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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 300x180, 3689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12258513 No.12258513 [Reply] [Original]

i miss him so much

>> No.12258518

kill yourself and go meet him then.

>> No.12258532

Sorry about your total absence of personality.

>> No.12258534

Rest in power

Cringe but realisticpilled

>> No.12258542


>> No.12258606
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>> No.12258689

Fuck off you shitposting troll

>> No.12258726

He was a hack who thought money and power would bring him happiness
He left a YOUNG daughter behind to be diddled by Hollywood
At least Robin Williams had the decency to wait until his daughter was an adult

>> No.12258731

I'm sorry, how well did you know him?

>> No.12258765
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Every time I make one of his many delicious recipes, I look towards the sky and say a little prayer. I know he's somewhere up there.... probably making a nice bolognese for St. Peter.

>> No.12258785

Thats hot. Im going to find her.

>> No.12258790


>> No.12258795

She's probably being trafficked among elites if they didn't eat her first.

>> No.12258796 [DELETED] 

filthy kike

>> No.12258797

Wait is that the Anthony B something guy? He died? How m?

>> No.12258815

>implying you don't know how he died
When he wasn't talking about food or praising himself for breeding successfully, he talked about wanting to kill himself.

>> No.12258826

He committed suicide, so he’s literally burning in hell right now, anon. Just know that.

>> No.12258830

Has anyone called him a pedophile yet? He was a pedophile.

>> No.12258832

No one he did so many episodes in SE Asia.

>> No.12258849

Exactly. His shows were the perfect cover. He may as well have been holly woods pedo talent scout.

>> No.12258991



>> No.12259401

Me too anon

>> No.12259406

Maybe because he wasn't a pedophile, son. Stop talking shit.

>> No.12259467

>Why would a chef EVER go to south east Asia? It's only the place where all the fucking spices are, and full of people who've used them for thousands of years.
Seriously do any of you actually know anything about food?

>> No.12259481

Why can't I find an ancient recipe that calls for chili pepper?

>> No.12259498

I hate weebs. But that prayer and the thought you have is really aesthetic I like it

>> No.12259522

Because ur gay

>> No.12260308

> (((Anthony Bourdain)))
Nah, fuck this guy. I hope he burns in Jew hell.

>> No.12260356

you pizzagaters are retards, just sayin

>> No.12260403

We all do. Curse the thot who broke him.

>> No.12260404
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>mfw someone honestly appears to miss a hack chef

>> No.12260610
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>> No.12260641
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Who do you think killed him, bros?

>> No.12260679

How? Did you ever meet him or something? How has your life changed after his death? Just watch his old shows.

>> No.12260749

>thousands years.
those spices were discovered by white european explorers who traded them around the world.

>> No.12261620
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>> No.12261629

why do all these liberal icons end up depressed & killing themsevles? it's like a patter with these hollywood celebrities.

>> No.12261743

I guess all they could do with them was trade them since they couldn't tolerate spicyness ;)

>> No.12261753

>a life full of only hedonism and raping children isn’t fulfilling in the slightest

Gee, wonder why

>> No.12261774

Hated the guy's personality, loved the traveling to neat places to eat local food though.

>Eliminating White People

This isn't viewed as racist?

>> No.12261777

They usually delude themselves into thinking they're more socially relevant & important than they really are, and when they come to the inevitable realization that they literally don't matter to the world and can't change shit, they get all sad, depressed & suicidal.

Their entire self worth is based on ego, instead of reality.

>> No.12261905

Highly intelligent, artistic, sensitive and perceptive people on the forefront of progressivism leading people out of the backwards looking regressive darkness like bourdain, are sometimes plagued with clinical depression.

>> No.12262582

the real question is did Zamir laugh or cry at his funeral?

>> No.12262725


Hahaha kek'd. You asshole

>> No.12263063

Seems pretty based

>> No.12263133

stay asleep

>> No.12263455

He called out Hillary Clinton for not condemning Harvey Weinstein more strongly and admitted on twitter that he had to deal with her goons as a result and that “it wasn’t fun”.
A year or two later he hinted (from the relative safety of another country) that he had knowledge about the Clinton’s role in systematic child abduction and abuse and tragically killed himself within a couple of days. What a coincidence.

>> No.12263487

t. Alex Jones

>> No.12263494

I heard he killed himself because he was about to get metoo'd

>> No.12263896

fuck off cuckthlic

>> No.12264903
File: 108 KB, 500x750, D448C462-2415-451A-8ECB-BACE870EF375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He killed himself cus his slut girlfriend was photoed canoodling with some guy after he came out in support of her metoo stuff even though she’d diddled some underage little shit herself many years before but had paid him off with Tony’s money. He got played hard by some toxic pussy. Shudda just left her and gotten some dumb 20 year old with a tight vagine and pigtails.

>> No.12264919

And after he killed himself the toxic bitch had rose McGowan defend her and say they always had an open relationship but that’s bullshit the whore killed him.

>> No.12264923

Wont ever happen miyazaki san. They got the system on a failsafe and the failsafe on a failsafe, and their ideals are being passed down via grooming. This ship will float until the end of time. You can leave. But only alone. How nice it would be to do it together though.

>> No.12264933

Their ideals and cultural shit are passed on like iron code. All the little autistic shit enforced through cultural shame. Japan is autistic as fuck. You mess up one little thing and their brain short circuits. They're so fragile.

>> No.12265887
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And jewpilled, I know.

>> No.12266055

Is Miyazaki the Japanese Kaczynski?

>> No.12266120
File: 314 KB, 750x393, the booze brothers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no more Zamir kino episodes ever again
fuck this gay earth

>> No.12266133

You definitely can though, just not from Asia since chilis are native to the Americas and only made their way to Europe and Asia after colonization. Look up old Mexican and South American recipes. Like Aztec chocolate, a bitter and spicy drink made from cocoa beans and chilis that is the ancestor to modern hot chocolate.

>> No.12266538

He was a devout athiest and druggie. You should look down if youre trying to talk to him

>> No.12266547

Give the guy some credit, he put his money where his mouth was