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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12114156 No.12114156 [Reply] [Original]

So you're supposed to unwrap these, huh?

>> No.12114167

No you eat them with the skin on.
What kind of idiot gets rid of the cheese peel?

>> No.12114169

Unless you're american.

>> No.12114172

That’s where all the nutrients are.

>> No.12114177
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The sad thing is it really doesn't matter. American Cheese Product is basically a new form of matter.

Also >>12114177

>> No.12114198

no why should you do that? the wrapper is helpfull to not get your fingers dirty when you throw them away

>> No.12114204


>> No.12114219


>> No.12114227


>> No.12114289

I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I stopped buy wrapped cheese about 2 years ago. I was on wrapped cheese so I thought it was normal. Then one day I'm making 15 ham sandwiches for my kid (I make them in bulk for the week) and I'm like "God dammit, this shit is such a hassle" ... the next week, I bought the cheap crap with no wrapper and oh my god it is so much faster to work with. I'm never going back.

>> No.12114328

theres cheaper, shittier cheese than those individually wrapped kraft singles

>> No.12114357

Not true it dissolves when it comes in contact with American Water(sody pop)<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F438;</div>

>> No.12114369

>tasty where they're suited
>melts well
>almost the same protein per calorie as real cheese
Why do we hate these, again?

>> No.12114379

It's all 100% plastic anyway.

>> No.12114384

Even if you do it still tastes like plastic.

>> No.12114389


>> No.12114409

Not that impressive. Do that on a board that has more traffic like /b/ or something and then it'd be kind of impressive.

>> No.12114418

you faggots eat it without the skin?

>> No.12114424

Just buy block cheese and shred it or slice it your self.

>> No.12114463

How is that less hassle than just unrapping individual slices? I mean, have you tried cutting through block cheese?

>> No.12114480

>xhe can't quickly cut through blocks of cheese like a machine
How will you ever cope?

>> No.12114549


>> No.12114560

I liek chez

>> No.12114748

this post deserves a like<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x1F603;</div>

>> No.12114757

>How is that less hassle than just unrapping individual slices?
It's not about hassle, it's about quality. Good cheese doesn't come individually wrapped, or even sliced for that matter.

> I mean, have you tried cutting through block cheese?
Yes. It's a pain in the ass with a knife, it's super easy with a cheese slicer.

>> No.12114804

disgusting<span class="fortune" style="color:#0893e1">

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger[/spoiler]

>> No.12114811

holy shit, you can fortune now>?

>> No.12114814

If you have enough 4channel points, my lad. Put "fortune" without quotations in the Options box.<div class="like-perk-cnt">&#x2764;&#xFE0F;</div>

>> No.12114851

Anon, I ...

>> No.12114959
