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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 884 KB, 1950x863, 449024f5-ca04-49c1-b05c-b60badefd1a5-mexican-jalapeno (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11982817 No.11982817 [Reply] [Original]

Are these good?

>> No.11982824

Mui bien. Pair well with bud light clamato

>> No.11982826

This seems vaguely racist

>> No.11982841

yeah, simply acknowledging that other cultures and other traditions other than your own exist is extremely racist

keep fighting the good fight

>> No.11982848

I mean it is out and out cultural appropriation. Don’t even get me started on the stereotype of the sombrero.

>> No.11982853

>Vote to win
is there nothing free from propaganda anymore? jesus christ it's so obnoxious you can't even buy candy without leftist politics shoved down your throat

>> No.11982859

i thought that said vietnam

>> No.11982861

somehow, jalapeno, salt and chocolate sound like a nasty combination

why do people still believe that illegals are going around voting?
they don't even answer the door when the census people come knocking why would they participate in government when they're trying not to get deported?

>> No.11982881

Liberal detected

>> No.11982886

For more gibs? You're like two google searches away from solid proof of illegals voting.

>> No.11982888

It's commonplace in California. It's even legal to vote in their local elections.

>> No.11982889

Lionel Shriver got her ass kicked for putting on a sombrero, so it probably is. They should have brought back tan M&Ms for the purpose instead of using the whitest M&M they have.

>> No.11982891

there's multiple generations of mexicans living in california, and even as far back as the ones naturalized through the 1990s amensties, they're the ones voting for more gibs, along with everyone else in the state because why the fuck wouldn't they

>> No.11982894

>why do people believe illegals are still voting
Maybe the fucking people telling them to vote for them or telling people to vote for illegals so that they can control more people. you’re a literal retard sheep if you can’t see that Democrats use people as votes to stay in power

>> No.11982903

>chocolate + peanut = works
>chocolate + chilies = works
>peanut + chilies = works
It works on paper. These are 3 flavors that should complement each other. It's the sugar and milk that's an x-factor. If it was bitter dark chocolate, I'd say no brainier. Haven't had any, but I'm super curious now.

>> No.11982908

How can they vote without registering? I'm not American so I don't know.

>> No.11982917 [DELETED] 
File: 90 KB, 774x595, oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11982920 [DELETED] 

But that was also Bush's policy.

>> No.11982922 [DELETED] 

Fake ids for one. Faggot ass liberals in charge of polls who think turning a blind eye will put thrm on the right side of history. Also those mms look terrible

>> No.11982923 [DELETED] 

that ape was the worst thing to ever happen to America

>> No.11982924

Please specify

>> No.11982942 [DELETED] 

>why would they participate in government when they're trying not to get deported?
Because there is no risk. As long as you know a few English words and phrases you're good. They're not even allowed to ask if you're a citizen anymore, plus ID is not required.

>> No.11982949

Junior. Probably senior as well, but I don't know.

>> No.11982952 [DELETED] 

The most basic fact is that 3rd world shitholes are 3rd world primarily because of the people in them. When you import those people for fraudulent votes, its no surprise that your once comfy home is now covered in shit.

>inb4 excuses
Don't you have a drug run to complete? I hear the cartel isn't very forgiving.

>> No.11982975 [DELETED] 

Bush's amnesty was a rolling continuation of the one from 1986. Bush had little say in this matter.

Reagan's original amnesty was a part of a major compromise, with republicans adding laws making it harder to come over illegally, while hoping that illegals would vote republican if they were the ones that granted amnesty. They were wrong as the recently amnestied illegals voted democrats for tust sweet sweet benefits.

>> No.11982987 [DELETED] 


>> No.11982996 [DELETED] 

liberals take politics at face value and only look far enough for the next election as long as that election is usurping a republican like Blumpftfhtfhf, but never consider future consequences of such virtue signaling goals.

>> No.11982999

Cultural appropriation is right up there on the Hill of Things that Someone Made Up to be Angry About.

>> No.11983002 [DELETED] 

So did that one vague quote translate to amnesty?

>> No.11983007 [DELETED] 

I agree, illegals don't vote.
Some with all the dead people who always show up in the voter rolls, they are dead, how could they even get to the booth you retarded drumphers.

>> No.11983010 [DELETED] 

No, I don't think so. I wasn't talking about amnesty specifically. Just that whenever Bush spoke about illegal Mexican immigration, he was for it. He would use the "jobs Americans don't want to do" line himself.

>> No.11983011 [DELETED] 

The scorched earth policy looks good compared to having the orange terror in for another 4 years.

>> No.11983019 [DELETED] 

Pretty sad if bush really said that

>> No.11983024 [DELETED] 

>Fake ID's.
Or real ones if its a Dem state.
Hell, it might even be a DL.

>> No.11983026 [DELETED] 

Well, Bush was never really bright, so...

>> No.11983034 [DELETED] 

ah-boo-hoo no trannys allowed on the census what a tyrannical fascist dictator

>> No.11983037 [DELETED] 

Orange man bad am I right?

>> No.11983153

Trips confirm

>> No.11983172 [DELETED] 

I'm talking about illegal aliens voting. And it is perfectly legal for illegal aliens to vote in local elections in California. Google that shit, sport.

>> No.11983375


>> No.11983855 [DELETED] 

Democrats have been fighting for years to stop legislation mandating people show. A legitimate for of government issued ID at the the polling station before they can vote. Since the illegals all vote democrat it would be a blow to lose their votes so every time the republicans introduce legislation to fix the problem the dems go on tv and call them racists.

>> No.11983880

i have had chili m&ms and they're so good so these are probably good too

>> No.11984221

No anon its racist because no one wears sunbrerros and that image of people wearing sunbrerros came from literally no wear just like Asian people eating rice or Russians drinking vodka

>> No.11984374 [DELETED] 

>drumpf sets up committee to investigate to find evidence for the millions of illegals who voted and caused him to lose the popular vote
>committee quietly disbands because they could find evidence for only a handful of such cases
Paranoid much?

>> No.11984568 [DELETED] 

Lmao because a bunch of states refused to cooperate with the investigation.

>> No.11984577
File: 118 KB, 500x740, CutPaste_2019-02-18_14-35-23-703.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taco Mel disagrees

>> No.11984756
File: 204 KB, 900x900, 1547054466776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for demonstrating us, how to bait a board.

1. post mildly related pic with a chance for controversy
2. start a discussion by replying to yourself
3. wait until other anons enter discussion
4. ?
5. profit

>> No.11984894

You probably eat them with some alcoholic beverage.
No way in hell you eat it alone, that's disgusting unless those m&ms are just for novelty and shits and giggles.

>> No.11984899 [DELETED] 

Yeah, like that republican stronghold, MS, for one?

>> No.11984902

I didn't start the thread, i just saw an easy opening.

>> No.11984908
File: 333 KB, 585x810, ZNKIF4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You smell like Chicano.
Nah, this was a clever move, no wonder I haven't seen OP's.

>> No.11984945

I'm more interested in California.

>> No.11985409

not op but i just came here wondering if they taste good is anyone actually gonna answer or are they just gonna keep arguing like a bunch of tards?

>> No.11985437

And what the fuck makes you out-of-bounds for criticism?

>> No.11985522

yea its only the democrats....

>> No.11985534


People aren't food, this isn't the board for criticizing people that aren't cooking

>> No.11985689

Yeah, socialists do it too.

>> No.11985705

Deez nuts jalapeño mouth!!

>> No.11985713 [DELETED] 

Because they do?
Illegal aliens can get a driver's license in California and that's all you need to vote there.
God I hate the cucks that took over California and made it our beaner importing hub.

>> No.11985722 [DELETED] 

That's because the politicians knew they'd be in deep shit so they refused to hand over any helpful data.

>> No.11985725

California belonged to Mexico first.

>> No.11985747

I used to give my dad shit for saying this, but it's absolutely true.

>> No.11985750

I was wondering about the British flavor. We started selling these at work but only have them king size for some reason

>> No.11985762

They shouldn't have started a war if they wanted to keep it.

>> No.11985816 [DELETED] 

Exactly. Imagine how many elections would be contested. The whole system would go into chaos.

>> No.11985839

do mexicans like spicy sweets or something?

>> No.11985948


>> No.11985963
