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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 524 KB, 2000x1238, California.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12172528 No.12172528 [Reply] [Original]

Why is California the best place in the US for good food?
>best wine
>best asian food
>best mexican food
>best fast food chain
>best bbq
>best vegan food

>> No.12172531
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>> No.12172533

>best wine
>muh boozy oak bombs
Lol no
Even Oregon does better

>> No.12172535

Lots of naturally occuring umami

>> No.12172540

>best bbq
False, Southern and midwest states have better Barbecue with interesting/unique origins in Carribean and Native-American styles

>best asian food
tied with New York and Massachusetts (and maybe Hawaii and Washington/Oregon. I'm not sure about those states)
>best mexican food
Florida has a better selection of hispanic food

Also missing a few categories:
>best italian food
>best german food
>best indian food
>best british food
>best Mediterranean food
>best deli/Jewish food

>> No.12172546

Your barbecue is the absolute worst friend, your mexican food is mediocre.

>> No.12172552

Deli food is dogshit anyway

>> No.12172558

>best wine
>best asian food
>best mexican food
new mexico & texas
>best fast food chain
>best bbq
>best vegan food

>> No.12172566

That's all wrong, but I'd like to draw attention to the penis lake in south cali, that's about all cali has going for it.

>> No.12172569

thank you for posting what needed to be said

>> No.12172573
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What's California vegan food like? I'm truly curious.

>> No.12172577
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I agree with you 90% of the time.
>Pic related is the exception.
Also liverwurst and sausages in general

>> No.12172585
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Mostly reasonable except Australia is not a US state or region.

Also, Guam has better Asian food quite obviously.

And New Jersey/New York has better Vegan food because of Indian vegan foods.

>> No.12172602

Whataburger blows ass

They don't patty the burgers correctly and they fucking fall apart at the edges. Plus that have that weird fake flavor like burger king does.

>> No.12172626
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>>best bbq

>> No.12172634

Australia is not part of the US.

Asian food in California is authentic and has variety. With Indian, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese, Korean, Japanese and Filipino. If not the best then definitely top 3 behind maybe New York and Hawaii.

California has better Mexican food because most Mexicans in Cali are from; Jalisco, Michoacán, Guanajuato, and Oaxaca. These states have the best Mexican food while Texas Mexicans come from San Luis Potosí or Zacatecas. Not the best states for Mexican food

Whataburger is McDonald's tier. You can always find youtube videos of International tourists going to travel to eat In N Out but never Whataburger. I wonder why?

California has tri tip and carne asada. Texas bbq is too sweet and fatty, also Tennesee and Kansas City have better bbq than Texas

>> No.12172648

Massachusetts is competitive with California for east asian food as well.
New Jersey is competitive with California for south asian food as well.

New York has so much money and culture in the city that they attract many of the best restaurateurs in the world.

>> No.12172666

Yeah that's very true. New York and New Jersey have way better Italian food and Deli than California. And New England has better seafood

>> No.12172756

just sounds like you ate at a burger king and thought it was whataburger. because if you seriously think the patties taste anything like the ones at burger king your tastebuds are seriously fucked

>> No.12172772

>>best wine
my grandma would love that

>> No.12172776

>>best asian food
>>best mexican food
literally everyone in a halfway large city has access to excellent asian and mexican food

>> No.12172903

No, I had whataburger and it was terrible and had that weird shitty piped in flavor.

>> No.12172911

once again, tastebuds are fucked.

>> No.12172918

>>best wine
>>best asian food
>>best mexican food
What are Texas and New Mexico?
>>best fast food chain
Maybe, never been to in-n-out
>>best bbq
>>best vegan food
None of this matters though because you didn't make this thread to talk about food. You just wanted another thread to bitch and circlejerk about how much you hate Californian liberal soyboys.

>> No.12172941

It's actually far more likely that all of Texas is retarded.

>> No.12172945
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>> No.12172949

Arizonan Mexican food is way better than Texas and NM

>> No.12172950

the fact that you compared it to burger king proves me right

>> No.12172957

>Californian liberal soyboys.
But red state flyovers consume 10X more soy compared to hipster coasties by eating nothing but soy saturated processed foods. No wonder they have daddy issues in their leanings.

>> No.12172960

They're the same tier of shitty

>> No.12172973

if you can say that after eating a honey bbq chicken sandwich, honey butter chicken biscuit, or patty melt you can just fuck right off. although i am curious what you think is good fast food is, if you say in n out you're gonna make me chuckle

>> No.12173001

Why would I order a chicken sandwitch at a place called whataburger?

For burgers
Nationally? Carls Jr.
Semi-Locally? Culvers

Otherwise I order pickups from Elmers, my local beanery, where they serve the best mexican food for cheap prices.

>> No.12173134

Your seafood sucks though you over fished it

>> No.12173181
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Fool I have lived here all 25 years of my life and this state is a joke. Our wine is shit, Any European wine is better. Our Asian food is usually made in restaurants with health code violations, or is panda express. Our Mexican food consists of the same four ingredients just thrown together different ways, talk about boring. In-n-out always has horrendously long lines and is not even that good. The south has better BBQ no comparison, and no one but crazy libtards eat vegan "food," but that is to be expected from our sub par populous.

>> No.12173196

>Best BBQ

Thats not Kansas City u fucking mog

>> No.12173203

Good fucking lord m8. By the time you're paying Culvers price for their shitty ass fucking butterburgers you're better off going to a REAL burger joint and paying 1 dollar more tops for a REAL food. Even ask for it in a takeout bag, goddamn.

Not even defending whataburger, never had it but I have had Culvers and my question is why would you order it?

Love their cement mixers tho

>> No.12173229

>Mexicans in Cali are from; Jalisco, Michoacán, Guanajuato, and Oaxaca. These states have the best Mexican food while Texas Mexicans come from San Luis Potosí or Zacatecas
This isn't true

>> No.12173244

New York is close
Arizona is better
>Fast food
In N Out is tied with Chick Fil A
Try Kansas City
I don't go out of my way to eat it, but it's probably up there at least

>> No.12173246

>best bbq
If you want a fight just post your address and ask.

>> No.12173253

Also to the burger cultists in the thread, In N Out > Carl's Jr > Culver's > Whataburger for fast food burgs.

But really, learn to fucking cook.

>> No.12173278

Culvers is definitely the best regional burger chain. If you can't afford Culvers go to Mcdonalds, there is really no other reason for any other chain

>> No.12173289

>If i can't afford culvers
IT ISNT that I can't afford culvers, its that the same amount of fucking time it takes for me to go through the drivethru I can get a better burger from a regional burger resturant/diner where If I really wanted I could take out in a box the second they serve it to me and go home like it was fastfood anyways. The burger at most costs 1 dollar fucking more, tastes 300% better than the fastfood shit you're getting from culvers.

>> No.12173303

There are many local restaurants better than Culvers in most places, but very few are as cheap. Culvers is only expensive next to places like McDonalds and Burger King

Plus at most better places you have to tip making them even more expensive

>> No.12173307

>The burger at most costs 1 dollar fucking more, tastes 300% better than the fastfood shit you're getting from culvers.
Where are you referring to?

>> No.12173318

I never understood the whole "burger argument" nonsense. It's so fucking absurdly easy to make a burger that blows the fucking asshole out of any of the places mentioned here, any retard can do it. Why not just buy good ingredients and put in the ever so slight amount of effort required to assemble it properly for a way higher quality outcome? Like, an expensive steakhouse or really legit BBQ joint I understand, but burgers are so fucking easy to do perfectly.

>> No.12173323

>unironically uses "libtard"

your opinion has already been discarded

>> No.12173329

because I can buy a burger from a place on my way home from work without the effort of cooking one and burger places are absurdly cheap. Its almost never worth the effort to cook burgers unless you are feeding large numbers

>> No.12173333

I'd rather nuke California and gas all Californians.

>> No.12173334

>Like, an expensive steakhouse...I understand
You lost me here.

>> No.12173337

>the "its cheap and easy" argument
Eating a piece of fruit would be cheap and easy too, you fat fuck. Die.

>> No.12173343
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>Fast food addict calling anyone fat

>> No.12173344

Hey, it's not my thing either. I'm just trying to illustrate my point that the common goal of eating out for burgers is stupid. It's like driving out to go pick up a PB&J.

>> No.12173345

burgers taste better than fruit. I have literally no idea what this has to do with the topic. Other foods are also cheap and easy therefore you should make burgers the hard way? What?

>> No.12173347

Going to a steakhouse is also stupid though. You could've just left it at BBQ and called it a day.

>> No.12173351

I got a double mushroom and swiss for 6 dollars today. Even mcdonalds costs like 6 bucks for a double quarter pounder. What are you talking about? It's the same price as wendys or any other and it's actually good. Unless you're buying jr. cheeseburgers or dollar menu food I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.12173354

This, making a steak is as easy as buying a good steak. Making a burger requires all of the small ingredients to be good from bun to cheese to veggies to condiments. A steak is unironically a much simpler food to make than a burger by a lot.

>> No.12173355

He already came out of the gate comparing California to Europe in a thread about the US. What did you expect?

>> No.12173362

Meh, you're right it's more like 2 maybe 2.5 dollars more for a real burger at a joint nowadays, but I still cannot fathom myself dropping 5 dollars on literally just a burger from Culvers when 7-7.5 can get me a real burger at some hole in the wall. Honestly I have a hard time dropping money on any middleground fastfood places.

Culvers, Chik Fil a, about every chicken joint on the planet, QDoba, Chipotle, all of these places usually only cost a few dollars less for middle of the road levels of food. I can drop the amount i'd spend on cheap fastfood like Mcdonalds, BK, Wendys, etc on fresh ingredients and make something better at home myself that comes out cheaper than the shit they want me to buy, or if I don't want to cook I can spend a few dollars more for a meal from places with actual good cooks and food that doesn't straight from their corporate distribution centers.

>> No.12173365

Kind of, steaks are easier through the cooking process but requires more planning with letting it sit 8 hours to overnight to best absorb the flavors where I can whip up some quick burgers on the fly at home in a few hours. This can all be fixed by planning your shit out tho.

>> No.12173368

except you do not have to tip at fast casual places and they are generally in more convenient locations and faster, and hole in the wall places are really hit and miss, Culver's' quality is not appreciably worse than a typical hole in the wall place

>> No.12173369

I seriously don't think you need to wait that long before starting a steak. 8 hours is ridiculous.

>> No.12173376

You literally cannot make a single burger cheaper than they do because buns are sold in packs of 8, cheese in 10+ slices or a block, and ground beef in 1lb+ sizes. You literally could not make a burger with 6 dollars at home. You would have to make a batch of them or portion out a 20 dollar purchase for bulk ingredients.

>> No.12173382

I mean in reality you don't, but when I'm making a nice cut of meat especially if I didn't get it on discount I'll treat that fucker like he was just anointed the king of England. Maybe at that point its a placebo effect but I swear it tastes better anyways.

Fuck that, if I'm ordering a burger from a hole in the wall to go I don't need to goddamn tip. I didn't get any "service" str8 up. Cooks make fulltime money, it's just the waiters that don't.

>> No.12173386

Cheese you can buy whatever you fucking want if you have a Deli nearby, straight up. 1 slice to x pounds those fucks have to weigh it and sell it to you. Straight up, and every grocery has a deli that'll do it just about. Ground Beef isn't even a problem, if your fridge doesn't have X amount of ground beef in it right after you get paid than why even cook? Ground Beef is literally a staple. You're right in the sense the ingredients in bulk cost more but fuck you're still getting WAAAY more food for WAAAAY less and just have to meal plan. Which shouldn't actually be an issue if you like cooking in any form.

>> No.12173388

What about the 2-4 dollar sack of buns tooooooom. Are you going to freeze those too?

>> No.12173391

Nah, but buns can be used in a variety of things, burgers, chicken sandwiches, regular sandwiches, make toast, egg sandwiches. Really anything you use bread for. Or Alternatively if you have plans for bread, just buy bread, toast it up, and make some patty melts. Tastes fucking kino too.

>> No.12173403

Same guy also, my mom used to use leftover buns along with bread making her own garlic bread when we had italian meals with Spaghetti, which was gr8 too. Honestly liked it a lot, the crunch on it was nicer

>> No.12174948

So now we never leave the house

>> No.12174966

>best Asian food
Proximity to Asia, all the fresh immigrant competition led to better product
>best Mexican food
They welcome latins with open arms. Although tex-mex is better than Mexican
>best fast food chain
In-n-out is good but wayyyy overrated
>best bbq
Lol that’s a lie
>best vegan food
Is that something to be proud ofc

>> No.12174974

>best bbq

OK now I know you're just trolling

>> No.12174987

that list is too short, just say california has the best everything. except... politicians

>> No.12175078

>best place in the US for good food

I am 72 years old. And I have never seen or heard this sentiment expressed by any person, book, paper, or screen in my entire life. California is known fo yuppies, hippies, and food that has higher 'trend' value than 'taste' value. If you want good food, you'll need to go somewhere that cooking is still handed down to daughters and cooks are treated with respect and shown appreciation. All of which encourage them to hone their crafts to perfects.

California ... Jesus Christ. Fucking kids.

>> No.12175088

>best bbq
Never go full retard.

>> No.12175102

what little talent your state had chased it away to the four winds when your retarded lefty policy makers decided to rob them blind with taxes and institute nannystate regulations

>> No.12175107

Mostly because it's XBox Hueg with many different climates for growing food and has a long history of immigrants bringing in their food culture.

>> No.12175130

Best street shitters too!

>> No.12175151

But it is

>> No.12175161

Now hold on I live in california and we definitely don't have the best barbecue. The best I've had was unironically in Texas.

>> No.12175176

Tex-Mex is trash

>> No.12175180

because it is full of faggots, just like ops asshole

>> No.12175181

Shouldn't you be dead already grandpa? You're nothing but a leech at this point.

>> No.12175192

It helps to learn how to write before larping. Also why do you think choosing the character of a 72 year old would help you? Fuck boomers

>> No.12175240

I'm still a career chef, kiddo. Can still stand for 6 hours shifts. No point in retiring if you're doing what you love.

>> No.12175250

Best BBQ is Texas and best Wine is Washington/Oregon

>> No.12175421

mediterranean climate. plus we are superior. well, we have an advanced food culture in sf area and la area. metropolitan to the max, combined with great agriculture. but still, we are superior.

>> No.12175473 [DELETED] 
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>Be california
>Wake up for 12 hour shift at tech company to pay for $1500/month 300 square foot apartment
>Drop daughter off at state enforced grooming gang at the muslim day care
>Can't drive her because can't afford car so have to walk
>Walk through needle and shit infested street to mosque
>Time to drop off son at public school at Joseph Stalin elementary.
>It's LGBT awareness day at the school
>Son is forced to take hrt treatments because men are evil
>Finally make it to tech job
>Have to take sensitivity training because of mansplaining to a female employee earlier in the week
>Get home and find out apartment was given to a Syrian couple because of white privilege.
>Have live in a tent in the gutter
>At least I have my Nintendo switch

>> No.12175605

/pol/ is that way

>> No.12176926

>best at anything

>> No.12177029

best at being mentally ill degenerates that can ignore cognitive dissonance.

>> No.12177036

based and redpilled

cringe and bluepilled

>> No.12177222

>best wine
Washington is right fucking there, not to mention Arizona and Argentina

>> No.12177240

Southern California is a nightmare only comparable to the Shanghai river delta

>> No.12177272

>Why is California the best place in the US for good food?
It is not. It is ironically one of the few places in North America without an indigenous cuisine.
>B-but muh food diversity.
If we go with that mentality, New York is king, and it is not even close.

>> No.12178773

topkek OP, topkek

>> No.12178848
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>> No.12180419


>> No.12180491
File: 83 KB, 800x600, dt.common.streams.StreamServer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonoma county reporting

Every time I travel I get reminded that we literally have the best food, wine, beer, produce, meats, and climate in the entire world.

>> No.12180495

i remember having this on a shit as a teenager

>> No.12180512


>> No.12180667

This. Nobody likes flour tortillas

>> No.12180669


>> No.12180688

Want to hear a joke?
Californian pizza

>> No.12180732

>Try to drink wine in California
>Get harassed by homeless people and third world immigrants
>Try to get Asians food in California
>Get harassed by homeless people and third world immigrants
>Try to get Mexican food in California
>Get harassed by homeless people and third world immigrants
>Try to get fast food in California
>Get harassed by homeless people and third world immigrants
>Try to get BBQ in California (really?)
>Get harassed by homeless people and third world immigrants
>Try to get vegan food in California
>Get harassed by homeless people and third world immigrants
I just don't see the appeal.

>> No.12180746

Have you never been to literally any city on the planet?

>> No.12180770

Sure, I usually spend summers in England, sometimes France or Italy, and like to do a lot of eating while I'm there just to get a bit of variety. More than 20% of California's population are below the poverty line though, which is double the national average, plus 2.4 million illegals. I'll skip any city that makes you wade through a knee-high sea of panhandlers and criminals. Rome was pretty bad last time I was there, but Venice and Florence were nice, so "plan accordingly" is all I can say. None of California is nice though, at all.

>> No.12180870

>In-n-out is good but wayyyy overrated
shut the fuck up nigger and don't even think about comparing it to some $11 burger. Literally McDonalds, BK, and Wendys are the only things in the same price range so you can eat shit

>> No.12181043

>best wine
not even close
>best asian
you've never been to NYC
>best mexican
get real Texas makes cali it's bitch for mexican food
>best fast food chain
the best you have is mediocre
>best bbq
Cali doesn't even rate
>best vegan food
you can have that as no one else wants it

>> No.12181048

stop calling it cali, that's so cringe. we all know you're not really from california.

>> No.12181054

>not even close
>you've never been to NYC
not even close
>get real Texas makes cali it's bitch for mexican food
you've never been to los angeles or san diego
>the best you have is mediocre
get real you want a double double right now fatass
>cali doesn't even rate
the best you have is mediocre
>you can have that as no one else wants it
sour grapes, cope, seething incel, your beto voting transplants will change that soon though

>> No.12181944

ok reterd

>> No.12181960

Fruits don't have as many Calories as burgers.

>> No.12181964

He's right about the BBQ and Mexican food. And calling any vegan food "best" is laughable. California is a shithole.

>> No.12181973

You forgot we have the best fruits and veggies and varied produce

>> No.12181992

avocados, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, almonds, grapes, cattle, poultry, lettuce, dairy, marijuana, florestry, cauliflower, celery, brussel sprouts, apples, artichoke. California easily blows other states out of the water

>> No.12182030

Best pizza.

Literally had an argument with a guy from New York who said the only good pizza he had here in Cali was at chucky cheese. Instantly discredited NY pizza.

>> No.12182406

BASED. Thank you patriot

>> No.12182435
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>California for good food

>> No.12182444


I have noticed that California consistently has the best mexican rice and enchiladas of all the places Ive been to.

Also where can I find California style pastrami in Texas? The closest I've found is Arby's corned beef sliders.

California pastrami is like someone turned beef into peppered bacon somehow. It's damned good. If I get pastrami in Texas, it's basically just sliced brisket.

>> No.12182459

me too anon. that's like 2006 shit from the best page in the universe I think. maddox or whatever his name was, the original edgelord. the guy had his moments if I remember right, but then again I was like 12.

>> No.12182466

holy fuck the site is still up, and he still posts, and he still hasn't learned how to fucking format

>> No.12182473

Sorry but I’m a Cali fag too and we have garbage bbq.

>> No.12182479

What a sad fuck

>> No.12182481

>debating over chain restaurants
Frozen burgers are better than both in n out and whataburger
I can list several amazing burger joints in every county in texas

>> No.12182482

>california good for anything besides having a full time job and cant afford rent

>> No.12182510

jokes on us tho, he's been making a living doing low-effort shitposting for 30 years

>> No.12182532

I'm not a balding numale, so I still win.

>> No.12182561


>best bbq

Californians think rotisserie chicken is Bar-B-Que.

Opinion discarded.

>> No.12182581


Even Georgia has better pizza.

>> No.12182631

Obvisouly you're some flyover that's never had tri tip or arrachera with modelo

>> No.12182637
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Also have legal weed. Just rub your states greatness in our faces. It's almost like there is two America's. The one I live in and a better sunnier one.

>> No.12182645


I am from the deep south where barbecue is prepared properly.

>> No.12182678

You mean where they deep fry everything and make it overly sweet?

>> No.12182689

>best wine
Nope. East coast.
>best Asian food
Nope. East coast.
>best Mexican food
Nope. Arizona.
>best bbq
Not even in the conversation. Texas has the best bbq.
>best vegan
Nobody cares about subhuman vegan faggots so you can have it

>> No.12182715


>deep fry

Please try and stay on topic.

>> No.12184308
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>best bbq
literally any other state is better. thats like saying "south dakota is the best for lobster." you *might* have better bbq that nyc, but be honest. your state is shit pandering to yuppies and millennials.
>best wine
ok yeah you might have that
>best asian food
>best mex
arizona, new mexico, and texas. also almost every city in the US has a latin population, and you have a decent chance of finding a good mex restaurant
>best fast food
hur durr in-n-out stfu
not food

>> No.12184311
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step aside, soyboy. the real americans are here