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12288904 No.12288904[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Aren't you guys excited? Queer beer.

>> No.12288910

Gays don't drink Bud

>> No.12288913
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I'm gay, and I drink Leinenkugel and Yuengling
Fuck faggots, gays people are sin

>> No.12288916

Actually, anyone who drinks light beer is a faggot. So no, you're wrong.

>> No.12288917

Bud light sucks this should be considered a hate crime.

>> No.12288926

Wait what? There's an organization? What do they do exactly?

>> No.12288935

>What do they do exactly?
Circumvent traditional morals that have served white nations for thousands of years in favor of Jewish subservience.

>> No.12288936

if fags burn in hell for real then maybe the world isn't so bad after all

>> No.12288950

I’d rather be caught with a cock in my mouth than a bud light desu

>> No.12288981

Why doesn't God forgive people after they die? Because if he did, people would have no reason to believe it during life and that means no $$$ for the Catholics and Jews

>> No.12288989

that's a pretty faggy thing to say.

>> No.12288993


>> No.12288994

It’s still less embarrassing

>> No.12289000

I have many gay friends and they are not at all okay with the commodification of their identity. They stopped going to SF Pride altogether because it's all so shameful.

>> No.12289006
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Would pay to watch bigot red necks bitch about their gayafied piss water.

>> No.12289007

because of free will, you had your chance now as is.
either way, it's ultimately your decision whether you realize it or not

>> No.12289032

“Pride” events in big cities are heavily commercialized events full of straight people these days. They’ve outlive thier political utility. It’s not necessarily a bad thing.

>> No.12289040

Let's Go Beat Those Queers with their new fag bottles.

>> No.12289051

I've always said light beer is for homos

>> No.12289057

Based as fuck

>> No.12289080

I'm a gay dude, who exclusively bangs other big sweaty dudes, full homo, and I haven't met a single person who's gone to those tacky fucking parades in the past 10 years.

>> No.12289094

Take money from Budweiser to sell rainbow beers "with a consence". Budweiser doesn't give a fuck. It's only gonna be available in cities anyways, they sure as hell aren't gonna challenge Podunk rednecks.

>> No.12289110

Except God's omniscience already knew which decision you would make thus eliminating any chance of free will existing

>> No.12289320

>Buying queer beer to beat off homos

>> No.12289343

this isn't even 10th grade philosophy club depth of thought. please, abstain from public discourse if the topic isn't mcnuggets

>> No.12289350

it's current year; you don't need to rationalize sucking dick you queer.

>> No.12289369
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Remember when LGBTQ was just GLB, then the lesbians thought organizing of the letters was unfair and wanted to get in front, so it became LGB, then trannies came in the bunch and made it LGBT, then the sexuality-as-a-personality queers stuck their letter in the bunch, and depending on who you ask you can sometimes get a salad of other types of sexualities at the end?

>> No.12289389

Nice deflection.

>> No.12289540

I do remember and it was awful.

>> No.12289612

enjoy hell FAGGOT

>> No.12289618

Good comeback, cum slurper.

>> No.12289844


>> No.12289854

>thousands of years
Fucking worthless brainlet

>> No.12289919

Hell isn't even real. Early Catholics took the idea from Hades in Greek mythology because Jesus made metaphors involving a garbage fire outside Israel, and it was a good way to threaten people to convert and stay in line. After a thousand years of Christianity being nothing but making up shit as they went along, the Greek was badly translated to "Hell" because Pope daddy already said that was a thing. And now Protestants tell you you're gonna burn forever in a Catholic made up place for not following Catholic made up marriage traditions, all while saying Catholics are wrong and worshipping the words of a book Catholics transcribed, edited, and voted on to establish inerrancy and canon.

>> No.12290026

oh sorry it wasn't deflection. what you said made no sense at all and was retarded enough that I wouldn't expect tenth graders to proclaim it while pretending to be smart.