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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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12021959 No.12021959[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In america you can get a 2 piece fried chicken meal with your choice of side for $3.50. We call this a "Hot Dave". I went with the macaroni salad and also bought a canned soda for 35cents at the vending macine, its Creme Soda.

What deals on food do you have in your country?

>> No.12021980

In Europe we call that "Heart Disease ™"

>> No.12022010

Do Americans really eat this?

>> No.12022011


How weak are Europeans that two pieces of chicken would severely fuck them up?

>> No.12022018

>that meal
That's literally the unhealthiest thing you could eat. Period.

>> No.12022042
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How much is an ugly Dave and what do you get?

>> No.12022078


>750 calorie meal of fried chicken and pasta with mayo is super unhealthy

Yeah those Americans amirite? They don't even eat healthy meals like boiled ham hock served over spaetzel drenched in butter and washed down with a 300 calorie pint of beer.

The only euros who can roast Americans are the Mediterraneans,and thats mostly because their culture emphasizes smaller portion sizes and walking as opposed to the mammoth portion sizes common in all of Northern Europe and North America

He shoulda gotten a water or unsweetened tea though, I'll give you that.

>> No.12022122
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>eating fucking pasta with mayo

>> No.12022129

Your picture gave me depression, good job OP.

>> No.12022164

>Boiled ham hock served over spaetzel
Burgers... It's served over Sauerkraut, mashed yellow peas or mashed potatoes.

It's traditional food too, while pic related is junk food. Would love it though.

>> No.12022171
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>> No.12022188

Add a little bit of ketchup, canned peas and baby carrots, salt and pepper. Cool in the fridge and you got one hell of a nice meal

>> No.12022203

How goes it, Terry A. Davis? Did the glow in the darkies finally get you?

>> No.12022208

In Germany we take the penis of the pig, fry it with apple slices and serve it on a bed of cold cucumber. We call this "Schmutziges Englisch" as it reminds us of better times.

>> No.12022215


That's probably from a fucking supermarket. And don't act like German food is overly healthy. There's a gasthaus owned by an eighty year old Austrian man (who did all of the cooking himself until ten years ago) like 1 mile from my house. His food is delicious, but the only thing "healthy" would be to do something like your choice of wurst with a side of salad.

Your food is heavy and rich, just like American food, because prior to the 20th century you were an agricultural nation, just like America.

In addition, fried chicken has been a thing in the USA since the 1700s. It was brought to this country by Scots-Irish settlers from Northern Ireland whose descendants populate the entirety of the (white) south. The entire culinary culture is based around heavy, caloricly dense meals that would be served as supper at around 4PM for rural workers as prior to around 1914 90% of Americans were self employed manually tradesmen, farmers, or Agricultural workers.
That food is delicious, and should never be eaten every day because the average American is no longer a 5'10" - 6'1" farmboy who is out in the fields 12 hours a day , 360 days per year. It is not junk food though.

Don't front Fritz.

>> No.12022231

Don't be fooled. Most modern Germans actually eat like shit. Except Bavarians, they are more based than the rest.

>> No.12022240


Everyone eats like shit in the west and doesn't exercise enough to make up for it.

>> No.12022255

terry davis shuffled off the mortal coil last year

>> No.12022270

I didn't mean to actual front, just banter.

The main difference between the USA and Germany is that dishes like Eisbein are only consumed on weekends or when we are in a restaurant. Our everyday cuisine and breakfast is healthier. Normal drink during meals is water too.

But take it with a grain of salt, because Germans are getting more obese too. But this is more because of fast food, sweets and soda intake.

Thanks for the info about fried chhicken. Didn't know it was an American for such a long time.

>> No.12022283


Sorry but that is not a sallad

>> No.12022286

>Most modern Germans actually eat like shit.
We do but this is because of Western lifestyle in general. And even modernized food like throwing pasta with some stuff that doesn't blend well is more healthy than fast food.

>> No.12022324


Fast food, sweets, and soda intake is what makes the USA fat: combined with a "convenience culture" (not walking and just sitting in your car).

The actual culinary culture in the south has been an actual thing since the late 1700s. Most of it is a British Isles base with heavy French and light Spanish influence. My town, for instance, had been controlled by both Bourbon France and the Spanish Empire before being Annexed by the USA.

The issue is that modern Americans are addicted to a convenience culture and buy processed store bought versions of traditional cuisine that make them fat as fuck. The traditional cuisine isn't the problem: its the processed shit that is. Oh, and the fact that African Americans like to act like they invented every last facet of Southern Food and screech audibly when someone dares to eat something that isn't boiled fucking chicken.
-t Burger whose family has been in the South since around 1810.

>> No.12022331

I have no time to cook healthy because of work so I just get Burger King. The wage slave life is too much.

>> No.12022358


Fucking meal prep you fat sack of shit.
You're disgracing your homeland by eating dogfood and giving money to a megacorporation.

>> No.12022403


Speak fucking english dude

>> No.12022415

Germany chokes on processed food too. Some people even buy pre-chopped onions and pre-cooked noodles beause they are fucking lazy. I visited the USA 10 years ago and the major difference was that you have much larger servings and a refill culture on drinks. In Germany you'd pay for each refill of soda. Fast food is also less widespread.

I only heard about Southern cuisine and saw some pictures. So it is sort of interesting for me. I guess the French and Spanish influences give it a special edge.

>> No.12022527

Yeah, people here throw an autistic fit if they cant have their 7th 18oz of Goga Gola with their McRib. It's a shame. Mark Twain once wrote an essay on all of the American food he missed when he traveled abroad and it was quite sad to see what has gone by the wayside before our time.

People don't realize how vibrant the regional food cultures were in the USA prior to around 1960 and the rise of modern processed foods. Because of this, whole generations were raised on processed bullshit and think that's all there is to eat outside of a restaurant. On top of this, you get the SJW's who love insisting white people have no food culture, and the dumb lemmings believe them because their mother couldn't cook anything that wasn't from Sara Lee or Stouffer's. I'm not trying to denigrate what African Americans have contributed, as they took what were originally their slavemaster's recipes and then made them with cheaper cuts of food and over time made them into their own.

As a hobby cook. It's fucking depressing. And as far as the French and Spanish influences: it just kicks the spices up to 11. More spice and less savory when you travel to areas with more French/Spanish influence. Less spice, more savory, when you're in more British influenced areas (generally inland).

>> No.12022576
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>I have no time to cook
>Just take time and cook much all at once

>> No.12022591

You obviously have at least one full day off per week. You obviously have time. That is, of course, unless you willingly take like 60 hours of overtime per week. Otherwise, you're just lazy.

>> No.12022651
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Ok you got me I am a NEET but I just really enjoy Burger King and mutti gives €80/wk to spend there

>> No.12022671

Germans are the same about processed deli meats. Because of German discounters they demand to get top notch quality yet don't want to pay anything for it. This took a heavy toll on small butcher shops. Traditional Bakeries went down too. Many Germans don't even know the difference between a supermarket bought bread crust and a real bread crust, what really is a shame because traditional German bakery products are one of the best in the world. Actually one of the things most underappreciated in our cuisine.

Processed Food seems to have done even more damage to US-cuisine than to European cuisine. Sounds like they almost exterminated it.

SJW in Europe oppose the traditional cuisine because of meat consumption and a notion of it being "backward". Yet at the same time hipsters are rediscovering much of it. Regional and seasonal cooking is a big trend here. I didn't get your point about African Americans that way. Bavarians can be the same at times. It's not like they invented sausages or dumplings.

If you'd ever plan to visit Europe for culinary puroposes, go to Lyon. It's a beautiful city and sort of a cooking capital of Europe. Much of it's traditional dining remained intact.

>> No.12022683

One thing I enjoyed in my good ol' NEET days was preparing a good meal. You have all of your time at your hands.

>> No.12022723

I'd rather play video games. Mutti handles the meals if anyone is to be cooking.

>> No.12022767

You are missing on some good home cooking there. Check out that delicious stew

>> No.12022779

just the cooking:

>> No.12022821


I actually plan to in a few years. I'll definitely make a stop by there. I had a cousin study at the university in Salzburg so I plan to go see that area. Any recommendations for any south German traditional dishes that I need to try when I'm in the region?

>> No.12022822

>implying fried chicken isn't traditional food

>> No.12022901

I really enjoyed the food in Lyon. Best authentic place for food in Europe.

There are many, many excellent dishes in South German/Austrian cooking. So I'd recommend some Austrian standards:
- Gulasch with bread dumplings: Cubed beef stewed in lots of onions, grounded peppers and various spices like caraway.
- Wiener Schnitzel: Thin breaded Veal cutlet. The essential Austrian dish.
- Tafelspitz: Beef broth served with the meat, various root vegetables and horseradish.

Austria is famous for it's flour based sweet dishes. At least check out Strudel (apple is the most famous), Kaiserschmarrn (fluffy torn pankes) and Germknödel (yeast dough based dumpling filled with jam and covered in vanilla sauce and poppy seeds). If you are in Salzburg, you must try Salzburger Nockerl. It's a soufflé.

There are much more dishes (various dumplings, pork roast, ...) and regional varatians. And it's Austrian cuisine only, Southern German cuisine shares a fondness for dumplings and flour based sweet dishes but differs in other regards. E.g. famous bavarian white sausages with bretzels can only be found in parts of Bavaria

>> No.12022974

>these are the guys posting cook-along threads on /ck/