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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.17 MB, 3072x2304, Potato-Chips[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12333009 No.12333009 [Reply] [Original]

They're called "chips", goddammit.

>> No.12333014

hello edditor needlessly swearing in his post because his “meme” is unfunny

>> No.12333019

Who gives a shit, fuck you. Fuck your thread.

>> No.12333079

i can swear wherever and whenever i want, if you have a goddamn problem with that id suggest you see yourself out, sir.

>> No.12333115

do americans really

>> No.12333128

dO aMerICanS reALLy dO tHINgs lmaooo im l i t e r a l l y in TEarS RN.

>> No.12333130

seethe harder burger
do americans really get this mad over a low effort ironic meme post

>> No.12333197


>> No.12333226

Even if you made me laugh that doesn't mean you don't use Reddit.

>> No.12333237

no stupid , those are very thin "potato slices" , not a "chip" or otherwise " chunk " of a potato.
what americans call Fries , which are actually " strings of potatos " , can on occasion be irregularly sliced slabs ,, that resemble chips .

so in short stop being a stupid arrogant know nothing and get some life experiance.

>> No.12333243

guilty as charged, glad i made you laugh though

>> No.12333253

they're chips of potatoes asshat.

>> No.12333261

look up the definition of chip "asshat"
those are very thin potato slices. not a chip of fried potato

>> No.12333426

>swearing is now reddit

>> No.12333429
File: 21 KB, 625x626, 14fzEpS_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone and everything in thid thread

>> No.12333432
File: 28 KB, 800x488, 1554199402130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12333464

My buddies didn’t die face down in the muck back in 1776 so we could call them crisps

>> No.12333485

I tried regular chips with shredded cheese for science. it was ok, i guess.

>> No.12333670

You mean "crisps"?

>> No.12333707

Sneed Sneed Sneed Sneed Sneed
Sneed Sneed Sneed
Sneedy Sneed
Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck Chuck
Chuckity Chuck

>> No.12333728

>being this obsessed

>> No.12333732

in English we call very thin fried potato slices "chips" or "crisps". why does that simple observation make you so mad?

>> No.12333739


>> No.12333764
File: 598 KB, 615x404, fishandchipsPNG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are chips.
No known american analogue exists

>> No.12333772

Those are known as "steak fries" over here in the States.

>> No.12333813

crisps sounds like way too much hissing, like you're a snake or something, its a very awkward word. like you have a lost kitten and you're trying to convince it to come out.

>> No.12333855

They're called crisps in England because in medieval times before we had potatoes people would fry thin slices of flour paste in hot oil. These were called cryspels or cryspes.

>> No.12333856

a small piece of something removed in the course of chopping, cutting, or breaking a hard material such as wood or stone.

How is a potato chip not a small piece of potato removed in the course of cutting it?

>> No.12333925

"small" is pretty vague. I wouldn't say something that has the same cross section as the entire potato counts as small. for me a "chip" would be more uniform, like something youd actually get by "chipping" away at a piece of rock. a slice is very specifically a slice, so why use a less specific term to refer to it?

>> No.12333931

what a strange take

>> No.12333937
File: 22 KB, 403x403, eacf2a1184219b5b2d2eb69703aca220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that one chip in the bag that puffs up to a pillow
Why has no chip maker figured out how to make all chips like that?

>> No.12333942

because theyre shit
no substance at all, they're way too airy and thin
you can get similar styles but usually not made with potato slices, theyre good cause they're thicker

>> No.12333945

If I remember correctly those are pommes souflees. I remember seeing them on an info graphic about fries potatoes.

>> No.12333959

Your shitty fluffy, undercooked french fries aren't "chips" by your definition either, since they're also just sliced off, and are almost always bigger than real potato chips.

>> No.12333974

theyre closer to chips at least. unless you can come up with another one-word name for them, its the best name you can really have. not like people would want real chips anyway.

>using fluffy as a negative term on a cooking board
fluffy chips are divine nigga. what, you want your fries to just be completely dried out so you taste nothing but oil when you eat them?

>> No.12334099

>unless you can come up with another one-word name for them
fries, or frites if you're European

>> No.12334404

They're actually called fried everywhere but the U.K so you guys are obviously doing something wrong

>> No.12334433

This desu

>> No.12334455

I agree

>> No.12334466

>getting this buttblasted over what others call things
You might have a chip on your shoulder.

>> No.12334471

this, they're always the saltest too..which i like

>> No.12335339

but crisps are also fries. so thats a dumb name. you could name fucking anything you fry "fries".

>> No.12335346

No, but I do have a crisp on it.

>> No.12335424
File: 343 KB, 2884x932, macfries-809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this so hard?

>> No.12335442


get it right u fucking bong

>> No.12335464

what kind of retarded mutt are you

>> No.12335477

I'm not even from the UK but I still speak English (traditional) not English (simplified)

>> No.12335500

Name referrers to the kind of cut. Which is why Bongs are inherently wrong. Those or not crisped with a knife. The other two are a form of frenching, which we lazily refer to as fries. The first is a rather standard size, the other is called steakhouse.

To simplify things for other Americans, if you've ever had canned green beans, I'm sure you've seen french cut?

>> No.12335504

Apologies for the terrible grammar, it has been a long day and whiskey is rather cheap in America.

>> No.12335510

you've pulled that out of your ass. chips/fries were introduced to american soldiers by belgians in ww1, but the belgians spoke french so dumbass burgers named them french fries

>> No.12336303

We have steak chips as well tho... They're just just rectangular looking on instead of square.

>> No.12336318

no, they are called thinly sliced, deep fried potatoes. no more confusing names, every name should convey the precise essence of what it is. a sweet potato pie should be called; pureed sweet potatos sweetened with sugar, and baked in a wheat flour and butter crust.

>> No.12337066
File: 1.48 MB, 480x368, 1555325460321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

straya here. its..

>> No.12337285

It's only bongs that call them crisps right?