I don't care who the fuck suffered before me I'm going to have fun. Jew food is garbage.

>> No.12380638

kosher is retarded
other than that jew fewd is actually bretty good

>> No.12380656

no its not, its just bullshit boring versions of everything else and wasting most of the creature that was killed to make the food

>> No.12380666 [DELETED] 

6 million wasn’t enough

>> No.12380677

Based party-animal-oven-dodger

>> No.12380751

I also went to (lolmistake) culinary school. as someone whos studied both jewish religion (culture desu) and food I can tell you just about anything about it. It sucks. I hate it but I also miss passover ceder and purim and all annoying stupid holidays that arent actually happy occasions but happy fucking misery day i guess because loljews

>> No.12380884

Matzo ball soup fucking sucks, I've had to endure countless family dinners where it was served. If you want to try and improve it the best bet is making the highest quality broth you can....and adding a lot of salt and MSG.
>2. Use some seltzer water when making the matzo balls. The result is more fluffier, and less of a chance for sinkers. My bubbe (grandmother) used to make sinkers, not cool!
Is this satire? I'm honestly unsure.

>> No.12381053
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Matzo ball soup sucks, but everything else you listed is pretty good.

>> No.12381055

What ARE matzo balls anyway? They look like somebody rolled white bread into balls and dropped it into chicken broth and called it Kosher.

Am I wrong?

>> No.12381218

Your palate has been ruined by Maccie Dee, just sayin'.

>> No.12381438

Italki Jew here.
All Jewish ethnic groups make good food /except/ the Ashkenazim. Your friend is Ashkenazi.
The reason Ashkenazi food is bad is because Ashkenazim are native to areas which rely heavily on pork for flavouring their foods. Bacon. Lard. Salo. Sausages. Ham. etc etc etc. They're all heavily used in the areas from which these Jews hail.
>why not use other things for flavour, then?
The places Ashkenazim come from are both ill-suited to growing a wide variety of flavourful ingredients and were only minorly involved in the spice trade. The Ashkenazi had no choice but cook bland, awful food.
>why do other Jews make good food?
Because we're from warmer clients and can simply make tasty vegetarian dishes with the huge variety of vegetables native to the places we're from or eat native dishes which don't depend on pork to begin with. Italkim, Sephardim, Romaniotes, Mizrahim, Beta Yisrael and Bucharim all have fucking delicious food. Sadly, Ashkenazi outnumber all other Jews combined by about 2:1. If you meet a Jewish person, 66% of the time, that person will be Ashkenazi.

>> No.12381448 [DELETED] 

Where did u get the goy child blood for the mozza?

>> No.12381450

No, that's exactly what they are. They're the Ashkenazi version of semelnodel, which are an Austrian dish. Italkim have a similar dish, but ours are flavoured with kosher cheese and served in vegetable broth.

>> No.12381592

>savory meatballs = sweetened, pickled fish
i'm not sure you've tried either of these foods

>> No.12381621

>Is this satire? I'm honestly unsure.

>> No.12381776

Not him but 1) how much of a fucking rush are you in that you can't just pic related and 2) it pic rel. Not picrel. You're in so much of a rush you can't include a fucking space.

>> No.12381780

>she thinks all gefiltefish is that sweet shit her bubby fed her
I guess I know which side of the graben your people are from.

>> No.12381785


>> No.12381789

nobody in their right mind eats or enjoys savory gefilte

>> No.12381815

>defending her disgusting sugarfish
>moving the goal post from 'there's no such thing as non-sugared gefiltefish' to 'no one likes non-sugared gefiltefish'

>> No.12381819

I'm not mad dude it's just weird.

>> No.12381823

Don't forget:
Nigga thinks gefiltefish is pickled.

>> No.12381829

>"pepper and paprika on fish is weird!"
>"but sugar, horseradish and carrot on fish isn't!"

>> No.12381835

>I obviously didn't read the post: the post

>> No.12381854

Aargh: ya got me.
I just jumped to the conclusion that >>12381819 was responding to >>12381815 cuz I saw that >>12381815 had a reply, but didn't bother to see that the reply was >>12381823 rather than >>12381819
At the time, I thought it was weird that the post said Anon wasn't mad, too. Oh well. I'm such a silly goose.

>> No.12381887

I was watching Rick Steve in Israel, they were feeding him something and talking about how good it was and he just came out and said it like halfway through the meal
>all of this is Arabic

>> No.12381921

Falafel is Coptic, hummus is Maronite, skhug is Yemeni and ptitim is Berber. Israel steals food.

>> No.12381924
File: 82 KB, 1024x683, falafel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Israel steals food
100% false

>> No.12381934

I don't have a problem with them stealing it but they aren't honest about it. When white or Japanese people steal things from other cultures they say
>yeah, look how much better I made it
Then everyone generally agrees except a few assmads, not my problem tho desu.

>> No.12381945

Well, if falafel is original character donut steel of Israel, why do Israelis use a word from the Coptic language to refer to it?

>> No.12381981

How autistic are you that this is actually something to get mad over? People say picrel all the time on here, dum dum.

>> No.12382048

i don't really know what's more confusing, that you're angry over this or that you've decided i'm a woman

the non-sugared stuff is really bland, i gotta say

>> No.12382069

based jewish anon playing the wingman for his fellow anon

>> No.12382149

My wife and I aren't Jewish. She experiments with many kinds of cuisine. She makes matzo ball soup, and it tastes great. However, sometimes the balls are super fluffy, and sometimes they're denser with a bit of chew. They both taste good, but I'm wondering if there's a "right" way. Or are there different matzo ball schools i.e. "You caveman like unsophisticated dense matzo balls" vs. "You sissies like your gay fluff balls"?

>> No.12382201

Well, you literally sound like a jew in your speech patterns so at least you're authentic.

>> No.12382390 [DELETED] 
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Foreskins taste great boiled.

>> No.12382408



>> No.12382538



add feta because everything tastes better with cheese

>> No.12382607

OP here. I showed this post to my friend and here’s what she said, lol.

>> No.12382616
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Dropped pic like a fucken retard

>> No.12382621 [DELETED] 

The only 2 good things to ever come out of kikeland are challah and latkes. Matzah and its related ball soup are glorified crackers optionally floating in water. If you want a clear soup then go with pho.

>> No.12382702
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So look up some sephardic recipes!
Show your friend this video too!

>> No.12382718 [DELETED] 

t. butthurt jew

>> No.12382728

it was flavorless because the secret ingredient, blood of goys, is never written down.

>> No.12382737 [DELETED] 


i want to participate in savage, brutal, genocide.

>> No.12382761 [DELETED] 
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A lot of people don't put much effort into cooking because they are busy with other things and not interested in expending much effort on making fancy food.

I make a proper chicken stock and make sure to season with msg and salt.

I'm sorry you had a poor experience but you can use culinary techniques to improve soup.

>> No.12382841

look lady: all i know is that women love sweets and you do, too, so you're definitely a woman. or worse

>> No.12382867

not before showing off the holocaust museum for a whole 5 minutes. he even said 6 gorillian

>> No.12382902 [DELETED] 

as many origins as ancient people that grew potatoes.
>The term koylatch is cognate with the names of similar braided breads which are consumed on special occasions by other cultures outside of the Jewish tradition in a number of European cuisines. These are the Russian and Ukrainian kalach, the Serbian kolač, the Hungarian kalács, and the Romanian colac. These names originated from Proto-Slavic kolo meaning "circle", or "wheel", and refer to the circular form of the loaf.

>> No.12382998 [DELETED] 

the only acceptable food for a jew is rat poison

>> No.12383009

>as many origins as ancient people that grew potatoes.
Where are potatoes from anon?

>> No.12383030

I don't know, probably in south africa or something.

>> No.12383042 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12383058 [DELETED] 

>unser seeliger Adolf

>> No.12383062 [DELETED] 

Another fine shitpost from the state of Israel.

>> No.12383101

How do we correct the great Askenazim mistake?

>> No.12383128

Don't. A great man once tried and his legacy and that of his nation's was ruined forever.

>> No.12383322


>> No.12383397

Be careful who you let know that you go on 4chan anon, even a board as innocuous as /ck/.

>> No.12383445

I will!
She’s a /soc/ camwhore and one of my few IRL friends that’s also a 4channer, so I think it’s safe. She has already found and read this entire thread and is probably still reading for all I know right now.

>> No.12383490
File: 3.00 MB, 1920x800, incels_BTFO_havesex.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She’s a /soc/ camwhore and one of my few IRL friends that’s also a 4channer
Wish her a "gut voch" and get some Chaturbate NEET bux for soup https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gebsb-po8jY

>> No.12383763 [DELETED] 

Yeah you are just proving the point.

>> No.12383782

oooooo hell yaaaa

>> No.12383870

My jew coworker brought matzo to work because of your stupid dietary restiction holiday

apparently it was one of the 'better brands'
absolutely fucking terrible

>> No.12385024
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Passover is not a stupid holiday. It can challenge your cooking skills, especially for Ashkenazim.

>> No.12386223

kek. They will always claim we stole from them. These types of people see politics in everything, including food.

>> No.12386876


taters dont grow naturally in israel
Carrots also don't fucking grow there

matzo balls
(literally a fucking dumpling)

Putting the word kosher before something doesn't mean SHIT moshe

>> No.12386883


The falafel originated from what is today Lebanon

>> No.12386894
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>from what is today Lebanon
You mispelled Eretz Yisrael

>> No.12387843

BASED and chummus pilled