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12312628 No.12312628 [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on Absynth ?

>> No.12312637

I like it because I like licorice flavours. It's better when you just use water, not sugar, even though the sugar dissolving ritual makes it more entertaining.

But one time I drank two thirds of a bottle neat and woke up on the floor 12 hours later not remembering what made me decide to drink the entire bottle, so I don't get it anymore.

>> No.12312650

>different alcohols have different effects
Fucking retard. Go away, nobody likes you.

>> No.12312652

God damn.How are you still alive ?

>> No.12312657

What? No. It just has a very high alcohol content neat, which makes a full bottle more dangerous if you get carried away.

I don't do that type of thing too often.

>> No.12312659

It's annoying when people bring it up because inevitably one or more anon will be convinced there's such a thing as "real Absinthe" which somehow "causes hallucinations" through thujone or some such bullshit. And then you have to go through the effort of pulling out the evidence and showing how this was never true and is literally just a historical meme based on nothing until they finally get tired of insisting "nuh uh" and stop posting.

>> No.12312669

Yeah that is just stupid but After all this is actually good marketing for absinth

>> No.12312692

A little goes a long ways. It's very dangerous in larger amounts and you'll literally fucking die if you try to meme a bottle in one sitting. I care about you anon and I don't want you to die. Don't do it. It's also unpleasant as fuck of a way to go so if you're going to break my heart at least do it in a less miserable way for yourself.

>> No.12312704

Thanks for your concern, and be assured i wouldn’t drink a whole bottle in one sitting.Drank just two glasses yesterday (+plus a load of jim beam) and wanted to die afterwards.Really unpleasant experience actually

>> No.12312724

Similar experience. I drank half a bottle and half a bottle of bourbon then i passed out and woke up vomited on myself and fell back to sleep in my own vomit then couldnt stand up for a good 24 hours i had to stay horizontal to stop the room spinning. Now the smell of strong aniseed physically repulses me, im scarred for life after that experience.

>> No.12312730

It's fine as long as you like licorice and don't act like a faggot when drinking it.

>> No.12312744

>half a bottle of absinthe in one sitting
>mixing it with other hard liquors
i got cirrhosis just reading this shit
you all drink like idiots

>> No.12313115

meme shit. tastes horrible and gives a bad drunk

was never psychoactive in its history, the literal non alcoholic beer to angsty dumb teen kids of the 19th century

simply no reason to drink it when you can get good bourbon cheap

>> No.12313148

Tastes good and results in a more lucid form of drunkenness that is ideal for artistic pursuits. I love it but I cannot afford it often.

>> No.12313150

It's a gross old time drink that went away for a reason, it got replaced by better spirits.

>> No.12313161

Pure, unsubstantiated myth. The only reason it's associated with artistic pursuits is because a bunch of depressed, alcoholic authors and poets guzzled the stuff until they killed themselves.

>> No.12313169

>results in a more lucid form of drunkenness
And here we have the inevitable bullshit arriving right on cue.

>> No.12313174

It works, that's why people use it

>> No.12313179

Eh, I think the properties of wormwood interact well with the alcohol to create a nice and mellow feeling thaf I enjoy. Maybe it’s placebo maybe not, I enjoy the taste at the very least.

>> No.12313180

You're the retard. Whiskey makes me want to fight, tequila makes me do stupid stunts, rum makes me suave, vodka makes me depressed...

>> No.12313192

There’s no scientific evidence that different alcohols cause you to act differently. it’s just your personal biases at play.

>> No.12313201

then explain why tequila makes me want to DANCE, smart man!

>> No.12313204

There is no “different alcohols”

The only alcohol that makes you drunk is ethanol, and every beer/liquor/wine has the exact same ethanol as every other one. Just the way it’s made and flavored is different. Anyone who thinks otherwise is legitimately retarded. The most correct thing about either of these posts is that it’s all personal bias that makes people think “x liquor does this to me” and that personal bias relies on ignorance to function.

>> No.12313208

sorry, I should have said different liquors, you know what I meant.

>> No.12313212

Because you’re a fucking retarded wetback who lets ignorance and widely accepted cultural beliefs influence the way he thinks
And that’s fair I figured you weren’t on the other guys level but different alcohols would give him too much leeway to keep being a retard

>> No.12313215

i'm irish bitch

>> No.12313223

That explains a lot, you just have a potato brain

>> No.12313228

Pale wetback then.

>> No.12313238

Oh wow. Fuckin dumbass, I bet you think heroin and cocaine do the same thing too

>> No.12313239

so a spic mick

>> No.12313249

This is the boldest bait I’ve seen to date. Good on ya for putting yourself out there, bud.

>> No.12313255

It is literally all in your head. There is a single active chemical, ethanol.
At least with weed there are dozens of active cannabinoids so when stoners say different strains have different effects they at least have something to back it up.

>> No.12313264

>Eh, I think the properties of wormwood interact well with the alcohol
It's not a matter of opinion you retard. What you're talking about isn't real.

>> No.12313269
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I take it that's your only objection then?

>> No.12313271

Idk if you’ve heard about all of the THC concentrates and shit like that, but if you smoke a wax pen (typically only THC maybe some CBD) and compare it to actual weed, there is definitely a difference. There’s dozens of cannabinoids, and a lot of them don’t really have known effects, but if you ingest only THC or weed that has the wide range of chemicals, there is a very noticeable difference.

>> No.12313283

>It works, that's why people use it
It's alcohol + the power of suggestion.
>Starting in December 2004, the scientists began locating samples of pre-ban absinthe, eventually finding unopened, uncontaminated bottles in France, Switzerland, Spain, Italy, The Netherlands, and the U.S. Earlier, they had made some theoretical calculations about how much thujone absinthe makers were likely to get out of the wormwood they used, concluding that “for typical French and Swiss 19th century recipes” the thujone content probably ranged from zero (if thujone-free wormwood was used) to 76 milligrams per liter (if oil-rich varieties with high thujone concentrations were used). The average would have been around 17–23 mg/L.
>Their findings matched their expectations. Analyses of the 13 pre-ban bottles showed thujone concentrations of 0.5 and 48.3 mg/L, with an average of 25.4 20.3 mg/L. The highest was 48.3 mg/L, in a Pernod Fils absinthe.
>What do the numbers mean? If you imbibed one whole liter of the high-thujone Pernod Fils, you would get about 0.8 mg of thujone per kilogram of body weight if you weighed 60 kg (132 pounds)—less if you weighed more, more if you weighed less. But “even this unrealistically high intake of alcohol produces thujone concentrations below the ‘no observed effects level’ of 5 mg/kg bodyweight.” That is, glugging an entire liter—something even Toulouse-Lautrec rarely managed—would still leave you at less than 16 percent of the amount found in tests to produce mind-altering effects.

>> No.12313286
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oh yeah? well i had sex with all of your moms last night

>> No.12313297


>> No.12313301
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>> No.12313332
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>> No.12313433


>>Opinions on Absinthe?

Generally I have found that it makes the heart grow fonder, but that's just me.

>> No.12313445

You sound like a real winner if you always go out of your way to correct retards on an anonymous anglo-saxon tapestry loom but lament how much effort it is.

>> No.12313446

Oh, hey, it's this retard again

>> No.12313462

If it's in my head how do you explain it happening in real life? I feel telling you, your psuedo science doesn't make any damn sense.

>> No.12313477

It's called OCD you idiot. You can feel compelled to do things without enjoying it.

>> No.12313480

Oh the plot thick ens. The DUMBASS is also mentally ill

>> No.12313519

overrated edgelord drink

>> No.12313531

Do you not have the mental capacity to support more than one conflicting thought or motivation at a time? Not sure why this is so hard for you to understand.

>> No.12313607

i tried some nonalcoholic extract of wormwood and other herbs about 20 years ago, when absinth was still illegal. i swear after i drank it i felt like writing romantic poems. i think there is something in wormwood that is psychotropic, thujone is possibly an unheralded drug.

>> No.12313611

its not that hard to drink a bottle of liquor. really.

>> No.12313622

Do you not have the capacity to consider that my body is different than your and MAYBE JUST MAYBE different people affected different by DIFFERENT liquor? No because you're a god damn keyboard scientist

>> No.12313639

>my body is different
It really isn't. And you're just pretending to be retarded. How is it that fun for you to do this?

>> No.12313668

does it work by taking a wormwood supplement i wanna experience the placebo "absinthe effect" everyone talks about but nowhere near me carries absinthe

>> No.12313671 [DELETED] 


>> No.12313676

why did you photoshop a turd onto that guys hand

>> No.12313677
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>i swear after i drank it i felt like writing romantic poems. i think there is something in wormwood that is psychotropic, thujone is possibly an unheralded drug.

>> No.12313679

based mandingoposter

>> No.12313681

What are you talking about, schizophrenic fuck?

>> No.12315572

Real Absinthe is absurdly strong, it's illegal to make alcohol that fucking strong

What likely happened is dumb fucks drank themselves delirious from dehydration

>> No.12315673
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Did one of you HURR DURR ALL LIQUOR IS DA SAME fags seriously get so assblasted about getting btfo in here that you made another thread? Wow, what a crybaby psuedo science faggot.

>> No.12315711
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It's absolutely great. As an alcoholic, I can say it's the only liquor I actually enjoy drinking just for the flavor. But that's probably because I really love black licorice. I drink it straight from the bottle, no need for the sugar.

>> No.12315720

Why are you perceiving alcohol like fucking fantasy game potions

>> No.12315783

>Illegal to make alcohol that strong
>I can go to the liquor store and buy 200 proof ever clear, literally pure ethanol

>> No.12315795

It's the easiest part of my daily routine. really.

>> No.12317186

You dudes ever try straight wormwood tea?

>> No.12317230

There's an absynth bar in my city where we used to end the night when out drinking in highschool. More often than not that "last shot for the road" ended up teleporting us to our beds hours later with the last memory being drinking that shot. I haven't had any in years.

>> No.12317237

>Real Absinthe is absurdly strong, it's illegal to make alcohol that fucking strong
No, that isn't true at all.
>Absinthe was historically bottled at 45-74% percent ABV.
Bacardi 151 has 75.5% percent ABV and is a completely legal and easy to find liquor you can buy over the counter like any other liquor.

>> No.12317242

I've had some from 1902 that was 225 proof

>> No.12317254

You're just pretending to be retarded, right?

>> No.12317260

I'm sick of everybody shitty attitude on here. Fuck you assholes I'm out

>> No.12317513

>>1 2317260

>> No.12317532

which alcohol makes you suck your boyfriends gay cock because you seem to drink that one all the time

>> No.12317550

Bitch, I invented strokeposting. Stay out of my territory.

>> No.12317778

Good, fuck off.

>> No.12317839


>> No.12317844


>> No.12317856
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Weren't you just about to fuck off?

>> No.12317879

anon never said how big the bottle was

>> No.12317923

Why is /ck/ so shitty tonight?

>> No.12317954


>> No.12317963

It's not a very high traffic board. All it takes is one or two autists to drop the post quality substantially.

>> No.12318104


>> No.12318110

>nobody likes you.
pls take toaster bath

>> No.12318123

>I'm sick of everybody shitty attitude on here. Fuck you assholes I'm out

t.4chan general

>> No.12318353

this thread reminds me of a bunch of 12 year olds convincing themselves that asians have sideways pussies.

>> No.12318384


>> No.12318852

To whom it may consern:
If you think that different alcoholic substances somehow have varying effects on your behaviour, you should know that the only difference between those is basically just the flavor.

You don't get different effects from different flavor jellybeans either cause in the end it's just fucking sugar, why would this be any different?

>> No.12318858

I hate this shit, because as a dumb 19 year old I thought it was true and bought a bottle of 70% absinthe and drank 9 shots and got the worst hangover of my teenaged life.

>> No.12319220


>> No.12319227

Red food dye can cause hyperactivity, so that has to be the worst analogy ever.

>> No.12319236
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>> No.12319250

Love it.

>> No.12319327

If you have autism perhaps.

>> No.12319342

Disagree, in the fermentation process yeast often make alot of by-products which distilllers leave in the drink depending on the drink they're making. Most of the by products are passed through the same enzymes as ethanol in the liver which could possibly affect how "drunk" you can get or make your life hell in the morning due to your liver working overtime to get rid of by products. I've noticed when drinking my own neutral spirits (pure ethanol) it takes alot more to drink to get drunk, though the drunk doesn't last as long compared to bourbon or even store bought vodka.