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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12186959 No.12186959 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the most number of days in a row that you’ve eaten the exact same thing and what was it? I always try to eat my favorite stuff every day but get sick of it after like four days no matter what it is.

>> No.12186971

Probably something like leftover turkey dinner for 3-4 days

>> No.12187302

I had just steak and rice (unseasoned) for about a month as my only food because my friend told me it was good for bulking up

>> No.12187315

I made like 8qts of chili once and that lasted me forever. I had it everyday for at least a week. I ate other stuff though...
I’m not a maniac.

>> No.12187322

It's been around 8 years since I've gone a day without getting a substantial portion of my daily caloric intake from vodka. It really doesn't get old.

>> No.12187330

i don't know where he got it from but my roommate brought home 2 huge tin foil pans of chicken wings and we both at almost nothing but that for over a week. They weren't even that good.

>> No.12187331
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Good cunt

>> No.12187335

For ten days I ate beef and bean tacos with sour cream, hot sauce, and shredded cheese
I do this about once every 2 months

>> No.12187339

ill answer for reddit
7 days every 7 days
mealprepper love eating leftovers every day all week

>> No.12187358
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>meal preppers
>loving food

>> No.12187362

Hot pockets everyday for 2 weeks.

>> No.12187365
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>> No.12187371

>What’s the most number of days in a row that you’ve eaten the exact same thing and what was it? I always try to eat my favorite stuff every day but get sick of it after like four days no matter what it is.
I eat mcdoubles every day, have done so for years, not even sure how many.

>> No.12187384

I prep side dishes like mushrooms, it is fast to heat, delicious and if I dont fucking do it they will go bad, and you simply cant find those fuckers for a cheap price all the time.

>> No.12187911

3 and 1/2 years, 1 broiled chicken thigh, 1/2 cup lettuce, cup of water for every meal.

>> No.12187969

Don't make chili out of QTs anon that's illegal and wrong!

>> No.12187995

I'd fucking give her one if you know what I mean.

>> No.12188055

Mi Goreng for at least 1-2 months.

>> No.12188058

did any organs fail

>> No.12188263

bolognesa and quinoa and boiled eggs every other day for like 20 days

>> No.12188282

when i learned how to make butter chicken, i made it for a week straight. my family begged me to stop

>> No.12188292

someone spoonfeed me on the image

>> No.12188314
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I dont know, but it makes me equal parts sad and lonely. I want to give her a big ol hug.

>> No.12188334

I'd like to give her a hug too
>with my dick

>> No.12188795

Moose soup for three weeks. Leftover from my own wedding.

>> No.12188797

I spent 4 days only drinking water if that counts

>> No.12188811
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But never seared proteins at home.. WOULDNT WANNA SMOKE OUT THAT KITCHEN!!! Grab your faggy little torch, the steak is almost ready to come out of the bath!

>> No.12189011

I once ate Chili for two months straight every night because I would cook a batch each week and just reheat and eat.
God I wish I knew how to cook and had an oven.

>> No.12189025

I do big batches of chili too but I usually freeze whatever is left after 2-3 days. Then get back to it after a couple of weeks.

>> No.12189044

I had the same thing for lunch everyday when I was in HS
Ham and turkey on a hawaiian bread bun with mayo and a side of grapes/strawberries and a sprite to drink
I still can't stand the taste of hawaiian bread or sprite

>> No.12189080

I ate an egg, turkey and cheese sandwich, protein shake and greek yogurt for lunch. Chicken breast and rice with vegetables and protein bar as dessert for dinner every day for 1-2 months to reset my hunger cues and stop eating junk food. I might have missed a few days to eat out with family and friends but otherwise any meal I made was the same

>> No.12189096

When I was a little kid (like seven) I refused to eat anything other than tuna sandwiches from subway, toasted with Cheetos on top. I did this for a good few months. I’ve always had sensory stuff with taste and can’t swallow most foods without gagging, it was a lot worse when I was a kid though, coupled with the fact that my mom forced me to be pescatarian because she is.

>> No.12189147

I ate a cheese sandwich with mayonnaise for lunch every single day for 8 years

>> No.12190549

Last 2 years of breakfast
>blueberryBagel with cream cheese
>Unflavored greek yogurt that I stir in a little jam for flavor
Perfectly fillng and yes I know it's hard on dairy

>> No.12190558

Christmas ham, 4 days.
The sodium was nuts, it was soaked in brown sugar, but it was so good.

>> No.12190579


>> No.12190584

why does he have such tiny hands, /ck/?

>> No.12190590

Cute anon. I seee wat you did thurr

Do you prep it in little baggies or something? I’m not that organized. I’d rather suffer through days of chili than suffer through meal prep.

>> No.12190602

there was a period of like 3 months where I ate chicken breast, jasmine rice, peas and butter for all my meals. occasionally prepped the chicken differently but usually just sauteed in butter with salt and pepper. it was based desu

>> No.12190619
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I see your , and I say the same fucking thing
God fucking damnit.
Everyone hates tripfags.
Dumb bitch

>> No.12191244

I'm not gonna lie, that pic is hot as fuck

In ms/hs, for some reason the only lunch I'd never tire or get bored of was a ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato wrap with caesar dressing. Weird combo, but the only one that didn't inevitably sink to be crushed at the bottom of my bag

>> No.12191387

Prolly about 3-4 weeks.

Big Mac attacks...back in the day when they were 2 for $2

>> No.12192175

Had rice with tomato for lunch 5 months straight
I've been eating pasta with lentils and tomatoes for 4 months after that
Now I'm just eating some kind of pasta soup everyday

>> No.12192187

J usually eat out of it for 3 days or so and the rest I out in the freezer as backup for those extra lazy days

>> No.12192216

Not in a row, but I'd say that of the total days I've spent employed over the past 7 years, I've eaten a peanut-butter and banana sandwich probably 1500-1750 times.

>> No.12192242

Why are you so boring?

>> No.12192265

you wish you could be as boring as me

>> No.12192270
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if you want to feel more sad watch
The Great Happiness Space; Tales of an Osaka Love Thief

about a boys host club in japan and how many of their patrons who spend big money are female sex workers

>> No.12192274
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>> No.12192490

She's just advertising a DVD, silly.

>> No.12192657

In undergrad I had a mix of oats + whey protein + pb 3x a day every day for 2 years, I varied the calories and stuff a bit with chocolate/fruit etc... but yeah

>> No.12192667

Baka this makes me uncomfortable

>> No.12192688

Struggling idol

>> No.12192880
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from the age of 11 to 16yo i ate nothing but chicken breast and white rice. The rice was poorly cooked half mush/half crunchy and the chicken was placed in a cast iron in the over and covered in water and cooked until all the water boiled off. This is all we had to eat because $100 worth of food stamps don't go very far for a family. There was also extra butter microwave popcorn for a treat but i never took my portion because i wanted to lose weight (which was nearly impossible only eating chicken and rice once a day). Those were brutal times, couldn't even afford toilet paper so i would steal a bunch of phone books when they were delivered and tear out pages for TP (if you crumple the page up a bunch of times if softens up and is not so rough on the butt).

>> No.12192891

Back in the nineties, i were offered 20 kilograms of Pasta Spiral Noodles with egg for a dirt cheap price i couldn't say "nay" to (10 German Mark (7 USD)).
I was a student and desperately needed to save som money for a new race bike. So i bought these 20 kilograms of noodles and lived on them until they were aten up by me (like four month or so).
I ate them with tomato paste, salt, pepper, some herbs and parmesan cheese.

I could redo it if needed.

>> No.12192924

ive eaten the same 3 meals every day for about half a year so far
pizza for a healthy breakfast, maruchan yakisoba for a light lunch, and burritos and hotdogs for a filling dinner

>> No.12192963
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When i make curry it'll be all i eat until it's gone. Maybe 4 days at most. I swear I'm not pajeet or bong

>> No.12192974

Every now and then I make Mexican dip for special occassions like game nights and out-of-state visits. It's a super simple dump-cooking recipe, mostly sausage, beans and velveeta. Usually it gets gobbled down day 1, but a few times I've been condemned to a cheesy hell for a week when events get cancelled or someone else brings something nicer. It doesn't freeze well, spoils in just over a week and the smallest size you can make the batch in without wasting ingredients is about a gallon. I'm too poor to dump $30 worth of food down the drain, so in these thankfully rare situations I wind up eating it for lunch and dinner for about a week. The stuff's delicious to the end but god damn is it unhealthy.

>> No.12192987
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A friend of a friend has been living off nothing but rice, milk and either grapes or oranges for at least a few years now. She just doesn't like most meats or veggies and never bothered learning to cook.
On the bright side, she's got an amazingly fuckable body because of it. Rail thin but not emaciated.
Is this the secret trick to being a qt? A consistent and depressingly limited diet?

>> No.12193068

>I'm not pajeet or bong
no reason to be redundant

>> No.12193091

It a politicians thing.

>> No.12193149

I always used to dread eating the same thing for to long, at most I'd make enough for two days if work/ uni was particularly busy. For the last few months however I've started making enough for 6-7 days at a time. I'll usually cook a new batch on a Sunday and have it until the next one. Honestly it's just so much more cost- and time efficient, and if you take the time and actually bother to make good food it doesn't get boring at all. I usually just have a sandwich for lunch though so that helps that as well. Just about to sit down for my third pork vindaloo this week, and it'll be just as good, if not better, than the one I had yesterday

>> No.12193160

Maybe two years ago. My mom made a quantity so massive of lasagna it lasted all the way through the remainder of December and into my birthday (which is January 2nd so maybe not that much).

>> No.12193207

shit taste

>> No.12193362


>> No.12193428

Sushi, about 20 days in a row (best vacations ever)

>> No.12193434

Just downloaded. You're right — this is fucking depressing.

>> No.12193441

A bacon omelette and black coffee has been my go-to breakfast for almost a year now.

>> No.12193506

FUCK! You guys were doing good!

>> No.12193761

I ordered a Domino's pizza every day for about two years a while back. The company I worked at got rid of the food vendors we used to have show up and replaced them with this one awful deli restaurant, and this was back before the time when you could just get whatever you felt like through Uber Eats so the only thing I could think of to not starve was to just keep ordering pizza. Eventually the people working there started giving me these gift certificates / coupons with the manager's signature for free food as a way to thank me for being such a frequent customer.

>> No.12193840

Probably a couple hundred days of eating a sausage burrito from work, was only like 2$ and had 1k calories and 30+g of protein

>> No.12194374

I went offshore with 4 pounds of tuna and 6 boxes of saltines. That was all I ate for 2 weeks. Drank about 1.5 times my bodyweight in coffee per hour. I could shit through the eye of a needle 5 miles away. The divers hated me, but at least they stayed away from my Conex.

>> No.12194803

tuna sandwiches for like a week and a half

>> No.12196256

When I visted Costa Rica, there was pre-planned meals, and the main course was usually beans and rice. Ate that about twice a day for one week. It was all they had. Couldn't stand it when I got back home. It wasn't even seasoned rice, just rice and plain beans. But if it was spanish rice, and some meaty beans then I could do that no problem.

>> No.12196295

what did you think on the whole anon?
sorry for putting you through that, and ruining the sort of twist.

>> No.12196490

did a 2 year ski trip to Canada, but because fruit, veggies and meat are so fucking expensive there I more-or-less only ate Mac n Cheese the whole time.

>> No.12196783

I ate nothing but fried egg sandwiches and Heinz cream of tomato soup for three years at University.

>> No.12196799

>I could shit through the eye of a needle 5 miles away.
Made me chuckle.

>> No.12197889

For over a year I had instant mashed potatoes and whatever cereal the corner store guy had that was stale (he gave it to me for free). He would give me bread too sometimes, but generally like hamburger buns or hot dog buns, not an actual loaf. I'd rip the mold off and eat the remaining pieces. Alcoholism is real baby

>> No.12198067

A beef patty with some salt and pepper and some mushrooms.
Eating the same thing every day is very convenient if you are counting calories.
Ate that for like a week before I ran out. Which reminds me that I have to go buy another 12 pounds of ground beef from Costco.

>> No.12198688

There was a diver who would fuck with my sonar unit every chance he got. I shit in his dry suit. Lucky it wasn't his hat. He unassed within a couple of days.

>> No.12198697

3 weeks straight.
Breakfast: 2 packets of quaker brown sugar oatmeal
Lunch: 2 apples
Dinner: 12 oz diced chicken with salad

Worst fucking 3 weeks of my life. Didn't even lose the weight I was supposed to