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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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11988526 No.11988526 [Reply] [Original]

You've been sleeping a lot.
Things aren't so great.
Maybe you should eat.
You come out of the bedroom into the kitchen.
You want to make this as simple as possible.

What do you make?

>> No.11988528

a burger
so many variations and ways to experiment and improve it

>> No.11988530

A handful of nuts and a swig of whiskey from the bottle.

>> No.11988531 [DELETED] 

Get your shit together, frogposting incel scum


>> No.11988533
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My nigga.

>> No.11988565

A warm beer. Then it soaks in and for a brief moment you feel optimistic. You put on your jacket and walk out the door. You avoid eye contact with everyone until at the nearest shitty family style Mexican place. They recognize you but thankfully don’t have the language skills to really even to connect with you beyond the extremely superficial. Wet super burrito and beer, margaritas if they got ‘em. Grab the Tapatio. Another beer down, the Mexican futbol league suddenly becomes interesting. Burrito comes, you gorge, but at the end feel a certain rumbling. You pay, hit the road, and start speeding up. You have weird sweats forming. You run up the stairs, unlock the lock in a swift motion, and run to the bathroom, unbuckling your belt in stride. Your ass hits the safety and comfort of the cold seat and you shit endlessly. You wake up on the couch 3 hours later feeling like shit and dehydrated. Your long nap just fucked your sleep schedule.

>> No.11988575
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>> No.11988577

Either smoothie for the week, Greek yogurt with some spice and honey or healthy cereal. All shit i don't have to spend time to make so i can go back to sleep

>> No.11988579

Ham sandwich. Buttermilk bread, mayo and yellow mustard, black forest ham and some provolone. Maybe a handful of kettle chips and a couple baby dills.

>> No.11988583
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I call it a meatball salad.

Take 6 party sized meatballs, microwave, cut in half, throw on top of greens with dressing. Dressing is proportionate to how depressed I am.

>> No.11988596

10/10, good read

>> No.11988604
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>> No.11988607


>> No.11988613

Gay /ck/ hookup in progress

>> No.11988616


When I am down to 130lbs in 1 month after my keto diet, I plan to have 1 feast day in which I will have 2 bagels (1 onion, 1 everything) with herb cream cheese, smoked salmon, dill, capers, red onion, pickles, side of black pepper kettle chips, 2 pieces of halibut fish and chips and tartar sauce, 3 slices of pizza (pesto and garlic, black olive and mushroom, and margherita) with chili flakes and a bit of garlic dip, hummus with pita, garlic and potato perogies with fried onions and sour cream, and a small dessert, maybe a hazelnut pastry from the local bakery and a small cookie with some good coffee.

>> No.11988618

The same sandwich I've done for weeks now. It is pickles, cheddar and mettwurst.

I may switch the luncheon meat or cheese soon, though I'm not sure when I'm ready to transition away from the pickles. Maybe lettuce and tomato for the summer season.

>> No.11988622

>notices ur ham sandwich
UwU wuts dis?

>> No.11988640

I don't make anything, I buy shit that I can eat straight up: cottage cheese, yogurt, walnuts, any nuts, spinache, any leafy green

If you don't care about your health you could include processed sandwich meats in that, or potato chips, or too many peanuts (too many Omega 6s)

If you want something hot, rice or boiled eggs (I find them easier than pan fried because you don't have to oil a pan and don't have to worry about them sticking, though peeling them is a drag, but soft boiled eggs can keep up to 3 days in the fridge, hard boiled get 5 days, so make a few and save some for later)

>> No.11988903

Probably a bowl of cereal, assuming the milk hasn't gone bad. If I'm cooking something, I guess it would be a frozen pizza in my pizza pizzazz. But this is if I have depression, so I won't want to do much or go out in public to buy groceries.

>> No.11988906

Know how I know you're going to gain all the weight back in a week?

>> No.11988918


>> No.11989021

Peanut butter and jelly

>> No.11989022
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Nothing. I realize my roommates are slobs so I just order mcdonalds to avoid doing dishes

>> No.11989067

plain bagel with cream cheese

>> No.11989179

I don’t make anything when I’m depressed, I eat a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter and microwave a sweet potato for dinner

Also drink a lot of hot beverages like tea

>> No.11989200

An apple or a banana.

I still need to do the dishes.

>> No.11989304

Goddamnit... this is me.

Though the beer is weed & wine
And the superficial contact is the same.

Why am i like this?

>> No.11989385

>be me
>on a day when i can actually leave the house, go to nearby Walmart
>buy big stack of tortillas
>buy huge bag of shredded cheese
>buy bunch of canned beans
>if feeling fancy, buy salsa or hot sauce
Literally just feed myself "depression burritos" for the next however long. I don't even heat the tortilla or beans, just open the can, wash 'em off, plop all the ingredients on and roll it up. Not healthy in the long run, but keeps me fed I guess.
Depression is a bitch.

>> No.11989612
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do you reheat soft boiled eggs from the fridge?

>> No.11989618

frozen chicken pot pie or a pbj

>> No.11989627

Every time this happens I end up making a quick white pasta using garlic, milk, butter, and tomatoes and constantly think "why am I eating at 3am" throughout the whole process

>> No.11989654

Grab the bread and a can of tuna.

We're making a damn easy tuna sandwich of deliciousness my friend.

>Onions, mustard, mayo or miracle whip idgaf, splash of dat spicy sauce son, that bread better be toasted or it's gonna be soggier than my nuts on a hot day in pants.

Take my first bite as I slowly drift into my sofa with a smile

>> No.11989658

why did it get changed to onions?

>> No.11989665

Sleeping a lot is something I have never known. I would make scrambled eggs with cheese on a tortilla.

>> No.11989675

People with real depression wouldn't have gone shopping for that kind of stuff. I guess you're depressed you still live with parents.

>> No.11989694

/fit/fag reporting, this is not a good idea. Do not do this. Settle for just a few things, keep yourself together man. You don't want to yo-yo for eternity do you?

>> No.11989712


Tuna of course, didn't put it in there are I thought it was obligatory as it is a tuna sandwich.

Also best mixed up like a regular tuna sandwich.

Still shoulda wrote that in, I'm dumb, good sandwich though.

>> No.11990310

Wraps or sandwiches, just make sure to have the ingredients ready and it's quick fast and tasty. One roast chicken can last me a week just gotta load up the rest with whatever.

>> No.11990341

It's all fast food and frozen/prepackaged shit.

Fuck, I used to love to cook, bbq, and cure.

>> No.11990354

I don't know. I guess your digestive system is just inferior to most.

>> No.11990370
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Why are you guys such fags? I guess gays like women type hobbies like cooking.

>> No.11990387

Two skippy peanut butter and apricot or blackberry jelly sandwiches on wheat bread. A bag of tortilla chips with red pepper hummus. A tall glass of whole milk.

It kills the depression for a couple of hours at least.

meat and vegetables kills it for days, but never tastes as good.

>> No.11990395

That's quite a labia.

>> No.11990397

A vigorous labia

>> No.11990406

What is wrong with his hand?

>> No.11990415

>You don't want to yo-yo for eternity do you?
>for eternity
But he couldn't even if he wanted

>> No.11990424
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I knew you fags would like that.

>> No.11990426

>he doesn't know

>> No.11990435


Nope not going to. I have self control. I was not fat to begin with anyway-145lbs, just a "skinny fat" physique. So I'm going to start lifting


See above thanks for the advice though

>> No.11990635
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Spaghetti with garlic and olive oil. Shit tons of parmiggiano reggiano. Handfuls of black pepper. Eat the whole box and promptly jerk off and fall asleep because it’s 11 and you haven’t eaten all day. If on the way out of your funk, get a sausage McMuffin in the morning and a small coke and shove the hash brown on that thing, and go to work.

>> No.11990650

What do body dismorphics know about mental health?

>> No.11992204

probably quite a bit, but they don't actually act properly on it

>> No.11992255

Instant ramen with some eggs and dark leafy vegetables thrown in. Supplemented with a drug (weed or booze) to make forcing myself to live longer moderately more tolerable.

>> No.11992272


>> No.11992281

Are you me?

>> No.11992287
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>> No.11992404

I'm the opposite. Less sleep less food.
Pizza is easy to down though.

>> No.11992557

I don't live with my parents; in fact I'm almost estranged from them. I just know not to pig out on garbage so i don't get fat and become more depressed.

>> No.11992632

i stay in bed and hope that either i stop being hungry or someone calls me and makes me realize that i need to get up

>> No.11992636

As simple as possible is probably a bowl of cornflakes, some vegemite/peanut butter toast.
Minimal effort actual cooking is chicken breast or burger.

>> No.11992664

Peanut butter right out of the jar, bitch

>> No.11992681

I just don't eat at all until my parents come home from work to cook dinner
then i eat dinner and repeat this cycle of torment

>> No.11992685

I suppose a worse torment would be coming home to you every day, who spent all day doing nothing, to cook you a meal for free, and give you free housing. Right? Or am I misreading the situation?

>> No.11992901

peanut butter and blackberry jam sandwich with a cup of milk

>> No.11992911

I'm in uni but its cheaper for me to stay with them rather than pay for hostel which funnily enough, is further away than my parents house

Besides I help out, I do the chores they leave for me and I cook lunch and dinner for them. I'm like a neet daughter but boy

>> No.11994347

fuck that
a hamburger takes forever to make

>> No.11994370

This actually sounds pretty good

>> No.11994619

just make rice a put a lot of shit in the pot to cook the rice with. stuff like tomato, soy sauce, onions, egg and garlic.

>> No.11994635

Pasta with nothing on it, then I go back to bed

>> No.11994667


bowl of cereal

>> No.11995470
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entire tombstone pizza with sour cream

>> No.11995506

Wash it down with brown. That's what pop always said.

>> No.11995571

my nigga... fiesta blend sprinkled on burrito tortilla then nuked and rolled up. dipped in sriracha every bite and washed down with domestic beer or milk, if its still good

>> No.11995680

Whatever is in the cupboard that contains enough calories to keep me going. Taste doesn't matter as much when you're depressed since you don't taste and experience the flavours the same way but if you can cook up something tasty that can help ease up your mood a bit. Just make sure there's plenty of calories to keep you going until your next meal.

>> No.11995749


>> No.11995753

During the last few days either lentils (with pesto when I’m feeling fancy) or some magerquark (with either cocoa or baking extract mixed in for flavour).

>> No.11995776

>You come out of the bedroom into the kitchen.
Wrong. I head to the gym and do 30 minutes on an exercise bike and then lift weights for another 45 minutes. After that I go home and take a shower and ride that exercise high for the rest of the day until i’m no longer depressed and making positive strides to getting the rest of my life in order. It’s really that simple.

>> No.11995804

45 minutes of weights. Using weights light enough to do that is how girls and showponies do it. Lift your game.

>> No.11995821

Fry 3 eggs in a still-dirty pan and eat with no salt or seasoning

>> No.11995843
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i've had frozen pizza every day for 10 days now

>> No.11995845

Obvious bait aside, going to gym starved is a waste though.

>> No.11995878

definitely never had serious depression in your life

>> No.11995903

grilled cheese, eggs, or burgers depending on the time

>> No.11995912

Sure I have. I pave been to the point where ther were flies and shit all over my house because I couldn’t be bothered to clean. Garbage cans over flowing. I did it take out trash for three months and it just started to accumulate to the point where I just started closing doors in the house to contain the stench and filth. One day I decided enough was enough and I cleaned it all up and started working out and my life has been on track ever since. That was two years ago and I don’t take any medication. Once I started working out and taking control of my physical health I started taking control of all the other aspects of my my life. Now my place is spotless, I cook all my own food, I work out several times a week and I feel good about myself. You can do it too but you have to decide enough is enough and realize that life is entirely what you make it.

>> No.11995917 [DELETED] 

soy wine i take it?

>> No.11995944

yeah dude. how rude he dosen't support his selfish parents who got him into this in the first plce.

>> No.11995953

>just be urself ;) and hit the gym, brah. its really that simple

>> No.11996219

life is pointless suffering and I wish I was dead
the only enough is enough I'm gonna have is with being alive.

>> No.11996234

Order 2 large 3 topping pizzas, wings, and soda. Fuck doing any actual work ima lay on the couch until it arrives

>> No.11996237

It is that simple. I know depressed people will try and tpshit on it because depression but it’s the truth. If you start working out you will start feeling better. Summon the wil to get out of your dispair for an afternoon and go work out then ride that high. I doubt many of you were more depressed than me. I was bordering on being in an episode of hoarders. No clean clothes, garbage cans overflowing, a sink that looked like something out of buffalo bill’s basement. I was seriously in a really bad way. My basement was full of maggot infested trash bags because I couldn’t even bother to take them to the curb on trash day. Working out changed everything for me and it can help you too.

>> No.11996239

A bowl of scrambled eggs.
4 eggs, butter, splash of milk, pinch of salt and loads of pepper.

Or 2 packets of instant noodles with insanely hot sauce.

OR... tins of spaghetti hoops with little mini sausages in them, like, as many as I've got in a bowl.

>> No.11996253

waffle cooked in the toaster. then spread with some butter or ice cream.

>> No.11996261

>Working out changed everything for me and it can help you too.
Not him but i will, though, A neet that works out is still a neet. But i might search for work once working out actually shows results with my energy.

>> No.11996553

good post

>> No.11997730
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I try to tell people like who you’re replying to to make an effort to walk. Pointlessly walk. With the understanding it’s pointless and life is pointless. Walk to 7-11, walk to that weird fencepost down the road and back, walk under an interstate highway bridge, walk behind a grocery store, take a random local bus a few stops somewhere and walk back, walk to then through some kind of public city government building.

A lot of time it starts to feel good after a few minutes and it is also some variant of escapism. It can put you in a setting where you can imagine yourself living a different life.