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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12258511 No.12258511 [Reply] [Original]

rate this shit

>> No.12258517

looks undercooked.

>> No.12258519

it’s supposed to be like that

>> No.12258520

then good job anon, i don't know what to tell you, i wouldn't eat it.

>> No.12258522
File: 298 KB, 1172x1484, 1441149983363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not okay, very not okay

>> No.12258523
File: 64 KB, 768x1024, 1cy135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depression(4)/10. Burger looks like it was fucking boiled and even then it's under cooked. Why put bacon but no cheese? That is a sad pile of bottom of the bag looking chips.

>> No.12258524

retard American. why are you so afraid of a little pink?

>> No.12258530

>retard American
how did i know you were gonna post this? hope you get food poisoning.

>> No.12258535

because you were probably called out by other people who share my views of your kind

>> No.12258541

most dont mind a little pink but burgers arent supposed to peel

>> No.12258545

or maybe seething foreigners are just so predictable

>> No.12258546


>> No.12258565

>lettuce looks sad
>burger looks pink and undercooked
>onion looks too thick
>bun looks crumbly and gross
>looks like you dumped the sad last little remainder of the chip bag on your plate
>not even any cheese?

>> No.12258588

It's extremely undercooked. Not even edible.

>> No.12258597

I'd rather eat a school cafeteria burger. Did you fucking boil that sad piece of meat?

>> No.12258598

It's against health guidelines to have your burger on the rare side. Ground beef is mixed around a lot and bacteria gets inside of it. You need to cook it through to kill off the bacteria.

>> No.12258647

Grey burger and the last serving of broken chips from the bottom of the bag

>> No.12258674

only true unless you grind your own meat

>> No.12258683

Remove the burger, bacon, veggies, condiments, and chips from the plate and I'd give it a 10/10

>> No.12258687

It's true for any meat unless you have somehow prevented the exterior of the meat from existing in the earth's atmosphere.

>> No.12258692

That's only because you managed to get "food" on the plate at all.

>> No.12259619

It’s pork, not beef

>> No.12259706

how tall does your mouth have to be to eat this

>> No.12259714

Years of soy diet.

>> No.12259718

nice "sear" faggot.

>> No.12259734

poorly cooked/10

>> No.12259998

>romaine lettuce
probably contaminated
>burger is pink on the outside
definitely contaminated

it was nice knowing you OP

>> No.12260001

oh hey gordon ramsay!

>> No.12260004

You got any parmmashonn I could hold? This bitch is bland as a motherfuck.

>> No.12260013
File: 2.48 MB, 350x386, gordon ramsay vs ps3 graphics.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12260117

wa la

>> No.12260127

what order should you put the toppings on?
for me it is:

>> No.12260148

You’re retarded if you can’t see the cheese. It’s right there, it’s like you didn’t even try

>> No.12260333

did you deliberately put the toppings on the wrong way?

>> No.12260337

undercooked, no sear, stale bun, stupid topping arrangement

>> No.12260384

in that case, your burger looks under cooked


>> No.12260445


>> No.12260450

I honestly can't tell if this is another meme post where you botched it on purpose or you actually just suck at cooking

>> No.12260505

Looks gross, bro. You fucking boil that burger or what? For me, it's a yikes.

>> No.12260581

Patty is undercooked, bun is overgrilled.
Also, what kind of subhuman puts the lettuce on top of the patty?
The only good thing about this burger is the slice of tomato, that looks great.

You almost got that right, but the cheese goes over the top of the patty. When you flip the patty, you're supposed to put the cheese on top of it, while the patty is still cooking in the pan, so the cheese can melt onto the patty.

>> No.12261855

Looks boiled somehow.

The fuck man.

>> No.12261856

I think its great that you tried!

>> No.12261919

Yes thats what I mean. The cheese is melted on top of the patty while the second side cooks. It is a top down list.