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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12249677 No.12249677 [Reply] [Original]

Take it away anon!

Stuffed mushrooms are bland and tasteless and are also disgusting at the same time.

Most if not all breakfast food is so fucking boring and tastes like sugar.

>> No.12249697

Don't cut yourself on that edge, junior.

>> No.12249702

*flips my hair*


>> No.12249708

I don't like pasta. A lot of people flip their shit irl if i tell them. Idk what the big deal is 2behonest.

>> No.12249714

You're doing breakfast and stuffies wrong if you think that.

>> No.12249725

What an unpopular opinion you have there that most people agree with. well done. Upboat!

>> No.12249726

*takes the upboat and walks away*
f-fuck you anon ;_;

>> No.12249729

Buttermilk, ranch, sour cream cheese, cheese cake and other things I'm sure I'm forgetting are all fucking disgusting and vomit inducing.

>> No.12249735

literally the opinion of a toddler whose parents didn't even care enough to make bacon and eggs every once in a while
how old were you when you learned how to open malt-o-meal bags by yourself?

>> No.12249752

Most pasta is pretty medicore, but when a pasta dish hits it hits hard

>> No.12249756

Source cream, cream cheese*

>> No.12249767

No that's not it anon. I live in GA, I am southern as fuck. I worked in food for years, I worked at Waffle house. You get sick of that so fast.

>> No.12250271

Braps are unpleasant. There is nothing sexually appealing about them.

>> No.12250274

Keto works and is enjoyable

>> No.12250493

just gotta be careful is all I hear

>> No.12250499
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, BCD21703-04DE-40E0-B5B0-E6BAF259CF30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Olive Garden is the best italian place to get spaghetti unironically
The wedding soup is god tier and their fried mozzarella is great
Also remember to order a bacardi and coke

>> No.12250501

>t. shitskin

>> No.12250523

>Olive Garden is the best italian place to get spaghetti
Someone doesn't have a provinos

>> No.12250532

The inherent taste of all mushrooms is awful and should never be compared to meat

>> No.12250534
File: 352 KB, 1500x1999, AF5FCB82-E616-4335-811D-937847771FED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t live in the south
I do however travel on the way down going to florida

>> No.12250558

Seafood is disgusting. Eating sea bugs is disgusting and a waste of cuisine. It's literally secondhand protein, might as well eat real bugs.
Only acceptable seafood is salmon, tuna, trout and catfish.

>> No.12250565

Opinion discarded.
There are so many better fish for frying.

>> No.12250782

this, pasta has always felt too rich for me, even 'lighter' pasta sauces like pesto make me feel like I swallowed an anvil.

>> No.12250786

you probably live far from the coast, fresh seafood is god tier, the ones you listed happen to be the Ines that travel well.

>> No.12250789

Based. Fuck sea bugs