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12363271 No.12363271 [Reply] [Original]

So I made this batch of watermelon apple cider. I tasted it and the shit must be at least 10% abv, but it's absolutely dreadful. My hunch is that the watermelon juice went bad, though I completely boiled everything right into the jar, then waited for it to cool to add yeast and stuff. I tried adding sugar to cover up the bad taste but it's no use. Right now it's in the fridge, pic is from start of fermentation. Is there any way to salvage this?

>> No.12363284

ur goin blind

>> No.12363291

why did you leave the seeds in you lazy nigger

>> No.12363292


I'm not distilling just fermenting. It's not possible to get methanol poisoning this way, because it's not concentrated and mixed with ethanol which is the antidote anyway.

>> No.12363296


Those are cloves and allspice you penis muncher.

>> No.12363298

No wonder it tastes like ass.

>> No.12363305


Bro my last apple cider was to die for, only change is the watermelon. Also I roasted my apples before juicing. The liquid tasted godly before going in the jar.

>> No.12365046

Anon is probably going to grow hair on his palms as well.

>> No.12365126

Usually you aren’t supposed to put the spices in during fermentation. You put them in after you’ve halted fermentation so they can infuse, the fermentation makes their taste go off.

>> No.12365168

did you had any additions after pitching the yeast?
might have fucked up and contaminated the batch during that process
I'm not familiar with cider production, but it could also be related to yeast stress
was the temp constant? did you measure the ph of the regular apple juice vs the one with the watermelon?

>> No.12365175

as for salvaging, there's probably no way you can unfuck it, the juice has been already transformed into foul shit
you might as well dump it and try again

>> No.12365305


You idiots were duped by 1930s propaganda about methanol. They added poison back then to keep people from making their own. Now the only way to generate methanol is fruit pectin. And even that isn't significant.

Stop spreading bullshit.

>> No.12367009


Well I added yeast nutrient about a week in because it hadn't arrived in mail yet. Also it was bubbling over so I had to open and dump a bit. Didn't measure jack shit, I don't believe in numbers. I've done this before adding spices first with no problem, just never with the watermelone.

>> No.12367496

Probably got contaminated with wild yeast based on what you're describing. You should boil yeast nutrient in a little water prior to adding it. Think about it, yeast nutrient will be a magnate for wild yeast.

>> No.12367506


You fucking people need to stop ruining booze. You need to measure the pH, you need to make sure the yeast has something to eat and you need to make sure the sg is 1.085 or lower.

>> No.12367509


Oh, and buy Starsan to sterilize everything in the fermentation chain.

>> No.12367514


Oh, and temperature needs to be under 35 degrees.

>> No.12367533


Oh, and don't use any retarded yeast like Lalvin EC-1118. Just use bakers yeast and allow it to attenuate properly. Use a lot of it, because it's cheap and it flocculates properly.

>> No.12367864


Retarded fucking commie advice. I've made several batches of great booze, it's just that the watermelon went bad, that's all. Never measured pH, I don't own a thermometer, and I use a pack of wine yeast I bought on amazon and sugar I bought at my local grocery store and I boil it with a GAS stove.

>> No.12367895
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You're just some stupid asshole that makes carboy poison. I make real booze by the hundreds of liters.

>> No.12367920


Here you go, honey.


>> No.12367940


tell us more anon

>> No.12367942

Booze isn't as complicated as you're making it, yes, on an industrial level it's a science, but people have been homebrewing with much less since the start of civilization

>> No.12367951


That's about 300 liters of sugar wash. You can turn that into 14% x 300 liters.

>> No.12367962


Right, but it will either taste like shit, or fuel, or taste good. You need to learn how to make it taste good.

>> No.12367969


Dang. I made 6 pints in my kitchen and overcarbonated it so when I opened a bottle without leaving it in the fridge over night my entire kitchen exploded. One day I want to be like you

>> No.12367977

what does it taste like? taste alone should give you a hint of what went wrong. from my experience fermented watermelon tastes like shit. it tastes much better if you add towards the end or after primary is done. just gotta be careful about those sugars fermenting out in the bottle or whatever

>> No.12367986


And that needs to be dilluted to 40%. So 105 liters of booze.

>> No.12367990


I distill my booze. I don't make beer.

>> No.12367997
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You'll need to get good at making things from copper.

>> No.12368028

Does it taste kind of mediciney? If so then it just needs lots of aging. I did a ginger mead once that needed over a year of aging, but was superb when it was done. Clove is strongly flavored like ginger, it may need similar time to settle down.