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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 1542x1035, Dough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12229701 No.12229701 [Reply] [Original]

Ooooooohhhhhh, mommy's makin' that pidser dough

>> No.12229786

Your mommy is a big fat, ugly, stupid, fat whore who sucks at life.

>> No.12229791

Thanks for the bump, fren. I happen to think she makes some very fine pizza dough.

>> No.12229797

I'm glad you noticed the sage in that pizza dough!

>> No.12229798

Why can't she just make the dough herself? Why does she have to make Brad shape and bake the pizza with her?

>> No.12229804

Because baking pizza dough is fun but it's even more fun when you have a good fren like Brad to do it to you. Also....Brad is very smart about yeast and such.

>> No.12229828

Because making sure that their other youtube personalities appear in videos ensures a "cross pollination" of views as well as promoting all personalities involved.

Call it the Thomas Kinkade problem. You can't ride an empire on a single personality, it's just not sustainable, it's in your best interests to promote a "ring" of core personalities to attract viewers instead.
The bigger the draw, the more you want them to sprinkle their viewer magic to other faces.

>> No.12229854

Fuck off.

>> No.12230045
File: 483 KB, 1078x1666, 1549040035288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she getting bigger?

>> No.12230053

You do not wish to share pizza dough recipes with me? I would love to learn all sorts of new food recipes.
Yes and it's glorious

>> No.12230062
File: 176 KB, 1511x2015, 2f3lul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys, join us on r/cooking where we talk about how much we love BA and wish we were them or at least had them inside us!


>> No.12230076

I've been telling all my Reddit frens about this place

>> No.12230093

Noice. Would you rather snuggle up with Brad or Claire? I'm a dyke-bear-biracial-hetero btw.

>> No.12230104

I wanna be the cheese in a Brad/Claire sandwich

>> No.12230108

based anti-shill poster

>> No.12230125

The best answer right here folks!

>> No.12230135
File: 7 KB, 237x200, 1374928923770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dreaming of having Claire's dick in my mouth and Brad's dick poking me in my balls.

>> No.12230138

I want molly to feed me pasta while brad eats my ass

>> No.12230154
File: 9 KB, 417x526, 1552765417212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you catch a whiff of Claire's musky aroma as she's wrapping her hairy bear arms around you

>> No.12230173

I don't know you anon, but you can do better in your fantasy gfs

>> No.12230222

She doesn't know how to make bread or cook a pizza.
She's fucking useless.

>> No.12230274

Claire turns me on because she reminds me of this girl who used to bully me in 5th grade when I was a new student

>> No.12230284

>tfw no claire gf

>> No.12230401

What does BA stand for?

>> No.12230452
File: 141 KB, 700x700, 07-claire-saffitz-grub-diet.w700.h700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always thought it was mis-named. It should be CA for Claire Appetit

>> No.12232097

I needs her braps....needs 'um real bad.

>> No.12232098

Brads Anus

>> No.12232136

>being this booty blasted
lol, thank god you came in here to tell us something negative

>> No.12232144

Based Asses

>> No.12232155


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