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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 1280x720, Gordon Ramsay s Crispy Salmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12255626 No.12255626 [Reply] [Original]

Is he a real chef or just a fucking idiot?

>> No.12255636 [DELETED] 

better than women and nonwhites thats for sure. praise Kek an deus vult

>> No.12255657

I have known a few chefs and trust me it is possible to be both.

>> No.12255660


>> No.12255673

Yeah maybe they just let him build a restaurant empire and TV career for no reason. Maybe they found him posting on 4chan and felt bad for him.

>> No.12255675

he's a whiny bitch

>> No.12255680

he's not the best but i'd say he's definately top tier

>> No.12255685

Neither of those are the result of talent. Have you ever been in the real world?

>> No.12256002

Ya a lot of talentless people win three Michelin stars and only super untalented do it more than once.

>> No.12256003

Yes. Of course they do. Don't be so naive.

>> No.12256019
File: 51 KB, 600x398, Big Ol' Jack Ass Angus Burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ming Tsai is a 4 foot tall retard...
He married a liberal Boston jew and got his PBS contracts....He sucks as a human too.

>> No.12256020

good chef, better business man

>> No.12256043

Bigots like you deserve to be shot in the streets.

>> No.12256064

he's a real chef who now pretends to be an idiot and an asshole to get more viewers.

>> No.12256076

black "people" make up 13% of the population and the majority of crime

>> No.12256088

dear me lol

>> No.12256145

back to plebbit

>> No.12256159
File: 305 KB, 1440x729, Screenshot_20190430-162112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.12256165

He seems very good at his specialty but not great at other cuisines he attempts. not that that's really bad. also he seems like a piece of shit

>> No.12256195

It means Oliver sold his soul and integrity long ago while Ramsay is still hustling in the actual restaurant business.

>> No.12256206

He is famous because he is a fucking idiot, not because his cooking is special. Nobody would care about him if he didn’t speak.

hurhurhur british man swore

>> No.12256210

Yes, he is a real chef. Yes, he is also a fucking idiot.

>> No.12256620

What's wrong with Ming

>> No.12256656

He's famous because he made several successful TV shows about food, and people like his personality. The shows overall are not particularly about "high cuisine" or being a professional chef, and consequently neither has his life been about that since pursuing financial success. I think he is knowledgeable and usually has good ideas. He's not the best chef in the world, but he does have a good level of expertise.

>> No.12256660

He was famous before he had any shows. He got the shows because he was famous.

>> No.12256670


>> No.12256685

>>>12256206 #
He's famous because he made several successful TV shows about food
Check out this naive millenial.
He was famous in his own right before he ever appeared on tv.

>> No.12256692
File: 2.48 MB, 350x386, gordon ramsay vs ps3 graphics.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a fucking idiot.

>> No.12256709

The top one doesn't have toothpicks holding it together. Too sloppy.

>> No.12256719

doesn't take talent to be come a chef either. just a desperate owner and a cook that thinks he's good

>> No.12256727

He was "famous" as a professional chef, mostly in UK, less than 8 years before starting his TV shows that made him internationally famous.
He does things for the camera. Like when he pretended to sleep in the bathtub in that one episode of Hotel Hell.

>> No.12256730

That sounds a bit bigoted, tranny.

>> No.12256772

>Watching Ramsey for the first time
>Haha he's being mean to stupid people
>Eventually realise he's not doing it for views
>He just has tremendous respect for the industry
>He hates that some people call themselves "chef" when they keep shit like refried beans in a garbage bin

>> No.12256815

I'd sell my fucking ass to harvey weinstein for $400 million

>> No.12256903

If you haven't watched Boiling Point and then watched the original UK Kitchen Nightmares, you are not entitled to an opinion.

>> No.12256983

hit the nail on the head

>> No.12257088

A hypocrite, sure, but he's no idiot. His entire angry schtick is just that. He's playing americans like a fiddle because they can't get enough of his act.

>> No.12257124
File: 64 KB, 650x851, marco1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's a flanderised marco pierre white with none of the soul or maturity

>> No.12257140

He's an extremely talented tv host. Your oration skills are far inferior. You probably couldn't even be a voice actor.

>> No.12257165

Me too, it would be traumatic but worth it

>> No.12257171

He's the youngest winner of a Michellelynn star.

>> No.12257179

marco knorr white you mean

>> No.12257788

dude do you see the retarded tiny buns and the even thicker burger on the top one

>> No.12257964

He puts olive oil in pasta water. He's a fucking idiot.