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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 236 KB, 334x483, doritos-dinamita-fiery-habanero_kVaP1rb.png.750x750_q85ss0_progressive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12223736 No.12223736 [Reply] [Original]

These are literally my favorite chips ever made, they were ACTUALLY SPICY, unlike 90% of the """spicy""" chips here in U.S.


>> No.12223761
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They were so salty and crispy

>> No.12223768
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>> No.12223781
File: 80 KB, 654x368, dEkaCdCFlsXXRZQ-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aren't these and Cheetos Asteroids coming back?

>> No.12223788

pops had those just last week
couldn't sit down for two days

>> No.12223803

Holy moly they're totally already selling them again, gotta get some!

>> No.12223814
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anyone remember?

>> No.12223824
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>> No.12223828

Fuego Takis are better nig.

>> No.12223834
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>> No.12223835
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>Fuego Takis are better nig.

>> No.12223838
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>> No.12223841
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>> No.12223847

Bruh I totally forgot these existed. They were so fucking good

>> No.12223848

That's how you know they're the fucking bomb

>> No.12223849

Do the 90's style flaming hot cheetos count? They had less of the cheese flavor and were hotter. They also had a slightly darker hue and resembled the XXTRA HOT cheetos of today.

>> No.12223852

damn i forgot about these. really want some right now

>> No.12223859
File: 428 KB, 1152x768, tabo bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember when the CEO of Taco Bell was asked why TB doesn't use guacamole more, he said that people in the midwest have complained, asking "what's this green stuff?"

>> No.12223870

Dumb Bastards. Taco Bell should sell like horchata milkshakes. I tried it recently and I like it

>> No.12223916

I hate the lime twist. I much prefer the straight Habenero flavor of these

>> No.12223920

That sounds like literal stomach poison. Like if I drank this, I'd puke and shit and shit blood or something

>> No.12223924

I really feel like it's one single guy who posts this in every one of these threads.

>> No.12223936


>> No.12223944

>I'm a huge faggot who likes cock
Yeah we know dude

>> No.12223980
File: 322 KB, 1862x1048, eb30dce5-E10-Chips-PR-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blocks your path

>> No.12223986

Kinda lame desu, had a bag and they just tasted like tortilla chips coated in a taco bell sauce flavored coating.

>> No.12223989

fire and diablo have MSG. Hot doesn't.

>> No.12223994

so exactly what they're supposed to be and what anyone would assume they are?
no wonder hot is trash

>> No.12223998
File: 180 KB, 1600x1067, 295.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this vegetable is discontinued

>> No.12224003
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Never assume Anon, it just makes an ass out of u and me.

>> No.12224010
File: 243 KB, 445x540, Doritos-Newport_Menthol_Flavor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nig it up beotch

>> No.12224027
File: 163 KB, 686x951, El_Sabroso-Guacachip-Guacamole_Chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone here recommended these as a replacement even better than the doritos one, I think it's from the west coast. I've never seen them on the east coast and I've looked.
El Sabroso - Guacachip - Guacamole Chips

>> No.12224036

For me it's El sabroso but the spicy flavored ones

>> No.12224047

Yet another to keep in my mind to trigger when or if I ever see it.

>> No.12224053

their guacamole used to be bad though
most prepackage guacamole is awful, because of the issues of citrus juice losing flavor, and the avocados themselves get weird.

>> No.12224079
File: 44 KB, 500x500, dorito_girl_tub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12224080


'spicy' is for faggots n niggers

>> No.12224084

too soon man

>> No.12224087


>> No.12224102
File: 288 KB, 813x1095, Retro-Doritos-Taco-Flavor-Tortilla-Chips-Bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12224114
File: 145 KB, 1000x1000, 7b495194-30eb-4f05-9139-a6a783d7470b_1.c288ed886b429c6871b6c50d8476f81e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Make the best chips I've ever had
>discontinue them
Fuck you Cape Cod

>> No.12224129

Does this count as discontinued?
There was a place in Grand Central Station, NYC that would make their own chips in big kettles and I worked pretty close so would get chips from them like once a week or so. I think when the place got a makeover and the rents for shops there skyrocked they closed down. I think it was called US Chips.

>> No.12224134

What do you think "limited batch" means you illiterate fucking flyover

>> No.12224140

Leave it to some idiot to start insulting people w/o reason.

>> No.12224172

They actually made this shit?

>> No.12224179

It's a big company so they make shit to test out things. Not everything is a success nor does it have to be.

>> No.12224217
File: 198 KB, 787x654, eR3pAJf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know they still make this but I nostalgia for the label design

>> No.12224221

I used to mix those in with a bag of salsa doritos

>> No.12224235

>Durr I'm from dumbfuck indiana and I never learned how to read
Holy shit. How braindead do you have to be to see "limited batch" and think "oh I can buy this and reasonably expect it to be in stock in the future." There must be too much lead seeping into your drinking water.

>> No.12224257

i like takis they have a better crunch but aren't spicy at all compared to the late habanero doritos. takis are just much more sour.

>> No.12224362

I worked in a grocery store around the time these came out. I ate some that had probably been sitting out of cooling way too long and got the second worse case of food poisoning I've ever had a little later that day.
I'm pretty sure they tasted good though.

>> No.12224369

look at the daughter's face, she don't give a fuck and would gladly do it again

>> No.12224383

Oboisies are oboisterious dun

>> No.12224462

God dam but these were really, really bad. I've never had a chip with worse texture and taste. I don't even know how they could fuck it up so bad even if they were trying to.

>> No.12224553

the store I go to still has these

>> No.12224593
File: 64 KB, 604x339, butterfingers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12225492

That's just beer mixed with Redbull

>> No.12225498
File: 22 KB, 207x273, 869ace28f1e7a507274ad97d0a03471d--limes-corn-chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician chippies coming through.

>> No.12225503

I see him before. on display stands In the beer section Then when they sell out there never replaced again

>> No.12225531

pringles used to have a guacamole favor too and now i dont see them in stores anymore. i want both of these back

>> No.12225555

Does anyone know where I can find pork pies in California or something like them? They are one of my favorite foods.

>> No.12225565

Do americans really do this?

>> No.12225743

Peasant pies in San fran

>> No.12226512
File: 216 KB, 652x896, WgCW9_hrLOwgEZ6J0-ARlqK4fviUJgyUm_AWfVaXqHk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12226967

I was just joshin ya
I'm not sure I heard of a snack called asteroids

>> No.12227318

damn i used to like these, totally forgotten

>> No.12227330

i love the dark russet cape cod mmmm

>> No.12227359

Trader Joe's makes a knock-off of those thankfully and they aren't quite as greasy.

>> No.12227383
File: 63 KB, 500x500, 77bd8507-a23d-4791-9c46-025abaf0d349_1.c296bf96d20510bd8e855ba11a309220.jpeg?odnHeight=560&odnWidth=560&odnBg=FFFFFF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I didn't know they discontinued those. It seems like everything I love they discontinue.

>> No.12227393

That's garbage bro, wtf, that's trash

>> No.12227942

Neither does her thieving nig mom. She just wants a handout.

>> No.12228204

As a kid, I always wanted to drink cherry coke specifically because of this design. Not sure, there is just something appealing about it.

>> No.12228464

Every one of those kinds of products are technically "limited." Most companies do CBAs on their products and if not profitable will cancel them, it's not rocket science. In that case they put "limited batch" on the label to attempt to increase sales.
Who's the braindead bitch now?

>> No.12228497

That's bullshit. They were just shaving operational costs.

>> No.12228538

What was this logo for?

>> No.12228545

Sounds like projecting from a pussy that can't handle food.

>> No.12228601

Still you and your idiot friend for growing attached to a "limited batch" snack.

>> No.12228618

that's some vintage Dr. Pepper you got there. did you snap open a can?

>> No.12228874

Yeah my store still has these.

>> No.12228938

I too remember being strangely attracted to this can. I'm pretty sure it tasted better back then too.

>> No.12229206
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>> No.12229212
File: 112 KB, 1080x810, 1984-mcdlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12229727


>> No.12229744

I agree, I guess it was just great graphic design
showed this pick to my brother and he was convinced that this somehow tasted different than current cherry coke
while I can't say that for sure I'm pretty sure it's just rose tinted goggles on the design alone which is pretty amazing

>> No.12230051

These are the worst chips I've ever had.

>> No.12230078

My nigga