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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 1080x595, drinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12330225 No.12330225 [Reply] [Original]

What do you drink while eating?
Do people really drink sodas on lunch or dinner?

>> No.12330236

Water or coffee.
>inb4 based
Yeah I know

>> No.12330241

I don't drink because my parents drank, heavily. When I drink I act like them. The people around me deserve better than that so I don't drink

>> No.12330250

I can't mix beer and food. Nothing seems to mesh well with the bitterness of the beer. Preferably water or coke zero.

>> No.12330254

>nothing, but heres a blog anyway

>> No.12330262

american cheese smoothies to cleanse my palate

>> No.12330277


What kind of loser goes on twitter to let everyone know they are an alcoholic?

>> No.12330278

>do people really drink sodas on lunch or dinner?
>on lunch or dinner
Like, pour soda over their food and then lap it up? Is this some kind of Europoor thing?

>> No.12330279

You didn't drank until you weren't in a pub fight.

>> No.12330285

Usually tea or WATER

>> No.12330289

With just regular meals, I drink water, or occasionally iced tea.
If it's a nice dinner, or a specific dish that should have it served, I'll have a glass or wine.
Drinking a bunch of fluid with your meal isn't good for your digestion. Ideally, you should wait to have a glass of water until after you've eaten, so your stomach juices can start digesting your food without getting diluted. Obviously, I don't always follow that rule, but I try to.

>> No.12330321

This is now a coffee thread if /ck/ is as based as I think.

>> No.12330360

I don't get it.
Does he think that's a lot of alcohol?

>> No.12330364

>I can't mix beer and food.
Correct, and experienced drinkers don't eat when they're drinking, food doesn't help in getting drunk.

>> No.12330365

i drink water and maybe a cup of coca-cola if there's some leftover

ur complaint adds literally nothing helpful to the thread either, quit crying

>> No.12330378

depends, for breakfast and dinner i have milk

rest of the day its water

>> No.12330448

It's Wednesday. Tomorrow is a working day.

>> No.12330497

>Do people really drink sodas on lunch or dinner?
No. Restaurants just buy soda for tax purposes.

>> No.12330511

You want me to ask again?
Does he think three beers and a bottle of wine is a lot?
And three beers before DINNER? There are people on this board who can't even keep down breakfast before they've had that amount of boose.
And the breakfast is also boose.

Storebrand sugarfree raspberry soda for me.

>> No.12330718
File: 240 KB, 320x320, 1503495843848.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This behavior is acceptable on /ck/
>Drinking this much soda isn't

>> No.12330721

That's pretty my exact thoughts as well. Eat after you're done drinking

>> No.12330729

I'm about to drink some beer when i eat oyster poboys tonight, but normally water

>> No.12330769

Sweet tea or water.

>> No.12330788

What the fuck? There’s nothing better than a nice gulp of cold beer to wash down a bite of pizza or a burger. Beer meshes fine with other savory foods too.

>> No.12330806

I dont drink routinely, thats pretty sad.

>> No.12330810

Real men have crippling alcoholism.
Only children and "women" drink sugar.

>> No.12330824

Stand up comedians definitely would but I don’t think that’s the case there.

>> No.12330829

I drink water only. All day. There's no reason to drink anything else besides unsweetened tea maybe. I guess the only other thing I drink is the kefir I make at home

>> No.12330854

Alcoholics are truly subhuman

>> No.12331027

yeah 3 beers and a bottle of wine will get you fucking drunk if you're not a based /ck/ retarded alcoholic when
>the breakfast is also boose

>> No.12331039


>> No.12331257

Depends on the meal. A lot of stuff I'll just drink plain water with, but there's some exceptions like burgers and tacos where it'd be wrong not to have a coke with it. Incidentally, my regular meal is fish and rice with a side of baby tomatoes. Costs nothing to prepare and keeps me fed.

>> No.12331269

pear cider

apple is a bit too bitter with dinner and its easy to switch back to beer right after

>> No.12331270

>Do people really drink sodas on lunch or dinner?
Yes. Soda can be bad for your teeth and while it doesn't have all that many calories it's not the best thing for fat people to drink. But downsides like that aside it's actually really good for keeping away indigestion. It's even used medically in hospitals as the front line treatment of choice for intestinal blockages (phytobezoar).

>> No.12331272

Generally nothing or a bit of water. Ocassionally a beer or wine on a holiday or out at a restaurant, but generally the drinking happens before/after the meal. I like to just eat while I'm eating.

>> No.12331326

Water, horchata, jamaica, beer, wine, mexican coke, coffee, black tea, orange juice, apple juice

>> No.12331327

The bitterness of beer contrasts too much with food

>> No.12331368

>I drink water only. All day. There's no reason to drink anything else besides unsweetened tea maybe.
Most people don't eat and drink only what they need to survive. It's usually more of a want than a need unless you're one of those people who subsists on Soylent.

>> No.12331503

You drink Jamaica? Like the entire island?

>> No.12331512

Yeah, when I'm out for lunch or dinner is the only time I'll have soda. Otherwise, only water/coffee/tea.

>> No.12331525

Enjoy your easily preventable diseases

>> No.12331533

Carbonated water usually. Soda just makes me feel shitty.

>> No.12331543

hibiscus tea

>> No.12331550

diet soda.

>> No.12331554


>> No.12331577

The diseases you're thinking of are probably caused by being overweight, not by soda.

>> No.12331604

You gotta take into consideration the dinner in-between the two, only an extreme light-weight would get fucking drunk off that little

>> No.12332323

I would vomit after 3 12oz beers and a 750ml wine bottle

>> No.12332333

Cool story

>> No.12332343

Are you female? Do you like the movie Titanic?

>> No.12332348

I would too, but that's because I'm allergic to hops. Wine is fine, though.

>> No.12332363

No. I just cant drink that much. I weigh 155 lbs maybe thats it. I know 200lbs bros can drink 12 pack easy

>> No.12332368

I mean I drink pop with lunch or dinner but I'll usually have some water instead

>> No.12332388

Vita Coca

>> No.12332392

>people around me deserve better than that
No they don't. People are trash.

>> No.12332423

Nothing, what the fuck? Why would I drink while eating?
I can just wait until after-meal tea for that.

>> No.12332437

I mostly drink ice wawa. No soda, rarely milk, rarely juice

>> No.12332471
File: 324 KB, 1125x1294, B8AC8977-26AB-4DCC-874D-7EC8E570244D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who is this queerlord and why should I care about him drinking? Who even tweets that?

>> No.12332491

Water. Nothing but water. If even a sip of soda has ever been swallowed, you're a fatty obese lard hamplanet. Forever. If you slip up and lose your discipline for even a second, were you ever disciplined at all? I think not. This twisted world, nothing but fatties.

>> No.12332677

Tea with most dinners (and/or water). Diet coke and/or sparkling water (like LaCroix) for lunch. Beer with pizza and/or wings. coffee or just water for breakfast. Bailey's or Kahlua with some desserts. With a steak dinner I may have wine although I'm not too much of a wine guy. Sangria when my parents make a nice dinner.

>> No.12333783

I weigh 170 and can drink a 12 pack.

>> No.12333788

Why enter the thread then, you fucking boring moronic cunt?
>pear cider
It’s called perry anon.

>> No.12333792

>this is an achievement

>> No.12333843

Put that on your resume.