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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12106840 No.12106840 [Reply] [Original]

lets have a thread for what is the undisputed greatest single food item on the planet.

i eat them right out of the can, or sometimes i make sardine salad. how do you eat them?

>> No.12106858

I don't

>> No.12106874

Mashed in the can with hot sauce is my go to. Preferably a vinegary hot sauce to cut through the fattiness.

>> No.12106888

why not?

>> No.12106890

mash with mayonnaise and use as sandwich spread

>> No.12107148

absolutely based

>> No.12107156

Does anyone else eat the smoked oysters tins with saltines and hot sauce? My gf thinks I'm weird

>> No.12107228

Fry off an onion, mix in sardines (preferably in tomato sauce), add a chopped hard boiled egg, add some fresh chopped parsley and coriander, serve on open toast with a sriarcha mayo and crispy onions on top for garnish

>> No.12107263

I lived off toast, canned sardines, caned olives and milk curd for a while. Surprisingly not bad.

>> No.12107265

with my mouth

>> No.12107294
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>plays the ck deenz theme

>> No.12107305

The first time I had smoked oysters it was with saltines and I was surprised to find out how good they were.

>> No.12107308

It seems like everyone eats these with a starch but does anyone else eat them differently?

Also oil, tomato or water packed?

>> No.12107321

Got really stoned when I was 17 and made a peanut butter and sardine sandwich. It wasn't that bad really. Don't ear them often these days

>> No.12107333

I've been tucking away that big mack lately. It's like smelly tuna.

>> No.12107340

ALDI's brand makes me gag

>> No.12107374

Oil. Tomato is okay. Water is shit.

>> No.12107383


Ever since I started watching videos about how canned food is made, I've been buying up sardine cans every week. I really love the taste of sardines compared to tuna. The amount of flavors that come with it like tomato sauce, chili sauce, soy bean oil, mustard sauce, olive oil,
paprika sauce, all that good stuff. What I love to do is add them on saltine crackers with hot sauce or toast. Its a real cheap source and time saver at home.

>> No.12107387

I like water packed since it's usually less messy, and I can get all the calcium and other nutrients by drinking the juice. But of course from a taste standpoint, oil for snacking, tomato if you're gonna use them for something like a sandwich.

>> No.12107452

Mashed on dark rye with Onion, tomato, squeeze of lemon and pepper

>> No.12107555


>> No.12107579

Who here /zapi/

>> No.12107752

I put raw diced onions on top of the can then drench it in cheap hot sauce, slowly mixing it together as there is more room. I eat it with generic brand saltine crackers.

>> No.12107934

>Ever since I started watching videos about how canned food is made
share some of your favorites anon

>> No.12107938

eiyh yhr vsn oprn ot vlodr/z

>> No.12107964

Could one survive on just sardines?

>> No.12108173

In water. Unless I add them to fisherman's eggs, I almost always eat them by themselves with some oil and seasonings.

>> No.12108201

if I eat the sardines with vegetables variety, then I eat it straight out of the can, no toast or anything necesarry.

If it's deenz in oil, I'll usually put them in a hamburger bun, with mustard, finely chopped raw onions and sometimes a little spreadable cheese.

>> No.12108264
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pan bagnat

>> No.12108286


>> No.12108323

are you supposed to eat the sardines head and all?

>> No.12108357

on pretzels and then when there's no more fish put pretzels in there and soak up the oil yummmm

>> No.12108456

most come with the head and fins cut off and you eat everything else(guts, skin, bones) because thats where most of the nutrients are. im sure some madlads out there eat the head

>> No.12108487
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Make way for the superior canned fish

>> No.12108537

Glad you made this thread OP. Couple weeks ago was thinking about trying deenz for the first time then saw a thread here about them. Now deenz are all I eat they may as well call me Jimmy Deen these days.

>> No.12108540

good, but not as good

>> No.12108557

>contains Sodium hexametaphosphate
shiggy diggy

>> No.12108641

I like how you can eat its little bones.

>> No.12108741

>how do you eat them?
olive and chopped raw onions.

>> No.12108787

Fry some onions, add sardines, cooked eggs in small pieces and spinach and finally some parmesan cheese.

Good with some bread.

>> No.12108861

Can't eat them out the tin because I buy the cheap ones with the bones in and they give me the fear.

Add a tin of sardines to rice with a tin of tomatoes, Tabasco sauce, cinnamon and sesame oil.

>> No.12108868

when i was a kid i used to pull their spines out and eat them separately at the end like dessert

>> No.12108886

My mom and I do the same thing. I like the green Tabasco sauce on them.

>> No.12109093
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>> No.12109138

based and samepilled

>> No.12109143

I eat em out the fuckin tin, mate. They're fucking delicious. I bought a case of them for my mum for her birthday this year because she likes them so much.

>> No.12109168

>he doesn't eat ortiz

>> No.12109218





>> No.12109368

Interesting videos. Thanks, anon. I'm gonna see if I can order some Mega deenz now, lmao.

>> No.12109413

oh shit, nevermind
too much money

>> No.12109824

Straight out of the can with a little colman's and some dill sprinkled on top

>> No.12110295

I can't tell the difference between kippered and golden smoked

>> No.12110314
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Found these treasures in a market in Costa Rica last week. What am I in for?

>> No.12110534

LIDL's is very good, but they're apparently seasonal there. Also surprisingly pricey.

>> No.12111596

Other than Brea what do you guys eat these with?

>> No.12112568
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First can of /deenz/ ever, what am I in for? Recommend first time way of eating?

>> No.12112588

That octo-pie looks good

Last DEENZ thread some months ago inspired me to try them out. Haven't been disappointed, learning delicacies is like a journey.

Mandatory to be served with Tabasco.
Boneless is best because bones gross me the fuck out!
My deins are from Tunisia. They taste better than moccrocan ones.

Tried anchovies too. They were salty as fuck! But not bad. How do I unsalt them?

>> No.12112601

>fish tales
that's cute

>> No.12112623
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Kek, I thought so too, the other choices in the supermarket didn't really look very inviting so I picked this one.

With the paper wrapper removed, there's a simple, tin can

>> No.12112628
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The opened can reveals three sardines in oil

>> No.12112636
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When laid on a plate, there appears to be a slice of lemon in it, which I think is a nice touch

Now I have to decide how to eat it

>> No.12112643
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I dissected one of the sardines, for some I didn't think of the fact there of course still are grates jn them, so I removed them. I took a bite, but I can't say I'm an immediate fan. It's rather soft and mushy with a taste I can't really describe as anything. The lemon kind of saves the whole thing.

Any tips as to how to eat this in a tasty way?

>> No.12112662

On crackers or crispy bread with some hot sauce and/or finely chopped onions. Deenz can be an acquired taste but they're also extremely versatile. Acidic foods (e.g. hot sauce, tomato sauce with pasta) go well with sardines because the acidity balances out their inherent fattiness.

>> No.12112670

Try hanging upside down
Amazingly hanging upside down while eating rushes bloodflow to the tongue increasing flavors untasted before

>> No.12112679

>Any tips as to how to eat this in a tasty way?

Sardines + carbs is the typical method. Spread on crackers, on toast, in a sandwich or mixed in rice is good. I like sardines in rice with egg and green onion. Typically I find something sharp or salty to go well with sardines, another anon suggested acidic foods and I'm sure that's true as well. Sardines will overpower any mild taste so onions go well with them, throwing hot sauce on them is good too. I prefer to eat them out of the can with hot sauce on them.

>> No.12112680
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Ok, I did what you said, some finely chopped shallot, habanero hot sauce and some chives on a saltine cracker.

It's not bad at all, but it's mostly the hot sauce and shallots overpowering the deen. I'm wondering if deenz are for me, it reminds me of bacalao which I used to absolutely despise as a child. I'm trying to broaden my taste though, so if there's any more ideas I'm more than willing to try them.

>> No.12112681

anchovies aren't really meant to be eaten as a snack. usually used to add umami and salt to a dish. also amazing on top of your favorite pizza slice

>> No.12112683
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The only downside is that you'll be having fishy burps for the remainder of the day. Smoked mackerel is also top-tier.

>> No.12112704

>not the polar ones in mustard

>> No.12112749
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Deenz nuts! HA!

>> No.12112798

I gave up btw, deenz are not the food for me. Pity though, I would have loved to participate in /deenz/ memes but I just couldn't get into them.

>> No.12112808


Whenever I make anything with pasta/rice I always make enough extra to put in a container in the fridge along with some frozen veg. Microwave that and mix a can of sardines - cheap, easy and sleazy

>> No.12113188

after one try? breddy lame bro

>> No.12113297

Might try more some day but I think the taste just isn't for me

>> No.12113468

You're cute :)

>> No.12113489

You know im talkin bout deenz
I know you know what it means

>> No.12113491

I like mustard sardines mixed with a hard boiled egg, green onion, celery and a bit of fresh dill if I happen to have it..

>> No.12113499

Mash them up with some onion, garlic, and tomato then throw in the oven to heat, then throw some eggs on them and throw back in the oven until the eggs are cooked.


>> No.12113683

Add some mayo and make sardine salad sandwiches.

>> No.12113862

I learned to eat my oysters in secret many years ago. 90% of the outside world is disgusted by them

>> No.12113911

This except i use it as a spread for club crackers

>> No.12113981
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Best are the ones in Mustard Sauce. Slice of rye bread and you're lovin' life.

>> No.12114542

Fishermans eggs or as a protein in a salad

>> No.12114707
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start eating sardines

>> No.12114771

I accidentally bought these instead of anchovies and I ate that shit on crackers with cheese, it was pretty good

>> No.12114792

Do you guys eat the bones and shit? I heard they’re supposed to be starved for a couple days but it seemed like there was bullshit in their stomach as well. Am I just a faggot or should I be removing the dark part

>> No.12114874
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"21 species of fish are canned as sardines"


>> No.12115025

Fuck off, murderer and arsonist.

>> No.12115384

its just decomposed seaweed or whatever they eat

>> No.12116374

Bones are great. calcium n shit. Eat it all faggot.