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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 508 KB, 1791x1007, jas-cobkitchen1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12244215 No.12244215 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ like Townsends 18th century cooking?

>> No.12244219

I do. It's pretty comfy to set them playing in the background while I do stuff.

>> No.12244224

Based. Surprised this shit isn’t on tv. The guy does a great job.

>> No.12244225


I'm frustrated

>> No.12244241

he is autistic for the 18th century


>> No.12244245
File: 19 KB, 443x332, 1519088501688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried the baked onion once. Turns out I hate baked onion.


>> No.12244258

i like this channel, but i can’t marathon it

>> No.12244263

Which onion did you use? I never thought of baking an onion and eating it plain with some salt. I'd imagine sweet onions would work best.

>> No.12244271
File: 115 KB, 1500x1500, 8118B-Zs+AL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


normal onions

>> No.12244273

yep better make this thread again

>> No.12244281

"normal" onions are white onions, but you posted a yellow onion.

>> No.12244294
File: 2 KB, 124x124, 1523146806150s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"normal" onions are white onions


>> No.12244302

i love onions, and this looks amazing

>> No.12244304

White and black Americans prefer sweet, yellow varieties of onion while white spicy onions are prefered by Hispanics. Use the appropriate variety for your recipe for best results.

>> No.12244337

1st time watching this guy
Are /pol/lets really so fragile that an old, meek man can set them off into year long rages?
Pretty based in my opinion.

>> No.12244347

I made his mushroom catsup recipe - it wasn't what I expected it to taste but it was still good.

>> No.12244358

I don't understand what you're talking about

>> No.12244369
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, 2D0C4459-84BC-4E8E-8D40-1C0836817E59.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy the recipes but it’s unfortunate that Townsends himself is a joke.

>> No.12244381

I live in Indiana so I visited their store. The employees came off as history teachers who got tired of students. The other customers came off as people who only participate in civil war re-enactments if they rewrite the end so the south wins. Townsend himself wasn't there, unfortunately.

>> No.12244394

Imagine making a historical cooking channel only to die on an orange hill.

>> No.12244417

Sounds like a pretty chill place, honestly.

>> No.12244418
File: 20 KB, 390x250, 1302231635015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...the fuck? I must know more.

>> No.12244450


He's a major cuck.

>> No.12244541

>Townsends himself
The company is called James Townsend & Son.
The man in the videos is not James, he is James' son John.
John Townsend's own offspring are all daughters.
He rebranded the website and youtube channel to Townsends, plural.

>> No.12244546

he should have rebranded it James Townsend and His Wife's Sons, kek

>> No.12244601


>> No.12244608

>Are /pol/lets really so fragile that an old, meek man can set them off into year long rages?

>> No.12244610

>but it’s unfortunate that Townsends himself is a joke
In what sense?

>> No.12244636

Damn, I didn't know they were in Indiana. I guess it makes sense with how autistic everyone is over Connor Prairie.

>> No.12244655
File: 17 KB, 486x359, hwat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Christ. It's like that. I'm getting flashbacks to my brother coming down from meth when he got out of prison. He started all this 18th century shit like apple jack and acorn bread, thieving off people's lands and hiding out in the woods.

>> No.12244670

sounds like your brother wen about it the right way

>> No.12244671
File: 148 KB, 634x581, 93FB9398-D711-419A-BB9F-36278595882C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no family to 18th-century larp with

>> No.12244678

how come the missus never lets us in on her roleplay antics?

>> No.12244709

Not really. He's in jail again. This time in Maine. Stole a car this time running from his girl... I swear he'd be the smartest motherfucker I know if he wasn't so damn crazy.

>> No.12244718

>he stole a car and is a meth head
wow what a genius

>> No.12245214

I did it and rather enjoyed

>> No.12245235


>> No.12245240
File: 31 KB, 480x652, onion1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plain old white onions get pretty sweet when cooked. I love it.
I'll usually throw a few (peeled) onions in with a roast or or meal I make in the oven and sometimes add a few smallish ones, also peeled, if I'm boiling potatoes or carrots.
It takes zero effort, it's cheap, it's delicious, and it's low-calorie even.

Whole onions, not peeled, are super easy and nice to make in a campfire as well if you're into hiking/camping. Although they are not weight-efficient if you're serious about the hiking part. It's a lot of flavour from even a small one, though, so I'll usually bite the bullet and bring a few small ones. Just leave them near the embers and give it time.

>> No.12245369


He made a joke about Trump and all the 14yr old maga autists have screeched about it ever since.

>> No.12245375

Im literally 3 times older than 14 so youre that much of a wrong dipshit

>> No.12245377

nigger you have some issues if you bring pol up out of nowhere on a thread about 18th century cooking.

>> No.12245381

>Plain old white onions get pretty sweet when cooked. I love it.
Yeah I noticed that when I was making beans one time, simmered them with a bunch of onion for a few hours and the onion started to taste sweet. Didn't have to bother with all the caramelizing first.

>> No.12245414

Townsends is s tier food content. I love his dessert videos

>> No.12245418

>take an onion
>bake it
>5 minute video

>> No.12245421

Hello? Are you well? Why are you talking about politics on the food and cooking board?

>> No.12245429

Except he didn't actually make a joke about trump. People THOUGHT he made a joke about trump and went mental bananas.

>> No.12245433

It was literally a recipe from hundreds of years ago called Orange Fool. Trump's not THAT old.

>> No.12245485
File: 3.75 MB, 4032x3024, 20190419_161426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute plep taste. They are pretty great, just a bit butter and salt. Its fucking great.

>> No.12245488

Im frustrated

>> No.12246290

He looks so weird wearing modern garb

>> No.12246430

It's a nice gimmick but I hate how much he talks in his vids. Personal taste, but I like minimal talking in cooking vids.

>> No.12246444

of course, it was a based time

>> No.12246447
File: 200 KB, 633x269, Local Man Ponders Nutmeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12246449

That looks fucking good.
I nice little hunk of torn bread to brush some of the butter and I'd say almost perfect.

>> No.12246454

What's the "orange fool" business all about anyways? "subtle" jab at trump for easy clicks?

>> No.12246457
File: 28 KB, 260x329, 51fLs+tCTIL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Townsend, America's Test Kitchen, Food Wishes, occasionally Munchies when their video's aren't just DUDE WEED LMAO DUDE ABRASIVE CHICK DRINKING AND TALKING DIRTY LOLOLOL LETS DO SHOTS HERE'S A SHITTY RAPPER

I also like pic related

>> No.12246466

He make that titled recipe when trump was elected and then doubled down that it's just a coincidence after literally everyone made the connection between the video and trump.

>> No.12246468

He was at the Washington estate visiting the professional reenactors there.
George Washington had orange trees and enjoyed an orange based dessert.
As a historical reenactor and a cooking channel host, he made the dessert George Washington enjoyed from George Washington's orange trees on the Washington estate.

It was wholly apolitical.

>> No.12246470


It was presidents day after Trump took office, he was at Mount Vernon - George Washingtons estate - which is a cultural heritage site where they dress up and do the 18th century larp to teach people history. He spent a whole week there doing shows. For the last episode on presidents day, they made an ORANGE FOOL - which was a type of desert made from the orange's they grew on Mt. Vernon that Washington enjoyed.

A few mouthbreathers thought it was a shot at Trump, the usual internet goons caught onto it and thought it'd be funny to meme.

>> No.12246475


to this day the comments battle rages on even though townsend made a response video saying "no srsly i just autism for 18th century"

>> No.12246482


It's an old dessert that's basically an orange flavored custard. He made 0 mentions about Trump or modern politics in the video about that dessert, but Donald's fanboys still managed to get their feelings hurt.


It was published in July 2017, which is around 6 months after Trump took office

>> No.12246491

july 4th not presidents day

>> No.12246511

communist nutmeg loving cuckold

>> No.12246605

Kent is a good time. Sometimes I just have him in the back ground, dude has such energy. He loves that cooking.

>> No.12246618

But that's wrong, you retard.

>> No.12246638

>autistically worships the true spirit of america through its history
ok kid

>> No.12246641

his relationship with his wife and doggo is cute too

>> No.12246730

>h-he autistically is into th-this hobby
it's a job he was born into

>> No.12246751

in what way does that diminish his obvious passion and devotion to it

>> No.12246757

autists don't get paid to watch trains or to sell other people train watching clothes

>> No.12246775
File: 1.72 MB, 400x225, Standoff.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can't be paid to do something you're passionate about
yeah alright paste eater

>> No.12246777

What about reviewing fast food while wearing a suit or ranting about capeshit movies? Do they get paid for that?

>> No.12246778

And this makes him communist how?

>> No.12246791


yes ostensibly you shouldn't say he's autistically enthused about it when all you see of him is him selling you a product. he's a hype man


>> No.12246801

>yes ostensibly you shouldn't say he's autistically enthused about it when all you see of him is him selling you a product. he's a hype man
historical reenactment is not a field you get into solely to make bank

>> No.12246814

He has another channel where he talks about 16 mm. film
He shows the same obvious enthusiasm for that hobby but isn't selling anything.

You'll just have to accept that some people have jobs they enjoy. Maybe you should look into becoming one of those people instead of being a bitter little shit on /ck/

>> No.12246817

Do you even follow the conversation?

>> No.12246820

I'm not trying to offend your internet hero, but no. he has a job he was born into and can feign enthusiasm. you might have actual autism if you think people on the stage are actually happy while presenting to you.

>> No.12246828

>all you see of him is him selling you a product
You mostly see him educating people on American colonial and revolutionary history. Even his advertising essentially amounts to "hey by the way if you like our autism uniforms you can buy them at my autism store".

Why do you find it so impossible that someone can work a job they love?

>> No.12246835

That's a Spanish onion

>> No.12246843

his shows are infomercials for his stock. if a commercial has jokes in it it's not a comedy show that incidentally sells a product.

I didn't say that. he's a presenter, he's going to present the wares enthusiastically and try to get the audience/customer base in on it.

>> No.12246853

>I didn't say that
But you are outright stating that he can't be genuinely passionate about it because he's also promoting his business.

How did you become so cynical and deluded?

>> No.12246879

so mentioning orange color in the US is a political move now?

>> No.12246886

everything is a political move to delicate retards

>> No.12246887

no I'm saying he was born into a job which entails hyping the product line to customers. that itself is reason enough to be skeptical of his passion.

I'm sure every whore who says your dick is big is trust worthy and loving, I mean they'd know they are women.

>> No.12246916

>that itself is reason enough to be skeptical of his passion
That's the deluded cynicism I'm talking about. In no way is that enough to question his authenticity with any actual ground. I'd assume someone who dedicates themselves to a job that requires such an extensive knowledge of a field like colonial and revolutionary history and isn't known for being a wildly lucrative enterprise would virtually require more passion than you have for anything.

>> No.12246934

it's not an assumption you have you're just a mark who has been sold to.

>> No.12246961

As people grow older they are better at being sneaky and forget things that hold them back like integrity and authenticity. If not outright, the definition surely becomes murky. Im not saying townsends shouldnt be trusted because hes old, but anyone maintaining an audience isnt out there trying to perfect a craft. Theyre trying to maintain an audience. In the end, who do you make youtube videos for? To reach your ideal of youtube filmmaking and kinography, or to see those numbers rise?

That said, townsends is a milquetoast bland motherfucker who probably is frustrating to talk to irl.

>> No.12246993

I mean that's a fair point, I can't really argue there. I do agree with you about Townsend being an extremely mild guy and being as enthusiastic as he appears to be is extremely believable. It's just moronic to make the claim that a person cannot be enthusiastic about something if they're making money from it.

>> No.12247002

Found Kent like two weeks ago. His food isn't really what I need to be eating right now but damn his energy is infectious. It's so much fun to watch him cook.

>> No.12247003

you say this as a man who buys into his act though

>> No.12247007

You say that as a man who immediately assumes there has to be an act.

>> No.12247048

to be fair I do think he can feign enthusiasm to increase sales in the line of historical products he sells for a living. which is something you now can kind of see as a possibility but still think it's retarded to assume someone would do for some reason.
a farmer doesn't have to be all about them beets if he was handed a beet farm by his parents. I'd expect him to have working knowledge about growing beets, different beet cultivars and diseases. I'd mostly expect him to be able to grow and sell them to a wholesaler. no one expects passion from the farmer just work. same story here, except getting people excited about beets is part of the job and so there needs to be salesmanship.

>> No.12247399


I tried it with a bunch of red onions. Topped them off with some olive oil and chilly garlic sauce instead of butter. Throw in some kidney beans to make a proper meal out of it.

>> No.12247646

I am getting real concerned about how idiotic you are considering that's what "smart" people do.

>> No.12248141

She's the camerawoman as far as I am aware.