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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12295320 No.12295320 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12295323

if it is good sure, I'm not picky

>> No.12295325

>if it is good sure
>I'm not picky

>> No.12295327

Fuck no.

>> No.12295328
File: 697 KB, 480x270, 1405545718935.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, sounds disgusting
I'd have a suicidal panic attack if saw a cockroach in my apartment

>> No.12295330

Being picky is having unreasonable standards, not wanting to eat shit isn't being picky it's being reasonable. It'd try it and if it is good I'll drink it.

>> No.12295336
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>not holding your can of compressed air uspide down and spraying the roach with liquid ice

>> No.12295444

no. the elites are planning for the inevitable crash in the world finance system. "citizens" are being prepped for total poverty. "cockroach milk" is introduced ahead of that so people are comfortable with it.

in 10 years you will all be eating bug sandwiches and drinking roach milk because its "affordable"

>> No.12295451
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You idiots they don't expect you to drink it. They will force your children to

>> No.12295455

ffs america.

>> No.12295460

nah nigga

>> No.12295461

>Being picky is having unreasonable standards
Then all the refugees must be unreasonable... huh


>> No.12295467

sewer milk? why not. mcdogshit seems to be popular, so what could go wrong? can't wait for fermented cockroach yoghurt, only the finest probiotics feast on rotting shitjuice

>> No.12295495

Scientists speak about a lot of weird things. And they expect us to believe them about global warming after all this? I don't listen to crazy people, to be honest.

>> No.12295505

Some I'm sure?

>> No.12295508


>> No.12295510
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Oh shit did you just get on your shift in Tel Aviv?

>> No.12295567
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>muh yucky bugs phobia

Literally everything we eat can be considered disgusting, it's all in your head. It's also laughably easy to serve any type of food in a palatable manner, especially something like milk.

Insects are the future, anyone against it is a shortsighted luddite.

>> No.12295573

you listen to yourself just fine though

>> No.12295602

>liquid ice

>> No.12295604

This is true, I have a coworker who grew up in a poor house eating nothing but boxed food, microwave food, and fast food. He thinks all kinds of normal foods are revolting, raw vegetables make him visibly gag, cheese that isn't kraft singles makes him lose his appetite and he has to leave the room. He won't even eat a banana.

Whenever I see /ck/ complaining about "diversity food" or "hipster shit" or "soy boy food" I picture that guy phoneposting with his cheeto stained fingertips.

>> No.12295621

>Literally everything we eat can be considered disgusting, it's all in your head.
Tell that to jews, or muslims, oh wait no NOO THAT'S RACIST

>> No.12295631

20 “‘Don’t eat insects that have wings and walk on all four feet; they also are to be hated.

21 “‘But you may eat certain insects that have wings and walk on four feet. You may eat those that have legs with joints above their feet so they can jump. 22 These are the insects you may eat: all kinds of locusts, winged locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers. 23 But all other insects that have wings and walk on four feet you are to hate. 24 Those insects will make you unclean, and anyone who touches the dead body of one of these insects will become unclean until evening. 25 Anyone who picks up one of these dead insects must wash his clothes and be unclean until evening.


>> No.12295634


"20 “‘Don’t eat insects that have wings and walk on all four feet; they also are to be hated.

21 “‘But you may eat certain insects that have wings and walk on four feet. You may eat those that have legs with joints above their feet so they can jump. 22 These are the insects you may eat: all kinds of locusts, winged locusts, crickets, and grasshoppers. 23 But all other insects that have wings and walk on four feet you are to hate. 24 Those insects will make you unclean, and anyone who touches the dead body of one of these insects will become unclean until evening. 25 Anyone who picks up one of these dead insects must wash his clothes and be unclean until evening."

>> No.12295635
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eat the bugs goyim

>> No.12295637


>> No.12295642
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ugh... why would you link me that? Glad to see they are making something other than dirt cookies

>> No.12295643

based bible poster

>> No.12295648

based bugboy eater

>> No.12295649

gonna convert to judaism so I can still eat meat and excuse myself from the cockroach hamburger future

>> No.12295653
File: 136 KB, 440x522, goyim know.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unless your mother is jewish you are shit out of luck

>> No.12295843
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gas yourself yid.

>> No.12295898
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Whos behind this? I feel ashamed if a chemist like me was involved

>> No.12295991

Cockroaches are insects, not mammals. They do not produce milk.

>> No.12296068

>cockroach milk
I'd try it at least.

>> No.12296140

>Tell that to jews, or muslims, oh wait no NOO THAT'S RACIST.
What the fuck does this even mean? Kosher and Halal places exist. Non-kosher places don't need to advertise that because Kosher resturants require specific kitchen configuration that is impossible to get by accident. Non-halal places advertising as such would be a thing for tryhards.
And there's no law to cater to either. What's your deal?

>> No.12296152
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>> No.12296159

Try to protest kosher slaughter as cruel and inhumane and see what happens.

>> No.12296304

Because it isn't you retard. Slicing the carotid and jugular sends the animal into shock. We do the same thing with animals top small to be bolted, like rabbits. I wouldn't expect you to know that though, since all you know about agriculture is "Jew bad"

>> No.12296322

3 2 1

>> No.12296324

>having milk

>> No.12296331


>> No.12296338

Cockroaches dont produce milk they are not mammals

>> No.12296347

Everyone passed high school bio, I see

>> No.12296349

>Almonds don't produce milk they are not mammals

>> No.12296365


>> No.12296380

How do you milk a cockroach?

>> No.12296392

>literal clickbait "ad" image
>/pol/cels will force their memes because of this sourceless bullshit
the absolute state of /ck/ - Food & Cooking

>> No.12296407

Those scientists should be institutionalized.

>> No.12296621

I’m a bit sceptical and put off by the fact that more and more alternative foods and ‘healthier’ food substitutes are getting mainstream attention, but solely for their nouveau status and not their chemical constitution and effects. For instance, no one ever speaks about the trace amount of heavy metals in scorpions and grasshoppers that are uses heavily in the now popular insect-burgers. How much preserving chemicals would bugs need? Stuff like that

>> No.12297021

roach milk? I'm outraged, scientists promised me dog or higher.

>> No.12297191


>> No.12297208


>> No.12297217

I'll try it and see if I like it.
If it's good for me/ I like it then I will continue to drink it.

>> No.12297244


>> No.12297245

what the fuck

>> No.12297723
File: 1.08 MB, 1831x2133, __devil_bug_monster_girl_encyclopedia_drawn_by_kenkou_cross__dc4d95425e7f429386c5e84a6d05fe21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will try it if they're all virgins with no roach STDs

>> No.12297765

In my religion it is unclean to drink anything other than car milk, so no

>> No.12297784

I'm not against bug protein as a food source, and have tried some. But as a pest control technician I see roaches as my eternal nemesis and will always think they're off limits

>> No.12297919

I don't drink milk alone but id use it

>> No.12297929

Uhh I don't think the jihadists are the ones that want to leave

>> No.12297937

Fuck off back to R*ddit

>> No.12299229

imagine being a "scientist" and participating in articles like -Do peanuts feel pain? -can I talk to my clothes? -would you drink cockroach milk? Holy fuck! what a waste of digital space.

>> No.12299260

based and roachpilled