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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 291 KB, 1284x2560, Snapchat-1248518024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12252852 No.12252852[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I call this "my son is distarcted by Mickey Mouse Clubhouse long enough to use the microwave"

>> No.12252856

Do you want sympathy for being a breeder?

>> No.12252857
File: 64 KB, 710x675, wojak_02.nocrop.w710.h2147483647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i unironically consider this comfort food and eat it once per week similar anyway

>> No.12252858

Where are the fucking veggies for your growing boy

>> No.12252861

If you have children you should not be here

>> No.12252863

brat needs kraut tho OP

>> No.12252865

He's 7 months old he eats pureed vegetals

>> No.12252866

what are ya drinking?

>> No.12252874
File: 28 KB, 499x481, de15df26e9bf61c4f5672a08dc60a50b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i browse this website with my son in my lap

>> No.12252875
File: 209 KB, 344x422, 20190424_173815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12252876

I don't drink alcohol on the nights I have my son, so water

>> No.12252883

That's what I call my penis

>> No.12252885

that's not water in the pyrex

>> No.12252887

>frog poster
>browses 4chan with a 7 month old in direct view of it
You shouldn’t even be a parent

>> No.12252898
File: 60 KB, 788x637, d33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah but carlos and maria can have 12 illegitimate children to sell off for sex and welfare checks

but good god not dads who post toads

>> No.12252922

Oh that's gravy

>> No.12254963

>criticizing something because you'll never have it

>> No.12254985

You people shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.

>> No.12255561

>>People who make typos shouldn't have children

>> No.12255850
File: 48 KB, 500x500, yasspepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12256030

He never said that was okay. No one ever said your weird racist hypothetical situation is okay.

>> No.12256042
File: 25 KB, 720x540, 1513979213025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what shithole did you crawl out of and go back to it

>> No.12256446

Are you sure you need that much gravy, anon?...

>> No.12256457

>owning a microwave

cringe and YIKES!

>> No.12256459
File: 178 KB, 1024x768, Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based fellow gayposter.

Hell isn't real. Nobody is scared of your lies. Stop preying on the vulnerable.

>> No.12256479

Stop trying to convert normal people into your marxist homosexualist fermentation pickling cult.

>> No.12256569
File: 373 KB, 724x407, opentoall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone should be gay. I would vote for any presidential candidate who supported making homosexuality mandatory and state enforced. We can just use surrogacy to have babies now. There's no need for heterosexuality anymore. It is outdated and so are you.

>> No.12256839


Tranny discord is on /ck/ too? Fucking hell, get a life.

>> No.12256865

You realize that a lot of people are gay, not trans?

>> No.12256874
File: 204 KB, 576x720, 1530707163364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stop preying on the vulnerable.
>coming from a faggot

>> No.12256875

All trans are gay but not all gay is trans

>> No.12256879

I miss watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with my boy. Enjoy these days OP, they'll be gone quick.

>> No.12256883
File: 1.01 MB, 1600x2382, AGPvsHSTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your numbers are pure fiction.

Not true at all. See image.

>> No.12256886
File: 184 KB, 906x1024, 1530597379307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your numbers are pure fiction.

>> No.12256888

How do you reheat your pasta?

>> No.12256896

These propaganda posters are posted all the time. Nobody believes them.

Take your homophobia elsewhere.

>> No.12256909

>implying OP's son is actually his

>> No.12256912

I used to wish I were gay back when I was 16-22 and the girls of my age were horribly immature. But now they're not as retarded and big titties in my face are nice. You guys live a charmed life until it comes to settling down because gay men are all huge sluts and once you have money it's way to tempting to get a gay boy of 18 to move out and shack up with you. I used to work at banana republic in my youth. I know the gays and their strange version of daddy issues and status symbol seeking behavior. Also little known straight guy fact: the gays and the lesbians do not get along because butch lesbians dress like white trash and the gays have an entirely different concept of refined masculinity in stsrk contrast with the trashy dyke look.

>> No.12256918

In a skillet. If you have a stove and an oven there is literally no reason to own a microwave.

>> No.12256922

I read some random book and the author went into his first sexual experiences and it was sitting in empty theatres waiting for men to grope him and shit. He was like 14 at the time.

Horrified me tbqh, made me rethink what being gay is

>> No.12256923

Looks like gravy based on op pic.

>> No.12256930

Sounds like an excellent way to eat hardened pasta

>> No.12256942

Sounds like you never learned to cook because you depend on your magic oven.

>> No.12256958

>covers ears
>”yeah well that’s not real cuz i say so”

man i can’t wait till a civil war starts and i can just be executing you degenerate fags all day

>> No.12257043

Reheating pasta is literally the only good function of a microwave. If you reheat pasta in a "skillet" it gets hard unless your sauce was soupy.

>> No.12257148

>Reheating pasta is literally the only good function of a microwave
this is the biggest gay in this itt
microwaves are for popcorn and occasional lazy potato/sweet potato, not turning pasta into mush
just add water/cream to dryer leftover pasta and reheat in a saucepan

>> No.12257207

>he can't make popcorn on the stove top.


>> No.12257225

>These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is based on merely human rules they have been taught.
How's it feel to be a fake Christian? I don't think your God would like you taking pleasure in the potential damnation of others.

>> No.12257233

>you need to have your own child in order to have an opinion
big wew

>> No.12257291
File: 141 KB, 960x960, gaypregnant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of gays have kids.

How many gay parents choose adoption?


>> No.12257319

I guess I read the first reply wrong because when I read breeder, i read it as someone who decided to have their own kid, as opposed to someone who felt kids are disgusting creatures and wouldn't want one. Nothing related to gays. Unless breeder is used exclusively by fags as an "insult". Then I'm just totally wrong.

>> No.12257326

I would rather be in the foster care system than be adopted by gays. The children of gay couples are always super fucked up and weird, usually medicated too.

>> No.12257331

its for convenience with little difference in end product

>> No.12257340
File: 31 KB, 375x375, 1551350219029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drinking semen from a pyrex cup

>> No.12257355

There are a multitude of downsides to using a microwave to cook popcorn, such as requiring a specialized container to get hot enough to pop the kernels, and having much less control over the cook time(resulting in either more duds or significantly more badly burned popcorn on both sides of the spectrum)

>> No.12257386

Don't let your infant watch tv. By 7 months he should be able to entertain himself with toys for long enough to fix a decent meal. Parenting is not that difficult.

>> No.12257390



>> No.12257399

>he doesn't know stove popcorn tastes better because of wok hei

>> No.12257405
File: 38 KB, 225x348, SmugAnimeGirl_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone who dislikes children is a tranny

go back to /tv/ faggot.

>> No.12257588

>specialized container
bruh look at this dood

>> No.12258911

>bringing up your jealousy about not being able to have kids when the guy was just sharing a meal he made under time constraints is "having an opinion"
Why lash out like that? Why do you hate "breeders" so much that you need to publicly put them down?
OP could have even adopted.

>> No.12258924

You can't address the ills affecting the gay community by stuffing your head in the sand.

>> No.12258956

I can address them by stuffing my fist in your frothing boipucci

>> No.12258966

you can get "bred" too, homo

>> No.12258980

Imagine being so sex obsessed that the first retort you think of is rape.

>> No.12259001

It's consensual, you disgusting rape fetishist. How was rape implied?

>> No.12259877

actually most lgbt groups don't get along with gay men

>> No.12259924

actually most groups don't get along with gay men

>> No.12260044

Yikes a degenerate.

>> No.12260051

>the girls of my age were horribly immature
>big titties in my face are nice
I'd be surprised if they were less mature at the time than you are now.

>> No.12260200

Gays aren't human.

>> No.12260211

Neck yourself, nigger faggot.

>> No.12260213
File: 46 KB, 344x418, christcucks btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12260355

>I'm gonna fuck you in the ass
>to a guy criticizing gays
You blow in from stupid town, buddy?

>> No.12260395

Hey buddy, you cut off the facebook UI.

>> No.12260396

aren't babies not supposed to eat vegetables

>> No.12260438


>> No.12260475

Babies can eat everything at 7 or 8 months pretty much, trying to week off of formula. I tried one prebought mix of his which was beets bananas and blueberries and it tasted delicious

>> No.12260476

gays btfo

>> No.12260480

If you think being gay sounds so appealing you most likely aren't straight.

>> No.12260482

gays don't like lesbians
lesbians don't like trannies
trannies dont like gays
and no one likes bis!

>> No.12260506

why the fuck are you giving your child formula instead of breastmilk

don't you know about the inter-tit mom/baby antibody signalling system

>> No.12260517

This. You put the kernels in a brown paper bag and tape it closed. You throw out any unpopped kernels because they are literally worth less than a cent.

>> No.12260519

Show us number 5 anon, please.

>> No.12260606

Because the fat cunt I had a child with wouldn't breastfeed

>> No.12260648

Lol @ all the white trash single dads getting pissed that nobody gives a shit about little Gayden or Trayden or Brayden

>> No.12260691

find a surrogate

>> No.12261011

kinda explains why no one likes me...I'd suck all their intimate parts

>> No.12261013

I hate them all

>> No.12261118

Fucking based

>> No.12261122
File: 29 KB, 753x960, 1556624713097.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12261195

my super christian friend friend knocked up his also super christian girlfriend, twice, despite not having a job at the time, which he now has but hates because he's got a degree in something else he wanted to persue but now he can't and his face looks like he aged 10 years over a span of two years

I feel sorry for him but he's a genuinely good person

>> No.12261206
