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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12058042 No.12058042 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12058049

Honestly I don't give a fuck any more. Everything will give you cancer so just expect it as an inevitability and eat whatever you want.

>> No.12058056

It's not just tea, it's any hot beverage. And it's also in combination with smoking, simply drinking the hot beverage alone is not significant.

This shit killed my father, though in his case it was coffee rather than tea.

>> No.12058058

i bet this nigga eats 2 eggs for breakfast aka 10 cigarettes

>> No.12058063

How long until a study says that breathing increases cancer risk?

>> No.12058077


>> No.12058080

Whiskey for bfast but hey tomato, tomate amirite?

>> No.12058082

Smog studies concluded that back in the 1960s.

This isn't bullshit tier though. It turns out that if you smoke AND you drink a lot of very hot beverages then your chance of esophagus cancer skyrockets.

>> No.12058085
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Forgot image

>> No.12058088

Well being dead immunizes you against all cancers...

>> No.12058094

>nina avraamova

>> No.12058097

i've never heard of this guy

>> No.12058155

That sounds pretty straight forward. Smoking causes damage and then the hot liquid exacerbates the damage and causes complications while your body is repairing it. Same thing is probably true of dip, since it tears up your gums.

>> No.12058180

it literally does

>> No.12058199


>> No.12058206

this is what you sound like

>> No.12058209

>believing anything that comes out of CNN

>> No.12058218


>> No.12058222


>this thread


>> No.12058248

Probably for wagies who sip too fast while waging. Chads only drink cold sodie at work.

>> No.12058261


Oh, a new pig to chase through the village?

>> No.12058272

>very hot
I like my tea mildly hot, and I don't smoke

>> No.12058284

I think... He's never heard of Evan Williams?...

>> No.12058298

Oh no! Someone warn Japan! The nation where everyone lives to be 120!

>> No.12058341

What's the point of funding such niche studies? I swear when I see articles talking about these kinds of studies I think it's an Onion article.

>> No.12058357

Doing anything and not doing anything leads to cancer. May as well just wade into that pool with a lit cigar and gallons of piping hot tea. Tomorrow some random study might find THAT actually prevents cancer. Depending on who's funding it.

>> No.12058362

Too bad. I'm still going to drink my hot tea.

>> No.12058365

Seems pretty simple to me:

>>Hey, I wonder what causes esophagus cancer?
>>Me too. We should do a study to find out why!

>> No.12058371

Everything gives you cancer. Now that you know you can stop worrying and enjoy life.

>> No.12058386

There is a study about oxygen increasing the risk of cancer. They looked at people living at different elevations and the higher up you live the lower the risk of cancer is. Iirc divers and others who use concentrated sources of oxygen regularly have an increased risk of cancer too.

>> No.12058398


>> No.12058428


Not surprising regarding how reactive it is. Higher concentreation means higher percentage of unwanted chages in the cell that the body was not quick enough to prevent and catch, so now the cell will have to repair it, which increases it overlooking some of those changes.
But in a complex system as the body there is no simple balck and white either, so the simple idea of "let's pump it full of antioxidants" doesn't work either, because the bad oxidation stress while "evil" is also what the cell needs as part of a complex regulatory feedback system.
In conclusion: Living increases the risk of cancer, study says. Better get those exit bags ready.

>> No.12058447

future medicine will eliminate cancer completely.

>> No.12058505

Boomer detected

>> No.12058511

not when (((medicine))) is a business model based on treating symptoms instead of complete cures

>> No.12058531


>doubles risk

From a baseline of what exactly for an otherwise healthy working adult for exercises regularly and eats red meat sparingly and infrequently?

>Oh no! My *risk* has gone up 100%! It's now a .00002% risk over .00001% - how awful!

>> No.12058611

what were these motherfuckers drinking, Asbestos?

>> No.12058632

well then how the hell do they come to these absurd conclusions?
>>Well, Craig, we put uranium to their throats constantly and they developed cancer twice as much as the people who don’t drink tea
>>Well then tea causes cancer

>> No.12058688

An even newer study suggests that reading CNN increasing your risk of becoming societal cancer and an enemy of freedom-loving people everywhere by 20,000%.

>> No.12059030

Posting shitty forced memes and sucking dick also gives cancer, and just look at you go

>> No.12059052

They don't come to those absurd conclusions. Idiots who misunderstand their research do.

I read the study, there's no mention of uraninum in it.

>> No.12059059
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Yeah, lets blame the tea. Did people forget what SCALDING means?

>> No.12059214

Not exactly news. There was a study done on people who drank classic yerba mate (with hot water), and people who drank terere (yerba mate with cold water), and people who drank hot mate tended to have noticeably higher throat cancer incidence.

>> No.12059253

should we tell them that anything that promotes cell growth increases cancer risk?

>> No.12059283

>They don't come to those absurd conclusions. Idiots who misunderstand their research do.
This is practically every "news article" that references any food related science.
It's one thing to shy away from "risk increasing" things that have no benefits outside of niche situations, such as cigarettes and polluted air. It's another thing entirely to think it's "healthy" to avoid eating a nutritious substance because studies show it might be tangentially related with an increased risk.
It's almost like thinking you should never eat chicken or eggs solely because eating them increases your risk for contracting salmonella poisoning.

>> No.12059295

No, that would be misunderstanding the article entirely.

The take-home is that if you scald the fuck out of your throat with excessive heat then your cancer risk increases, which is kinda obvious if you think about it.

>> No.12059296

Yesterday there was a news report about how our county is the most dangerous in the country for pedestrians, that more people are hit by drivers than ever. The chief of police brought up an example, "this man was out at 2 AM, in dark clothes, and wasn't crossing at a crosswalk. a car almost hit him but managed to slow down before impact and let him pass. we need to find a way to make drivers safer"
he said it without any irony, it's like he was just reading a script and it wasn't something he thought of because any second of thinking would tell you that it's the fuckhead pedestrians that are the problem. i'm still mad

>> No.12059316

Very hot tea. It says what they were drinking right in the headline, idiot.

>> No.12059350
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Taking part in a study increases cancer risk, new study says

>> No.12059363

>Scalding your throat with meme hot liquids damages your tissue cells to the point they have to regenerate on a relatively large scale, playing into the chance that one of them could fuck up and become tumorous


>> No.12059366

>tea is a meme
Goddamn /ck/

>> No.12059407
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>using scalding water on tea

>> No.12059501

because cells die and need to be replaced
so, promoting cell growth in a way.

>> No.12059507

>worrying about cancer
>not dying of comfy heart failure in your mid 50s
Shit genes tbqhwyf

>> No.12059614
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Don't victim blame!

>> No.12059619

RIP britcuckistanis

>> No.12059677

This. Tomorrow for breakfast, I'm going to have two eggs, bacon, burnt toast and a hot cup of English Breakfast tea.

100% of all people who have ever breathed have eventually died anon.

>> No.12059711

We have complete cures, in a way, but white women don't want you to have them because Jenny McCarthy's kids are retarded or something.

>> No.12059741
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>meanwhile even brewing tea in cold water has a higher antioxidant count


>> No.12059762
File: 461 KB, 900x675, it's an absolutely abstract kind of real fuckin' cancer going on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gonna get cured by the time you might even get it anyway. So indulge it whatever "carcinogens" you like.

>> No.12059922

My understanding(not that im a scientist) but based on articles, when coffee and tea js processed and heated above a certain temperature it released a chemical that is a cancer causer. (Sadface) i believe this is why good ol California wants to put a "may cause cancer" warning

>> No.12059927

did people not already know this? just drink your beverage at a reasonable temperature.

>> No.12059986
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Mate > Tea

>> No.12060005
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Does anyone actually drink their hot beverages scalding? How do you enjoy it and taste it if its burning your taste buds?

>> No.12060008

You get tougher the more you practice. Just like eating spicy-hot food.

>> No.12060076
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old news

>> No.12060195

That depends really. Antibiotic resistance among bacteria is rising at quite an alarming rate while there is little to no development in new varieties of antibiotics (which will see resistances developed fairly quick). Conventional methods may not be viable any more in a couple of decades since they in one way or another rely on antibiotics being functional to replace your compromised immune system.

There are things like genetically modified herpes and T cells that seem promising though, if it can and will be done at a low enough cost. I wouldn't be surprised if it is too expensive for most basement dwellers here.

>> No.12060203

California puts those stickers on damn near everything.