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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12264879 No.12264879 [Reply] [Original]

please...send help...literally can't stop eating them...

>> No.12264885

Try switching to peanuts, or crack

>> No.12264897

So? They're healthy.

>> No.12264912

high in oxalate = increase risk of kidney stones
also expensive as shit

>> No.12265206

In America one pound of them costs about half an hour of work. Let that sink in.

>> No.12265240

It's very common for pistachios to have orange worms inside of them. If you eat enough, you'll inevitably eat a few bugs.

>> No.12265257

you'll have to stop when you run out of money

>> No.12265296

what's wrong with eating bugs?

>> No.12265889

Extra protein, even better

>> No.12265948

That joke is getting kind of old, man. We haven't quite started to recognize it culturally, but it won't be long before we start looking at "bugs are extra protein" jokes as being as archaic as mother in law jokes. I'm not insulting you, just trying to help you wean off them before the time comes.

>> No.12265993

Switch to sunflower seeds or peanuts to save the most money. Switch to walnuts to save a little money.

>> No.12267129

>high in oxalate = increase risk of kidney stones
You're really reaching now.

>> No.12267145

Where the fuck do you live that pistachios cost 20 dollars a pound? even in Cali they're like 10 bucks max.

>> No.12267168

SoyBoy food

>> No.12267845

He's not reaching at all. People who drink lots of black tea/ sweet tea have tons of kidney stones. It's a common problem in the deep south.

>> No.12268319
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>minimum wage is $40 in the US

>> No.12268328

You are now aware the bitter ones are dead larva

>> No.12268343

Good thing we're talking about tea. Oh wait...

>> No.12268445

I'm pretty sure the larvae are sweet.

>> No.12270379

Not OP, but I live in Australia and it can cost up to $25 per Kg for shelled pistachio and up to, yes, around $20 a pound for unshelled pistachios

>> No.12270719

>even in Cali they're like 10 bucks max.
Lol cause that's where they're from. If you amerifats would stop embargoing Iran then maybe we could have cheaper pistachios.