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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12240410 No.12240410 [Reply] [Original]

>don't eat for 4 days
>eat today three donuts and 6 spring rolls
>remorseless meal and skinny af
>completely satisfied and don't have to eat for the next 4 days

How can binging fatties on bags of chips and mcdonalds even compete?

>> No.12240413


>> No.12240417

discord tranny detected

>> No.12240422

You probably are still a fatass

Tomorrow you will snap and gorge yourself on kfc

>> No.12240433
File: 43 KB, 630x630, lmao destroyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. seething fatty

im only 104 lbs retard

>> No.12240436

Can we ban frontholes?

>> No.12240461

>401 lbs

>> No.12240462

>t. seething fatty
confirmed discord tranny

>> No.12240466


>> No.12240471

>don't eat for 4 days

Were you trying to cleanse your intestines in preparation for getting buttfucked?

>> No.12240481
File: 66 KB, 659x609, so_good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls everyone who isn't a tub of lard a tranny
>i don't even use discord

>> No.12240520

>being DYEL
Gotta eat big to get big, loser. Get those muscles pumped.

>> No.12240528

yeah I'm trying to gain weight, fat, muscle idc

I just ate 5 pieces ofbpizza

>> No.12240542

See I've never understood fat people. Like just stop eating until you look like a decent human lol. Like nibba shut your mouth, like just stop putting food in there lmfao.

>> No.12240544

How are you still 104 lbs? You should be less if you eat like this all the time

>> No.12240546

Do you think that is a lot? Serious question. Because that is nothing

>> No.12240558

keep trying lardass this is making me laugh now

>> No.12240569

I don't eat like this all the time. And it's called fasting.

>> No.12240611
File: 980 KB, 1072x1590, 1555593846491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ i need a girlfriend

if you were my gf what would we go to if you dont wanna eat out??

>> No.12240633

What the fuck is wrong you with you, anon

>> No.12240678

3 donuts and 6 spring rolls don't sound like they would compliment each other

>> No.12240702

i didn't eat them all at once, there was an 8 hour gap between each meal.

>> No.12240707

so are you gonna post your thighs or bulge or what are we doing here?

>> No.12240724

Unless you're a midget on palliative care, that kind of diet is just as if not worse than being overweight. Your body NEEDS nutrients to survive. Your organs are being damaged very badly and your system is probably very weak. Also your mental functions will be impaired. And your heart is going to be stressed. Eat properly like normal people or its gonna hit you like a freight train

>> No.12240725
File: 428 KB, 450x450, mushroomflaybe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's it like not eating for that long?
i'm considering doing it

>> No.12240762

you'r a degenerate, kill yourslef. also this is a food and coking board

>> No.12240764

your body enters ketosis and the worst feeling is when you wake up. but once you finally stand and walk around you feel fine. i don't even have an appetite too. no grelin or leptin hormones rn

>> No.12240767

don't be a tease, you started us down this path

>> No.12240802

bro I've literally done one meal a day for over a decade, while working out, and I've maintained a physique normies are jealous of dispute succeeding at competitive eating challenges (over 5 pounds of food in 30 minutes). I respect normies who can balance calories while being inactive but fugg I love eating disgusting amounts of food... and don't get me wrong, I've fasted 2 weeks, but I've found OMAD at ~2500 cals + exercise lets me eat like an absolute fucking pig yet look like a chad

>> No.12240809

>im only 104 lbs retard
Being proud of mental illness isn't applaud-worthy, dipshit. I don't care how impressive having autism on this website is.

>> No.12240811

Thinspo posters aren't aware that most of the known world regards skeletals with the same body horror they regard the clinically obese.

>> No.12240820

I think i am scared of them because both involve some food related trauma. And not being in a loving relationship with food is just hell on earth

>> No.12240943

You sound mentally ill

>> No.12240969

discord fat fuck discord fat fuck
>the tranny thinks it belongs here
>the creepy little wimp (tranny) thinks it will be missed
>the coward (trrain*tranny*wreck) thinks this is "it's* home
*laughing so hard blood gushing out the tip of my COCK!!!* LMAO (LOL too)

>> No.12241011

its because hes lying and larping as a woman. he did this in a different thread claiming the reason he was so skinny was cuz his mom kept stealing all his food.

>> No.12241013

Enjoy your crumbling bones and rotten organs at age 32.

Slim isn't healthy if it's based on a foundation of binging donuts and spring rolls every few days.

>> No.12241036

I'm not even a man, cope.

I eat vegetables and meat too retard. you realize food cost money right?

>> No.12241041

Not if you steal it or get EBT

>> No.12241100

>don't eat for 4 days
>eat today three donuts and 6 spring rolls
That's about 200 calories per day and mere percentiles of your daily recommended nutrient intake. You are either a complete retard who is dying and bragging about it, or a complete retard trying to pull an unconvincing troll.

>> No.12241139

>I'm not even a man
Yeah, you're a bitch boy faggot, faggot

>> No.12241141

Retarded roasties are usually retarded, soooo.....

>> No.12241148

You've been given life for a short amount of time, why not enjoy it with food and drink? Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!

>> No.12241150
File: 64 KB, 640x360, idiocy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12241219

Live in a white neighborhood

People who fast don't spontaneously die, absolute retard. Your body is made to store fat and keep you alive for weeks without food. The only thing imperative to survival is water.

>> No.12241280

At what time of the day do you eat?

>> No.12241894

>People who fast don't spontaneously die, absolute retard. Your body is made to store fat and keep you alive for weeks without food. The only thing imperative to survival is water.
Minimum required for survival != healthy diet.
If this person only eats like this for any significant period of time, they're going to cause serious permanent health and mental issues. If your body doesn't get the required amount of nutrition and calories, it's going to start cannibalizing itself until it is too weak to keep metabolism going. Galaxy brain diet right there.

>> No.12242045

just ate 4 pizzas and thought the same thing. Getting fat is impossible

>> No.12242054

>eat today three donuts
Non-native English speaker detected

>> No.12242553

post body

>> No.12242582

Post tis sweathart

>> No.12242895

Why are you assuming I eat donuts and fried food every day? That's your problem. I obviously have a balanced diet. The whole point is that while fat fucks binge on junk and get fat, I'll have my days of eating three donuts in a sitting, stay skinny and eat whatever I need after. Man some of you people are retarded.

Kudos. Anybody who's even remotely chubby and has "trouble" eating less is retarded

>> No.12243496

>Why are you assuming I eat donuts and fried food every day?
You're not even fucking capable of comprehending a simple post, so you're pretty much just proving my point.
>I obviously have a balanced diet.
You literally said in your first post that you fast for four days, then eat some, before fasting again for four days. You're not keeping track of your own bullshit even. Your brain is already liquefying.