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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12373955 No.12373955 [Reply] [Original]

for me, it's the mystery meat hotdogs

>> No.12373965
File: 60 KB, 600x400, GayFries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer fries.

>> No.12374106

My elementary school had some good ass hot dogs. When I went to middle school out of state, their dogs were absolute dogshit since they were made from turkey.

>> No.12374297

Do parents in america prepare lunch for thier kids to school?

>> No.12374328

I would have killed for a hotdog for lunch when I was in primary school. All I ever had was stale peanut butter or marmite sandwiches.

>> No.12374347

Only rich kids.

>> No.12374352

square cardboard pizza with ketchup sauce and rat turd sausage topping

>> No.12374362

Only poor kids.
lmao fuck no rich kids get fucking Lunchables and other lazy processed garbage. home-made food is for poors who can't afford to have somebody else do it

>> No.12374370
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For me it's PIZZA DAY!

>> No.12374649

4/5 days i do. friday is pizza day for hot lunch and my kid would be a pariah if she couldnt partake in that with all the other school kids

>> No.12374669

For me it was the Pita pizza, also the spaghetti wasn't bad either.

>> No.12374694

Good parenting

>> No.12374722

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more cucked than having a daughter. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are feeding, clothing, raising and rearing a girl for at least 18 years solely so she can go and get ravaged by another man. All the hard work you put into your beautiful little girl - reading her stories at bedtime, making her go to sports practice, making sure she had a healthy diet, educating her, playing with her. All of it has one simple result: her body is more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck her in every hole.

Raised the perfect girl? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, a random man who had nothing to do with the way she grew up, who marries her. He gets to fuck her tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of her kind and sweet personality that came from the way you raised her.

As a man who has a daughter, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a girl for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL cuck. Think about it logically

>> No.12374808

I used to scrounge up 50 cents to buy a cup of pasta whenever they were serving it. They used butter and pepper. It was delicious.

>> No.12374811

You had to scrounge up 50 cents? Holy shit, that's embarrassing. I'm sorry you are a poorfag.

>> No.12374833

Yeah, typing that out I have no idea why I wouldn't have had money on me. But I guess I didn't always carry my wallet back then. Weird.

>> No.12374882

My school had this day where they served tamales. They have you one big one twice the size a regular one that were a fucking delicacy. I would kill to have one again. Too bad there's no way of ever getting one

>> No.12375014
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My school had Ala carte my lunch more often then not was 2 spicy chicken sandwiches with mayo mixed with BBQ sauce or mayo with ketchup. They also had good iley face fries. Chicken fries and the iceberg salads were so crispy and had a good amount of ranch honey mustard or Italian. I ate a lot of salad at school lol

>> No.12375020

I was packed a lunch until I was in 7th grade. I wasn't rich I just had a good mommy :') she used to write me notes in my lunchbox

>> No.12375022

Fuck that shit. My mommy made me all kinds of great stuff. She bought a thermos to pack me soups or pasta.
But her sandwiches were so good that a friend told me he was jealous. His parents ran a deli, and my mom made better sandwiches than his parents. My mom was the best.

>> No.12375025

Back in the day a daughter was a commodity. You can gain power by marrying your daughter off to some rich jews with israeli ties. Then one day you can be president of the United States of AMERICA

>> No.12375032
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Well your mom WAS the best. My mom still is :^)

>> No.12375036
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Ok, I guess I have to give that one to you.

>> No.12375041
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>> No.12375474
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That salmon, unironically. The only thing I'd rate higher would be taco friday.

>> No.12375513

>school lunches ever look this good

>> No.12375533

Clown world

>> No.12375551

The rare days when my school had BBQ meat sandwhiches were good days. I used to enjoy the chicken sandwiches too but in middle school, I got one that was half-frozen and otherwise disgusting. I only learn it was half-frozen when I bit into the sandwich. To this day, I'm still wary of a chicken sandwich from any place.

>> No.12375655

Found the newfg

>> No.12375668

That’s not the rich. That’s upper middle class. The rich have their nannys or private chefs prepare the meals.

>> No.12375688

God I wish I could order the food I got back in high school. Things like chicken pattys, salisbury steak etc aren't hard to replicate but there were spicy chicken tenders and a stuffed crust pizza I would fucking kill for one more plate of.

>> No.12375735

I'm so glad I graduated in 1999 before Michelle Obama, a bunch of sweaty mexicans in overalls, and the Dept. of Agriculture had an orgy with 40,000 school boards and destroyed tasty school lunches by making half of them vegetables and fruits that just get thrown away. For $3.50 per meal, at that. Rectangle pizza, fried cheese sticks, and chocolate milk ftw.

>> No.12375736

Salisbury steak

>> No.12375744

That rubbery teriyaki chicken that was probably more filler than chicken that came with salad.

>> No.12375778

i had free lunch because my family was poor as fuck

i really enjoyed the sausage biscuits they served in the morning in highschool

>> No.12375785

>mooommmmm, they tried to serve healthy lunches at school instead of addicting me to fast food so I could join the 40% who are obese and have diabetes
>them's is just them damn atheist gombunists, Billy Bob! Let's go get usn's 2 supersize meals with 2 litres of coke each tuh show dem we is free by god!

>> No.12375790

If I was gay, I would genuinely be getting offended at all the pandering going on right now. It's kind of like politicians rabidly insisting they're not racist. It just makes them look like they're trying to hide their racism. Same thing. Companies are trying way too hard.

Now that I think about it, it might be some sort of per-emptive defense for when one of their 15 year old employees inevitably calls a customer a faggot instead of "ma'am" on a viral video. I guess that makes sense.

>> No.12375819
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my school served spaghetti with meat sauce once ever 6 weeks maybe. i don't know what they did to make the sauce but it was fucking delicious and i've never been able to re-create it. they also heaped low-moisture mozzarella on top instead of parmesean and that made it even better. i salute my lunch ladies, they did great work

>> No.12375823
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Oh, fuck off. I'm an actual parent and not just some dude without kids that thinks they can raise kids better than everyone else. Half of the food gets thrown away - there is research on that already. And the cost of school prices have tripled since Obama did all that. That matters to me. 1 shitty meal a day is not going to kill them. Teenagers eat like 6 times a day.

And not only that, but school cafeterias didn't get an increase in funding to offset the difference so they're struggling to just break even because vegetables (that get thrown away) are more expensive. So they have to sell stuff on the side like a fucking theatre concession stand - JUNK FOOD - so they don't lose money. So the kids get their junk food either way.

>> No.12375980

Schools are for-profit and will always produce a surplus, you filthy shill.

>> No.12376291


Was a poor bitch as a kid. Parents taught me litterally nothing about healthy eating or how to cook. At home it was all Ramen Noodles and Pop tarts. Eventually figured out that I felt a lot better at practice when I ate basic shit like an apple, and penut butter toast, than above. So everyday at lunch I'd take two pieces of fruit, a vegitable, and a carb/meat item if you could tell me what animal it was (So no hotdogs or chicken nuggets). I pocketed the fruit so I'd have something to eat at home. Don't crush some kids one chance at healthy food because others are wastefull. Especially when we're in the middle of a health crisis. Ensuring every kid has at least one unhealthy meal, every single day for 9 months out of the year for 16 or so years will make a diffrence. And I'd put the health of our nations youth over the profits of the same companies that make prison lunches. Asking for basic representation of all food groups, and reasonable limits on salt and suger is far from overly demanding.

>> No.12376360


Did people really eat that prison food? My mom and I made my food.

>> No.12376571

>the same poorfags who had to get their poorfag greasy microwaved lunch are the same people posting on 4chan
Imagine being content with shoving endless drivel into your mouth with the promise of "it's healthier for you!". Even before Michelle Obama ruined school lunches by taking away the good shit and making it microwave only, it was still pure garbage for you.
Schools and Prisons literally spend 50 cents PER meal on you, your literally eating something worth 50 cents in total.
If you didnt have your own lunch to bring, you were either poor or your parents seriously didnt love you, end of story.

>> No.12376584


>> No.12376596

My mom made my lunch until I was 10 and then I made it myself until I graduated.

>> No.12376599

it's not about healthy eating you fucking mongoloids, its about moderation. You can drink like 3 cans of soda a day, and as long as your still eating healthy and working out, your fine. It's about offsetting the balance of calories your getting.
You can eat a whole fucking chocolate cake, and burn that bitch off in the course of 3 days with excersize and it doesnt make you any more or less obese, or any more at risk to get diabetes.
Obesity and Diabetes come from long term eating, not short term. You dont magically get diabetes one day because you drank a can of soda. It's over the course of your life having unhealthy dietary habits.
Americans say, "HURR OBESITY IS A PROBLEM BECAUSE OF SUGAR IN OUR FOOD" when in reality, Obesity is a problem because american food isn't filling. Which causes them to eat more, which causes them to get more obese.
Moderation is key in everything you do, and if you can offset the balance of calories going in, with calories going out your fine. America is a fucking clown country that believes the completely cutting sugar is how you dont end up obese, when in reality I can fucking eat a ton of salad and fruits and veggies and still get obese if im consuming twice my body weight every damn day.
t. certified dietitian

>> No.12376789

So you tried pre-med and flunked organic chemistry so switched to womens studies with a minor in biology, lol!

>> No.12377167


>> No.12377183

Im gay and its pretty cool, its just funny that you fags can't do anything about it so you bitch and cry.

>> No.12377224

We had curry chicken, rice, potatos, and more. You american's are fucking low life compared to europe

>> No.12377475


please tell me this is pasta

>> No.12377482

>dies of aids

>> No.12377486


>> No.12377500


>not being on PrEP in our year of the Lord 2019


>> No.12377502

Except a bullet

>> No.12377511

Your parents don't have to be rich to prepare their kids healthy nutritious lunches. Sorry that your parents didn't love you sport

>> No.12377547


did forget to mention the ever-present danger of being actually murdered or maimed but at least the dick is good