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12288256 No.12288256 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else fermente their own peppers for hot sauce or really any other food? Just started this today.

>> No.12288260

nah i just buy hot sauce, it's a lot easier

>> No.12288272
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i'm scared to ferment
gotta get over it because preserving is my jam

>> No.12288284

>it's a lot easier
I mean I guess its easier but this took me like 5 minutes to put together and the blending will take another 5ish minutes. Not really a huge time investment if you ask me but buying your own sauce does give you endless variety I suppose.

>> No.12288292

Its mega easy anon, you just have to get the brine right which is pretty easy.

>> No.12288300

I don't really use hot sauce much but I do plenty of ferments and such.

Unless you're doing some fairly advanced stuff like garum or something where you're fermenting proteins, it's also usually REALLY easy to tell if it's gone off the rails.

>> No.12288308

got any good resources i can check out?

>> No.12288321

BA has a good video where Brad goes through the whole thing process. I am personally following this videos general guidelines for what I made plus a few things like garlic and ginger added in.


>> No.12288329
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Yeah, but I only use my garden peppers and they won't start ripening until July/August. Made a good amount last year that I'm still using. These were a habanero/tobasco blend with garlic, carrot and tomato. Squeezed a bunch of lime juice in when I blended with 30% vinegar to keep shelf stable. My favorite so far since I've been doing it @ 3 years.

>> No.12288336
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*These were a straight habanero I made last year. No lime juice which I'm convinced really is a game changer. I will always add that when I blend in the future.

>> No.12288841

I've been looking at starting a batch of sauerkraut soon. What does everyone use equipment wise? I was planning on just using a food safe bucket with a plate to weigh it down. Do I need to bother with any kind of airlock system?

>> No.12288849

looks excellent friend. what foods do you use it on? curious about your specific applications.

>> No.12288856

>Wants to ferment
>Adds garlic, one of the world's most potent antimicrobials
Someone has to start the slow clap.

>> No.12288867

not that i know of. the restaurant i work at does a shitload of in house fermentation, we have like seven different kinds of kimchi and a bunch of random shit for kraut, salt/sugar cure fruits, preserved mushrooms, we basically perserve any overstocked produce and use it later in edgy specials. a tub of kimchi is literally made by throwing a bunch of salted and seasoned veg into a 30 gallon lexan and throwing it into a stuffy mantainance closetwith a couple of cans of sysco reliant ketchup on top to keep the veg pressed down. questionable as fuck but the kimchi is good. i dont know who we're paying off that we've never been investigated for it

>tldr just throw a cheesecloth over it to keep bugs and dust out and throw a weight on the plate to keep the veg down you should be good

>> No.12289331

Kombucha weekly and sauerkraut or pickles occasionally. The novelty is gone, but I keep doing it so that I don't go back to 4 sodas a day.

Will not prevent fermentation, garlic is in every batch of vegetables I ferment.

>> No.12289334

I've always wanted to try it, friend of mine has a huge ass chili piquin bush on his land, been wanting to try making hot sauce out of those fuckers

>> No.12289631

We just smoke or roast the peppers and other stuff before making the sauce. How much does fermenting add to the final taste?

>> No.12290639

how do you make kombucha not taste like cow piss?

>> No.12290645

it almost completely changes the taste for the better imo

>> No.12290702

i love how two butthurt sodomite fags are desperately trying to claim making hot sauce is easier than buying it

>> No.12290721
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can you all post recipes?

I have 5 pep plants going now for making my own sauce and don't know where to start as far as recipes go.

>> No.12290787

Seems like the kind of thing I could fuck up and get the shits from.

>> No.12290938

>he didn't investigate a what dose food antimicrobials start to inhibit spontaneous fermentation
Protip: it also depends on the matrix.

>> No.12290962

they claimed it's easy to make, not easier than buying it

>> No.12290968

Can't go wrong with Brad.

>> No.12291099
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>because preserving is my jam

>> No.12291106
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>tfw my hot pepper plants need at least 50 degree weather to thrive but iowa wants to wait until mid may to even start spring this year
Hopefully we get a longer summer to extend the growing season.

>> No.12291133

Do a secondary fermentation in a bottle with fruit juice.

>> No.12291390

I never claimed it was easier, I said it was not difficult.

Nice strawman though.

>> No.12291410
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>preserving is my jam

>> No.12291426

I'm gonna get into fermentation this year for sure. Might just start out using mason jars at first but I'd like to get a nice ceramic crock eventually.

>> No.12291429

I do. And I grow the peppers myself. I use almost the exact setup you show. The only thing different is I use a plastic canning lid with a rubber seal. Going to try with low/no heat chinense and bacattum varieties this year.

>> No.12291443

And less rewarding.

>> No.12291481

If these work out I am going to do bigger batches. Also what are your thoughts on using the left over brine to make kimchi? Should be good for making it spicy.

>> No.12291528

I'm guess the brine wouldn't hurt the kimchi, but Ive never tried it. The last time I did a ferment I didn't really have any leftover brine because I fermented a mash Tabasco style. Added some winemaking woodchips too, not sure how much they affected taste though, hard to tell.

>> No.12292528
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>> No.12292944

>being so white you can't handle the heat

>> No.12292957

>being white and obsessing over hot sauce, making it a part of your personality, just to prove to other races how you like your chicken with seasonings

>> No.12293831

>being so white you are a contrarian

>> No.12294172

I recently returned to this old jar of blood orange and lemon just I had from about a year ago. I had a bunch of excess citrus so I juiced it all, added a bunch of sugar, and a little bit of brine from a hot sauce ferment I had going. Left it alone for a year and tried it and honestly shits pretty good, decently alcoholic too. Now I'm curious to do more wild fermentation wine. Anyone have any experience with it?

>> No.12294350

>t. jews

Other anon nailed it. My best results have been with pomegranate and "tropical blend" juices. I fill about 1/5 with juice, 4/5 kombucha, seal, and give it about 3 days.

>> No.12294371

Nice setup there OP. I have to say, I've been fermenting for years and I even started some threads here in the past (years ago). I'm slowly coming to the conclusion that fermenting hot sauce is just not as good as a method where you boil the ingredients and then puree/filter.
Pickles? Yes. Hot sauce? not so much.

>> No.12294388

I've never really fermented them. I've stuck pre-blended hot sauce in an airlocked jug, and let it sort itself out once, seemed to work ok, balanced the flavour and brought the heat down to sane levels.

>> No.12294451

I've done wine without added yeast... took a while, but the results were pretty good. Fermented citrus just strikes me as wrong, especially brined... maybe as an additive to a bitters, or to food, but I'm just getting visions of bitter pith and pulp with a hint of salty jalapeno.

>> No.12295027

Nah, I just juiced the citrus and added sugar and less than a teaspoon of brine for the sake of getting the ferment going faster. I basically did it as a way to experiment with what would've otherwise been tossed. What have you fermented before? How'd you go about it?

>> No.12295037

How would I go about sealing/jarring a fermented hot sauce to remain shelf-stable? Growing peppers this year and maybe want to ship a bottle of sauce to a friend.

>> No.12295065

I know a lot of people typically add some vinegar to help maintain shelf life. If it's properly salted it should already last a while and adding the vinegar should keep it even longer. If the shipping time isn't too long, it should be fine I think

>> No.12295185

I'm talking international shipping, here. I might not even do it, but it is interesting to think about. Would I have to do something like hot water canning or something similar?

>> No.12295871
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>preserving is my jam

>> No.12296045

chillichump on jewtube is very good when its about growing and fermenting all sorts of peppers. good production values for a smallish channel too.

>> No.12296175

your drawer pulls are flamboyantly homosexual

>> No.12296561

Im gay btw, not sure if that matfers

>> No.12296581

Pepper sauce is a staple in the south. Peppers basically grow like weeds here if you just make sure they get enough water. Making pepper sauce is very easy, too.
>make sure peppers and jar are clean
>put peppers in jar
>pour boiling vinegar over peppers
>wait a few weeks
It's great over black-eyed peas, turnip greens, that sort of thing.

>> No.12296602
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Made these the other day. First time. I just followed a very basic recipe I found online.
>salt water
>about two quart jars packed full of chili peppers

did a seven day ferment and it tastes great. I added some tomato paste to one of the quarts. Might experiment with the other one too.

>> No.12296657

only to god my faggot gaped-ass friend.

>> No.12297562

Another recruitment thread for the Homosexualist-Marxist-Fermentation and Pickling Cult

>> No.12297577

Ok... so I just fermented a bunch and made a sauce. You may or may it remember the thread.

Not worth it.

The fermentation process does add complexity but. It enough to make it worth anyone’s while.

Roast the shit outta the peppers and the tomatoes until they blister and start to char. Blend with a shallot or white onion. Capful of vinegar. Blend. Mash through metal strainer. Best sauce ever.

>> No.12297584
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PSA that fermentation destroys most of the phytoestrogens found in soy.

>> No.12297593

Jfc. Hasn’t that phytoestrogens thing been...
[Lamb of God plays in bkgnd]
Laid to Rest?

>> No.12297632

To forever sleep under a bed of natto.

>> No.12297692

I’d gladly be a natto naga slime queen.

>> No.12297719


what's it feel like to be so wrong?

>> No.12297734
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bro that was just a few days ago, what temp were they kept at? it takes like 7-10 days before you can even think about using the product.

when will you stop being so shit at this?

>> No.12297888

82°F water bath.
I added some fermented pineapple from a tepache I made the other week so the fermentation process went crazy. I made another batch of sauce using the same ingredients and it was light years better unfermented than fermented.

>> No.12298037


Shoulda thrown some fermented pineapple in the sauce. Which peppers did you use? Jalapenos and habaneros make great ferments cause it milds them out bigtime

>> No.12298114

Equal parts Serrano and jalapeño (about 75% of the total) one Anaheim, one poblano, a few dried arbol for those red flecks. I put fermented pineapple in both.

>> No.12298170


Was it super funky? A couple days still seems like a really short time regardless of temp and the kickstart on the ferment

>> No.12298318
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It was fermenting for 5.5 days and bubbling like a MFer for four of them. Once it slowed down I popped it open and it definitely had a funk. Still not worth it.

I think that making picrel makes way more sense than blending it all up for a salsa.

>> No.12298554

I think I heard somewhere that green peppers aren't the best for fermenting as they have low sugar compared to red/orange stuff. Maybe that played into it? Did you dislike the funk or was it not funky enough

>> No.12298555
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Yup yup

>> No.12298559
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>> No.12298571

Watchu got there

>> No.12298616
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Generally it's not uncommon to have a sulphorous odor for the first week. Stop panicking and see how it develops.

>> No.12298630

Drinking poison, kek.
Nightshades, not even once.

>> No.12298644

Not enough of a difference. So... not funky enough I guess. Interesting about the sugar but they did have a noticeable physical change. They softened up QUITE a bit and got a little pruney.

You’re a panicking sulfurous odor.

>> No.12298686

I tried fermenting jalapeños my first time and it was pretty uninteresting and whack imo. I would say maybe give other peppers a shot and stick with it longer, just because the active fermentation is done doesn't mean leaving it for longer won't change the flavor

>> No.12298762


I think you shouldve waited 8-10 days. Ive made gallons and gallons if fermented jalapeno hot sauce and like i said in the other thread we found that 1:1 roasted:fermented was great, we always fermented using 3% brine and it was always massively funky.

Made fermented jalapeno/potato croquettes that were bangin. Mix greek yogurt in with boiled mashed potatoes and leave out for two days covered w cheesecloth. Hella funky.

>> No.12298768

No eggplant, tomato, potato, pepper, or nicotine for you? More for me.

>> No.12298861

Does that mean ...ugh... patience? Gross. Fine... I’ll try it with different peppers. I still have about 32oz of this other stuff left so after I burn through that I’ll make it again.

I wish I could just send this stuff to you guys. It’s good stuff but now I just want to try something else.

>> No.12298878

Sounds like those funky potates would BmyassTFO.

That chunk of piña really got shit goin’. I wish I took video or something because it was goddamned near carbonated. I get it tho... I know the wait is what makes the flavor. I’ll do better next round senpai.

>> No.12298918

Having trouble keeping my peppers/onion/garlic totally submerged even with a small jar weight. I poke it down a couple times a day but I'm sweating senpai

>> No.12298937

Put small jar into large jar on top of peppers. Put on lid. Wa la.

>> No.12298973

I just fill up a zip lock bag with water and set it on top of the peppers. That only works with smaller jars though

>> No.12299004


>> No.12299541

This is what I do with sauerkraut and pickles. It works best if the jar is almost full so the floaters get stuck on the bag and mouth of the jar.

>> No.12299554
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I tried pic related for the first time today and it tastes (literally) rotten to me, even with the sauce packets mixed in. I want the health benefits though, so how do I make it more palatable?

>> No.12299570

You don't. Either grow up eating it or force yourself to eat it everday until you like it.

>> No.12299580

imagine projecting this hard
imagine being assblasted that people are preparing their own food on a cooking board

>> No.12299643

Are you outing yourself on a forum for cartoon food?

>> No.12300237

Slowly getting rid of last year's frozen peppers, trying out different combinations and tastes... Tabasco, habanero orange (hate the taste hence thw different mixes and stuff), lemon drop, cayenne.
Still haven't experienced any wrong growth or odours in any of my fermentations. I don't know how people get so many problems. Just basic hygiene, keep everything submerged and have a airlock, leave it be for a month or so... i see this shit all the time on you tube, everyone is constantly having mold and shit growing on their ferments.. all my fermentations were at least on ph 3.8 when i opened them, one was at 4 but it looked fine, didn't smell or taste bad... once i put in some vinegar it usually lowers even more, so i feel is shell stable enough, i would say up to a year if not opened...