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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12202527 No.12202527 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: NEET foods

>> No.12202561

looks tasty. Is NEET food any different than robot food though? I'm a wizard but have a job. I mostly eat microwavable stuff on weeknights since as a wagie I get home exhausted, then on weekends I cook myself something nice unless mr. shekelstein calls me in because he needs more output from me so he can repaint the bottom of his boat.

>> No.12202562

Sorry to hear that

>> No.12202576

Do NEETS only feed in the dark?

>> No.12202580

Sure, but if you look at an American farmhouse diet from the early 20th Century you find close to 4k calories consumed per person in the form of bread, chicken and dumplings, pickles, pie, In season vegetables and potatoes cooked in salt pork. Industrialization changed the way we eat as much if not more than immigration. The foods we eat have changed in the direction of what's quicker to prepare since most households no longer have members dedicated to making food. But when you see what seems like outrageous portions you're talking the foods of laborers. The traditional country big breakfast? It's a hangover from the days when most country folks worked on farms. The hoagie? A workingman's lunch. You can make the case that spaghetti and meat balls and pizza were a celebration of poor Italians landing in a place where olive oil was hard to come by but tomato sauce, milk and ground beef were cheap. But if you look at the jobs the men in those families were working it was stuff like brick/stone/tile work and digging the fucking subway tunnels in NYC. They were fucking hungry.

>> No.12202587
File: 232 KB, 800x1340, Kate-Upton-Tabasco-Sexy-Halloween-Costume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why anon? by choice? is it looks, personAL, overall disdain for women (based) or are you in a MTG league? im legit not shitting on you just curious frend

>> No.12202620
File: 94 KB, 702x486, 1501521817697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not really sure. I was a weird kid, I've gotten more normal with age, have a great job, a house, car, stable.. I think just from being a weird kid I never learned how to ask women out and I'm super shy and then also scared about my lack of experience. I'm not super ugly or anything. I don't hate women or blame them for my lack of success with them, I never really understood that position. Never played MTG, I'm a home theater geek but my house isn't overtaken by the stuff. Now I just work a lot. I'm good about not revealing my power level and even lately my boss has had me do some sales work (I'm an engineer by trade). Women just don't like me and I'm not good at attracting them. Something to work on for sure. I'm not as sex starved as I am companionship starved, I think there is probably a lot of truth to loneliness killing.

>> No.12202639

i have a small fear of rejection and its really unwarranted. im married so i dont have a problem with the bitches, but i probably could have pulled a hotter wife or fucked more chicks if i didnt care what they said to me. if i had it to do all over again id stop caring what others thought of me.

>> No.12202640

You should think about getting a couple of cats

>> No.12202701

Yeah, I don't know. I try chatting up women, ask them how they are doing, try to remember something personal about them to ask about (how's school going? is your mom feeling better? did you have a good trip to X?) and am very friendly but never get a question back. I find that a lot with women I'll try to be friendly and they answer and are pleasant but generally don't push the conversation with me. Nobody asks me what I do or anything about me. My dad on the other hand, people seem to love. I probably just give off a creepy vibe or something.

I live in Miami which probably doesn't help. There are a lot of cool people here and not much use for a home body looking to cuddle more than go to night clubs.

I travel too much for that, I'd be a bad owner.

>> No.12202722

That's brainlet food. True NEET can cook from scratch because it's cheaper and immeasurably better tasting than that nutrient-lacking, soy-filled slop.

>> No.12202733
File: 134 KB, 700x1289, immadoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

youd get 300+ replies on /ck/
i wish you the best friend! idk where to meet chicks nowadays anyway or id offer you unsolicited advice, all the women ive met have been waitresses when i was waiting tables

>> No.12202739

Thanks friend, you too!

>> No.12202768

I know it may not be so simple for you (I am similarly introverted and find society degenerate) but I think the best way is to get out of your comfort zone by doing a fairly social activity. If you are interested in martial arts/physical activity you could take up BJJ or rock climbing or whatever and meet chicks there. If not there is church, book clubs and so on. The key thing here is to do something you are actually interested in so you have a stake that is not related to the social aspect. You really have to take the leap though which is where most of us autists falter.

>> No.12202797

Thanks. I'm so busy with work I rarely get out anymore except to meet my dad for dinner or to go to a business dinner. I wish I had more energy.

I'm a really shitty cook which is why I hang on /ck/ because baking interests me. At some point maybe I'll take a baking class or something, or a cooking class, and maybe meet someone there. I'd love to meet someone to bake with. My family already probably thinks I'm gay so taking a baking class is not likely to help me on that front kek.